36 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem E-learning

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    . The study aims at analyzing and explain the influence of system quality,information quality, service quality to user satisfaction e-learning system in the Masterof Management UMB. Total population of this study were 451 students with a totalsample of 82. The sampling technique using proportional random sampling. Theanalytical method used GSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis). Theresults showed that the system quality, information quality, and service qualitysignificantly influence user satisfaction e-learning system. The better the perception ofthe quality system, the quality of information, and the quality of service it will furtherincrease user satisfaction

    The influence of work stress, working cost, compensation and work discipline on employee’ productivity

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    This study aims to identify the effect of work stress, workload, compensation and work discipline on work productivity of employees of PT., Tokio Marine Life Insurance Indonesia. The research was conducted quantitatively by a descriptive associative method. Data collection was done by survey using questionnaire. The population of this research is employees of PT., Tokio Marine, as many as 259 employees. The study population was used as the source of the sample, and the sample obtained amounted to 120 respondents. The sampling technique used was random sampling. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results showed that job stress did not affect employee productivity with p-value 0,488. The work load has no effect on employee productivity with p-valus 0,726. Compensation affects employee productivity with p-value 0,000 and work discipline has no effect on employee productivity with p-value 0.923.peer-reviewe


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    Abstract. The study aims at analyzing and explain the influence of system quality, information quality, service quality to user satisfaction e-learning system in the Master of Management UMB. Total population of this study were 451 students with a total sample of 82. The sampling technique using proportional random sampling. The analytical method used GSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis). The results showed that the system quality, information quality, and service quality significantly influence user satisfaction e-learning system. The better the perception of the quality system, the quality of information, and the quality of service it will further increase user satisfaction

    The effect of competence, traınıng, and compensatıon to employment performance

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    Working staff at PT Asuransi Jiwa Bringin Jiwa Sejahtera (BRI life) achieved satisfactory and less than satisfactory assessment based on Performance Management Unit (SMK), thus it needs to be improved. The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the effect of competence, training, and compensation variables to the staff performance at headquarter level either partially or simultaneously. The population used in this research is all of the staff at headquarters with the status of permanent employee or pattern contract 2. The sampling technique is probability sampling with Simple Random Sampling method using the slovin approach and 120 staff were taken as a sample. Data analysis consisted of Multiple Linear Regression. The results of the study showed that competence, training, and compensation partially and simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on performance variables. Compensation variable was shown as the most dominant effect. The authors suggested that the company gives a chance to the staff to improve social competence, giving qualified and required training facilities, as well as providing non-financial rewards. It can be one of the considerations in reviewing the compensation to improve performance and to achieve company goals.peer-reviewe

    Pengaruh Stres Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja dan Kompensasi terhadap Intensi Turnover di PT. Jne

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    PT. JNE detected high turnover can be seen based on employee turnover data from 2014 to 2016. The problems that often arise based on pre-reseach is the high level of turnover that can lead to increased intentions of employee turnover. This study aims to determine the effect of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Compensation to Turnover Intention. The type of quantitative descriptive research with explanatory survey approach, the population of all employees of PT JNE number of 100 employees with non-probability sampling technique that is sample saturation / survey, while multiple linear regression analysis data. The results of research have significant influence simultaneously for variable of Work Stress, Job Satisfaction and Compensation to Turnover Intention in PT. JNE. The work stress variable on the dimensions of environmental factors that most dominant influence on Intention Turnover at PT. JNE. It is therefore recommended that the company review the jobdesk of each employee and adjust the fee given, in order to increase the life needs of employees can be fulfille


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    Abstract. This study aims to determine and analyze the effects of compensation, career development and communication on employee performance. This research uses quantitative method. The research population is all employees of PT. Metra Palma Fire (Medco Agro) Jakarta headquarter of 129 people. Sampling technique with Accidental Sampling, and the number of samples determined by Slovin formula, found 57 respondents who were sampled. Data analysis using Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that the compensation does not significantly affect employee performance, career development has no significant effect on employee performance, and communication has a significant effect on employee performance. While the test results simultaneously indicate that compensation, career development, and communication have a significant effect on employee performance in PT. Metra Palma Fire (Medco Agro) Jakarta headquarters. Keywords: compensation, career development, communication, employee performanc

    Pengaruh Computer Self-efficacy Terhadap Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, Kualitas Layanan, Penggunaan, Kepuasan Pengguna, Dan Dampak Individu

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    The study aims to determine the effect of computer self-efficacy (CSE) on the qualitysystem, the quality of information, quality of service, USAge, satisfaction and impact of individualusers by using a model of success Delone and McLean information systems. The studyconducted on students of system users of e-learning in higher education. The population used inthis study amounted to 144 686 students with a total sample of 178. The sampling method usingproportional random sampling. The analysis tool used is the Generalized Structured ComponentAnalysis (GSCA). The results showed that CSE significant effect on the quality system, thequality of information, quality of service, USAge and impact of the individual. Quality systemshave a significant effect on the quality of information, USAge, and user satisfaction. The qualityof information significantly influence the use and user satisfaction. Service quality significantlyinfluence the use and user satisfaction. User satisfaction significantly influence the individualimpact. The results also show that the better CSE students will further improve system quality,information quality, service quality, use, and impact of the individual. The better the students'perceptions of the quality system, the quality of information, and the quality of service willincrease the USAge and user satisfaction. The better use will have an impact on user satisfaction,so that will have an impact on individual performance


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    Abstract. This study aims to determine and analyze the effects of compensation, careerdevelopment and communication on employee performance. This research usesquantitative method. The research population is all employees of PT. Metra Palma Fire(Medco Agro) Jakarta headquarter of 129 people. Sampling technique with AccidentalSampling, and the number of samples determined by Slovin formula, found 57respondents who were sampled. Data analysis using Multiple Linear Regression. Theresults showed that the compensation does not significantly affect employeeperformance, career development has no significant effect on employee performance,and communication has a significant effect on employee performance. While the testresults simultaneously indicate that compensation, career development, andcommunication have a significant effect on employee performance in PT. Metra PalmaFire (Medco Agro) Jakarta headquarters. Keywords: compensation, career development, communication, employee performanc


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    Abstract: The study aims to determine the effect of computer self-efficacy (CSE) on the quality system, the quality of information, quality of service, usage, satisfaction and impact of individual users by using a model of success Delone and McLean information systems. The study conducted on students of system users of e-learning in higher education. The population used in this study amounted to 144 686 students with a total sample of 178. The sampling method using proportional random sampling. The analysis tool used is the Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The results showed that CSE significant effect on the quality system, the quality of information, quality of service, usage and impact of the individual. Quality systems have a significant effect on the quality of information, usage, and user satisfaction. The quality of information significantly influence the use and user satisfaction. Service quality significantly influence the use and user satisfaction. User satisfaction significantly influence the individual impact. The results also show that the better CSE students will further improve system quality, information quality, service quality, use, and impact of the individual. The better the students' perceptions of the quality system, the quality of information, and the quality of service will increase the usage and user satisfaction. The better use will have an impact on user satisfaction, so that will have an impact on individual performance. Keywords: Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE), Quality Systems, Information Quality, Service Quality, Use, User Satisfaction and Individual Impact