128 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Melalui Metode Bercerita Dengan Gambar Di Kelompok Bermain Harapan Bunda Ngabean Kedawung Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2011-2012

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi melalui metode bercerita dengan gambar di Kelompok Bermain Harapan Bunda Ngabean, Kedawung, Sragen. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dua siklus setiap siklusnya terdiri atas perencanaan (planning), pelaksanaan (acting), pengamatan (observing), dan refleksi (reflecting). Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Data yang dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik analisis dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian 14 anak. Peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi melalui metode bercerita dengan gambar dengan nilai ratarata kelas diperoleh data pada pra siklus, siklus I, siklus II adalah 5 anak, 8 anak, 11 anak atau prosentasenya adalah 39%, 57%, dan 80,4%. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan kegiatan berkomunikasi melalui metode bercerita dengan gambar dalam pembelajaran di Kelompok Bermain dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi pada anak di Kelompok Bermain Harapan Bunda Ngabean, Kedawung, Sragen

    The Settlement of Credit Due to Death

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    The debt burden is given to the heirs who are willing to accept the inheritance in full. The amount of the debt itself will be adjusted to the size of the inheritance received, outside of his own personal property. Of course, this debt shift will be a heavy burden. Especially if your own needs are already heavy. If indeed you are experiencing these problems, the methods below can help to pay off debts from deceased debtors. This research aim to: 1) To identify and analyze the implementation of the settlement of non-performing credits are collateralized with mortgage collateral while the owner died. 2) To identify and analyze the role of the Notary of the Installation Encumbrance with Certificate Name Properties that have made the process dies down to the Expert Heir based Justice. The data used in this study are primary data, secondary data and data that can support tertiary study, which was then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: 1) the implementation of the settlement of non-performing credits are collateralized with mortgage collateral while the owner died. 2) the role of the Notary of the Installation Encumbrance with Certificate Name Properties that have made the process dies down to the Expert Heir based Justice

    Restorative justice in Settlement of Criminal Action of Grievant Delicion

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    The objectives of this research are: To find out and analyze Restorative justice in the criminal law system in Indonesia. To find out and analyze the implementation of Restorative justice in the settlement of criminal complaints offenses. To find out and analyze the constraints on the implementation of Restorative justice in the settlement of criminal offenses complaints and their solutions.The method used by researchers isjuridical empirical legal approach and the specification in this research is including analytical descriptive. Based on the results of that research Restorative justice in the criminal law system in Indonesia, namely focusing on the needs of both victims and perpetrators of crimes. In addition, the Restorative justice approach helps criminals to avoid other crimes in the future. The implementation of Restorative justice in the settlement of criminal cases of complaint offenses at the Cirebon City Police using a retributive approach (retaliation) can shift to a restorative approach (recovery). The obstacle: The investigative authority granted by the Criminal Procedure Code. In the Criminal Procedure Code, investigators are given the authority to stop an investigation on the basis of the consideration that it is not a criminal act, insufficient evidence as a criminal act, and for the sake of the law. KUHAP regulates the withdrawal of reports or complaints only for certain cases, namely those which constitute offenses for complaints. The solution: In accordance with social jurispurdence theory. Propose to the highest leadership to formulate definite rules or organizational mission and the purpose of establishing a system (legalization) for the application of Restorative justice. Outreach to the community

    Police Role In The Effort Management And Control The Fight Between Youth In Making Public Order In The Blora Regency

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    Group fights criminal acts defined as crimes of violence together as provided for in Article 170 of the Criminal Code. Data from Blora Regency police indicate that a fight between youth always the case in every year in the Blora Regency. This study aims to determine the role of the police in handling and overcoming a fight between youth, barriers and solutions in realizing the public order in Blora. The method used is the juridical sociological, descriptive analytical research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data, while the data collection method is field studies and literature. Using data analysis methods of qualitative analysis. The analysis used as knife crime prevention theory, theory and the theory of the role of law enforcement. The results showed that the role of the police in handling and overcoming a fight between youth in realizing the public order in Blora is through the efforts of non penal (preventive) and attempts penal (repressive). Barriers arising in the treatment and prevention of fights between youth to realize the public order in Blora is the number of police personnel limited, the police difficult to present witnesses so that not all the perpetrators can be arrested, the third party to interfere in the settlement of the problem, and the lack of awareness Public.Keywords: Role; National Police; Prevention; Fights Between Youth

    Notary Authority in Installing Mortgage as Effort to Settle Bad Credit (Second Way Out)

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    The role of a notary is very important in helping to create legal certainty and protection for the community, because a notary as a general official has the authority to make authentic deeds, as long as the making of the authentic deed is not specific to other public officials. The implementation of the Deed of Granting Mortgage Rights to Banks is inseparable from the role of the Notary and Land Deed Making Official (PPAT). Activities between the bank and the debtor who transfer the Guarantee Rights guarantee are very interested in making an agreement between them. The approach method used in this study is a sociological juridical approach and is included in descriptive-analytical legal research. The data source used is primary data. The data source used a purposive sample which focuses on selected informants who are rich in cases for in-depth studies. The results of this study are as follows: (1) Installation of Mortgage with APHT which is the authority of the PPAT position in accordance with the provisions of the UUHT is sufficient to be preceded by an underhand Credit Agreement; (2) The notary has a preventive role in credit settlement, ensuring that the rights and obligations of the parties are equally well fulfilled and legally protected and (3) The legal consequence of the installation of the Mortgage is that the Bank can carry out an auction for the execution of the Mortgage through a second way out. If the debtor is stuck. Banks do not need to ask the debtor for approval if they are going to conduct an auction

    Investigation Process on Criminal Actions of Corruption of Village Fund

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    The purpose of this research To analyze processes investigation of the corruption crime of village funds in Tasikmalaya Regency, which encountered in investigating the corruption crime of village funds in Tasikmalaya Regency, To analyze what solutions investigators took in overcoming obstacles encountered in investigating criminal acts of village fund corruption in Tasikmalaya Regency. The approach method used is juridical normative and juridical socio-logical method, the specifications in the research are descriptive analytical, population and sampling methods are all objects or all symptoms or all events or all units to be studied, data collection techniques use literature study and interviews, data analysis used is qualitative. Research results: Proses investigating the corruption crime of village funds in Tasikmalaya Regency with the existence of a report, the Police carried out a series of investigative actions to find and find an event that was suspected of being a criminal act of corruption in order to determine whether or not an investigation could be carried out in a manner regulated by law. After an investigation is carried out and a criminal act of village fund corruption is found, it is upgraded to an investigation, namely a series of actions by the investigator in terms and according to the manner stipulated in law to seek and collect evidence, which with this evidence makes clear about the criminal act of fund corruption, village that happened and in order to find the suspect. The investigation process extended detention, searches and confiscations. Obstacles faced in carrying out criminal investigations at the Tasikmalaya Police: The suspect did not provide clear information, the witness's statement did not support the implementation of the investigation and the evidence to be submitted was incomplete. Efforts made in overcoming obstacles are as follows: The suspect must provide honest and clear information to the investigator regarding the sequence of events and objects of the criminal act of corruption and where it can be used as evidence to reveal criminal acts of corruption in village funds, Witnesses must be able to cooperate with investigators in provide honest and complete information, making it easier for investigators to uncover criminal acts of village fund corruption, Investigators must be able to find and collect evidence, at least 2 (two) pieces of evidence

    Notary Role in Implementing the Credit Agreement and Process of Binding Liability

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    The objectives of this research are: 1) To determine the role of the Notary in implementing the credit agreement and binding Mortgage Rights, 2) To find out the obstacles faced by the Notary in implementing the credit agreement and binding the Mortgage, 3) To find out the solutions provided by the Notary in implementing the credit agreement and binding Mortgage Rights. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data collection, which can support the assessment, which is then analyzed using a sociological approach. Based on the research results concluded that: 1) The role of the Notary in the implementation and process of binding Mortgage Rights lies in his responsibility. Namely the responsibility for the credit agreement deed made by him and the legal protection of the parties involved in the deed if there is a dispute between the parties in the future, then that becomes a reference for the authorized legal official., 2) Constraints faced by the Notary such as the inability of the parties, the difficulty of the parties in completing the terms of the credit agreement and bonding of Mortgage Rights, the registration process of Mortgage Rights at BPN which is too long, 3) The solution provided by the Notary is to reschedule the implementation of the credit agreement or authorize another party if unable to attend, complete the requirements credit agreement and bonding of Mortgage Rights by asking for help from a Notary partner, charging fees to the Customer to speed up the registration process at BP

    Analysis On Drug Crime Distribution (G List) Kind Of Narcotics (Case Study In Court Decision In Region III Cirebon)

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    The problems of this study are: 1) How is the consideration and commitment of judges in the State Court in lowering the crime of trafficking of drudgs (G List)? 2) What are the constraints in finding criminal offense trafficking of drudgs (G List)? 3) How do the efforts and solutions should be executed against the crime of trafficking of drudgs (G List)? Method sociological approach juridical law and specification in this study were included descriptive qualitative, The sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from interviews with field studies Security Chief Penitentiary (KPLP) Narcotics Prison Cirebon, And secondary data obtained from the study of literature. The problems studied by the theory of law enforcement, legal protection and law enforcement.Results of the discussion concluded: Considerations and commitment of judges in the State Court in lowering the crime of trafficking of drudgs (G List) is to explicitly give appropriate consideration to the evidence in court, and a commitment to provide deserving punishment against criminal trafficking of drudgs G List. Obstacles in finding criminal offense trafficking of drudgs (G List) can be divided into the causes of the dealers and the causes of the user side, while the limiting factor of the dealers, namely Factors Poor Understanding of Law, Economic Factors, Environmental Factors Society, Factor Surveillance as well as factor constraints of the users, namely lack of evidence to arrest and lack Guide Report from Community. Efforts and solutions should be executed against the crime of trafficking of drudgs (G List) is through legal counseling on the dangers of drug distribution of G List, Doing arrest on drug users G List then perform a search pusher G List, Cooperate with BPOM in drug distribution of G List.Keywords: Crime; Distribution; Drug; G List; Narcotics

    Problems Solving of Credit with Liability Which Owner Has Died

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    The purpose of this study was to: 1) To identify and analyze the implementation of the settlement of non-performing credits are collateralized with mortgage collateral while the owner died. 2) To identify and analyze the role of the Notary of the Installation Encumbrance with Certificate Name Properties that have made the process dies down to the Expert Heir based Justice. The data used in this study are primary data, secondary data and data that can support tertiary study, which was then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: 1) the implementation of the settlement of non-performing credits are collateralized with mortgage collateral while the owner died. 2) the role of the Notary of the Installation Encumbrance with Certificate Name Properties that have made the process dies down to the Expert Heir based Justice.