23 research outputs found


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    Development of e-commerce systems of Society of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Karya Mandiri is one of main activities of the program implementation on utilization of science and technology in Pesarean Village, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency, which aims to improve the competitiveness of SMEs in order to promote, market and sell products of metal crafts, such as agricultural equipment, construction, household appliances and motor vehicle accessories to internet users without limited space and time through the website. Development of SMEs e- commerce systems uses methods of software development life cycle consisting of analysis and definition for system requirements, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, also operation and maintenance. In the current research, SMEs e-commerce system was developed based on an open source software that is using the programming language PHP version 5.4.3 and html, My SQL database server versions 5.5.24, and Apache version 2.2.22. Result of the development of e-commerce systems is in form of SMEs e-commerce website Karya Mandiri which can be accessed through the Internet


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    Sebagai upaya untuk memberikan gambaran secara utuh melalui panorama 3600 tentang keanekaragaman tumbuh-tumbuhan dan memperkenalkan keindahan alam kebun raya, maka dikembangkan aplikasi Virtual Tour Kebun Raya Bogor – LIPI. Pengembangan aplikasi tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai media diseminasi dan literasi digital iptek untuk masyarakat. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan gambar panorama 3600 dengan infografis yang berisi informasi tumbuh-tumbuhan yang sedang ditampilkan. Gambar panorama 3600 diambil melalui foto panorama 3600 yang dihasilkan lewat kamera 3600 kemudian diproses aplikasi PTGui untuk menghasilkan foto panorama yang lebih baik kemudian diintegrasikan menggunakan aplikasi Panotour Pro untuk menghubungkan jalur navigasi dari foto-foto panorama 3600 yang telah dikumpulkan. Pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan metodologi Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) yang tahapannya terdiri dari 6 tahap, yaitu konsep, desain, pengumpulan bahan, pembuatan (assembly), pengujian dan distribusi. Hasil kegiatan berupa aplikasi virtual tour Kebun Raya Bogor LIPI berbasis web dan bisa dijalankan melalui perangkat headset virtual reality

    Perilaku Mekanik Balok-T Beton Bertulang Hibrida Dengan Bukaan Pada Badan Akibat Beban Monotonik

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    ABSTRAK Test result on two hybrid T-beams, partially constructed of light weight concrete are presented and discussed M this paper. The specimens were of similar dimensions, subjected to monotonic loading. An opening was provided in the web of the beams, in the high shear region and the high flexural-shear region, respectively. The behavior of the beams are described in terms of their performance with respect to crack patterns, ultimate capacity, mode of failure, stiffness, and ductility. Test results indicate that the ultimate capacity of beams with web opening in the high shear region is lower, however the deflection and curvature ductilities are higher than those of beams with web opening in the high flexure-shear region. Keywords : T-hewn, hybrid reinforced concrete, web opening, monotonic loading, stiffness , and ductilit

    Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Web Opening Dimension on the Behavior of R/C Hybrid Deep T-Beam Subjected to Pure Torsion

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    . An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of web opening dimension on the behavior of reinforced concrete hybrid deep T-beam subjected to pure torsion. Four reinforced concrete hybrid deep T-beams were tested under pure torsion, where the three beams with different dimension of circular web opening and the other beam without opening as a reference beam. The testing program and experimental results are presented. The results show that dimension of circular web opening with diameter more than 100 mm significantly reduces the cracking and ultimate torque. It is also shown that the angle of crack inclination with respect to the longitudinal axis of the beam increases with the increase of web opening dimension

    Experimental Study On The Effect Of Web Opening Location On The Behavior Of Reinforced Concrete Hybrid Deep T-Beam Subjected To Pure Torsion âVarious Location In Vertical Direction

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    ABSTRAK Three reinforced concrete hybrid deep T-beams with circular web openings were tested under pure torsion. The beams were cast of normal weight concrete (NWC) webs and light weight concrete (LWC)flanges. The opening was placed at beam mid span. The main parameter considered in this study was the location of web opening in vertical direction. The results show that generally all beams give no significant difference in torque strength, twist capability and torsional stiffness. Keywords : Reinforced Concrete Hybrid Deep T-Beam, Web Opening Location, Crack Pattern, Cracking Torque, Torque Strength, Twist capability and Torsional Stiffness

    Utilization of e-book 3-dimensions information systems based on google analytics

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    The use of information and communication technology has become a necessity for people to search for information and information published in 3-dimensional e-book media, which has been widely used in information retrieval. This paper aims to determine the use of 3-dimensional e-Books produced by the Directorate of Repository, Multimedia, and Scientific Publishing-National Information Research Agency. The method used in this research is the Google Analytics method, an application that provides information on the results of data collection (data mining) using the web using page tag techniques. With Google Analytics, the collected data related to acquisition and user behavior on the web can be analyzed to be used as a goal, reference, and reliable data. The results showed that there were 304 (three hundred and four) titles of 3-dimensional E-Books produced, which were grouped into 12 categories. Users of 3-dimensional E-Books are spread across 12 (twelve) countries. The two countries that use the most are Indonesia, with 2,718 users (94.05%), followed by America with 72 users (2.49%). Meanwhile, the two most widely used 3-dimensional e-book categories were the tourism category with 625 (31.2%) and animal husbandry and agriculture 421 (21.0%). Considering that users of this 3-dimensional e-book are scattered in various countries, it is recommended that the production of this 3-dimensional e-book can be continued


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    Sampai saat ini penggunaan beton bertulang sebagai bahan struktur sangat dominan. Hal ini disebabkan karena cara pembuatan cukup sederhana dan mudah, dengan kekuatan yang cukup andal. Seperti diketahui, bahwa konsep perhitungan beton bertulang dalam keadaan elastis didasarkan pada stadium retak. Namun demikian  perjalanan dari keadaan utuh sampai retak pada beton tersebut, terjadi secara getas dan pada beban yang relatif rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena kekuatan tarik beton jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan kekuatan tekannya. Untuk mengetahui dampak retak pada beton bertulang ini, telah dilakukan percobaan-percobaan pada balok beton yang mempunyai penampang segi 4 dan dibebani dengan lentur murni. Percobaan-percobaan ini dilakukan di laboratorium struktur. Departement  de Genie Civil, INSA-Toufouse, Peranci


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    Sudah merupakan sifat dari beton, bahwa kekuatan tariknya jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kekuatan tekannya, seingga beton ini diutamakan untuk menahan gaya-gaya tekan. Secara umum persyaratan-persyaratan yang diminta dalam struktur beton memang dititik bertakan pada kekuatan tekan dari beton (fc'). Untuk memperkirakan kekuatan tekan tersebut, kita melaksanakan uji tekan sampai hancur pada benda-benda uji yang berupa silinder atau kubus dan untuk melaksanakan uji tekan ini sangat sederhana. Kadang-kadang ada juga permintaan, bukan saja kekuatan tekannya, tetapi kekuatan tariknya juga disyaratkan, misalnya untuk perkerasan jalan atau pavement lapangan terbang. Ternyata bahwa pelaksanaan percobaan untuk memperkirakan besarnya kekuatan tarik beton tidak semudah seperti percobaan kekuatan tekannya. Untuk mendapatkan beberapa informasi mengenai masalah ini, telah dilakukan beberapa percobaan di Laboratorium Struktur, Departemenet de Genie Civil, INSA-Toulouse, Perancis dan di Laboratorium beton Lembaga Politeknik Pekerjaan Umum ITB Bandung


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    Tulisan ini menyajikan satu cara perhitungan komposisi campuran beton yang sangat praktis untuk mendapatkan beton mutu tinggi, misalnya K - 400, namun pelaksanaan pekerjaannya tidak memerlukan peralatan yang khusus dengan ketelitian yang tinggi, dan sejumlah semen maksimum tidak lebih dari 400 kg/m3. Cara seperti ini akan meberikan kemudahan untuk membuat beton dengan mutu tinggi di tempat pekerjaan (site) dimana saja berada, meskipun jumlah kubikasi betonnya kecil. Hal ini mengingat karena penggunaan ready mix tidak selalu memungkinkan


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    Tulisan ini disajikan untuk memperkenalkan prosedur perhitungan beton pratengang parsial. Sekali pun sudah banyak tulisan secara teoristis mengenai beton pratengang parsial, namun pengunaan praktis, masih perlu suatu sistematika  yang sudah di cerna