377 research outputs found

    Herkunft der Unkräuter

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    Zur Herkunft von Unkäutern (Segetalia und Ruderalia) gibt es zwei Hypothesen: a) das Indigenat auf primären (natürlichen) Standorten: Apophyten. Grundlage der Zuordnung sind rezent-ökologische Beobachtungen (Tab. 1), Pollenanalysen und Großrestanalysen. Die Herkunft der Unkräuter ist aber nicht allein durch Pflanzenwanderungen und Umweltveränderungen erklärbar. Häufig kommen genetische Veränderungen der Pflanzen hinzu, die erst eine großräumige Ausbreitung ermöglichen. b) Sippenentstehung auf sekundären Standorten der Kulturlandschaft (Tab. 2): Anökophyten. Um beide Konzepte bei der Gliederung der Flora eines Gebietes zu erfassen, muß man neben Apophyten, Epökophyten und Agriophyten auch Anökophyten (sowohl einheimische als auch nicht einheimische) in eine Übersicht aufnehmen (Abb.1).There are two concepts about the origin of weeds (segetalia and ruderalia): a) Nativeness (indigenousness) on primary (natural) habitats: apophytes. The evidence is based on ecological observations (Tab. 1), pollen analysis and the analysis of macrofossils. The origin of weeds cannot, however, be explained by the introduction of plants and environmental changes alone; these processes are frequently associated with genetic changes taking place in the plants and permitting them to spread over large areas. b) Evolution of new taxa on secondary habitats of the cultural landscape (Tab. 2): anecophytes. To use both concepts for the analysis of a flora, one has to employ the terms apophytes, epecophytes, agriophytes and anecophytes (native as weil as non-native): Fig. 1

    Indikatoren des Naturschutzes im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Wissenschaft

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    Definitionen und Konzepte des Indikatorenbegriffs variieren in Landschaftsplanung, Raumordnung, Natur- und Umweltschutz teilweise erheblich. Grundsätzlich ist ein Indikator in den genannten Themenfeldern ein Stellvertreter für einen Gegenstand, der nicht oder nur mit großem Aufwand direkt beobachtet oder gemessen werden kann. Einem klassischen (natur-)wissenschaftlichen Indikatorenkonzept wird ein modernes politisches Indikatorenkonzept gegenübergestellt. Das naturwissenschaftliche Konzept basiert auf einer engen Korrelation zwischen ausgewählten Parametern (z. B. ökologischen Messgrößen) und umfasst wertneutrale Beschreibungen von Zuständen und deren Veränderungen. In Abgrenzung hiervon beziehen sich Indikatoren für die Politikberatung auf gesellschaftliche Normen, die einer politischen Legitimierung bedürfen

    Apophyten in der Flora von Mitteleuropa

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    Apophytes are native plants colonizing man-made habitats. This phenomenon is widespread, and has been known since 1903 but little studied. Therefore the role of apophytes in the studies of synanthropic flora has often been underappreciated. Since the 1950th the apophytic occurences have been increasing in number and distribution. The more the species are associated with humans in their native range the more successful they are as invasive species after having been introduced to new areas. Therefore the knowledge of the degree of apophytism in the home range is a good criterion to predict the degree of expansiveness of the species in new areas

    Transgenic herbidcide-resistant crops: a participatory technology assessment: summary report

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    "Dieser Bericht ist die Zusammenfassung eines partizipativen Verfahrens zur Technikfolgenabschätzung von Kulturpflanzen mit gentechnisch erzeugter Herbizidresistenz, das von der Abteilung 'Normbildung und Umwelt' am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin organisiert worden war. Das Verfahren hat von 1991 bis 1993 etwa fünfzig Vertreter der Industrie, der Umweltgruppen, der zuständigen Behörden und der Wissenschaft an einem 'Runden Tisch' versammelt, an dem die Beteiligten insgesamt fast zehn Tage kontrovers miteinander diskutiert haben. Im ersten Teil dieser Zusammenfassung wird das partizipative Verfahren beschrieben und erläutert, wie aus den Diskussionen zwischen den Beteiligten Ergebnisse für die Technikfolgenabschätzung abgeleitet wurden. Der zweite Teil enthält die empirischen Befunde zu den möglichen Risiken und zum erwartbaren Nutzen transgener herbizid-resistenter Kulturpflanzen. Der dritte Teil stellt die ethischen, rechtlichen und politischen Diskussionen dar, die zwischen den Beteiligten geführt wurden; er enthält außerdem die Empfehlungen des Verfahrens zur Regulierung herbizid-resistenter Pflanzen." (Autorenreferat)"This report summarises a participatory technology assessment on transgenic herbicide-resistant crops organised by the Research Unit, Standard Setting and the Environment, at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, between 1991 and 1993. The technology assessment was a 'round table' involving some fifty representatives from industry, environmental groups, regulatory agencies and science in more than ten days of controversial debate and analysis. The first part of this summary report describes the methodology used applied in analysing the deliberations of the technology assessment; the second part presents the empirical findings with respect to the performance, the risks and the benefits of transgenic herbicide-resistant crops; the third part gives an account of the ethical, legal and political discussions held in the technology assessment, as well as the recommendations for regulation advanced by the participants." (author's abstract

    Red list and checklist of established vascular plants of Berlin

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    Die vierte Fassung der Roten Liste und Gesamtartenliste der etablierten Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Berlins enthält 1.527 Sippen, davon 307 Neophyten. Fast die Hälfte (46,4 %) wurde einer Gefährdungskategorie zugeordnet. 264 Sippen, also etwa ein Sechstel, gelten als ausgestorben oder verschollen. Von den aktuell vorkommenden 1.263 Sippen ist ein Drittel bestandsgefährdet. Im Vergleich mit der letzten Roten Liste des Jahres 2001 ist bei 83 Sippen (5,4 %) eine Verbesserung und bei 179 Sippen (11,7 %) eine Verschlechte-rung bei der Gefährdungseinstufung zu verzeichnen, 55 Arten sind seit 2001 ausgestorben oder verschollen. 26 Sippen, die in der Roten Liste von 2001 noch als ausgestorben bzw. verschollen eingestuft wurden, konnten wiedergefunden werden. Seit 2008 liegt für Berlin ein Florenschutzkonzept vor. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 230 Zielarten des Berliner Florenschutzes ausgewiesen und ihre Vorkommen kartiert. Die Erfassung zeigte, dass über 20 % der prioritären Zielarten in den letzten zwanzig Jahren verschollen sind und dass weitere Zielarten erhebliche Bestandseinbußen erlitten haben. Um weitere Artenrückgänge und -verluste zu stoppen, werden durch die Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin gezielte Erhaltungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt. Diese Maßnahmen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Umsetzung der Berliner Biodiversitätsstrategie.The fourth edition of the Red List and checklist of established vascular plants of Berlin contains 1.527 taxa, 307 of these are alien species. Nearly half of them (46.4 %) are listed in one of the Red List categories. 264 taxa, one out of six, are extinct. One third of the currently occurring taxa are threatened. Compared with the Red List of 2001, there is a positive status change in 83 taxa (5.4 %) and a negative status change in 179 taxa (11.7 %). 55 taxa have become extinct and 26 taxa have been rediscovered since 2001. A framework for the conservation of the flora of Berlin was developed in the year 2008. With a standardized method 230 target species were identified and mapped. Over 20 % of the target species with conservation priority have disappeared in the last 20 years and other target species show significant losses. The Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin is taking conservation measures to stop further population declines. These measures are important components for the implementation of the biodiversity strategy of Berlin

    Philosopher avec les enfants du monde entier au sujet de la nature, des valeurs naturelles et de la pollution

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    This study presents the results of our international, intercultural, and empirical study. We philosophised with children from different countries and social contexts about nature, pollution and sustainability. Before presenting the key findings of our empirical research, we outline our concept of Philosophy for Children (P4C). What is P4C? What forms of P4C are commonly advocated? How and for what do we use it? The interpretations of our empirical study can be summarised as follows: Pollution touches and moves children around the world, evokes wide-ranging emotions, and is valued as an important issue. Children reflect on an intrinsic value of nature and express pathocentric and vulnerabilistic views towards humans, animals and nature. Finally, children of different cultures justify different levels of punishment for environmental offenders.Istraživanje predstavlja rezultate našeg međunarodnog, interkulturnog i empirijskog istraživanja. S djecom iz različitih zemalja i društvenih konteksta filozofirali smo o prirodi, onečišćenju i održivosti. Prije nego što predstavimo ključne nalaze našeg empirijskog istraživanja, izlažemo koncept filozofije za djecu (Philosophy for Children – P4C). Što je P4C? Koji se oblici P4C-a obično zagovaraju? Kako i za što ga koristimo? Tumačenja naše empirijske studije mogu se sažeti na sljedeći način: onečišćenje dotiče i pokreće djecu diljem svijeta, izaziva široke emocije i vrednuje se kao važan problem. Djeca razmišljaju o intrinzičnoj vrijednosti prirode i izražavaju patocentrične i vulnerabilističke poglede prema ljudima, životinjama i prirodi. Konačno, djeca različitih kultura opravdavaju različite razine kazne za okolišne prekršitelje.Diese Studie präsentiert die Ergebnisse unserer internationalen, interkulturellen und empirischen Studie. Wir haben mit Kindern aus verschiedenen Ländern und sozialen Kontexten über Natur, Umweltverschmutzung und Nachhaltigkeit philosophiert. Bevor wir die Schlüsselergebnisse unserer empirischen Forschung präsentieren, heben wir die Umrisse unseres Konzepts der Philosophie für Kinder hervor (Philosophy for children – P4C). Was ist P4C? Welche Formen von P4C werden gemeinhin befürwortet? Wie und wofür verwenden wir sie? Die Deutungen unserer empirischen Studie lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Umweltverschmutzung berührt und bewegt Kinder auf der ganzen Welt, ruft weitreichende Emotionen hervor und wird als wichtiges Thema geschätzt. Kinder reflektieren über den innewohnenden Wert der Natur und äußern pathozentrische und vulnerabilistische Ansichten gegenüber Menschen, Tieren und der Natur. Schließlich rechtfertigen Kinder aus diversen Kulturen unterschiedliche Strafebenen für Umweltstraftäter.Cette étude présente les résultats de notre recherche internationale, interculturelle et empirique. Avec des enfants de pays et de contextes sociaux différents, nous avons philosophé sur la nature, la pollution et le développement durable. Avant de présenter les résultats clés de notre recherche empirique, nous exposons le concept de Philosophie pour les enfants (Philosophy for children – P4C). Qu’est le P4C ? Quelles sont les formes habituellement défendues du P4C ? Comment et pourquoi l’utilisons-nous ? Les interprétations de notre étude empirique peuvent se résumer de la manière suivante : la pollution concerne et ne laisse pas indifférent les enfants du monde entier, elle provoque un large éventail d’émotions et est considérée comme un problème central. Les enfants réfléchissent à la valeur intrinsèque de la nature et portent un regard pathocentrique et vulnérabiliste envers les hommes, les animaux et la nature. Enfin, des enfants de diverses cultures justifient les différents niveaux de punition pour les auteurs de délits environnementaux

    A conceptual framework for predicting the effects of urban environments on floras.

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    1 With the majority of people now living in urban environments, urbanization is arguably the most intensive and irreversible ecosystem change on the planet. 2 Urbanization transforms floras through a series of filters that change: (i) habitat availability; (ii) the spatial arrangement of habitats; (iii) the pool of plant species; and (iv) evolutionary selection pressures on populations persisting in the urban environment. 3 Using a framework based on mechanisms of change leads to specific predictions of floristic change in urban environments. Explicitly linking drivers of floristic change to predicted outcomes in urban areas can facilitate sustainable management of urban vegetation as well as the conservation of biodiversity. 4 Synthesis. We outline how the use of our proposed framework, based on environmental filtering, can be used to predict responses of floras to urbanization. These floristic responses can be assessed using metrics of taxonomic composition, phylogenetic relatedness among species, plant trait distributions or plant community structure. We outline how this framework can be applied to studies that compare floras within cities or among cities to better understand the various floristic responses to urbanization.The working group was funded by the ARC‐NZ Research Network for Vegetation Function. Financial support was also provided by The Baker Foundation

    Current status of habitat monitoring in the European Union according to Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, with an emphasis on habitat structure and functions and on Germany

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    Since the beginning of the 1990s, monitoring of habitats has been a widespread tool to record and assess changes in habitat quality, for example due to land use change. Thus, Article 11 of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) requires, inter alia, monitoring of the conservation status of habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, carried out by the Member States of the European Union (EU). This monitoring provides the foundation for the National Reports on the measures implemented and their effectiveness (Art. 17 Habitats Directive), which Member States have to submit to the European Commission every six years. Based on these requirements, Member States have developed different monitoring programmes or have adapted previously existing monitoring schemes to include relevant aspects of the Habitats Directive. The parameter ‘structure and functions’ is a key parameter for the assessment of the conservation status of habitat types as it provides information on the quality of the habitats. A standardised questionnaire was developed and sent to the competent authorities of Member States to compare and analyse the assessment methods of the quality of habitat types. Responses were received from 13 of the 28 Member States, while it was possible to include another Member State in the analysis by evaluating appropriate literature. The analysis revealed very different approaches and progress amongst the Member States in the development and implementation of monitoring programmes tailored to the reporting obligations of Article 17 of the Habitats Directive. Some Member States established a special standardised monitoring programme for Article 11 of the Habitats Directive, while others used data from already existing programmes (e.g. habitat mapping, large-scale forest inventories, landscape monitoring). Most Member States responding to the questionnaire use monitoring based on samples but the data collection, sample sizes and level of statistical certainty differ considerably. The same applies to the aggregation of data and the methods for the assessment of the parameter ‘structure and functions’. In contrast to the assessment of conservation status as part of the reporting obligations according to Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, no standardised EU guidelines exist for monitoring. The present study discusses differences in the monitoring programmes and evaluates them with regard to the objectives of comparable assessments of conservation status of habitat types in the National Reports of Member States or at a biogeographical level

    A Companion to Naturalism

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    Offering a engaging and accessible portrait of the current state of the field, A Companion to Naturaslim shows students how to think about the relation between Philosophy and Science, and why is both essencial and fascinating to do so. All the authors in this collection reconsider the core questions in Philosophical Naturalism in light of the challenges raised in Contemporary Philosophy. They explore how philosophical questions are connected to vigorous current debates - including complex questions about metaphysics, semantics, religion, intentionality, pragmatism, reductionism, ontology, metaethics, mind, science, belief and delusion, among others – showing how these issues, and philosopher’s attempts to answer them, matter in the Philosophy. In this sense, this collection is also compelling and illuminating reading for philosophers, philosophy students, and anyone interested in Naturalism and their place in current discussions

    Cultural appropriation of spaces and things

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    This proceedings volume gathers papers presented at the symposium “Cultural Appropriation of Spaces and Things” held in Siegen, Germany in October 2019. All over the world, children are confronted with an increasingly complicated and fast-moving world. Children need elementary cultural techniques and skills to shape their own lives and enable them to find individual interpretations of meaning. In addition to the acquisition of classical cultural techniques such as arithmetic, writing and reading, the competent handling of spaces and things – through manifold processes of appropriation and reflection – is crucial. It forms the basis and prerequisite for the development of competences or abilities that are suitable for understanding the dimensions, the complexity and changeability of their world and enable them to critically deal with associated problems and find appropriate solutions. The aim of the conference was to find suitable ways for children all over the world for a methodically and didactically guided examination of their natural, social and technical environment. At the same time, the aim was to achieve a mutual enrichment of monodisciplinary research accesses. It also included a self-critical reflection of one’s own culturally shaped approaches of research.Contents: Martin Gröger, Christian Prust, Alexandra Flügel: Preface LECTURES Alexandre Avelino Giffoni Junior, Sebastião Lázaro Pereira, Alberto Barella Netto: Haus Früher Hilfen UniRV: A historic building in process in the heart of Brazil Hyeongjoo Kim: Designing and Applying the Moral Turing Test for Korean Children Karen Barfod and Peer Daugbjerg: Teaching Science and Mathematics Outside the Classroom, a pilot study on assessing inquiry-based practices Jan Höper: Towards integrated science education by using mobile technologies outdoors WORKSHOPS Mareike Janssen: Exploring the things of life: First insights into chemical processes with sparkling water as an example Julia Gaffron, Martin Gröger: Children like to experiment, many teachers apparently do not Volker Heck: Alexander von Humboldt - The Voyage to the Americas as an approach to science in Primary School Thomas Sukopp: Interculturality in Philosophy Education: Challenges and Prospects of Education for Sustainable Development in Primary Schools POSTERS André Dorn, Martin Gröger: ESD in general studies -prospective general studies teachers deal with the educational concept of ESD in a student-oriented and cooperative manner Andree Georg: From Carlowitz to Sustainable Development and Education for Sustainable Development Irina Landrock: Children at NS Memorial Sites Dr. Markus Schaal: Martha Muchow in the Context of the New Sociology of Childhood What Can a Classic Still Teach Us Today? Martin Gröger: Open air laboratory FLEX – Starting to learn chemistry in a near-natural learning environment Martin Gröger: FoodLAB - a molecular gastronomic experimental laboratory in teacher training Martin Gröger: How Alexander von Humboldt saw the world from a chemist’s point of view Matthias Weipert: Extracurricular learning locations in the historical perspective of general studies - the example of the Wendener Hütte Mirko Schommer: Spatial Orientation - Competence expectations and common misconceptions based on map projections Sarah Gaubitz: Options for handling complex problems of global change from the perspective of primary school children Swaantje Brill: Museum Field Trips in Primary School: An Approach to Children’s Perspectives Urs Gießelmann and Uta Birkhölzer: The “Hauberg” as an extracurricular learning locatio