26 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Edukasi Media Video dan Flipchart terhadap Motivasi dan Sikap Orangtua dalam Merawat Balita dengan Pneumonia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of providing education with video media and flip charts on the motivation and attitudes of parents in caring for toddlers with pneumonia. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a non randomized without control group pretest-posttestdesign. The results showed there were differences in the average score of motivation and attitudes of parents in caring for toddlers with pneumonia before and after providing education. In the video media group ρ motivation value (0.001) and attitude (0,000), in the media group flip chart with ρ motivation value (0.002) and attitude (0,000) and in the video media and flip chart combination group with ρ motivation value (0,000) and attitude (0,000) . Conclusion, there is a significant influence of the use of educational media in providing education to an increase in the average score of motivation and attitudes of parents in caring for children with pneumonia. The combination of education using video media and flip charts gives more effective results than other education groups.   Keywords: Supporting Media, Motivation, Health Education, Attitude

    Strategy Identify of Sahabat NK to Increase The Sales Volume of NK Brand Corn Hybrid Seed in Probolinggo City

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    East Java Province is the largest province as a producer of grain dry corn in Indonesia in 2020 with a harvested area of 1.19 million hectares with a total production of 5.37 million tons with an average productivity value of 4.51 tons per hectare. Therefore, this research aims to identify promotion strategies collaboration with grower champion also to develop main criteria of Sahabat NK that have prioritize recruit in the future to increase sales volume of NK brand hybrid corn seeds in Probolinggo City. The research method is qualitative by using study case approaching combine with Composite Performance Index (CPI) with 10 informants as the as the source of data. The research results that grower prefer to join face to face meeting rather than virtual meeting collaboration with grower champion for every promotion activity and need to add corn grower as well as grain trader for more increase the sales volume of NK brand hybrid corn seeds in Probolinggo City. Keywords: hybrid corn seed, CPI, grower champion, promotion strategy, case stud

    Carica Fruit Processed Distribution Strategy To Increase Sales Volume of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises at Kejajar District, Wonosobo Regency

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    Kejajar District, Wonosobo Regency, is a producer of Carica papaya in 2021 with a harvested area of 67,473 trees with a total production of 119.98 quintals with an average productivity value of 1.78 quintals per tree. The purpose of this research is to conceptualize and determine the choice of distribution criteria that can increase sales of processed carica fruit to increase sales volume. The method used is a case study approach combined with the Composite Performance Index (CPI) with 10 informants as resource persons. The results found are farmer cooperation and developing the main criteria by collaborating with experienced private sector. It can be concluded that the main distribution priority is to increase the quality and quantity of raw material products, namely collaborating with carica farmers which are then combined with collaboration with experienced private companies so that it will increase the sales volume of processed carica fruit in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Kejajar District, Wonosobo Regency in the future. Keywords: carica fruit, distribution strategy, carica wonosobo, case study, CP


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    Nursing service quality is a process of activities carried out by the nursing profession in meeting the needs of patients in maintaining the condition in terms of the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of the patient. The purpose of this study was to determine factors related to the quality of nursing services in the inpatient room of RSUD dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara Serang Regency, Banten Province, 2020. This study used cross sectional. The sample of the study were 353 respondent which used two proporsion different test. The instrument of this study used valid and realible questionnaire. For testing Bivariat used Chi-square test while multivariat testing used double logistic regration. the result of this study of caring research, nurse competence, inpatient care facilities, knowledge, and costs p-value 0.049 <0.05 which indicated that there was any significant correlation toward quality of nursing services. Meanwhile, the dominant factor toward quality of nursing services was caring with Odds Ratio  3.947. Caring, nurse competence, inpatient facilities, knowledge and costs related to the quality of nursing services, is expected to dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara can maintain and develop for the better

    Pengaruh Video Interaktif dan Media Gambar terhadap Kemampuan Merawat Diri pada Anak Tunagrahita

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of interactive video and image media on the ability to care for mentally retarded children at SKH Negeri 01 Serang Banten. This research is a quasy experimental design with a non equivalent without control group. The results showed that there was a difference in the average ability to care for mentally retarded children before and after being given interactive video intervention (p value = 0.015, βˆ† = 6.67), there was a difference in the average ability to care for mentally retarded children before and after being given the intervention of media images. (p value = 0.006, βˆ† = 3.23), and there is a difference in the average ability to care for mentally retarded children before and after being given interactive video and image media interventions (p value = 0.003, βˆ† = 1.45). In conclusion, the use of interactive video interventions is more effective as a learning medium in improving the self-care ability of children with moderate mental retardation, but it must be supported by complete facilities and infrastructure.   Keywords: Children with mental retardation, Self-Care, Image Media, Interactive Vide

    Pengaruh Storytelling dan Guided-Imagery terhadap Tingkat Perubahan Kecemasan Anak Usia Prasekolah yang Dilakukan Tindakan Invasif

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    This study aims to identify the effect of storytelling and guided imagery on changes in anxiety levels of preschool children who will be subjected to invasive action (infusion). The research design used was a quasi experiment. The results showed that the average level of anxiety of children who received storytelling intervention was 2.11 for the group of children who were accompanied by their parents and 2.50 for the group of children who were not accompanied by their parents. Meanwhile, the average level of anxiety of children with guided imagery intervention was 2.17 in the group of children accompanied by their parents and 2.33 in the group of children who were not accompanied by their parents. The results of statistical tests show that there is an effect of storytelling and guided imagery on reducing anxiety levels of preschool children who are subjected to invasive action (infusion). In conclusion, storytelling to preschool age groups accompanied by parents is more influential than to children who are not accompanied by their parents.   Keywords: Guided-imagery, Preschool Anxiety, Storytellin

    Hubungan Kompetensi Ibu, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Konsumsi Junk Food dengan Kejadian Obesitas pada Balita

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    The purpose of this study is the relationship between maternal competence, physical activity, and consumption of junk food with the incidence of obesity in children under five in the work area of the Shoulder Health Center, Malalayang District, Manado City. This research is an explanatory research (Explanatory Research). The results showed that the value of physical activity with junk food was 0.000, physical activity with obesity was 0.016, competence of mothers with physical activity was 0.000, competence of mothers with junk food consumption was 0.011, competence of mothers with obesity was 0.072 and consumption of junk food with obesity was 0.0132. In conclusion, there is no relationship between maternal competence and obesity with a p value of 0.072. In conclusion, there is a relationship between physical activity and junk food consumption, there is a relationship between physical activity and obesity, there is a relationship between maternal competence and physical activity, there is a relationship between maternal competence and consumption of junk food.   Keywords: Physical Activity, Maternal Competence, Junk Food Consumption, Obesit

    Swaddling dan Kangaroo Mother Care Dapat Mempertahankan Suhu Tubuh Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of swaddling and kangaroo mother care on the increase in body temperature of low birth weight infants in Puskesmas Biak Muli, Southeast Aceh. This research is a quasy experimental research design with pre-test and post-test without control. The results of this study obtained the average value of the baby's body temperature before and after swaddling intervention (p value = 0.168, Ξ” = 0.02) and for the results of interventions before and after KMC obtained values (p value = 0.000, Ξ” = 0.47 ) and for the results of interventions before and after swaddling + KMC obtained values (p value = 0,000, Ξ” = 0.58). In conclusion, the combination intervention between swaddling and KMC is more significant compared to swaddling intervention alone and KMC intervention alone.   Keywords ; LBW, Kangaroo Mother Care, Body Temperature, Swaddlin

    Pengaruh Video Interaktif dan Media Gambar terhadap Kemampuan Merawat Diri pada Anak Tunagrahita

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    The purpose of this studies was to determine of the effectiveness of interactive video and image media on personal care of mental retardation children in special school 01 Serang Banten. This studies was quasy experiment with non equivalent without control group. 27 mental retardation in this studies. The data collected using personal care questionnaire (alpha cronchbach= 0,947). The result of this studies found that there is mean difference personal care ability in children before and after video interactive intervention  (p value= 0,015, βˆ†=6,67), there is mean difference personal care ability in children before and after image media intervention (p value= 0,006, βˆ†= 3,23), and there is mean difference personal care ability in children before and after interactive video and image media intervention (p value= 0,003, βˆ†=1,45). The use of interactive video interventios is more recommended as leaning media in improving ability of personal care on mental retardation children, but must be supported by facilities and infrastructure.  Keyword: Interactive Video, Image Media, Mental Retardation Children, Personal Car

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Menggunakan Media Booklet + Aplikasi SDIDTK Efektif Meningkatkan Kemandirian Keluarga dalam Pemantauan Tumbuh Kembang Balita

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    This study aims to identify the effect of health education using booklet media and SDIDTK application media on family independence in monitoring the growth and development of children under five in the work area of ​​West Bajo Health Center. This study uses Quasi Experimental with a pre and post-test approach without control. The results showed that there was an effect of health education using Booklet media (Ξ” = 6.80, p value = 0.012), SDIDTK application media (Ξ” = 7.90, p value = 0.007) Booklet media + SDIDTK Application (Ξ” = 10.80, p value = 0.005) of family independence in monitoring growth and development. Conclusion, the average score of family independence is very good in the health education intervention group by using the booklet + SDIDTK application because it shows the highest increase so it is recommended to use the media booklet + SDIDTK application for health education related to stimulation, detection and growth and intervention in infants. .   Keywords: SDIDTK Application, Booklet, Family Independence, Growth and Developmen