2 research outputs found

    Growing and Eating Food during the COVID-19 Pandemic:Farmers’ Perspectives on Local Food System Resilience to Shocks in Southern Africa and Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 outbreak forced governments to make decisions that had adverse eïŹ€ects on local food systems and supply chains. As a result, many small-scale food producers faced diïŹƒculties growing, harvesting, and selling their goods. This participatory research examines local small-scale farmers’ challenges as farmers but also as consumers and their coping strategies during the month of April and one week in June 2020. The study was initiated and conceptualized in collaboration with small-scale farmer members of an existing research network in selected urban and rural areas in South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Indonesia. Participants co-designed the research, collected and uploaded data through digital survey tools, and contributed to data analysis and interpretation. A common observation across regions is that the measures imposed in response to COVID-19 highlighted and partly exacerbated existing socio-economic inequalities among food system actors. Strict lockdowns in Cape Town, South Africa, and Masvingo, Zimbabwe, signiïŹcantly restricted the production capacity of small-scale farmers in the informal economy and created more foodinsecurityforthem. InMaputo,Mozambique,andTorajaandJava,Indonesia,localfoodsystems continued to operate and were even strengthened by higher social capital and adaptive capacities

    Handgjordasaker.se - User Centered Adaptation

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    Hemsidan handgjordasaker.se Àr en Internetmarknadsplats som tillhandahÄller tjÀnsten för försÀljning av handgjorda produkter. Detta projekt syftar till att ge förslag pÄ hur anpassningar av hemsidans funktionalitet kan göras för att skapa en mer anvÀndarcentrerad hemsida. Genom att anvÀnda personifieringsprocesser har sidansgrÀnssnitt presenterats pÄ ett sÀtt som sÀtter anvÀndaren i fokus och med hjÀlp av utökade funktionaliteter erbjuder anvÀndaren möjlighet till att sjÀlv pÄverka och anpassa innehÄllet pÄ hemsidan. Resultatet presenterades i form av ett ramverk för interaktiondÀr fokus lÄg pÄ avdelningar med produkter och anvÀndarprofiler.The webpage handgjordasaker.se is an online marketplace providing service for the saleof handmade products. This project aims to provide suggestions on how adaptations ofthe site's functionality can be done to create a more user-centered webpage. By usingpersonalization processes, sites interfaces is presented in a way that puts the user infocus and with the help of expanded functionality offers the user the opportunity toself-influence and adapt the content on the website. The results were presented in theform of a framework for the interaction where the focus was on products user profiles