84 research outputs found


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    West Java Province is a large province with various Regencies and Cities with a strategic location in its economic activities, especially in tourism. The development of tourism in West Java will provide a positive value to the growth in the number of both domestic and foreign tourists visiting West Java. One of the strategies launched by the government in tourism development is through the use of the Pentahelix Model. Pentahelix has an important role to play in supporting shared innovation goals and pentahelix contributing to regional socio-economic progress. Based on the discussion that has been concluded, it can be concluded that the Culture and Tourism Office in West Java should carry out optimal planning in managing and developing tourist objects by creating a sustainable program, making short, medium and long term targets as guidelines or benchmarks for targets to be achieved. The mobilizing function carried out by the Disbudpar does not only form coordination activities in the field of monitoring potential tourist objects, available facilities and infrastructure but also focuses dominantly on empowering existing human resources in potential villages/regions in West Java by providing various coaching and training, inviting experts to impart special knowledge to the public. The Provincial Government through Disbudpar must be more creative in getting support, must be more able to make them interested and must further enhance collaboration with the 5 stakeholders based on the pentahelix model, so that all aspects involved in parwiata activities can synergize with each other to achieve improvement and development of the local economy


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    Pariwisata sebagai salah satu penggerak perekonomian dunia, memiliki peran positif dan negatif bagi keberlangsungan hidup alam. Penyebaran COVID-19 yang cepat mendorong pemerintah melakukan berbagai upaya penanggulangan penyebaran COVID-19. Implikasi dari kondisi tersebut berdampak langsung kepada industri pariwisata yang ada di Kota Bandung. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang telah diuraikan, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis kebijakan pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Kota Bandung selama pandemi covid 19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data sebagai sumber dasar analisis dalam penelitian ini didapat dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi (documentary study). Data ini kemudian akan diolah melalui tiga tahapan yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data/display dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa sektor pariwisata yang terpuruk akibat pandemi Covid-19 tengah memasuki era normal baru. Pariwisata berkelanjutan akan menjadi sebuah konsekuensi dari bagian pengembangan pariwisata, setelah pandemi Covid-19 selesai. Kerja pariwisata berkelanjutan bukan hanya kerja sektoral, tapi harus menyeluruh baik masyarakat, pemerintah, akademisi dan lainnya, atau yang biasa disebut pentahelix


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    Diding Sukmadi (58320122): Pengaruh Pembiayaan Mudharabah Terhadap Tingkat Produktivitas Usaha Kecil (Penelitian Pada BMT El-Fajar Jalaksana-Kuningan) BMT El-Fajar adalah suatu lembaga keuangan non bank yang kegiatannya mengembangkan usaha-usaha produktif dan investasi yang diperuntukan bagi pengusaha bawah dan kecil antara lain mendorong kegiatan simpan pinjam. BMT mampu memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan bagi usaha kecil, terbukanya akses terhadap sumber modal memberikan potensi yang amat besar bagi kelangsungan dan perkembangan usaha kecil. Kegiatan pembiayaan yang sering digunakan BMT El-Fajar adalah sistem bagi hasil, dengan menggunakan produk pembiayaan mudharabah. Dimana mudharabah merupakan pemberian pinjaman modal yang diberikan BMT kapada nasabahnya sebagai modal usaha, keuntungan yang diperoleh akan dibagi diantara mereka berdua, dan jika rugi ditanggung oleh BMT. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pembiayaan mudharabah di BMT El-Fajar Jalaksana-Kuningan dan mengetahui gambaran tingkat produktivitas usaha kecil, dan Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pembiayaan mudharabah terhadap tingkat produktivitas usaha kecil pada BMT El-Fajar Jalaksana-Kuningan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data primer yakni memperoleh informasi langsung dari responden melalui kuesioner/ angket, serta observasi. Uji instrument yang digunakan yaitu uji validitas dan reliabilitas, karena data berbentuk ordinal maka ditransformasikan terlebih dahulu ke data interval. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan uji normalitas, uji korelasi, uji regresi berganda, pengujian hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data, pengaruh pembiayaan mudharabah terhadap tingkat produktivitas usaha kecil. Dapat diketahui bahwa thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (12,801 > 1,67155). Dengan demikian terdapat pengaruh positif, Pembiayaan Mudharabah terhadap tingkat produktivitas usaha kecil pada BMT El-Fajar Jalaksana Kuningan. Dilihat dari hasil tabel model summary besarnya angka R square (r2) adalah 0,739. Angka tersebut mempunyai arti pengaruh pembiayaan mudharabah terhadap tingkat produktivitas usaha kecil adalah 73,9% sisanya sebesar 26,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata Kunci : Pembiayaan mudharabah, tingkat produktivitas usaha keci

    Simulasi Sistem Eksitasi Untuk Kondensator Sinkron Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin

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    Tejo Sukmadi, in paper a model of wind energy power generation excitation system will be simulated. The focuse was on the modelling and parameters optimization of the DC1A type excitation systems for synchronous condenser as voltage regulation on the power plant. Excitation system optimization is made by using genetic algorithms method. The parameters optimization should have the optimal combination and the voltage regulation of wind energy power plants model find the best vale when there is a change in the wind speed. The simulation and analysis found that systems with excitation system parameterized combination of genetic algorithms experiment using crossovers opportunities 0.6 and mutations opportunities 0.032, which Ka = 297.2350, Ke = 0.6162, Kf = 0.01, Ta = 0.01, Te = 0.01 and Tf = 0.6278 is the best combination of excitation parameters obtained. By generating the 115.6604 ITAE value, over shoot 1,54%, steady state 0,44 s, the smallest voltage value after wind speed change is 0.9957 pu and the largest voltage value after wind speed change is 1.0025 pu


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    Wellness tourism has now become a trend in the world community, especially after the Covid 19 pandemic. The main goal of wellness tourism is to achieve fitness and health and gain self-satisfaction. Wellness tourism has the potential to be developed in Indonesia, especially for the senior tourist segment. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach using primary and secondary data. Based on the research results, it can be seen that (1) the readiness of tourism Human Resources (HR) in managing the wellness tourism in the market share of senior tourists is currently not fully ready and the number is fulfilled. Based on survey results at 2 wellnes tourism, the HR used is not HR in the tourism sector. The role of education in improving HR capabilities in the development of wellness tourism as well as knowledge related to senior market share is urgently needed. Services and needs for senior tourists are different from tourists in general. Tourism education is one of the keys in developing tourism potential, especially in the field of wellness tourism business.; (2) Development of Wellness Tourism in Indonesia continues to be encouraged by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, to revive the tourism sector and the creative economy in the country; socialization is needed to stakeholders and the general public regarding this matter in order to get the necessary understanding and support (3) The government needs to make references regarding the definition of senior tourists, from the aspects of their age, physical ability, character and special needs in managing the wellness business

    Aktivitas Fitohormon Indole-3-acetic Acid (Iaa) Dari Beberapa Isolat Bakteri Rizosfer Dan Endofit

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    A total of 34 isolates of rhizosphere bacteria and endophytic bacteria have been isolated from several fruit and vegetable plants. Bacterial isolates were then screened to produce phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in a minimal medium (MM) with the addition of 1 g/l tryptophan as a precursor. Phytohormone production was carried out in an incubator shaker for 5 days at 28oC in a dark condition. IAA in the culture supernatant was extracted with ethyl acetate. The presence of IAA in the bacterial extract was detected using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). The concentration of IAA was determined quantitatively using High Performance LiquidChromatography (HPLC). The result showed that among 34 bacterial isolates, 20 isolates were able to produce IAA with different concentrations. The highest concentration of IAA (16,71 ppm) was produced by the endophytic bacteria isolated from twigs of starfruit plant. In addition, within the group of rhizosphere bacterial isolates, bacteria from kangkung plant was found to be the best one with IAA concentration of 10.99 ppm


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    Accreditation status of a study program is a reflection of the performance of the study program concerned and describes the quality and efficiency of a course of study. To obtain the status of accreditation, information about the study program obtained from the accreditation assessment is required by first making the self study evaluation document of the study program. The means used to collect the information are accreditation forms (forms). References used to perform for the application of Self Evaluation BAN-PT study program is to use internal and external analysis. These internal and external analyzes, known as SWOT analysis (strenghts / strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) should be conducted periodically, so that the study program is able to adapt to changes and developments in information and technology and the quality demands required By stakeholders, both at the national and global levels


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    Poverty reduction is not usually at the heart of the tourism agenda. Yet tourism is significant in many poor countries and is already affecting the livelihoods of millions of poor people, positively and negatively. Poverty reduction requires pro-poor growth. Concerted effort is needed to maximize the contribution of tourism to this. Pro-poor tourism (PPT) interventions aim to increase the net benefits for the poor from tourism, and ensure that tourism growth contributes to poverty reduction. PPT is not a specific product or sector of tourism, but an approach. PPT strategies aim to unlock opportunities for the poor whether for economic gain, other livelihood benefits, or participation in decision-making. Pro-poor tourism overlaps with, but is different from, the ‘sustainable tourism agenda. Pro-poor focuses more on countries of the South, not on mainstream destinations in the North. Poverty is the core focus, rather than one element of (mainly environmental) sustainability


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpin, etika keprajuritan, dan motivasi prajurit terhadap komitmen kebangsaan prajurit TNI AD. Penelitian dilakukan di Batalyon Perhubungan Direktorat Perhubungan TNI AD di Jakarta. Pengaruh kepemimpinan, etika, dan motivasi terhadap komitmen kebangsaan diteliti dalam perspektif perilaku organisasional (organizational behavior) menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dengan metode survey terhadap 83 orang prajurit bergolongan pangkat bintara dan tamtama sebagai responden. Kepada setiap orang responden diminta menjawab 100 butir pertanyaan survey. Jawaban responden dikuantifikasi ke dalam skala satu sampai dengan lima. Analisis terhadap data dan pengujian hipotesis pengaruh langsung menggunakan teknik statistika Analsis Jalur (Path Analysis), sedangkan pengujian hipotesis pengaruh tidak langsung menggunakan teknik Sobel Test. Penelitian mendapatkan hasil bahwa (1) kepemimpinan berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap komitmen kebangsaan; (2) etika keprajuritan berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap komitmen kebangsaan; (3) motivasi prajurit berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap komitmen kebangsaan; (4) kepemimpinan berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap motivasi prajurit; (5) etika keprajuritan berpengaruh langsung secara positif terhadap motivasi prajurit; (6) kepemimpinan berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap komitmen kebangsaan melalui motivasi prajurit; dan (7) etika keprajuritan berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap komitmen kebangsaan melalui motivasi prajurit. Di samping itu juga diperoleh hasil bahwa variabel yang paling kuat pengaruhnya terhadap komitmen kebangsaan adalah etika keprajuritan, kedua adalah motivasi prajurit, dan ketiga kepemimpinan. Abstract: This study aims to analyze and find out the effect of leadership, military ethics, and the motivation of soldiers on the national commitment of the Indonesian Army soldiers. The study was conducted at the Signal Battalion in the Directorate of Signal of the Indonesian Army in Jakarta. The effect of leadership, ethics, and motivation on national commitment is studied in the perspective of organizational behavior using a quantitative approach. Data were obtained by survey method on 83 soldiers with the rank of non-commissioned and enlisted as respondents. Each respondent was asked to answer 100 survey questions. Respondents' answers are quantified on a scale of one to five. Analysis of the data and test of the hypotheses of direct effects utilize Path Analysis techniques, while the test of the hypotheses of indirect effects utilizes the Sobel Test technique. The research found that (1) leadership has a positive direct effect on national commitment; (2) military ethics have a positive direct effect on national commitment; (3) soldier's motivation has a positive direct effect on national commitment; (4) leadership has a positive direct effect on soldiers' motivation; (5) military ethics has a positive direct effect on soldiers' motivation; (6) leadership has a positive indirect effect on national commitment through the soldiers' motivation; and (7) military ethics has a positive indirect effect on national commitment through the soldiers' motivation. In addition, results were also obtained that the most influencing variable on national commitment is military ethics, the second is soldiers' motivation, and the third is leadership