235 research outputs found

    Development Strategy Analysis of Baturraden Natural Tourism Destination in Banyumas Regency

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    This study aimed to analyze the strategy for developing Baturraden natural tourism destinations in Banyumas Regency. The analytical tools used to analyze the strategy accuracy were SWOT and spatial matrix analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the strategy for developing natural tourism destinations in Baturraden was an aggressive strategy, such as by collaborating with the management of star hotels in arranging events for tourists, developing Banyumas specialty merchandise, organizing routine big-scale events to attract tourists, conducting massive promotions using digital media, and always maintaining the beauty and coolness of the air at the tourist site

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Batik Tegalan: Pendekatan Swot Analisis Dan General Electrics

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi bagi pengembangan potensi ekonomi lokal khususnya Batik Tegalan.  Data dikumpul dan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan kuesioner.  Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif, SWOT dan analisis General Electrics (GE). Berdasarkan analisis SWOT dapat diidentifikasi beberapa kekuatan dan kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman Batik Tegalan, sedangkan berdasarkan analisis General Electrics (GE) diperoleh informasi bahwa posisi strategis Industri Batik Tegalan adalah memiliki daya tarik menengah dan kekuatan persaingan rata-rata, sehingga strategi pengembangan yang cocok bagi industri batik tegalan adalah melakukan identifikasi segmen pertumbuhan, melakukan spesialisasi dan melakukan investasi secara selektif. Kata kunci: batik tegalan, analisis swot, analisis general electrics (ge) ABSTRACT This study aimed to formulate strategies to develop economy potency of Kota Tegal specialy Batik Tegalan. The data was collected using the interview method and quesioners. The analysis tools are qualitative analysis, SWOT and General Electrics (GE) analysis.Based on the SWOT analysis can be identified some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Batik Tegalan, while based on the analysis of General Electrics (GE) obtained information that the strategic position Batik Tegalan Industry is having a mid-appeal and strength of competition is relatively low, so that a suitable development strategy for Batik Tegalan industry is to identify growth segments, specialize and invest selectively. Keywords: batik tegalan,  swot analysis, general electrics (ge) analysi

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan Pemasaran terhadap Hubungan dengan Pelanggan melalui Kualitas Komunikasi dan Adaptabilitas

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    Puposes of this study were to explain the influence of marketing knowledge on communication quality and marketing adaptabilitation olso to analysis influence of communication quality and marketing adaptabilitation on customer relationship.To test the empirical models, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used. Sample size of this research were 200 owners and/or managers of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) running food and beverage sector in the residency Banyumas areas. The results showed that marketing knowledge has a positive effect on communication quality and marketing adaptabilitation, marketing quality has a positive effect on customer relationship, but marketing adaptabilitation has no positive effect on customer relationship

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Batik Tegalan: Pendekatan Swot Analisis dan General Electrics

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    This study aimed to formulate strategies to develop economy potency of Kota Tegal specialy Batik Tegalan. The data was collected using the interview method and quesioners. The analysis tools are qualitative analysis, SWOT and General Electrics (GE) analysis.Based on the SWOT analysis can be identified some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Batik Tegalan, while based on the analysis of General Electrics (GE) obtained information that the strategic position Batik Tegalan Industry is having a mid-appeal and strength of competition is relatively low, so that a suitable development strategy for Batik Tegalan industry is to identify growth segments, specialize and invest selectively


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    Many studies have proved that market orientation has an influence on marketing performance,but it is considered a market orientation is not sufficient to improve marketing performance.Market orientation will be able to improve marketing performance when combined with organizationallearning, but the role of organizational learning in the convert market orientationinto marketing performance is unclear. By integrating variables of organizational learning asa single entity-market orientation-organizational learning- innovation, competitive advantagemarketing performance in a study as one is expected to clarify the role of learning in the convertmarket orientation into marketing performance has been deemed not clear.Keyword: Organizational Learning, Market Orientation, Competitive Advantage and Marketing Performanc


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    Conditions of macroeconomic, increase of equipment/piping price, chemicals, generators operating costs and tax of groundwater affect to operational costs PDAM Kabupaten Purbalingga, hence the need for tariff adjustments. Analysis tools used in this study is the Break Even Point (BEP) in accordance with the Permendagri Number 02 Year 1998 About the Guidelines on Water Tariff Determination The Regional Water Company. Based on the analysis results that basic tariff PDAM Purbalingga is Rp. 1261 per m3, so that PDAM Kabupaten Purbalingga needs to adjust rates by taking into account the level of ability to pay from their customers. Tariff adjustments must be accompanied by an increase in service to customers, thus increasing customer sacrifices will be balanced by an increase in the value (service) from PDAM Kabupaten Purbalingga


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    The aim of this research is to measure KPPI in Purbalingga Regency performance increase. Primary data was collected using proportional random sampling. Sample of this research consist of 325 respondents. The result of this research shown that KPPI in Purbalingga Regency was perform well to their society with gave satisfying service


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    The aim of this research is to analyze the visibility kelapa kopyor (ubnornal coconut) business in Purbalingga. The analysis’ tool that used are four aspects they are Market aspect, Tehnique aspect, Sosial economic aspect and Financial Aspect. The market aspect used SWOT analyzes and supply-demand analysis. The Sosial economic aspect used cost-benefit analysis. The Financial aspect used, Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), Profitabilitas Indeks (PI), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The result of this research shown that investation kelapa kopyor business in Purbalingga was visible


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of the establishment of PD. BPR BKK Mandiraja Pagedongan Branch in Banjarnegara. Some aspects are analyzed in this study are legal aspects, technical aspects, management aspects, market aspects and financial aspects. Legal aspects, technical aspects, management aspects, market aspects, analysed by descriptive-comparative analysis while financial aspect is analyzed by investment criterion analysis: Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), Index Profitability (PI), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Based on the analyzis, it can be concluded that establishment of PD. BPR BKK Mandiraja Pagedongan Branch in Banjarnegara is feasible to be executed
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