40 research outputs found

    Survei 2009: Mutu Situs E-learning Sekolah Indonesia Masih Sangat Minim

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    Di beberapa negara yang infrastruktur internet telah memadai, banyak sekolah yang telah memanfaatkannya sebagai salah satu faktor pendukung kesuksesan proses pembelajaran. Pemerintah Indonesia pun telah memulai teknologi ini guna memperluas akses sumber daya pembelajaran sehingga tak terbatas oleh waktu dan ruang. Makalah ini melaporkan hasil survei yang menggambarkan seberapa jauh sistem e-learning telah dipakai di sekolah Indonesia. Data hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pemanfaatan situs e-learning masih kurang dan perlu mendapat perhatian dan dukungan dari semua pihak terkait. In some countries that have adequate internet infrastructure, many schools are already using it as one of the factors supporting the success of the learning process. The Indonesian government also has initiated this technology to expand the access to learning resources that is unlimited by time and space. This paper reports the results of the survey that describe the extent to which e-learning system has been used in Indonesian schools. Survey data indicate that the quality of utilization of e-learning is still lacking and need attention and support from all parties concerned

    Kajian Perangkatbantu Komputasi Parallel Pada Jaringan Pc

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    A Study on Parallel Computation Tools on Networked PCs. Many models for natural phenomena, engineeringapplications and industries need powerfull computing resources to solve their problems. High Performance Computingresources were introduced by many researchers. This comes in the form of Supercomputers and with operating systemsand tools for development such as parallel compiler and its library. However, these resources are expensive for theinvestation and maintenance, hence people need some alternatives. Many people then introduced parallel distributedcomputing by using available computing resource such as PCs. Each of these PCs is treated as a processors, hence thecluster of the PC behaves as Multiprocessors Computer. Many tools are developed for such purposes. This paper studiesthe peformance of the currently popular tools such as Parallel Virta\ual Machine (PVM), Message Passing Interface(MPI), Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and Java Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA).Some experiments were conducted on a cluster of PCs, the results show significant speed up. Each of those tools areidentified suitable for a certain implementation and programming purposes

    A performance study of anomaly detection using entropy method

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    An experiment to study the entropy method for an anomaly detection system has been performed. The study has been conducted using real data generated from the distributed sensor networks at the Intel Berkeley Research Laboratory. The experimental results were compared with the elliptical method and has been analyzed in two dimensional data sets acquired from temperature and humidity sensors across 52 micro controllers. Using the binary classification to determine the upper and lower boundaries for each series of sensors, it has been shown that the entropy method are able to detect more number of out ranging sensor nodes than the elliptical methods. It can be argued that the better result was mainly due to the lack of elliptical approach which is requiring certain correlation between two sensor series, while in the entropy approach each sensor series is treated independently. This is very important in the current case where both sensor series are not correlated each other.Comment: Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (2017) pp. 137-14

    Exhaustive Search-based Model for Hybrid Sensor Network

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    A new model for a cluster of hybrid sensors network with multi sub-clusters is proposed. The model is in particular relevant to the early warning system in a large scale monitoring system in, for example, a nuclear power plant. It mainly addresses to a safety critical system which requires real-time processes with high accuracy. The mathematical model is based on the extended conventional search algorithm with certain interactions among the nearest neighborhood of sensors. It is argued that the model could realize a highly accurate decision support system with less number of parameters. A case of one dimensional interaction function is discussed, and a simple algorithm for the model is also given.Comment: 6 pages, Proceeding of the International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems 2012 pp. 557-56

    Studi Kasus Lingusql: Aplikasi Transaksi Perdagangan Saham

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    Proses pengembangan perangkat lunak yang ideal selalu mensyaratkan pengujian yang menyeluruh untuk memperoleh hasil perangkat lunak yang memiliki tingkat kebenaran tertentu. Namun pada prakteknya pengujian secara menyeluruh sangat jarang dilakukan karena membutuhkan sumber daya waktu dan biaya yang banyak. LinguSQL adalah sebuah tool pengembangan eksperimen yang mengintegrasikan proses pengujian secara whitebox dan blackbox ke dalam aktifitas pembuatan kodenya. Paper ini memaparkan penerapan LinguSQL dalam pengembangan studi kasus sebuah aplikasi transaksi perdagangan saham. Penerapan LinguSQL pada studi kasus yang cukup kompleks diharapkan akan menampilkan keuntungan konsep pengujian secara menyeluruh serta, dalam konteks implementasi tool, menunjukkan bagian-bagian yang masih perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut. The ideal process software development always requires thorough testing to obtain the software that has a certain degree of truth. However, in practice very rarely thorough testing done because it requires so much resources of time and cost. LinguSQL is an experimental tool that integrates the development process is whitebox and blackbox testing in manufacturing activity code. This paper describes the implementastion of LinguSQL in the development of a stock trading application case study. Implementation of LinguSQL on a complex case study will show the expected benefit of testing the concept a thorough and in the context of the implementation tool, showing the parts that still need to be developed further

    Evaluasi Vigor Daya Simpan Benih Pada Berbagai Genotipe Cabai (Capsicum Annuum L.) Dengan Metode Pengusangan Cepat

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    The experiment was designed to evaluate the accelerated aging method with 20% methanol for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours which is the first stage of the experimental results at several pepper seed genotypes including hybrid seeds, non hybrid, local, introduction, pepper and great pepper produced in 2009 and 2010. The seeds used are non-hybrid seed as much as 4 genotype seed production in 2009 and 4 genotype seed production in 2010. Hybrid seeds used were 10 genotypes of production in 2009 and 8 genotypes of production in 2010. Data analysis done is the analysis of the slope angle of regression line slope which is resulting from the comparison of the ordinate and the axis. Recapitulation of the pepper seeds vigor storage evaluation results showed that the seed production in 2009 and 2010 there was no difference between the hybrid and non-hybrid pepper seeds and the local and introduction pepper seeds, but there are consistent differences between great Chili and Chili pepper seeds, the rate of decline of the great Chili is greater than the Chili pepper. This shows the magnitude of environmental influences on seed pepper seeds vigor storage. Exclusively in electrical conductivity benchmark, which is one of the pepper seeds vigor storage best benchmark shows that the rate of decline in seed vigor between the hybrid and non hybrid seeds and the local and introduction pepper seeds.

    Pendugaan Parameter Genetik Vigor untuk Viabilitas dan Vigor Benih Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) Menggunakan Analisis Setengah Dialel

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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to estimate the narrow sense heritability (h2ns), broad sense heritability (h2bs), heterosis, and heterobioltiosis, coefficient of genetic variances, coefficient of phenotypic variances, additive and dominant variances. Pepper population used in this study consisted of IPB C2, IPB C9, IPB C10, IPB C15 and half diallel hybrid. To estimate the effect of reciprocal IPB C10 x IPB C2 hybrid was used. Accelerated aging method was used to test the vigor using methanol 20% in five periods of time 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours. Observations consisted of: (1) germination rate, (2) the length of radicle, (3) the length of hypocotile, (4) dry weight of normal seedlings, (5) speed of growth, (6) electrical conductivity and (7) moisture content. Genetic parameters were estimated using affinity analysis. Reciprocal effect indicated that there was no maternal effect. Parents with high combining ability was IPB C15 and that with high specific combining ability was IPB C2 x IPB C5 and gave positive heterosis.Key words: pepper, genetic coefficient, heterosis, seed vigor, specific combining ability ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menduga nilai parameter genetik untuk viabilitas dan vigor benih cabai menggunakan metode persilangan setengah dialel untuk mendapatkan informasi nilaiheritabilitas, heterosis, koefisien keragaman genetik, varians aditif dan dominan, sehingga diharapkan dapat mendukung keberhasilan program pemuliaan yang mengkombinasikan karakter tanaman dengan viabilitas dan vigor benih yang baik. Empat genotipe tetua cabai yang digunakan adalah IPB C2, IPB C9, IPB C10, IPB C15, dan enam genotipe cabai hasil persilangan antar tetua adalah IPB C2 x IPB C9, IPB C2 x IPB C10, IPB C2 x IPB C15, IPB C9 x IPB C10, IPB C9 x IPB C15, IPB C10 x IPB C15. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT). Pengamatan untuk pengujian vigor dan viabilitas dilakukan pada genotipe tetua dan persilangan dengan tolok ukur yaitu (1) daya berkecambah (2) panjang akar, (3) panjang hipokotil, (4) bobot kering kecambah (5) kadar air benih, (6) kecepatan tumbuh (Kct), dan (7) daya hantar listrik (DHL). Pengujian vigor daya simpan benih cabai pada genotipe tetua dan persilangan menggunakan metode pengusangan cepat methanol 20%. Setelah pengujian vigor daya simpan benih dilakukan analisis varian dan analisis regressi dan analisis statistik biometrik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa genotipe cabai IPB C15 mempunyai nilai daya gabung umum yang tinggi untuk vigor daya simpan benih sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai tetua untuk perakitan varietas F1 hibrida vigor daya simpan benih tinggi. Kombinasi persilangan tetua IPB C2 x IPB C15 menghasilkan benih yang memiliki vigor daya simpan benih tinggi.Kata kunci : cabai, daya gabung khusus, heterosis, koefisien genetik, vigor beni