12 research outputs found

    Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive stage PURWANTORO ♥ , SUHARTINA, NOVITA NUGRAHAENI

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    Abstract. Purwantoro, Suhartina, Nugrahaeni N, Sulistyo A. 2017. Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive . Soybean is mostly planted in wetland (paddy field) during dry season. The plant is frequently suffered from drought which lead to low productivity. Cultivar tolerant to drought is needed in an attempt to increase productivity. Instead of high productivity, short duration and large seed size are soybean characteristics preferred by soybean farmers in Indonesia. Research aimed to assess response of soybean introduction genotypes to drought stress during reproductive phase were conducted during dry season of 2012. Genotypes used in the study were twenty soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea and three check cultivars (Mutiara, Grobogan, and Dering 1). The trials were conducted in the field at Kendalpayak Experimental Farm and under rain-shelter in Kendalpayak, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Each genotype was planted in a single row of 2 m length, with no replication. Plant spacing was 40 cm x 15 cm. Fertilizers i.e. 100 kg ha -1 of Urea, 100 kg ha -1 of SP36, and 75 kg ha -1 of KCl were applied entirely at planting time. The plants were irrigated twice, at planting and at flowering time, and then subjected to drought stress during reproductive phase. Observations included days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches, number of fertile nodes, number of pods, number of empty pods, weight of 100 seeds, and seed weight per plant. Results showed that five out of the 20 tested genotypes were resistant to drought stress during reproductive phase comparable to the check cultivar Dering 1. Four of them, i.e. Daewon, Ilmi, Jangmi, and Mausu, including large seed size and short duration. Those characteristics can be used to improve seed size and plants maturity of the existing drought tolerant cultivar

    Ketahanan Sepuluh Genotipe Kedelai terhadap Penyakit Karat

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    Rust disease caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi can reduce soybean yields up to 75%. One solution to overcome the rust disease is by planting resistant varieties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the resistance of 10 soybean genotypes to rust disease. The research was conducted in the greenhouse. The experiment was arranged in a randomized completely block design with three replications. Inoculation of rust pathogen on 3 weeks-old plants was done by spraying urediniospore suspension (density 104 mL-1) to the surface of the leaves on the 10 soybean genotypes (MLGG 0005, MLGG 0253, MLGG 0465, MLGG 0470, var. Argomulyo, var. Tanggamus, var. Wilis, var. Burangrang, var. Grobogan, dan var. Dering 1). The results showed that all soybean genotypes were classified as moderately resistant to rust diseases based on the method of IWGSR. Although the plants were infected by rust disease, var. Wilis and Dering 1 produced the highest seed yield per plant (7.15 and 5.21 g, respectively), due to the good appearance of the plants, and the high number of branches, reproductive nodes, and number of filled pods. Therefore, these genotypes might be used as a good germplasm accession

    Pengembangan Mobile Learning Menggunakan Schoology Pada Materi Suhu Dan Kalor Untuk Siswa SMA

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    Learning media mobile learning has been designed to improve the effectiveness of learning temperature and heat material.The purposes of this study were to produce learning media based mobile learning using Schoology and describe the form of the attractiveness, convenience and expediency, and the effectiveness of the product.This study used Research and Development methods. The research design modified the development design Sugiyono.The results showed that the media has been developed were attractive, convenient, useful, and effectively to be used as a learning media. Media pembelajaran mobile learning dibuat untuk meningkatkan keefektifan pembelajaran pada materi suhu dan kalor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning menggunakan schoology dan mendeskripsikan kelayakan berupa kemenarikan, kemudahan, dan kemanfaatan, serta keefektifan produk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian, yaitu Research and Development atau penelitian dan pengembangan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu memodifikasi desain pengembangan Sugiyono. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media yang dikembangkan menarik, mudah, bermanfaat dan efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran

    Hasil dan Komponen Hasil Galur-Galur Kedelai di Dua Lokasi

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    ABSTRACTGenotype x environment interaction always presents in soybean multilocation trials in Indonesia. The objective of the research was to determine the performance of yield and yield components of soybean promising lines in two locations. A total of 11 promising lines, and three check varieties (Tanggamus, Wilis, and Anjasmoro) were evaluated in NTB and DIY in dry season 2013. The design was randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that yield and yield components were influenced by locations, genotypes and genotypes x locations interaction, except for days to maturity which was not influenced by the location. Number of filled pods had a significant positive correlation with grain yield of soybean. TGM/Anj-773 line had high average yield at two locations and higher than the check variety (Tanggamus).Keywords: correlation, genotype x environment, Glycine ma


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    Kutu kebulmerupakan hama pengisap daun yang umumnyamenyerang tanaman kedelai (Glycine max Merr.)di musim kemarau. Kehilangan hasil akibatserangan hama ini dapat mencapai 80% bahkangagal panen. Pencegahan dan pengendalian kutukebul dapat dilakukan dengan prinsip PengendalianHama Terpadu (PHT). Salah satu kunci keberhasilannyaadalah penggunaan varietas tahan. DiIndonesia, hanya varietas Tengger yang dideskripsikancukup tahan kutu kebul. Masih sedikitnyavarietas kedelai yang tahan serangan kutu kebulmembuka peluang bagi pemulia tanaman kedelaiuntuk merakit varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul. Informasi mengenai genotipe-genotipe kedelai yang tahan kutu kebul di Indonesia, memberi peluang lebih besar bagi keberhasilan program pemuliaan kedelai tahan kutu kebul. Keberhasilan perakitan varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul di Turki dan diketahuinya mekanisme ketahanan serta kriteria seleksinya dapat dijadikan acuan bagi pemulia kedelai di Indonesia. Metode pemuliaan single seeddescent (SSD) dikombinasikan dengan metode bulk dapat digunakan pada pemuliaan kedelai tahan kutu kebul. Jumlah nimfa per daun atau jumlah infestasi kutu kebul per luasan daun dapat dijadikan sebagai kriteria seleksi. 

    Pemuliaan Tanaman Kedelai Tahan Kutu Kebul (Bemisia Tabaci Genn.)

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    Kutu kebulmerupakan hama pengisap daun yang umumnyamenyerang tanaman kedelai (Glycine max Merr.)di musim kemarau. Kehilangan hasil akibatserangan hama ini dapat mencapai 80% bahkangagal panen. Pencegahan dan pengendalian kutukebul dapat dilakukan dengan prinsip PengendalianHama Terpadu (PHT). Salah satu kunci keberhasilannyaadalah penggunaan varietas tahan. DiIndonesia, hanya varietas Tengger yang dideskripsikancukup tahan kutu kebul. Masih sedikitnyavarietas kedelai yang tahan serangan kutu kebulmembuka peluang bagi pemulia tanaman kedelaiuntuk merakit varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul. Informasi mengenai genotipe-genotipe kedelai yang tahan kutu kebul di Indonesia, memberi peluang lebih besar bagi keberhasilan program pemuliaan kedelai tahan kutu kebul. Keberhasilan perakitan varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul di Turki dan diketahuinya mekanisme ketahanan serta kriteria seleksinya dapat dijadikan acuan bagi pemulia kedelai di Indonesia. Metode pemuliaan single seeddescent (SSD) dikombinasikan dengan metode bulk dapat digunakan pada pemuliaan kedelai tahan kutu kebul. Jumlah nimfa per daun atau jumlah infestasi kutu kebul per luasan daun dapat dijadikan sebagai kriteria seleksi

    Mechanisms of antixenosis, antibiosis, and tolerance of fourteen soybean genotypes in response to whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci)

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    Sulistyo A, Inayati A. 2016. Mechanisms of antixenosis, antibiosis, and tolerance of fourteen soybean genotypes in response to whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). Biodiversitas 17: 447-453. The attack of whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) in soybean cultivation in Indonesia is one of the limiting factors in increasing the national soybean production. Planting resistant varieties could reduce yield losses due to the damage caused by these pests. This study was conducted to evaluate the resistance of 14 soybean genotypes to the whiteflies. A free- choice and no-choice test was conducted in a green house to study the antixenosis and antibiosis. Meanwhile, field evaluation was conducted to determine the tolerance of soybean genotypes to the whiteflies. Determination of the resistance of soybean genotypes to whiteflies based on the intensity of leaf damage that occurs on fifth weeks after infestation. The results showed that in free-choice test, Gema, IAC-100/Kaba-6, Malabar/IAC-100-85, Kaba/IAC-100//Burangrang-60, and Kaba/IAC-100//Burangrang-63 showed antixenosis mechanism which correlates with length and low density of leaf trichomes as well as leaf thickness. In the no-choice test, antibiosis mechanism can be seen from the small number of adults that develop from nymphs. IAC-100/Kaba-8 and IAC-100/Kaba-14 showed a high degree of antibiosis. In addition, the results of field experiment showed that Gema, IAC-100/Kaba-14, and Tanggamus/Pangrango- 78 demonstrated a tolerance to whiteflies. It is shown on a slightly decreasing in yield of these three genotypes (17.33, 19.31, and 19.85%, respectively)

    Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive stage

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    Abstract. Purwantoro, Suhartina, Nugrahaeni N, Sulistyo A. 2017. Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive stage. Biodiversitas 18: 15-19.  Soybean is mostly planted in wetland (paddy field) during dry season. The plant is frequently suffered from drought which lead to low productivity. Cultivar tolerant to drought is needed in an attempt to increase productivity. Instead of high productivity, short duration and large seed size are soybean characteristics preferred by soybean farmers in Indonesia. Research aimed to assess response of soybean introduction genotypes to drought stress during reproductive phase were conducted during dry season of 2012. Genotypes used in the study were twenty soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea and three check cultivars (Mutiara, Grobogan, and Dering 1). The trials were conducted in the field at Kendalpayak Experimental Farm and under rain-shelter in Kendalpayak, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Each genotype was planted in a single row of 2 m length, with no replication. Plant spacing was 40 cm x 15 cm. Fertilizers i.e. 100 kg ha-1 of Urea, 100 kg ha-1 of SP36, and 75 kg ha-1 of KCl were applied entirely at planting time. The plants were irrigated twice, at planting and at flowering time, and then subjected to drought stress during reproductive phase. Observations included days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches, number of fertile nodes, number of pods, number of empty pods, weight of 100 seeds, and seed weight per plant. Results showed that five out of the 20 tested genotypes were resistant to drought stress during reproductive phase comparable to the check cultivar Dering 1. Four of them, i.e. Daewon, Ilmi, Jangmi, and Mausu, including large seed size and short duration. Those characteristics can be used to improve seed size and plants maturity of the existing drought tolerant cultivar. Keywords: Glyine max, introduction, genotype, drought stress, reproductive phas

    Performance Investigation of Cooling Machine Practice Props After Retrofitted by Natural Refrigerants

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    Resizing the main components of the cooling machine needs to be done after being retrofitted with a new refrigerant. This is done to improve the performance of the cooling engine. In this study, we would like to investigate the effect of adjusting the main components of the cooling machine performance after using new environmentally friendly refrigerants. The experiment was designed on a refrigerator that uses R-134a as a working fluid. The type of hydrocarbon refrigerant used to substitute R-134a is Musicool-22 (MC-22). The cooling load in the evaporator cabin is a salt solution. Testing is done in two stages. In the first stage, the refrigerator operates in its original condition (R-134a with CT1 as the expansion valve). In the second stage, the working fluid R-134a is retrofitted with MC-22 with adjustments to its main components into several variations. Furthermore, the refrigerator performance is measured by comparing the value of the refrigerating effect (RE), the heat of compression, and the refrigerator performance (COP). The test results show that the best refrigerator performance rate is when the refrigerator operates with variation 3 (refrigerant MC-22 with CT2 as the expansion valve), increasing COP values ranging from 0.62% to 2.12%.Penyesuaian komponen utama mesin pendingin perlu dilakukan setelah di-retrofit/diganti dengan refrigeran baru yang ramah lingkungan. Ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kinerja mesin pendingin yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh penyesuaian komponen utama mesin pendingin dalam meningkatkan kinerja mesin pendingin setelah menggunakan refrigeran baru yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian dirancang secara eksperimen pada mesin pendingin jenis refrigerator yang menggunakan refrigeran R-134a sebagai fluida kerja. Jenis refrigeran hidrokarbon yang digunakan untuk menyubtitusi R-134a adalah Musicool-22 (MC-22). Beban pendinginan dalam kabin evaporator adalah larutan garam. Pengujian dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Pada tahap pertama refrigerator beroperasi dengan kondisi asalnya (R-134a dan CT1/variasi 1) dan pada tahap kedua fluida kerja R-134a di-retrofit dengan MC-22 dengan penyesuaian komponen utamanya. Selanjutnya kinerja refrigerator dianalisis menggunakan software CoolPack 1.5 dengan membandingkan nilai Refrigerating Effect (RE), kalor kerja kompresor, dan angka kinerja (COP) refrigerator sebelum di-retrofit dan setelah di-retrofit. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa angka kinerja refrigerator terbaik adalah saat refrigerator beroperasi dengan variasi 3 (refrigeran MC-22, alat ekspansi CT2) dengan kenaikan nilai COP berkisar 0,62% sampai 2,12% dari kondisi asalnya