78 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Infus Beberapa Tanaman Obat terhadap Tekanan Darah dan Faal Jantung Kucing

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    The 10 percent infusion of Sericoccalyx crispus BL administered intravenously at dose 1 ml/kg did not alter the cardiovascular system of the anaesthetized cat. Piper betle LINN and Euphatorium triplinerve VAHL at the same dose of administration decreased the blood pressure with short onset and duration. One milliliter of a 10 percent infusion of Curcuma domestica VAHL decreased the blood pressure of the anaesthetized cat slowly and lasting about 3 hours reaching its maximal depression at one hour after injection. The action on the heart rate, contractility and autonomic ganglion is not clear. A direct action, after reaction of substance or after formation of a substance, on the blood vessels is sugested to be the most probable mechanism of action of this crude infusion of Curcuma domestica

    Keuntungan Maksimum Usaha Nelayan di Kecamatan Balikpapan Timur

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    The objective of this research is to know how many profit maximum of level production fisherman business in East Balikpapan Region at February 2012. The population of this research is fisherman in East Balikpapan Region. The instrument of analysis to used is to profit maximum technique and helped with SPSS 17.0.The result of analysis above, which is profit maximum of fisherman business in East Balikpapan Region is significant. H0 acceptance and H1 rejected. However, not achieve a maximum profit because perpetrator too much volume production who step over limit volume production maximum

    Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Anak Jalanan Kota Samarinda

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    The purpose of this research is to find out about the social economic characteristics of child hobo in Samarinda City. Using qualitative methods, sampling use accidental sampling. Obtained data from observation, interview, and documentation will be recorded in field notes which usually contains two aspects which is descriptive and reflective records. Findings from this child hobo characteristics researchs shows that most of them on age 6 to 18 years old consists of 50% boys and 50% girls. These childs Hobo, 80,5% dropped out and 19,4% stays on school. Most of these kids origins is from Celebes 66,7%, and few of them came from Borneo 25%. Even fewer came from Nusa Tenggara Timur and Java. The majority of these child hobo still had their family intact, so that 80,6% of them still lives with their respective parents. Based on jobs, 75% worked as street performers, 19,44% as newspaper seller and 5,56% as asongan seller . This jobs is one of the most promising because they need less to none talent and finesse. Most of them 52,78% works 6 to 10 hours a day with earnings about 20 to 50 thousands rupiah a day 50%

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Dokter Umum Mengenai Leptospirosis Dan Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya

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    Latar Belakang : Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kejadian leptospirosis tinggi dan peringkat ketiga untuk mortalitas akibat leptospirosis. Kota Semarang sendiri termasuk daerah endemik leptospirosis dimana selalu terjadi kasus leptospirosis dalam 3 tahun terakhir secara berturut-turut. Dewasa ini telah banyak pustaka dan penelitian mengenai leptospirosis. Namun, kasus leptospirosis masih underdiagnosed dan underreported. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan ketidaktepatan pemberian terapi sehingga dapat memperburuk keadaan pasien.Tujuan : Menilai tingkat pengetahuan dokter umum yang berpraktik di puskesmas di Kota Semarang mengenai leptospirosis dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan dokter umum tersebut.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah semua dokter umum fungsional yang berpraktik di puskesmas di kota Semarang berusia ≤ 60 tahun. Sampel tidak sedang mengambil PPDS dan tidak berpraktik di rumah sakit. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji x2.Hasil : Sebanyak 23 orang (38,3%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik, 33 orang (33%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan cukup, dan 4 orang (6,7%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang. Tidak didapatkan pengaruh yang bermakna antara usia (p = 0,602), asal institusi pendidikan kedokteran (p = 0,604), pengalaman seminar (p = 0,098), dan endemisitas lingkungan praktik (p = 0,443) terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dokter umum mengenai leptospirosis.Simpulan : Tingkat pengetahuan dokter umum yang berpraktik di puskesmas di Kota Semarang mengenai leptospirosis termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Faktor usia, asal institusi pendidikan kedokteran, pengalaman seminar, dan endemisitas lingkungan praktik tidak mempengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan dokter umum secara bermakna


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the Financial Performance Credit Unions New Interest inNamosain Kupang in The analysis technique used is the Quantitative Descriptive describe and explain thecircumstances Cooperative performance in 2011 and 2012 and did an explanation of the results. Analysistools used are financial ratios to approach PEARLS. The study of cooperative performance in 2011 ofProtection components shows the results of 64.74%, this value into the category of good performance,efective Financial Structure 24.27%, this value into the category of performance Less Good, QualityAsets 123.63%, The values in the category of very good performance, rate of return on cost 51.73%where the value is in the category of performance is quite good, Liquidity 41.92%%, this value into thecategory of performance is quite good, Signs of Growth 39.92 % where the value is in the category of lessgood performance. Thus, the performance of the Cooperative New Interest in 2011 was in the category ofreasonably well with a value of 57.70%. The study of cooperative performance in 2011 shows that theProtection shows the results of 54.31%, this value into the category of performance is quite good, efectiveFinancial Structure 25.98%, this value into the category of performance Less Good, Quality Asets157.18% , this value into the category of very good performance, rate of return on cost of 96.84% wherethe value is in the category of very good performance, Liquidity 21.64%, this value into the category ofless good performance, Signs of Growth 33.30 %, the value is in the category of performance than Good.Thus, the performance of the Cooperative New Interest in the year 2012 is included in the GOODcategory with a value of 64.85%, this means an increase of cooperative performance is good enough to begood Cooperative Performance New Interest in 2011 was in the category Good Enough for a value of57.70%, and the performance of cooperative New Interest in 2012 in the category of a good with a valueof 64.85%. The results showed Protection for 2011 and 2012 in both categories, it is advisable to beincreased next year by increasing reserve funds and reduce the risk of total loans negligence. The resultsshowed Rate of return on cost for 2011 and 2012 in the category No Good, it is suggested that thiscondition can be corrected in the next year, by way of increasing the value of the return on investment inloans

    Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasi dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasi melalui Komitmen Organisasi dan Kepuasan Kerja

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between variables of organizational justice, organizational culture, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior at PT. Pos Indonesian. The use of these variables with the results of previous studies provide reason for the different conclusions, there is theory that direct effect and did not. For example justice organizations significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, and also say is not significant. Besides, these variables are expected to change for the better in improving the fairness of the organization and the organizational culture of the OCB through commitment and job satisfaction at PT. Pos Indonesian. The population's research was all employees of PT. Pos using simple random method, so that the members of a population of 130 employees, the research sample of 100 people.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel keadilan organisasi, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi, kepuasan kerja dengan perilaku kewargaan organisasi di PT. Pos Indonesia. Penggunaan variabel-variabel tersebut dengan alasan hasil penelitian terdahulu memberikan kesimpulan yang berbeda-beda, ada yang mengatakan berpengaruh langsung dan juga tidak. Misalnya keadilan organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku kewargaan organisasi, dan juga ada yang mengatakan tidak signifikan. Disamping itu variabel-variabel tersebut diharapkan memberi Perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik dalam meningkatkan keadilan organisasi dan budaya organisasi terhadap OCB melalui komitmen dan kepuasan kerja pada PT. Pos Indonesia. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan PT. Pos dengan menggunakan metode acak sederhana, sehingga anggota populasi yang berjumlah 130 orang karyawan yang dijadikan sampel penelitian 100 orang

    Efforts to Reduce River Water Discharge through Land Use Control (Case Study: Upstream Ciliwung Watershed, Indonesia)

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    Land-use change is the main cause of high runoff compared to other factors. The type of land use also plays a role in determining the amount of runoff that occurs. The Upstream Ciliwung watershed is blamed as the main causes of the flood disaster in Jakarta, the capital city. The land use in the upper stream has changed and causes increasing of run off to be higher than the capacity of river to drain it. This study aims to explore the land use changes of the Upstream Ciliwung Watershed from 1996 to 2016 and their consequences on the stream run off. Furthermore, the study also recommends the efforts needed to reduce river water discharge. The land use changes are identified by using spatial analysis method. The calculation of run off uses the rational method. Average rainfall data for every ten years is calculated by use of Gumbell distribution formula. The study shows that in the period 1996 – 2016, there was a change in land use in the upstream Ciliwung watershed. The area that continues to decline includes primary forest, open land, paddy fields, shrubs, and mixed gardens, all of which are categorized as undeveloped areas. The runoff discharge from 1996 – 2016 has increased from 278.77 to 465.57 mm/second that indicate runoff discharge is already in the Standby I position. Efforts that need to be made to reduce runoff water flow in the Ciliwung watershed are: 1) consistently develop and control land use change in the area based on the Jabodetabekpunjur Spatial Planning 2) consistently apply the building coverage ratio (BCR) regulation; 3) construct engineering and technology approach such as build infiltration wells in settlement, 4) forest rehabilitation and 5) conducting law enforcement


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman H2SO4 dan Ukuran biji terhadap perkecambahan tembesu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Oktober 2021 di Laboratorium Kehutanan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan dua Faktor yaitu lama perendaman H2SO4 5 menit, 15 menit, 25 menit dan Ukuran Biji Tembesu yaitu Ukuran Besar, Ukuran Sedang, dan Ukuran Kecil. Unit percobaan berjumlah 36 unit dengan jumlah ulangan 4 dan masing-masing terdiri dari 100 benih. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari selama 56 hari perkecambahan. Variabel perkecambahn yang diamati adalah persentase kecambah, daya kecambah, kecepatan berkecambah, dan panjang kecambah. Variable sifat fisik buah dan biji yang diukur antara lain diameter, berat basah, berat kering, dan kadar air. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa lama perendaman dengan H2SO4 1% dan ukuran biji berpengaruh nyata terhadap variabel pengamatan persentase kecambah, daya kecambah, dan panjang kecambah sedangkan pada variabel pengamatan kecepatan berkecambah tidak berpengaruh nyata. Perlakuan lama perendaman 15 menit memiliki rata-rata tertinggi terhadap persentase kecambah 75%, daya kecambah 55.67%, kecepatan berkecambah 1.447%/etmal, dan panjang kecambah 0.504 cm. Ukuran biji yang memiliki rata-rata tertinggi yaitu biji yang berukuran besar dengan persentase kecambah 77%, daya kecambah 56.50%, kecepatan berkecambah 1.506%/etmal, dan panjang kecambah 0.665 cm

    Occupational Health Profiles among Informal Sector Workers in Jepara, Central Java

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    Background: Every industry presents various kinds of safety hazards to its employees. The spectrum of possible occupational safety risks ranges from severe and immediate physical dangers to milder hazards. Occupational accidents directly impact the company’s bottom line. An injured employee easily means countless lost man hours and quickly adds up to not only billion rupiahs in company’s expenses. This study aimed to describe occupational health profiles among informal sector workers in Jepara, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Plajan village, Jepara, Central Java. A total of 58 informal sector workers were selected for this study. The dependent variable was occupational health. The independent variables were personal protective equipment (PPE), PPE use, occupational disease, work accident, availability of occupational safety and health regulations, smoking prohibition, availability of health workers, availability of the national health insurance (NHI)/BPJS personnel, availability of first aid box, water supply and toilet. The data were collected by questionnaire and described in percent. Results: Out of 58 informal workers under study, 41 (70.68 %) worked in the wood craft industry. PPE was available in 25 (43.1%) locations. PPE use was 2 (3.4%). Occupational accidents and illness occurred in 52 locations. Occupational illnesses included cough (10.3%), eye irritation (27.2%), and hand irritation (10.3%). Causes of occupational accidents included sharp equipment or machine (89.6%) and fire (3.4%). Occupational health and safety regulation was available at 3 (6.8%) locations. Smoking prohibition, health workers, and the NHI personnel, were absent. First aid boxes were available in 31% locations. Water supply and toilet were available at all locations. Conclusion: Occupational health and safety remain sub-optimal among informal sector workers, which require close attention from the management. Keywords: occupational health, safety, accident, informal sector workers
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