43 research outputs found

    Environmental Wisdom in Oral Literature of Arjuna Slopes People

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    This study sought to describe the orientation, representation, and the relationship of oral literary texts of the Slopes Arjuna towards its nature, poetical characteristics and literary texts narrative by using ecocriticism theory. The interdisciplinary approach used to understand the data were ecocritics, literary, ethical approach to the environment, cultural approach, and folkloristic approach. The instruments used were observation and in-depth- interview. The research was conducted on the slopes of Mount Arjuna, East Java from November 2012 to February 2014. The result shows that the range of oral literature texts of Arjuna Slopes communities explicitly and implicitly, intensively and extensively, show the orientation towards nature. It shows that the oral literature of Arjuna slope people obtains the pastoral narrative and apocalyptic narrative. The study also reveals the presence of biological nature and the psychological nature which are conveyed explicitly and demonstrated in its vitality. The texts orientation towards nature is more detailed presented in the various forms of nature. Nature orientation occurred in the text becomes an emphatic and important marker of environmental wisdom literature. Furthermore, the characteristics of environmental wisdom literature which are identified and constructed based on the review of the public oral literature of Slopes Arjuna have its distinctiveness. This peculiarity is seen in the breath of cosmocentric-spirituality born from harmony syncretization between spirituality Kejawen, Islami Sarengat, Hindu-Buddhist mysticism, as the source of wisdom of environmental values in the society of Slopes Arjuna oral literature

    Women in Mount Tengger Folklores: Their Presence, Position and Environmental Knowledge of Disaster Mitigation

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    Tenggerese people in East Java are one of Indonesia’s ethnic communities endowed with a unique folklore. This  ethnographic research aimed to find out 1) how women are presented in Mount Tengger folklore; 2) the position of women in Tengger folkore; and 3) Tenggerese women’s environmental knowledge in relation to nature and disaster mitigation. Data analysis used multi perspective dimensions by employing theories of ecofeminism, ecocriticism, and folkloristic views. Human instruments, observations, interviews, and documentation were used in this study. The findings revealed that 1) women are presented both in Tengger folktales and oral poetry (spells), and are characterized as being mentally strong, respected, and having the proclivity to protect the environment. 2) In Tenggerese folklore, women enjoy equal position with men. The equality between men and women has become a social value and practice within Tenggerese traditions. Women work side-by-side with men in their domestic lives and beyond. 3) Tenggerese women have extensive environmental knowledge, in both the physical and psychological sense. They have in-depth and detailed knowledge of the vitality of nature for human living


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    The purpose of this text-oriented study is to reveal traditional knowledge of ecology in children’s literature with the possible use for introducing children to the environment. Eco-criticism and functionalism are employed as integrated approaches to search for the teachings on environmental sustainability such as a harmonious life in nature, environment preservation, and the life cycle of plants and animals. The objects of the study are three Javanese children’s stories: ‘It’s Better to be a Rabbit’ (‘Luwih Becik Dadi Truwelu’), ‘Flower, Butterfly, Caterpillar, and Leaf’ (‘Kembang, Kupu, Uler, lan Godhong’), and ‘The Arrogant Cecen’ (‘Cecen Sing Gumedhe’). These fables are examined intrinsically, therefore, content analysis becomes a theoretical anchor. Considering the sampled stories are original tales, the values of local wisdom on how to protect ecological systems can be distilled as a directive tool for shaping children’s moral-ethics and guiding them to live in harmony with their surrounding nature. Thus, traditional knowledge learned from those stories is not solely a means of legitimizing cultural traditions and educating children to love the environment, but, supposedly, they also serve as materials for storytelling because of the characteristics of each tale itself being interesting and entertaining

    News as authentic materials to improve essay writing in a hybrid learning setting

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of using news as authentic materials for essay writing skills. This experimental study employed the one-group pre-test and post-test design to 18  fourth-semester students who joined the Essay Writing Course in one of the universities in Indonesia. These students were selected through systematic random sampling and went through treatments for 12 meetings where they were taught in a hybrid learning setting. The first four meetings used the conventional face-to-face classroom interaction. The rest of the meetings were done online because of the outbreak of COVID 19. The instruments to collect data were tests and documentation. Before they were given to the students, the teaching materials, pre-test, and post-test designs were tested and validated. The authentic materials were news texts about global issues such as poverty, environmental protection, gender, race and ethnicities, and diseases. Two raters scored the students’ writing by using Jacobs ESL Composition Profile. The researchers used IBM SPSS 25 software to analyze the data. The results of a paired sample t-test analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the students’ writing scores before and after using news as authentic materials (p = .959 α = 0.05). The paper further discusses the implications of this study for theoretical and practical use.

    Perempuan-Perempuan Pemeluk Erat Adat: Studi Etnografi Perempuan Tengger

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    Perempuan Tengger meyakini bahwa kepribadian yang mereka miliki merupakan warisan leluhur mereka, Rara Anteng.Keyakinan ini menjadikan perempuan Tengger menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari secara disiplin, penuh kerja keras, namun tetap ikhlas. Ada kepercayaan yang tertanam dalam batin setiap perempuan Tengger bahwa tugas seorang istri adalah mendampingi suami dalam ruang rumah tangga sekaligus ruang kerja. Penelitian interdisipliner ini menggunakan pendekatan etnografi dalam pengumpulan data. Situs penelitian ini di Desa Mororejo, Ngadiwono, Wanamerta, dan Telagosari, Kecamatan Tosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perempuan Tengger memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam menjaga stabilitas kehidupan rumah tangga, sosio-kultural, dan rutinitas ritual (keagamaan). Dapat dikatakan, perempuan Tengger adalah penjaga stabilitas perekonomian rumah tangga maupun perekonomian lokal sekaligus pemelihara tradisi leluhur Tengger


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    Not many language teachers use literary works as teaching materials to teach language skills for their students. This is due to teachers’ common perception that literature has a high degree of difficulty to understand. As a result, the use of literary works is often ignored to teach language skills, especially writing. Basically, if teachers are able to select literary works in accordance with the purpose of teaching and use it well, literature can be a bridge to improve language skills, especially the skills of writing an expository text. This article aims to describe the stages of teaching to teach writing skills through mini-fiction for expository essay, tips on choosing fictions that can be used in the classroom, and the problems that may arise from the use of these mini fictions. There are three stages of learning to be conducted when teaching writing skills by using mini fictions, namely the preparatory stage, pre-writing, and writing phases. Using literary works will be able to sharpen the students' language skills and their ability to think critically

    Eksistensi Perempuan dalam Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut

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    Artikel ini secara khusus menyoroti keterlibatan perempuan dalam Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut dan bagaimana dirinya direpresentasikan dalam sosial media. Fenomena ini ditelisik dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman komprehensif tentang kehadiran perempuan di tengah-tengah dominasi budaya maskulin terutama dalam kesenian. Secara metodologis, penelitian etnografi dilakukan dengan pendekatan interdisipliner. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara tidak terstruktur dan observasi partisipatoris. Informan ditetapkan sejumlah lima orang perempuan pecinta Domba Garut dan dua orang laki-laki peternak Domba Garut. Informan ini dipilih melalui teknik snowball sampling. Adapun proses analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut ini didominasi oleh laki-laki, dewasa ini perempuan telah lebih berperan. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam sikap dan dedikasi para perempuan terhadap kesenian ini yang diwujudkan melalui partisipasi aktif perempuan, baik dalam hal perawatan maupun saat pamidangan. Selain itu, media sosial juga dimanfaatkan dengan baik untuk merepresentasikan identitas perempuan yang mendedikasikan diri untuk Seni Laga Ketangkasan Domba Garut. Semangat ini terus diperkuat untuk menunjukkan bahwa perempuan berhak dan layak terlibat secara setara dalam ruang berkesenian


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    In this 21st century era, technology plays a significat role in language teaching and learning process both inside and outside the classroom  This study is intended to describe the language education lecturers’ opinion and the students’ opinion on the use of storybird as web-based technology for literacy skills by using case study design. The subjects of the study were the language education lecturers and the students who joined  writing class in STKIP PGRI Pasuruan in the academic year 2018-2019. The instruments used  were  interviews and document analysis. Three findings are revealed from the study. Firstly, 81% of the language lecturers used web-based technology  for their teaching, but only very few of them were familiar with storybird platform. These  lecturers agreed that storybird was beneficial to sharpen  the students’ literacy skill. Secondly,  the majority of the students (73%)  believed that the use of storybird helped them to write better. Two appealing aspects of storybird which encouraged students to read and write  were its beautiful pictures and its freedom for everyone to use, while the weakness laid in the requirement to be online  and the difficulty to download the story