48 research outputs found

    The Influence of Brand Equity, Product Quality, and Price on 3second Hoodie Purchase Decisions: Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek, Kualitas Produk, dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Hoodie 3second

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    This research is about the factors that affect customer satisfaction. Various factors that can affect customer satisfaction are brand equity, product quality and the price of a product. The purpose of the following study is to determine the effect of brand equity, product quality and price either partially or simultaneously on customer satisfaction. This research is included in the category of quantitative research methods. This research was conducted at outlet 3Second Sidoarjo Branch. The sample of this study was 200 respondents. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in this study use the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. This research proves that brand equity affects customer satisfaction, product quality affects customer satisfaction, price affects customer satisfaction

    Strategi Multichannel Pengaruhnya terhadap Retensi Nasabah Bank Dimediasi oleh Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Nasabah (Studi pada Bank BNI di Wilayah Surabaya)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menjelaskan: 1) pengaruh multichannel bank terhadap retensi nasabah emerald di wilayah Surabaya, 2) peran kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah dalam memediasi atas hubungan multichannel dengan retensi nasabah, 3) peran loyalitas nasabah dalam memediasi hubungan kepuasan dan retensi nasabah. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan survei dan pengumpulan data secara cross section melalui kuesioner . Unit analisis adalah nasabah emerald yang memiliki rekening minimal selama 1 tahun di BNI wilayah Surabaya dengan total dana minimal sebesar 1 (satu) milyar rupiah, berusia 18 – 50 tahun, dan memiliki salah satu dari fasilitas e-banking ( ATM, phone/mobile/SMS banking, dan internet banking ). Populasi dalam penelitian ini sulit ditentukan jumlahnya secara pasti ( infinite ) sehingga untuk metode pengambilan sampelnya menggunakan non probability sampling (sampel tidak acak). Teknik penentuan unit sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling . Metode analisis data dalam pengujian hipotesis adalah Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa multichannel secara langsung tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap retensi nasabah. Kepuasan nasabah tidak dapat menjadi mediasi sempurna ( complete mediation ) dan loyalitas nasabah dapat menjadi mediasi sempurna ( complete mediation ) hubungan antara multichannel dengan retensi nasabah. Selanjutnya, loyalitas nasabah mampu sebagai mediasi sempurna ( complete mediation ) hubungan antara kepuasan dengan retensi nasabah. Implikasi praktis penelitian ini, bagi pihak manajemen bank perlu meningkatkan peran multichannel dalam upaya retensi nasabah emerald terutama untuk keamanan dan keakuratan data profil keuangan nasabah. Penelitian ini mengembangkan teori marketing mix dengan menggunakan multichannel sebagai salah satu elemen yang dapat meningkatkan retensi nasabah dengan menggunakan mediasi kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah

    Analysis Of Cashback Promotion In The Fintech Industry Among User Interaction: Analisis Promosi Cashback Pada Industri Fintech Antar Interaksi Pengguna

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    The development of technology and the ease of use of online-based services have given rise to various forms of breakthroughs in the field of new technology in society. This study aims to find out whether cashback promotions can shape customer engagement in the social customer relationship management network on Gopay, OVO, and LinkAja on Twitter. The data used in this study is secondary data which is tweets containing interactions  between Twitter users regarding  3 fintechs in Indonesia, namely Gopay, OVO, and LinkAja. Data analysis used by researchers uses the social network analysis method by calculating and comparing the network properties of cashback promotional content for the three research objects from 2018-2020 and 2020-2022. The results show that cashback promotional content on the Gopay e-wallet in 2020-2022 has better network property performance    so    that    it   can    form     more     optimal     customer     engagement

    Pengaruh People, Persepsi Harga Dan Physical Evidence Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mixue Prigen

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    This research is a type of quantitative research. Collecting primary research data was carried out through a questionnaire which was filled out online using Google From and distributed with a questionnaire link via various social media. The sampling technique uses a non-probability method. The sampling technique used is non-probability, using the accidental sampling method. To measure the number of samples, considering that the population in the study is not known with certainty, the Cochran Formula is used. In calculations using the Cochran formula, the result was 96.04, so the minimum sample size was 96 samples from consumers who had purchased Mixue Prigen. The analytical tools used in this research are multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, t test, R test, R2 test using the SPSS version 22 application program. The results of this research prove that People have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Price perception has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Physical Evidence has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Promotions have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords: People, Price Perception, Physical Evidence on Purchasing Decision

    Perkembangan Lifestyle Dan Sosial Media Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Brand Erigo

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    This research was conducted to determine the influence of lifestyle, brand awareness, and social media marketing on Le Minerale purchasing decisions. The main problem in this research is that the Top Brand Index value of the Erigo brand is ranked third, with many competitors. This research uses a quantitative method, descriptive research type and uses a random sampling method with a sample size of 96 respondents. This research uses data collection techniques using questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS statistical tools. Based on the results of research and discussions that have been carried out and described, it can be concluded that lifestyle, brand awareness and social media marketing influence the decision to purchase Erigo Lbrnd. Keywords: Lifestyle, Awaneres Brand, Social Media Marketing, Purchasing Decisions, Erigo Bran

    Marketing Konten Analysis of Korean Drama Streaming Platforms : Social Network Analysis on Twitter: Analisis Konten Pemasaran Platform Streaming Drama Korea : Analisis Jaringan Sosial di Twitter

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    The primary purpose of this research is to assist in providing input for digital marketing of VIU and iQiyi from the results of Twitter users' tweets, as well as to find out the focus of discussions from Twitter users on VIU and iQiyi Video Streaming Platforms. This research collected tweet data from June 2020 to June 2022. The existing data is then carried out in the preprocessing stage with a combination of methods so that there is no noisy data as a maximum. Furthermore, the final step is to analyze the results of the images visualized using Gephi. The results of the data visualization show that each of the data withdrawal criteria is responded to by users so that this phenomenon can provide input for the future in improving existing marketing strategies on the VIU and iQiyi video streaming platforms.

    Twitter Visualitation of Healthy Catering Food Promotion Strategy: Visualisasi Twitter Tentang Strategi Promosi Catering Makanan Sehat

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    This analysis aims to determine whether there are differences in marketing strategies and which strategy is superior between the two health catering industries. With Twitter as an intermediary for data collection, where Twitter is a social media with the fastest spread of news through trending topics. They used a qualitative method by utilizing Social Network Analysis (SNA) and assisted by several supporting tools such as Gephi, Wordji, Notepad++, and Dictionary to facilitate researchers in analyzing the data obtained so that it is concrete and relevant. From the visualization of Twitter user tweet data, it was found that Twitter users talk more about Yellowfit Kitchen health catering than Gorrygourmet, as evidenced by the large amount of data visualization obtained. Then the average customer chooses to subscribe to Yellowfit Kitchen's healthy catering for dietary purposes. While Gorrygourmet health catering customers subscribe to health catering with the aim of maintaining a healthy lifestyle

    Unsafe Conditions Identification Using Social Networks In Power Plant Safety Reports : Identifikasi Kondisi Tidak Aman Menggunakan Jejaring Sosial Dalam Laporan Keselamatan Pembangkit Listrik

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    Power plants in Indonesia grapple with significant challenges in managing occupational health and safety. The huge reporting data in applications such as IZAT requires thorough analysis to find out the pattern and distribution. This research aims to facilitate the company in hazard mitigation by identifying reported unsafe conditions and building a semantic association network to understand the nature of unsafe conditions. The research method uses social network analysis, which is carried out by preprocessing data using programming to remove noise and then converting the data into a readable format. Then, semantic relationships between words were analyzed, and the data was visualized using the ForceAtlas2 algorithm. The findings revealed a different focus between the two units, where 6.597 reports from the Paiton generating unit mainly highlighted team response and accident-prone workplace conditions, while 5.840 reports from the Indramayu unit emphasized specific conditions, locations, and equipment that pose accident risks

    Design of Talent Acquisition System Based on Individual Development Plan in Human Resources Management: Desain Sistem Talent Acquisition Berbasis Individual Development dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia

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    The shift in the concept of a human resources-based workforce management system to human capital provides a new discourse that employee development programs should be compiled comprehensively through a detailed system from Manpower Procurement Planning Process, Selection, to the Employee development process and along with their career. This study aims to design and describe talent acquisition design based on the principle of individual development. The research design uses a qualitative design that focuses on the field of research & development that focuses on the talent acquisition applied system development model and is integrated based on the principle of an individual development plan. The start with scope identification, GAP Analysis, Requirement Analysis, System Literature Study, System Integration and design, and end with a group discussion forum. The results of this research resulted in a design to develop a talent acquisition system that is oriented towards individual development

    The Information and Technology System Strategy at Hospital Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo: Cost-Benefit Analysis Approach: Strategi Sistem Teknologi dan Informasi Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo: Pendekatan Cost-Benefit Analysis

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    The Information and Technology System is playing a significant role for growth of  organizations in all sectors, including the business, governmental, educational, and health care sectors. It is anticipated that the information systems and technology will be able to provide support to every sector. Information and Technology System is a guideline which can assist people in carrying out any task at work or in daily activities related to daily living.  The purpose of this study is to understand the Information and Technology Systems strategy’s long-term goals, as well as to identify the alternative that should take priority at Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Hospital