162 research outputs found

    Nutritional Value Composition Of Lamun Fruit Enhalus Acoroides From Samboang Beach, Bulukumba District, Sulawesi Selatan

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    As the main producer, seagrass leaves are the main food for several marine animals such as turtles and dugongs, while seagrass fruit which contains soft seeds can be consumed as food for humans, but it is not very popular and there is not much information regarding the nutritional content of seagrass fruit. One species of seagrass that is often found in the waters of Samboang Beach, Bulukumba Regency is the Enhalus acoroides species. This research aims to determine the proximate and essential metal content of Enhalus acoroides seagrass fruit taken from Samboang coastal waters, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. Determination of proximates, namely proteins, was carried out using the Kjeldahl method, fats using the extraction method with n-hexane solvent and essential metals, and while determination of essential metal content using the atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. The results of this research show that the water content is 87%, the ash content is 0.76%, the protein content is 1.2%, the fat content is 0.66% and the carbohydrate content is 10.38%. The essential metal test results show zinc (Zn) levels of 5.32 ppm, iron (Fe) of 7.2 ppm, and cobalt (Co) of 0.11 ppm. Keywords: Enhalus acoroides, proximate, protein, Samboang beach, essential Abstrak Sebagai produsen utama, daun lamun merupakan makanan utama dari beberapa hewan laut seperti penyu dan dugong sedangkan buah lamun yang mengandung biji yang lunak dapat dikonsumsi sebagai pangan untuk manusia, tetapi belum begitu populer dan informasi terkait kandungan gizi dari buah lamun tersebut belum banyak ditemukan. Salah satu spesies lamun yang banyak ditemukan di perairan Pantai Samboang Kabupaten Bulukumba adalah dari jenis Enhalus acoroides. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kandungan proksimat dan logam esensial dari buah lamun Enhalus acoroides yang diambil dari perairan pantai Samboang Kabupaten Bulukumba Sulawesi Selatan. Penentuan proksimat yaitu protein dilakukan dengan metode kjeldahl, lemak menggunakan metode ekstraksi dengan pelarut n-heksan dan logam esensial, sedangkan penentuan kandungan logam esensial dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri serapan atom. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kadar air sebesar 87%, kadar abu sebesar 0.76%, kadar  protein sebesar 1.2 %, kadar lemak sebesar 0.66% dan kadar karbohidrat sebesar  10.38 %. Pada hasil pengujian logam esensial menunjukkan kadar logam zink (Zn) sebesar 5.32 ppm, besi (Fe) sebesar 7.2 ppm dan kobalt (Co) sebesar 0.11 ppm Keywords: Enhalus acoroides, proksimat, protein, Samboang beach, essensia

    Density and Spread Pattern of Carnivore Plant (Nepenthes spp.) In The Area of Sebomban Hill Bonti District, Sanggau

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    Nepenthes spp. is kind of plant that arranged ecosystem in West Kalimantan, especially in the Sebomban hill area, Sanggau Regency. But, its existence is threatened so that several species are included in the endangered category according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The research aims to determine species, community structure, anddistribution patterns of Nepenthes spp. in the area of Sebomban hill, Bonti District, Sanggau Regency. The research method used purposive samplingand systematic sampling with transect. The results showed that there are 3 types of Nepenthes spp. namely N. ampullaria, N. mirabilis and N, gracilis. The density value of Nepenthes spp. ranged from 10 - 45 individual/ ha. The index of importance value of Nepenthes spp. ranged from 42% - 134%, the highest value being Nepenthes ampullaria in location III, while the lowest value was found in location I, namely N. gracilis. All Nepenthes spp. those found at the research location have a pattern of distribution as clustered

    Laju Pertumbuhan Kappaphycus alvarezii Metode Keramba Bambu Apung Kurungan di Melanau Barat Pulau Lemukutan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui laju pertumbuhan rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dan korelasi pertumbuhan rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dengan parameter lingkungan fisika dan kimia perairan. Penelitian ini menggunakan bibit rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii hasil kultur jaringan dengan berat awal 80 g (berat basah) selama 50 hari penanaman. Metode budidaya yang digunakan yaitu keramba bambu apung kurungan. Hasil penelitian memperoleh pertumbuhan rumput laut dengan nilai berat akhir 292,18 g, pertumbuhan mutlak 212,18 g dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik 5,3% per hari. Hasil korelasi parameter lingkungan arus, kedalaman dan kecerahan menunjukkan korelasi kuat dan parameter lingkungan DO, salinitas, suhu, pH, nitrat, dan fosfat menunjukkan korelasi sangat kuat.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui laju pertumbuhan rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dan korelasi pertumbuhan rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dengan parameter lingkungan fisika dan kimia perairan. Penelitian ini menggunakan bibit rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii hasil kultur jaringan dengan berat awal 80 g (berat basah) selama 50 hari penanaman. Metode budidaya yang digunakan yaitu keramba bambu apung kurungan. Hasil penelitian memperoleh pertumbuhan rumput laut dengan nilai berat akhir 292,18 g, pertumbuhan mutlak 212,18 g dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik 5,3% per hari. Hasil korelasi parameter lingkungan arus, kedalaman dan kecerahan menunjukkan korelasi kuat dan parameter lingkungan DO, salinitas, suhu, pH, nitrat, dan fosfat menunjukkan korelasi sangat kuat


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    Seagrass has a function as the main producer in waters and also has an ecological function, namely as a habitat for various marine biota to spawn and find food, as well as absorbing carbon and filtering pollutants so that the health of the surrounding waters can be maintained. As the main producer, seagrass leaves are the main food for several marine animals such as turtles and dugongs, while seagrass fruit which contains soft seeds can be consumed as food for humans, but it is not very popular and there is not much information regarding the nutritional content of seagrass fruit. One species of seagrass that is often found in the waters of Samboang Beach, Bulukumba Regency is the Enhalus acoroides species. This research aims to determine the proximate and essential metal content of Enhalus acoroides seagrass fruit taken from Samboang coastal waters, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. Determination of proximates, namely proteins, was carried out using the Kjeldahl method, fats using the extraction method with n-hexane solvent and essential metals, while determination of essential metal content used the atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. The results of this research show that the water content is 87%, the ash content is 0.76%, the protein content is 1.2%, the fat content is 0.66% and the carbohydrate content is 10.38%. The essential metal test results show zinc (Zn) levels of 5.32 ppm, iron (Fe) of 7.2 ppm and cobalt (Co) of 0.11 ppm.Seagrass has a function as the main producer in waters and also has an ecological function, namely as a habitat for various marine biota to spawn and find food, as well as absorbing carbon and filtering pollutants so that the health of the surrounding waters can be maintained. As the main producer, seagrass leaves are the main food for several marine animals such as turtles and dugongs, while seagrass fruit which contains soft seeds can be consumed as food for humans, but it is not very popular and there is not much information regarding the nutritional content of seagrass fruit. One species of seagrass that is often found in the waters of Samboang Beach, Bulukumba Regency is the Enhalus acoroides species. This research aims to determine the proximate and essential metal content of Enhalus acoroides seagrass fruit taken from Samboang coastal waters, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. Determination of proximates, namely proteins, was carried out using the Kjeldahl method, fats using the extraction method with n-hexane solvent and essential metals, while determination of essential metal content used the atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. The results of this research show that the water content is 87%, the ash content is 0.76%, the protein content is 1.2%, the fat content is 0.66% and the carbohydrate content is 10.38%. The essential metal test results show zinc (Zn) levels of 5.32 ppm, iron (Fe) of 7.2 ppm and cobalt (Co) of 0.11 ppm

    Individual Incentives versus Team Performance: Lessons from a Game of Charades

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    In this article, we describe a modified game of Charades that was developed to facilitate a discussion on the basic principles of effective reward system design. Students are organized into small groups. Incentive schemes are then manipulated so that one player within the group strives for an individual incentive, while the rest of the team play for a group reward. Through this simple and “fun” activity, students learn firsthand what happens when individual and team interests and incentives are not aligned. This experiential learning activity also offers excellent opportunities to discuss group dynamics, communication and coordination, and the importance of maintaining a systemic view of organizational performance

    Individual Incentives versus Team Performance: Lessons from a Game of Charades

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    In this article, we describe a modified game of Charades that was developed to facilitate a discussion on the basic principles of effective reward system design. Students are organized into small groups. Incentive schemes are then manipulated so that one player within the group strives for an individual incentive, while the rest of the team play for a group reward. Through this simple and “fun” activity, students learn firsthand what happens when individual and team interests and incentives are not aligned. This experiential learning activity also offers excellent opportunities to discuss group dynamics, communication and coordination, and the importance of maintaining a systemic view of organizational performance


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the identification of sea urchin collagen on the quality of the yield produced and the absorption function group of FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red). The results of the analysis of the yield value of collagen extract using hydrochloric acid solvent concentration of 1 % was 0.49 %, 3 % was 0.76 %, 5 % was 0.62 %. Then additional collagen extraction was carried out at the concentration with the best results to identify the quality of the collagen. The identification results in the water content value of 21.31 %, ash content of 42.8 %, and the results of the FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) wave number for Amide A of 3448.72 cm-1,Amide B of 2924.09 cm-1, Amide I of 1641.42 cm-1, Amide II of 1539.20 cm-1, Amide III of 1228.66 cmThe purpose of this study was to determine the results of the identification of sea urchin collagen on the quality of the yield produced and the absorption function group of FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red). The results of the analysis of the yield value of collagen extract using hydrochloric acid solvent concentration of 1 % was 0.49 %, 3 % was 0.76 %, 5 % was 0.62 %. Then additional collagen extraction was carried out at the concentration with the best results to identify the quality of the collagen. The identification results in the water content value of 21.31 %, ash content of 42.8 %, and the results of the FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) wave number for Amide A of 3448.72 cm-1,Amide B of 2924.09 cm-1, Amide I of 1641.42 cm-1, Amide II of 1539.20 cm-1, Amide III of 1228.66 c


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    Macroalgae or known as seaweed is one of the potential resources and is responsible for primary productivity in marine waters. Macroalgae plays an important role in marine ecosystems, provides food, oxygen, and habitat for several types of marine biota. Moreover, macroalgae have been reported as renewable resources in marine environment and widely used in various fields. The biodiversity and abundance of macroalgae are strongly influenced by aquatic environmental factors. Lemukutan Island is the largest inhabited island located in Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan and has the potential natural resources, including macroalgae. This Island can become a center for producing macroalgae that can be used to meet food needs both locally and domestically. The main objective of this study were to determine the community structure of macroalgae and the condition of the environmental physico-chemical parameters. The sampling locations were carried out in-situ at three stations and the determination of the sampling site was done by purposive random sampling method, by selecting an area based on the presence of macroalgae. The sampling of macroalgae was carried out using a quadratic transect with size of 10x10 m2 and the water quality parameters were measured using the AZ 8603 of WQC instrument. The study found 6 genera of macroalgae, such as Caulerpa, Halimeda, Padina, Turbinaria, Sargassum, and Gracillaria. Among the identified macroalgae, Phaeophyceae have the highest per cent contribution (50%), and Padina had the highest abundance (29.84 ind/m2). Lemukutan Island waters had a moderate level of diversity, high macroalgae uniformity, and dominance index in the low category. The aquaatic environmental factors influenced the abundance of macroalgae in Lemukutan Island waters.
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