83 research outputs found

    Acta Medica Indonesiana - The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine 153 Malignant Pleural Effusion in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Hepatitis B Virus Infection

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    Pleural effusions can be the first presentation of a hematologic malignancy. The most common disorders with pleural effusion are Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma with a frequency of 20 to 30%, especially if mediastinal involvement. Acute and chronic leukemia are rarely accompanied by pleural involvement. We describe a 46-year-old female with history of progressive dyspnoea. Physical examination was revealed massive left pleural effusion. Complete blood count revealed anemia, trombositopenia and normal leucocyte count. Viral serology test shown positive of HBsAg and total antiHBc. Chest X-ray revealed left pleural effusion. Pleural fluid cytology was myeloblast consistent with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Bone marrow aspiration smear, bone marrow biopsy smear, and flow cytometry analysis were consistent with acute myeloid leukemia without maturation (AML M0-FAB classification). Key words: Acute myeloid leukemia, pleural effusion, infection

    Pronomina Bahasa Jawa Tengah Dialek Solo

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    The aim of this research is to describe the types of Central Java Solo dialect pronomina. The data is formed the informant\u27s pronouncement as personal prononima, direction pronomina and introgative pronomina on Central Java Solo dialect. This reseach is qualitative reseach using descriptive method. Thetecnique are interviewing, taking notes, and recording. The data were analyzed by using pronomina data which is already gathered, observed the data, clasified the types of pronomina, selected and grouped the data, analyzed and summarized the data. The result shows that the pronomina of Central Java are persona pronomina, direction pronomina and introgative pronomina. Persona pronomina are first pronomina, second pronomina and third pronomina which is devided by singular and plural types. The examples of persona pronomina Central Java Solo dialect are aku, kulo, dhewe\u27e, kowe, sampeyan, panjenengan, kowe kabeh, panjenengan sedoyo, dhe\u27e, wong iku dan tiang niku.While the direction pronomina are devided as a public direction pronomina, place direction pronomina, and things direction pronomina. The examples of direction pronomina Central Java Solo dialect are iki, iku, niki, niku, kene, kono, ngene, ngono, ngeten, and ngono. The examples of introgative pronomina Central Java Solo dialect are iki, iku, niki, niku, kene, kono, ngene, ngono, ngeten, dan ngoten. Meanwhile, the intogative pronomina are opo, nopo, sopo, sinten, ngopo, kenging nopo, piro, pinten, kepiye, pripun, endi, pundi, and kapan

    Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Meat Quality of Bali Cattle Fed a Ration Supplemented with Soybean Oil Calcium Soap and Cashew Fruit Flour

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    The study to evaluate growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites profile and meat fatty acid of Bali cattle treated with 3 different types of rations were conducted using a completely randomized block design with 4 replications. Ration treatments were R1: 40% native grass (NG) + 60% concentrate, R2: 40% NG + 60% concentrate supplemented with 5% soybean oil calcium soap (SOCS), and R3: (40% NG + 60% concentrate supplemented with 5% SOCS + 10% cashew fruit flour (CFF). Variables measured were growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood metabolites, and meat fatty acid profile. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the differences between treatment means were examined by Duncan Multiple Range Test. Results of the study showed that the 3 different feed treatments did not have any significant effect on dry matter intake and organic matter intake, daily body weight gain, feed efficiency, crude fiber, ADF and NDF digestibilities, cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), total fatty acid contents and content of unsaturated and saturated meat fatty  acids of Bali cattle meat. Different treatment rations also did not affect dry matter digestibility, however the treatments significantly affect the organic matter, crude protein, and fat digestibility (P<0.05). Bali cattle fed 5% SOCS (R2) and 5% SOCS + 10% CFF (R3) had higher organic matter and ether extract digestibilities and linoleic acid content of meat (P<0.05) compared with the control (R1). The Bali cattle fed with R1 and R2 had higher crude protein digestibility (P<0.05) compared with that of R3. It is concluded that the supplementation of 5% SOCS and 10% CFF in the ration improved the digestibility of organic matter, ether extract and linoleic fatty acids content in Bali cattle meat

    A Survey of Hypertension on an Island of Karimunjawa and Parang

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    Hasil survey ditemukan prevalensi hypertensi 11,2 persen pada laki-laki dan 12,2 persen pada wanita dan keseluruhan 11,8 persen. Perbedaan prevalensi pada laki-laki dan wanita tidak bermakna. Selain itu juga dipelajari pertambahan prevalensi menurut umur. Kecuali sakit kepala bagian occpital yang mempunyai prevalensi tinggi diantara hypertensi, gejala-gejala lain memperlihatkan tidak ada perbedaan antara normo dan hypertensi. Di kepulauan Karimunjawa dan Parang yang letaknya ± 150 km sebelah utara Semarang telah di­adakan survey mengenai hypertensi pada penduduk yang sebagian besar terdiri dari nelayan dan se­bagian lain terdiri dari petani dan pedagang. Bahan penelitian 1229 orang dewasa berumur 20 tahun keatas yang terdiri dari 543 laki-laki dan 686 perempuan. Tujuan survey ialah untuk mempelajari prevalensi hypertensi pada kelompok penduduk yang lokasinya terisoler

    The Difference in Maternal Serum Hypoxia-Inducible Factors-1α Levels between Early Onset and Late-Onset Preeclampsia

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    BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia can be divided into early (EOPE) and late (LOPE) onset preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is related to the failure of placentation. Accumulation of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF)-1α is commonly an acute and beneficial respond to hypoxia, while chronically elevated is associated with preeclampsia. AIM: This study aims to evaluate the serum levels of HIF-1α in preeclampsia and normal pregnancy, and to compare the difference between early-onset and late-onset preeclampsia. METHODS: A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted among a total of 69 pregnant women at ≥ 20 weeks of gestation, were recruited at obstetrics and gynaecology department at Dr M. Djamil Padang Hospital, network hospitals, health centres. They were divided into three groups early-onset preeclampsia, late-onset preeclampsia, and normal pregnancy. Preeclampsia was diagnosed using International Guidelines. Data were analysed by SPSS 24 program; data are presented as median and range or as mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA test was used to determine the relationship between HIF-1α levels with the onset of preeclampsia. RESULTS: The results showed that the mean maternal serum HIF-1α levels in early-onset preeclampsia (EOPE), late-onset preeclampsia (LOPE), and normal pregnancy were 1366.96 ± 733.40 pg/ml, 916.87 ± 466.06 pg/ml, and 716.77 ± 541.08 pg/ml. Serum HIF-1α levels were higher in early-onset preeclampsia (EOPE), and late-onset preeclampsia (LOPE) compared to normal pregnancy. Among preeclampsia patients, serum HIF-1α was higher in EOPE than LOPE women. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference in mean maternal serum HIF-1α between early-onset preeclampsia, late-onset preeclampsia, and normal pregnancy (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study concluded that there is a significantly different level of HIF-1α between in early-onset preeclampsia, late-onset preeclampsia and normal pregnancy. Early-onset preeclampsia is the highest levels of serum HIF-1α

    The Correlation between Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Levels and Size of Colorectal Cancer Tumors

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    Background: Angiogenesis plays an important role in progression of colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the predominant angiogenic factor in CRC and plays important role in cell mitosis, change in cell shape and increases vascular permeability. Vascular endothelial growth factor is expressed in approximately 50% of CRCs, and considered an important angiogenic factor in growth and development of CRC. In this study, we examined VEGF serum levels to asses corelation between serum VEGF levels and size of CRC tumors. Patients and Methods: This cross sectional study involved 17 CRC patients with stage I, II, III. who had undergone large bowel resection at Karyadi Hospital and had not chemotherapy. Size of tumors grading system according to TNM system based on abdominal CT, whether serum levels of VEGF was assessed by ELISA. Results: In this study, we found the grading tumor size T1, T2 and T3 was 23,5%, 29,4 % and 47,1 % respectively. Significant statistical correlation (p=0.001) was found between serum VEGF levels and size tumors of CRC with strong relationship (rho>0,7). Conclusion: This study showed a correlation between serum VEGF levels and size of colorectal cancer tumors. Whether VEGF levels is affected by surgical procedure, we need further study to evaluate serum VEGF levels before surgical and tumor size according to treatment response

    Epinephelus corallicola, Coral Grouper

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    Epinephelus corallicola is a fairly widespread, reef species that is naturally uncommon throughout its range. There are no directed fisheries, but it is occasionally caught and marketed. There is no evidence of population declines and no known major threats; therefore, it is listed as Least Concern. The change in status from the previous assessment reflects an improved application of the Red List categories and criteria, as well as a better understanding of available data

    Aethaloperca rogaa, Redmouth Grouper

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    This widely distributed, Indo-West Pacific species inhabits reefs and is naturally uncommon. It is captured mostly incidentally in fisheries in many areas of its range, but this is not considered a major threat on a global level. It is listed as Least Concern. The change in status from the previous assessment reflects an improved application of the Red List categories and criteria, as well as a better understanding of available data

    Epinephelus malabaricus, Malabar Grouper

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    This widely distributed species inhabits a variety of nearshore habitats. It can be common in parts of its range and is relatively fast-growing. Adults and juveniles are exploited by fisheries, especially for the live reef fish food trade based in Hong Kong. Population declines have occurred in the Andaman Islands, New Caledonia and the Philippines, and probably elsewhere in areas of heavy fishing pressure, but the level is not known or quantified. Even anecdotal information is missing from large areas of the range of this grouper, including Indonesia, most of East Africa, the Red Sea and New Guinea. Populations are considered to have remained healthy in Australia. Overfishing is a threat on a localised basis, and is not known to be driving global-level population declines that would approach a 'threatened' level. Therefore, it is listed as Least Concern. It is strongly recommended that fishery management and data collection is improved to monitor population trends, as well as additional research on its life history. The change in status from the previous assessment reflects an improved application of the Red List categories and criteria, as well as a better understanding of available data

    Epinephelus malabaricus, Malabar Grouper

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    This widely distributed species inhabits a variety of nearshore habitats. It can be common in parts of its range and is relatively fast-growing. Adults and juveniles are exploited by fisheries, especially for the live reef fish food trade based in Hong Kong. Population declines have occurred in the Andaman Islands, New Caledonia and the Philippines, and probably elsewhere in areas of heavy fishing pressure, but the level is not known or quantified. Even anecdotal information is missing from large areas of the range of this grouper, including Indonesia, most of East Africa, the Red Sea and New Guinea. Populations are considered to have remained healthy in Australia. Overfishing is a threat on a localised basis, and is not known to be driving global-level population declines that would approach a 'threatened' level. Therefore, it is listed as Least Concern. It is strongly recommended that fishery management and data collection is improved to monitor population trends, as well as additional research on its life history. The change in status from the previous assessment reflects an improved application of the Red List categories and criteria, as well as a better understanding of available data