26 research outputs found

    La interferencia de las patentes en el ejercicio del derecho de libertad de investigación

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    [Resumen]La patente, en el discurso de los derechos de propiedad intelectual, es defendida como un instrumento que incentiva el desarrollo científico, beneficiando a la sociedad al generar productos y servicios útiles que mejoran la calidad de vida de las personas. Esta concepción, deudora del relato jurídico-político moderno, se ha mantenido inalterable en el tiempo. Sin embargo, la patente, al otorgar derechos exclusivos de explotación, crea situaciones que interfieren en el ejercicio de la libertad de investigación científica. En este trabajo se analizan cinco escenarios en los que se aprecia este problema y se pone en entredicho la función utilitarista de la patente. En primer lugar, se observan los efectos del financiamiento en la definición de las líneas y objetivos de investigación. En segundo lugar, se estudia el anticommons, una situación en donde la excesiva fragmentación propietaria del saber científico puede llegar a impedir su uso. En tercer lugar, examinamos las patentes amplias y sus implicaciones. En cuarto lugar, estudiamos como el poder disuasorio del litigio de patentes puede desalentar la investigación y generar un imprevisto modelo de negocio. En quinto lugar, consideramos como la lógica del sistema de patentes conduce al secretismo en la ciencia.[Resumo] A patente, no discurso dos dereitos de propiedade intelectual, é defendida como un instrumento que incentiva o desenvolvemento científico, beneficiando á sociedade ao xerar produtos e servizos útiles que melloran a calidade de vida das persoas. Esta concepción, debedora do relato xurídico-político moderno, mantívose inalterable no tempo. Non obstante, a patente, ao outorgar dereitos exclusivos de explotación, crea situacións que interfiren no exercicio da liberdade de investigación científica. Neste traballo analízanse cinco escenarios nos que se aprecia este problema e se pon en dúbida a función utilitarista da patente. En primeiro lugar, obsérvanse os efectos do financiamento na definición das liñas e obxectivos de investigación. En segundo lugar, estúdase o anticommons, unha situación onde a excesiva fragmentación propietaria do saber científico pode chegar a impedir o seu uso. En terceiro lugar, examinamos as patentes amplas e as súas implicacións. En cuarto lugar, estudamos como o poder disuasorio do litixio de patentes pode desalentar a investigación e xerar un imprevisto modelo de negocio. En quinto lugar, consideramos como a lóxica do sistema de patentes conduce ao secretismo na ciencia.[Abstract] Patents, in the discourse of intellectual property rights, are said that encourage scientific development, benefiting society by creating useful products and services that improve the quality of life. This conception, a debtor of modern legal and political rhetoric, has remained unchanged over time. However, patents, by granting exclusive rights of exploitation, create situations where they interfere with the exercise of the freedom of scientific research. This work examines five scenarios in which this problem can be seen and in which the utilitarian function of patents is questioned. Firstly, the effects of financing in the definition of the lines and research objectives are observed. Secondly, the anticommons is studied, as it is a situation where excessive fragmentation of ownership in scientific knowledge may prevent its use. Thirdly, broad patents and their implications are examined. Fourthly, the deterrent power of patent litigation is analyzed, as it may discourage research, while creating an unexpected business model. Fifthly, secrecy is looked upon, as it is encouraged by the logic in which the patent system works

    Chile y las inevitables consecuencias de la desigualdad

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    El martes 22 de octubre, tras los primeros días de disturbios, caceroladas, manifestaciones y reivindicaciones en Chile, el portal de noticias? y una de las principales radios del país? BioBioChile.cl publicaba un artículo con la noticia «La pregunta que se hacen los europeos...¿por qué explotó el país tranquilo de Sudamérica?». La pregunta es interesante, porque ciertamente parece que este estallido social repentino ha tomado por sorpresa a mucha gente. Aunque también es cierto que podría elaborarse la pregunta de forma invertida: ¿cómo ha tardado Chile tanto tiempo en salir a las calles a reclamar una situación a todas luces insostenible socialmente? Y ahí parece estar, en nuestra opinión, el quid de la cuestión

    A study of non-neutral networks

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    Hahn and Wallsten [3] wrote that net neutrality usually means that broadband service providers charge consumers only once for Internet access, do not favor one content provider over another, and do not charge content providers for sending information over broadband lines to end users." In this paper we study the implications of being non-neutral, particularly by charging the content providers. Using game theoretic tools, we show that by adding the option for the service providers to charge the content providers, not only may the content providers and the internauts suer, but also the access provider's performance degrades

    Internet access: where law, economy, culture and technology meet

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    Internet growth has allowed unprecedented widespread access to cultural creation including music and films, to knowledge, and to a wide range of consumer information. At the same time, it has become a huge source of business opportunities. Along with great benefits that this access to the Internet provides, the open and free access to the Internet has encountered large opposition based on political, economical and ethical reasons. An ongoing battle over the control on Internet access has been escalating on all these fronts. In this paper we describe first some of the ideological roots of free access to the Internet along with its main opponents. We then focus on the problem of “Internet piracy” and analyze the efficiency of efforts to reduce the availability of copyrighted creations that are available for non-authorized free download

    P2P Networks: The interplay between legislation and information technology

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    P2P has become a major part of Internet traffic. Along with a growing economic e-commerce activity in which consumers purchase music, video, software and books over the Internet, P2P file sharing networks have enabled a free widespread public access to copyrighted material. A long lasting conflict accompanied by an impressive ``arms race'' has been developing between ``producers'' (i.e. copyright owner companies) and ``users'' (part of the web surfers community). In their effort to decrease internet ``piracy'', companies have lobbied for legislation that would ban this practice and that would increase their control and monitoring on the content transferred over the Internet. They have taken legal action against companies and individuals involved in P2P developments, sued individual web surfers, have formed alliances with some service providers to prevent access to P2P networks, and sued others that were not cooperative. Our paper describes and analyzes different facets of this conflict, and the way legal actions and network technology interact. We summarize the role of other actors involved and describe other business models for the producers that can co-exist with today's P2P networks. We then introduce mathematical models that study the efficiency of measures to restrict ``piracy''

    A model of network neutrality with usage-based prices

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    Available electronicallyby Springer since 2011International audienceHahn and Wallsten [7] wrote that network neutrality "usually means that broadband service providers charge consumers only once for Internet access, do not favor one content provider over another, and do not charge content providers for sending information over broadband lines to end users." In this paper we study the implications of non-neutral behaviors under a simple model of linear demand-response to usage-based prices. We take into account advertising revenues for the content provider and consider both cooperative and non-cooperative scenarios. In particular, we model the: impact of side-payments between service and content providers, consider an access provider that offers multiple service classes, and model leader-follower (Stackelberg game) dynamics. We finally study the additional option for one provider to determine the amount of side payment from the other provider. We show that not only do the content provider and the internaut suffer, but also the Access Provider's performance degrades

    Internet access: where law, economy, culture and technology meet

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    Internet growth has allowed unprecedented widespread access to cultural creation including music and films, to knowledge, and to a wide range of consumer information. At the same time, it has become a huge source of business opportunities. Along with great benefits that this access to the Internet provides, the open and free access to the Internet has encountered large opposition based on political, economical and ethical reasons. An ongoing battle over the control on Internet access has been escalating on all these fronts. In this paper we describe first some of the ideological roots of free access to the Internet along with its main opponents. We then focus on the problem of “Internet piracy” and analyze the efficiency of efforts to reduce the availability of copyrighted creations that are available for non-authorized free download

    Public consultations on net neutrality 2010

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    International audienceThe evolution of the Internet has come to a point where almost at the same time, governments all around the world feel the need for legislation to regulate the use of the Internet. In preparing the legislation, consultations were called by various governments or by the corresponding regulation bodies. We describe in this paper the various consultations as well as the background related to the Net Neutrality question in each case. Rather than describing the answers to each consultation, which are available and which have already been analyzed, we focus on comparing the consultations and the statistical figures related to the participation in them

    Internet access: where law, economy, culture and technology meet

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    Internet growth has allowed unprecedented widespread access to cultural creation including music and films, to knowledge, and to a wide range of consumer information. At the same time, it has become a huge source of business opportunities. Along with great benefits that this access to the Internet provides, the open and free access to the Internet has encountered large opposition based on political, economical and ethical reasons. An ongoing battle over the control on Internet access has been escalating on all these fronts. In this paper we describe first some of the ideological roots of free access to the Internet along with its main opponents. We then focus on the problem of “Internet piracy” and analyze the efficiency of efforts to reduce the availability of copyrighted creations that are available for non-authorized free download