1,060 research outputs found

    A New Modified MPPT Controller for Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive with Variable Irradiance and Variable Temperature

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    Due to the increase in power demand and the earth natural resources are depleting day by day, renewable energy sources have become an important alternate and solar energy is mainly used. In order to track the radiations from the sun in an efficient manner the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is used. But the existed MPPT controllers were developed based upon the ideal characteristics of constant irradiation and temperature. To overcome the above problem a practical data is considered for designing of MPPT controller which is based upon variable irradiance under various temperatures. The output obtained from the MPPT is given to the boost converter with an inverter to find the performance of an indirect vector controlled induction motor drive under different operating conditions. For inverter control, a SVM algorithm in which the calculation of switching times proportional to the instantaneous values of the reference phase voltage. It eliminates the calculation of sector and angle information. The torque ripple and the performance of induction motor drive with ideal and practical data MPPT controllers are compared under different operating conditions. An experimental validation is carried out and the comparison is made with the simulation results. Keywords: maximum power point tracking, variable irradiance, indirect vector controlled, total harmonic distortions, space vector modulation, induction motor drive and torque ripple

    Total harmonic distortion analysis of inverter fed induction motor drive using neuro fuzzy type-1 and neuro fuzzy type-2 controllers

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    Introduction. When the working point of the indirect vector control is constant, the conventional speed and current controllers operate effectively. The operating point, however, is always shifting. In a closed-system situation, the inverter measured reference voltages show higher harmonics. As a result, the provided pulse is uneven and contains more harmonics, which enables the inverter to create an output voltage that is higher. Aim. A space vector modulation (SVM) technique is presented in this paper for type-2 neuro fuzzy systems. The inverter’s performance is compared to that of a neuro fuzzy type-1 system, a neuro fuzzy type-2 system, and classical SVM using MATLAB simulation and experimental validation. Methodology. It trains the input-output data pattern using a hybrid-learning algorithm that combines back-propagation and least squares techniques. Input and output data for the proposed technique include information on the rotation angle and change of rotation angle as input and output of produced duty ratios. A neuro fuzzy-controlled induction motor drive’s dynamic and steady-state performance is compared to that of the conventional SVM when using neuro fuzzy type-2 SVM the induction motor, performance metrics for current, torque, and speed are compared to those of neuro fuzzy type-1 and conventional SVM. Practical value. The performance of an induction motor created by simulation results are examined using the experimental validation of a dSPACE DS-1104. For various switching frequencies, the total harmonic distortion of line-line voltage using neuro fuzzy type-2, neuro fuzzy type-1, and conventional based SVMs are provided. The 3 hp induction motor in the lab is taken into consideration in the experimental validations.Вступ. Коли робоча точка непрямого векторного управління стала, традиційні регулятори швидкості та струму працюють ефективно. Проте робоча точка постійно змінюється. У ситуації закритої системи виміряна інвертором опорна напруга показує вищі гармоніки. В результаті імпульс, що подається, нерівномірний і містить більше гармонік, що дозволяє інвертору створювати більш високу вихідну напругу. Мета. У цій статті представлена методика просторової векторної модуляції (SVM) для нейронечітких систем типу 2. Продуктивність інвертора порівнюється з продуктивністю нейронечіткої системи типу 1, нейронечіткої системи типу 2 та класичної SVM з використанням моделювання MATLAB та експериментальної перевірки. Методологія. Навчається шаблон даних введення-виводу, використовуючи алгоритм гібридного навчання, який поєднує у собі методи зворотного поширення помилки та методу найменших квадратів. Вхідні та вихідні дані для запропонованої методики включають інформацію про кут повороту і зміну кута повороту як отримані вхідні і вихідні коефіцієнти заповнення. Динамічні характеристики приводу асинхронного двигуна з нейронечітким управлінням порівнюються з характеристиками звичайного SVM. При використанні нейронечіткого SVM типу 2 асинхронний двигун, показники продуктивності по струму обертаючого моменту і швидкості порівнюються з показниками приводу асинхронного двигуна з нейронечітким управлінням типу 1 та традиційного SVM. Практична цінність. Продуктивність асинхронного двигуна, створеного за результатами моделювання, досліджується з використанням експериментальної перевірки dSPACE DS-1104. Для різних частот перемикання розраховуються загальні гармонічні спотворення лінійної напруги з використанням нейронечіткого управління  типу 2, нейронечіткого управління типу 1 і традиційного SVM. Асинхронний двигун потужністю 3 л.с. у лабораторії враховується під час експериментальних перевірок

    Second Order Darboux Displacements

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    The potentials for a one dimensional Schroedinger equation that are displaced along the x axis under second order Darboux transformations, called 2-SUSY invariant, are characterized in terms of a differential-difference equation. The solutions of the Schroedinger equation with such potentials are given analytically for any value of the energy. The method is illustrated by a two-soliton potential. It is proven that a particular case of the periodic Lame-Ince potential is 2-SUSY invariant. Both Bloch solutions of the corresponding Schroedinger equation equation are found for any value of the energy. A simple analytic expression for a family of two-gap potentials is derived

    Connection between the Green functions of the supersymmetric pair of Dirac Hamiltonians

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    The Sukumar theorem about the connection between the Green functions of the supersymmetric pair of the Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians is generalized to the case of the supersymmetric pair of the Dirac Hamiltonians.Comment: 12 pages,Latex, no figure

    PT-symmetric square well and the associated SUSY hierarchies

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    The PT-symmetric square well problem is considered in a SUSY framework. When the coupling strength ZZ lies below the critical value Z0(crit)Z_0^{\rm (crit)} where PT symmetry becomes spontaneously broken, we find a hierarchy of SUSY partner potentials, depicting an unbroken SUSY situation and reducing to the family of sec2\sec^2-like potentials in the Z0Z \to 0 limit. For ZZ above Z0(crit)Z_0^{\rm (crit)}, there is a rich diversity of SUSY hierarchies, including some with PT-symmetry breaking and some with partial PT-symmetry restoration.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, no figure; broken PT-symmetry case added (Sec. 6

    A Mathematical Model of Heat Transfer in Partially Insulated Airways in Deep, Frozen Ground Placer Mines

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    Large seasonal variations in the temperature of the ventilating air in mines in the arctic cause changes in the original thermal field through heat and mass exchanges between the air and the surrounding medium. These thermal interactions have major influence on climatic quality as well as on the stability of the mine openings. Thawing of walls and roof in mine airways can be reduced by various types of thermal-insulation. Application of thermal-insulation prevents deep thawing of the rockmass surrounding an airway. In this case, the mechanism of heat transfer around a frozen, underground airway would be much different. A model of heat transfer in a deep, partially insulated airway has been developed and analyzed using finite element methods. Results of the analysis show that without any thermal control, there will be stable change in temperature around the mine airway. With different insulations on the walls of the airway, roof thawing can be reduced and in certain cases, completely eliminated

    Multichannel coupling with supersymmetric quantum mechanics and exactly-solvable model for Feshbach resonance

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    A new type of supersymmetric transformations of the coupled-channel radial Schroedinger equation is introduced, which do not conserve the vanishing behavior of solutions at the origin. Contrary to usual transformations, these ``non-conservative'' transformations allow, in the presence of thresholds, the construction of potentials with coupled scattering matrices from uncoupled potentials. As an example, an exactly-solvable potential matrix is obtained which provides a very simple model of Feshbach-resonance phenomenon.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure