740 research outputs found

    Pencegahan Korosi Dengan Boiler Water Treatment (Bwt) Pada Ketel Uap Kapal.

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    This paper explained about a using of Boiler Water Treatment (BWT) as corrosion protection for boiler on ship. BWT used as addition on boiler water, which used destilat water. As experiment results, BWT used on destilat water and destilat - seawater mixed given not koagulan patch on. The simulation given not satisfied results, caused by good not equipment

    Understanding firms compensation policy using fuzzy sets

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    It has been noted in the literature that firms rarely follow a single theoretical model when designing their compensation policy. This study illustrates how a fuzzy cluster analysis can be helpful in understanding the way employees are rewarded according to firms' specificity and market conditions. For this purpose, we convert linked employer-employee data (LEED) into firm level data prior to fuzzy clustering. Then, we explore the particular distribution of firms on the emerged fuzzy partition to sort them by compensation policy and, eventually, to examine the potential factors behind a specific option.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Firms’ wage policies: New evidence from linked employer-employee data

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    The research on wage policies has been triggered by the interest in identifying whether labour market or institutional forces shape the wage settings inside firms. This paper draws on linked employer-employee data and uses a fuzzy c-means clustering analysis to identify typical wage policies of medium and large firms in Portugal. Empirical evidence suggests that firms are segmented into four clusters that can be labelled according to wage rules as “Regulated”, “Asymmetric”, “Hierarchical” and “Discretionary”. The first two clusters comprise low wage firms, and are highly responsive to market conditions. The firms belonging to the latter clusters take advantage of discretionary power to differentiate the workforce. Our findings therefore illustrate different dimensions of wage flexibility. Furthermore, we found that employment flexibility and wage adjustments can coexist, and affects female, young, and blue collar workers in particular.FC

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menggunakan Program Power Point dalam Pembelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Tik) melalui Praktik Membuat Presentasidi Kelas VII F SMP Negeri 1 Kabupaten Sorong

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap teori mengenai program power point serta untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan program power point melalui praktik membuat presentasi.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan hasil perbaikan pembelajaran.  Sebelum perbaikan, siswa yang tuntas dengan nilai rata-rata 75 ada 8 siswa dari 32 siswa atau 25%.  Pada perbaikan siklus I meningkat menjadi 10 siswa dari 32 siswa atau 31,25%.  Kemudian pada perbaikan siklus II lebih meningkat lagi menjadi 12 siswa dari 32 atau 37,5%.  Melalui perbaikan pembelajaran ternyata sangat diperlukan dalam proses pembelajaran.  Dari hasil perbaikan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh guru dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses pembelajaran dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran Cooperative Learning, serta mengoptimalkan media pembelajaran dapat lebih meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa khususnya pelajaran TIK tentang standar kompetensi melakukan pembuatan program aplikasi berbasis presentasi dalam pemecahan masalah perbandingan dengan skala, indikator memecahkan masalah skala di SMP Negeri 1 Kabupaten Sorong

    Industry-and occupation-specific skills of displaced workers

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    The role of marketable skills of workers has been the core focus of the human capital framework. Individuals accumulate skills that enhance their productivity and earnings, but sometimes they are forced to change their professional careers and find new jobs. This paper uses Portuguese linked employer-employee data – Quadros de Pessoal - and explores the relevance of industry and occupation specific skills by looking at the wage losses of displaced workers due to firms shutting down. Our empirical analysis considers the four alternatives that workers face after displacement namely changing both industry and occupation; changing industry and staying in the same occupation; changing occupation but staying in the same industry, or staying in the same industry and occupation. Empirical evidence suggests that for workers who switch industry/occupation, pre-displacement industry/occupation tenure implies a larger wage loss than for industry/occupation stayers. In a context of rising unemployment, our analysis allows us to suggest that when experienced workers are displaced and forced to find a job in a different industry, they suffer considerable wage cuts.FC

    Trends of community-based systemic antibiotic consumption: comparative analyses of data from Ethiopia and Norway calls for public health policy actions

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    Studies on antibiotic utilization trends are invaluable because they offer data for evaluation of impacts of antimicrobial stewardship policies. Such studies help determine correlations between the use of specific antibiotic classes and trends in emergence of resistance (resistance-epidemiology). This study aims to quantify the consumption systemic antibiotics (J01)-in defined daily doses (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID)-in Ethiopia's public healthcare sector (2016-2020). By so doing, it attempts to capture the extent of population exposure to antibiotics in the country. Data were also compared with those from Norway to establish rough estimate of the country's status vis-a-vis some globally acknowledged better practices with regard to optimal use of antibiotics. Raw data obtained from registers of Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Agency were converted into DDD, per the standard methodology recommended by WHO. To control for population size, antibiotics consumption data were presented as DID. Since official population census data for Ethiopia were not available for the study period, population projection data from the World Bank were used. Community-based consumption of systemic antibiotics increased from 11.02 DID in 2016 to 12.83 DID in 2020 in Ethiopia-an increase by 16.4%. Moreover, analysis of a log-linear regression model showed that the average growth rate in the community-based systemic antibiotics consumption per year between 2016 and 2020 was about 3.3% (R2 = 0.89). The highest percentage change in community-based systemic antibiotics consumption happened for glycopeptides (J01XA) and the fourth generation cephalosporins (J01DE)-1300% and 600% compared to the baseline year (2016), respectively. At product level, 9 antibiotics constituted the common domain in the list of medication cocktails in the drug utilization 90% (DU90%) for the study period. Community-based consumption of systemic antibiotics for Ethiopia and Norway showed opposite trends, calling for public health policy actions in Ethiopia

    Screening Fitokimia Ekstrak Metanol pada Buah Pare (Momordica Charantia L)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kandungan kelompok senyawa metabolit sekunder yang terdapat dalam buah pare, dengan cara Screening (ekstraksi secara maserasi) pada buah pare menggunakan pelarut metanol. Ekstrak metanol ini selain dapat digunakan untuk uji hayati, juga dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan penelitian lebih lanjut khususnya mengkarakterisasi senyawa aktif yang terkandung dalam ekstrak tersebut. Senyawa aktif ini sangat berguna dalam pencarian reaksi senyawa yang menangkap radikal bebas penyebab kanker. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah ekstraksi secara maserasi menggunakan beberapa pelarut yaitu; metanol, n-heksan, etil asetat, air. Hasil screening fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa pada ekstrak metanol buah pare (Momordica charantia L) positif mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder flavonoid

    Eksistensi Hukum Adat dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Indonesia (KHI).

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    Existency of the Elements of Traditional Law in Indonesia Islamic Law Compilation (KHI). This paper reviews the accommodative attitude of the Indonesia Islamic Law Compilation (KHI) towards customary law. Such a positive attitude is indicated by the provisions concerning joint property and mutual inherit between adopted child and the adoptive parents through the institution of wasiyat wajibah. (compulsory wish). Both provisions adopted from customary law is purely the result of ijtihad (legal initiative) of Indonesia Muslim scholars because the issues are not found in Islamic Jurisprudence. The Indonesian cleric\u27s innovative creations, aside of being a manifestation of the dynamic and creative characteristics of Islamic law, are also becoming an identity of Islamic Archipelago (Islam Nusantara) in the field of law. Viewed from this aspect, KHI Indonesia may be named as the Indonesian Muslim Jurisprudence (Fikih Indonesia)

    Patterns of transition to employment: Comparing two generations of workers in Portugal

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    Our research compares the transitions patterns of two generations of workers, the Xers (those who were born in 1963 – 1980) and the Millennials (those who were born in 1981 – 1996). We interviewed 19 people in Lisbon (Portugal) to find their occupational trajectory since the first entry to the labour market. We found four paths of transitions for Millennials and two paths for Xers. Although the Xers have been affected by reforms of regulation allowing the use of flexible arrangements, they were less likely to be assigned to precarious jobs, while the job precariousness is a regular feature of Millennials’ transition. While some Xers move through temporary contracts, they were unlikely to have unemployment spell. The temporary jobs represented a stepping-stone to permanent job for Xers. The Millennials mostly report unemployment spells in the transition from one temporary contract to another. The findings suggest that the Millennials are at risk of being entrapped in low quality jobs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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