8 research outputs found

    Mathematical Probabilistic Thinking Process Stages in Problems Solving Probability

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    Probabilistic thinking is one type of thinking skills which belongs to the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Students need to have the probabilistic thinking ability to face the life which is full of uncertainty. The purpose of this research is to formulate the stages of mathematical probabilistic thinking processes in solving probability problems. It was a descriptive qualitative research involving eight students of the 9th grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta as the subjects. We administered a probabilistic thinking test and then observed and interviewed them to get the data. The data were then analyzed using triangulation method. This study resulted the five stages of mathematical probabilistic thinking process. They are: (1) understanding the problem of uncertainty that needs to be solved; (2) identifying all possibilities that will occur from a problem; (3) grouping the results of the identified event; (4) determining the probability of the occurred events; and (5) verifying the results

    Teachers' Performance in Science Learning Management Integrated with Character Education

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    The research aims at revealing the performance of teachers in science learning management integrated with character education. This study employed qualitative research method. Based on the result of the t-test of the correlation coefficient, this study obtained t value 4,210 with significance 0,001. The significance value 0,001 < 0,05 showed that there is influence from teachers' performance in arranging learning media integrated with character education to the teachers' performance in science learning. The conclusion of research stated that the performance of science teachers in junior high schools in Semarang City in integrating character education is categorized into a very good category with average score 85,05

    Mathematical Reflective Thinking Process of Prospective Elementary Teachers Review from the Disposition in Numerical Literacy Problems

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    The purpose of this qualitative research is to analyze the reflective thinking process of prospective elementary teacher in numeracy problems in terms of their mathematical disposition. The subjects in this study were 26 prospective elementary school teachers who had attended elementary mathematics lectures. The focus in this research is the process of mathematical reflective thinking in solving story problems of a two-variable linear equation system in terms of the level of mathematical disposition. The research instrument consisted of a disposition questionnaire, a reflective thinking ability test and the researcher himself as the main instrument. Good mathematical reflective thinking skills are supported by disposition, by constantly monitoring one&#39;s own performance, reflecting on one&#39;s own performance, reasoning on one&#39;s own performance, considering the overall situation, the habit of analyzing the relationship between variables, being flexible in various alternative solutions to mathematical problems and trying to solve mathematical problems. From the results of this study, lecturers can develop learning media, scaffolding, or teaching materials that accommodate different dispositional abilities of prospective teachers that can be used to improve the reflective thinking process

    Numerical Literacy and Math Self-Concept of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Elementary Schools

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    Numerical literacy is the knowledge and skill to use various numbers and basic mathematical symbols to solve life problems. Math self-concept is a student's assessment of their skills, abilities, enjoyment, and interest in mathematics. Both are essential elements that significantly affect the adjustment of one's knowledge and skills development. Children with special needs in inclusive elementary schools had not been facilitated by learning that accommodated literacy and math self-concept. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate the learning process for students with special needs. The first objective of this study was to determine the level of numerical literacy and math self-concept in inclusive elementary schools. The second objective of this research was to identify the implementation of differentiated learning, and the third was to develop learning designs for children with special needs. Furthermore, this research used the qualitative research method because more in-depth data exploration was needed regarding children with special needs. The instruments used were tests, questionnaires, and interviews. The qualitative data were collected and analyzed through exploration, identification, and description. This research contribution consisted of (1) a Detailed description of achievement of numerical literacy and math self-concept; (2) Implementation of differentiated learning in inclusive primary schools; and (3) Learning design for children with special needs. The main findings of this study is that numerical literacy and math self-concept of children with special needs in inclusive elementary schools could be facilitated by differentiated learning designs

    The Weaknesses of Euclidean Geometry: A Step of Needs Analysis of Non-Euclidean Geometry Learning Through an Ethnomathematics Approach

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    Non-Euclidean Geometry is a complex subject for students. It is necessary to analyze the weaknesses of Euclidean geometry to provide a basis for thinking about the need for learning non-Euclidean geometry. The starting point of learning must be close to students' local minds and culture. The purpose of this study is to describe the weaknesses of Euclidean geometry as a step in analyzing the needs of non-Euclidean geometry learning through an ethnomathematics approach. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods. The subjects of this study were students of Mathematics Education at State Islamic University (UIN) Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu, Indonesia. The researcher acts as a lecturer and the main instrument in this research. Researchers used a spatial ability test instrument to explore qualitative data. The data were analyzed qualitatively descriptively. The result of this research is that there are two weaknesses of Euclidean geometry, namely Euclid's attempt to define all elements in geometry, including points, lines, and planes. Euclid defined a point as one that has no part. He defined a line as length without width. The words "section", "length", and "width" are not found in Euclidean Geometry. In addition, almost every part of Euclid's proof of the theorem uses geometric drawings, but in practice, these drawings are misleading. Local culture and ethnomathematics approach design teaching materials and student learning trajectories in studying Non-Euclid Geometry

    The influence of statistical anxiety on statistic reasoning of pre-service mathematics teachers

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    The large number of statistical data present in everyday life makes statistical reasoning an absolute ability possessed by students. Meanwhile, the statistical reasoning is influenced by various cognitive and non-cognitive factors. This study emphasizes the influence of non-cognitive factors, which are the statistical anxiety. The purpose of this study is to describe the statistical anxiety of pre-service mathematics teacher and the influence of statistical anxiety on statistical reasoning. This research method is a mixed-method with sample of 33 pre-service teachers who are taking basic statistics courses. The instrument used in this study is a statistical anxiety questionnaire developed by Earp (2007) and a statistical reasoning test developed by Chan et al (2016). The result showed that the statistical anxiety of pre-service mathematics teachers was in the moderate level on the aspects of taking the courses, studying and practicing; and was in the higher level on the aspect of the examination. Statistical anxiety levels on every aspect are equally good for both men and women. Statistical anxiety does not directly affect the ability of statistical reasoning and it can only impair 0.1% of the statistical reasoning ability. On reasoning indicators and statistical anxiety indicators, there are relevant results between the statistical anxiety experienced by the pre-service teachers on the indicator for developing conclusions based on mathematical solutions, explaining statistical findings, and interpreting statistics with indicators on statistical reasoning; they areanalyzing and interpreting data

    Mathematical Probabilistic Thinking Process Stages in Problems Solving Probability

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    Probabilistic thinking is one type of thinking skills which belongs to the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Students need to have the probabilistic thinking ability to face the life which is full of uncertainty. The purpose of this research is to formulate the stages of mathematical probabilistic thinking processes in solving probability problems. It was a descriptive qualitative research involving eight students of the 9th grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta as the subjects. We administered a probabilistic thinking test and then observed and interviewed them to get the data. The data were then analyzed using triangulation method. This study resulted the five stages of mathematical probabilistic thinking process. They are: (1) understanding the problem of uncertainty that needs to be solved; (2) identifying all possibilities that will occur from a problem; (3) grouping the results of the identified event; (4) determining the probability of the occurred events; and (5) verifying the results

    Design of creative thinking test in geometry based on information processing taxonomy model

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    [English]: This paper describes how to develop a valid and reliable instrument for geometric creative thinking test based on the information processing taxonomy model. Using this model, geometry test can be classified in the level of creative thinking based on the information processing process of the mathematical knowledge they already have to solve problems according to the criteria at each hierarchical level. The development of the test instrument refers to Beyers (2011). A quantitative method was used to validate instruments through experts validation and instrument validation. The results showed that there was five geometry test that can be used to describe the student's creative thinking process at a different hierarchical level based on the information processing taxonomy. The results of this study can be a reference for teachers and other researchers to design mathematical test by paying attention to the hierarchical level of student's thinking abilities so that students with different abilities can solve problems which refer to their abilities. Keywords: Creative thinking,Geometry, Information processing taxonomy, Test design [Bahasa]: Artikel ini memaparkan tentang bagaimana menghasilkan instrumen yang valid dan reliabel untuk kemampuan berpikir kreatif geometris berdasarkan model taksonomi pemrosesan informasi. Dengan menggunakan model ini, soal geometri dapat diklasifikasikan dalam tingkatan berpikir kreatif siswa berdasarkan proses pengolahan informasi dari pengetahuan matematika yang telah mereka miliki untuk menyelesaikan masalah sesuai batas kriteria pada setiap tingkatannya. Pengembangan instrumen tes mengikuti langkah Beyers (2011). Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk memvalidasi instrumen soal yang melalui tahap validasi ahli dan validasi instrumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima butir soal geometri yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir kreatif siswa pada tingkatan hierarki yang berbeda berdasarkan model taksonomi pemrosesan informasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan untuk guru maupun para peneliti lain untuk menyusun soal matematika dengan memperhatikan tingkatan hierarki kemampuan berpikir siswa agar siswa dengan berbagai kemampuan yang berbeda dapat mengerjakan soal sesuai dengan kemampuan yang mereka miliki. Kata kunci: Berpikir kreatif, Geometri, Taksonomi pemrosesan informasi, Desain te