159 research outputs found

    Review of Research in Veterinary Parasitology in the Research Institute for Veterinary Science (Rivs) Since 1983

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    Studies on gastrointestinal parasites and the epidemiology and pathogenesis of blood protozoa in ruminants have been undertaken during the last few years. An abattoir survey for a period of one year showed that most large ruminants slaughtered in the Bogor abattoir were infected with nematodes, about half with trematodes and few with blood parasites. Worm infections were also common in small ruminants but none were infected with blood protozoa. Some field studies on Fasciola infection in large ruminants showed that these animals were susceptible to the disease. The seasonal prevalence of fascioliasis is not yet fully determined; management systems and the local geography play an important role. Most anthelmintics were effective against worm infection in large and small ruminants. A new flukicide (triclabendazole) is highly effective against both immature and mature liver flukes. Studies on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of trypanosomiasis in cattle and buffalo have been conducted since 1982. The results indicate that T. evansi is prevalent in five regions in Java; the prevalence rates are higher in Sahiwal and Belmont Red than Ongole cattle or buffalo. ELISA values increase with increasing age of the animals. Buffaloes are more susceptible than cattle. Naganol is the drug of choice for control of trypanosomiasis in Indonesia

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Bidang Kesehatan dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Due the health decentralization's management, the district government hould be able is hopped to arangge and to develope the health system that fit to the local condition. The main issues of the health development in the decentralization's management, is the district government can implement to mobilize the potential source in the work's area to be participate in the health development, and the final result is hopped community improvement to solve the their health problem. To solve this problem, explorative study on community impoverment and partnership had been conducted which explored the fact in the field of study. The result showed that: 1. The "District Health Committe" development, which was written in the documentation of Health Desentralization Strategy, formally hasn't formed yet in East and West Lombok District. 2. The embrio of District Health Commitee has been developed in East Lombok District, namely the "Healty Coalitation of East Lombok" which it's the members consists of the association of Community Self Institution (LSM) in district level. 3. "Healthy Area Forum" which has task to develop health area has been established in West Lombok District but it still has boundary in sub-district. It was running well since its has cooperated between the community leader, district government, private enterprise, and NGO in the local area. 4. Unfortenetly, the partnership prinsciples has not been implemented to run the cooperation betwen community organization and Health District. To assure the continuing of activities, the study suggested to develop a guidence to facilitate the establisment of District Health Committe. It will lead planning construction, action, supervision, accountability monitoring of district health system development

    Elastomer Termoplastik Sebagaiaditif Peningkat Viskositas Pelumas Mineral

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    ELASTOMER TERMOPLASTIK SEBAGAIADITIF PENINGKAT VISKOSITAS PELUMAS MINERAL. Penggunaan elastomer termoplastik (ETP) sebagai aditif peningkat viskositas minyak mineral berindeks viskositas tinggi (HVI) telah dilakukan. Sebagai bahan elastomer termoplastik digunakan kopolimer radiasi lateks karet alam-metil metakrilat (LKA-MMA). Bahan ETP dilarutkan dalamminyak lumas dasar HVI dengan variasi suhu dan pelarut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelarutan langsung memerlukan suhu 80 oC dan waktu 12 jam. Penggunaan xilena sebagai pelarut antara, mengefisienkan metode pelarutan karena tidak diperlukan pemanasan dan waktu pelarutan lebih pendek. Koefisien viskositas kinematik dan indeks viskositas dari minyak lumas mineral yang mengandung xilena tidak berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan minyak lumas yang tidak menggunakan xilena sebagai pelarut antara. Maksimum pelarutan ETP pada minyak lumas mineral adalah 10 % tanpa pelarut antara

    Pengaruh Terapi Normalitas atau Suportif-sugestif terhadap Kesembuhan Pasien Post Psikotik di Puskesmas Medang

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    Latar belakang, kenyataan banyak pasien pos psikotik yang menganggap dirinya tidak sakit, menolak tindakan pengobatan, hal ini perlu intervensi untuk mencapai kesembuhan. Terapi normalitas merupakan salah satu alternatif dengan cara membiasakan dan mempertahankan sikap “normatif” dalam keseharian, antara lain mampu melaksanakan belajar, bekerja, bermain dan bercinta sebagaimana layak orang sehat jiwa seminimal mungkin bantuan orang lain.Tujuan, menguji kesesuaian terapi normalitas terhadap populasi. Validitas intervensi, telah diujikan pada 20 subjek halusinasi di RSJD Semarang. Hasilnya, uji statistik t-test menunjukkan p = 0,000. IK 95%, (Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima), dan 46 subjek di sosial kemasyarakatan yang sama, hasil uji statistik Mann-Whitney menunjukan p = 0,000. IK 95%, (Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima), maka simpulannya; Generalisasi fungsi terapi normalitas benar, terpenuhi.Metode, eksperimen, menerapkan metode “Quasi-eksperimen nonequivalent (pre-test and post test control group design”, Penentuan responden menggunakan; Consecutive sampling, sampai 36 sampel terpenuhi. randomisasi dengan pemetaan, skema rumah tinggal pasien, dengan menjatuhkan pensil ke dalam skema. Alat ukur penelitian kesembuhan pasien kuesioner yang dikembangkan peneliti. Peneliti memberikan 3 kali sesi terapi individu, selama 15 – 20 menit dan 1 kali sesi terapi keluarga selama 30 menit, selama penelitian.Hasil, kemampuan keluarga melakukan pencegahan kekambuhan pada anggota keluarganya yang mengalami gangguan jiwa, hasilnya menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,1 0,05. Kemampuan klien melakukan pencegahan kekambuhan atau masih ada gejala sisa skizofrenia tidak atau kurang  penting meskipun masih membutuhkan kajian lagi. Prinsip yang penting (utama) tampil selalu normal (normatif) agar seiring perjalanan waktu tampilan klien sehari-hari tidak aneh lagi, mejadi peduli mengurus dirinya sendiri dan perlunya memenuhi kebutuhan sosial serta pentingnya berhubungan dengan orang lain

    Pandangan Tentang Kehamilan - Persalinan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Persalinan oleh Tenaga Kesehatan/bidan di Dua Puskesmas Kabupaten Jember

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    This paper describes perceptions on pregnancy - delivery and to infuence on delivery assistant in Jember. Data were collected using focus group discussion and interview with pregnant women, breast-feeding women, husbands and parents or parents in law of pregnant women, informal leaders, and health status. Pregnant women complaints, antenatal care, perception on normal pregnancy influence by socio-economic-cultural and etno-obstetri determined delivery assistant. Closeness to family, relatively cheap tariff, longer pasca delivery treatment and the same outcome of living infant were reasons for selection of traditional birth attendants. Midwife assistant was needed for un-normal delivery or complicated delivery. Fulfill the needs, better budgeting management of free treatment for poors, qualified antenatal care with minimally K4 (Presentation 4 times during pregnancy), CIE (Communication Infomafion Education) on safe delivery and pregnant women nutrition, people empowerment, and also timely pregnant-women referral may cause reduce maternal and infant death

    Implementation of Online Single Submission Policy at One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services in East Java

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    This study aims to analyze innovation governance in the Surabaya Teacher Application Information System (SIAGUS). Surabaya Teacher Application Information System (SIAGUS) is a web-based application designed for teachers and education personnel. This research uses Innovative Governance theory according to the United Nations (2015) which consists of several indicators, namely: Institutions, Policy Actors and Society. This research uses Innovative Governance theory according to the United Nations (2015) which consists of several indicators, namely: Institutions, Policy Actors and Society The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The informant determination technique is purposive sampling and choosing the informant key. Data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that managing innovation is supported by various aspects such as institutional analysis, employee discipline, attitudes to serve the community, culture, and community participation. There are also those that have not been supported, such as regulations governing overall innovation, teacher knowledge and the process of utilizing technology. So that regulations are needed that regulate the Surabaya Teacher Application Information System (SIAGUS) and assistance to teachers

    Perilaku Kesehatan Reproduksi Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) Pada Komunitas Samin Di Kabupaten Blora

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    ABSTRACTBackground : Reproductive health problems in the community Samin especially couples of childbearing age is still a concern, they generally do not utilize reproductive health care facilities, have not followed the family planning program, do not follow government rules on health care, they are more trusting bewitched by the teachings Saminisme background.Objective : The aim of this study was to describe reproductive health behavior on fertile age couple (PUS) Samin Communities In The District of Blora.Methods : This research is descriptive quantitative and qualitative approaches, the draft through Exploration Research (explanatory research) The research sample comprised a total population of couples of reproductive age (PUS) Samin community in Blora, as many as 130 people. Sample Qualitative 12 people consisting of family (EFA) and 6 community leaders, and 6 health workers who are in the Samin community.The collection of quantitative data with structured interviews, and in-depth interviews for the qualitative data.The quantitative data in the descriptive analysis, while qualitative data analysis with deskrepsi contents.Result : The results showed that 98.5% of respondents are knowledgeable both about the ante natal care, 96.2% of respondents are knowledgeable both about post natal care, 92.3% of respondents good knowledge about family planning. 97.7% of respondents are supportive of the ante natal care, 97.7% of respondents are supportive of the post natal care services, 97.7% of respondents are supportive of the KB and the ante natal care 95.4% of respondents, 92.3% of respondents do post-natal care , 76.2% of respondents planning. Variable knowledge has a very close relationship with a significance value of 0.003 to the magnitude of the possible influence of Odds Ratio (OR) was 14.881 (Exp (B), variable age with a significance value of 0.027 to the magnitude of the possible influence of Odds Ratio (OR) was 10.601 (Exp( B).Conclusion : reproductive health knowledge Samin community largely understand the importance of reproductive health, especially in pregnancy, labor and birth, and yet people still believe Samin once with myths about reproductive health, and so maintain Saminisme cultural customs. For Blora District Health Office, the results of this study can be used as inputs in delivering the program - the EFA program, while for health centers in the region Samin can be input in the improvement of reproductive health care.Keywords: Behavior, Reproductive Health, EFA, Sami

    Problems of Health of Buffaloes Reared in Swampy Area in South Kalimantan

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    The population of buffaloes reared in swampy area in the province of South Kalimantan is high, and show a very good condition. These animals, however, are fulnerable to several diseases. From the analysis of available data and of a field monitoring, some diseases are potential to occur at certain time of the year, such as clostridium, surra, and fasciolosis. The emergence of the diseases in this area associates with some factors, such as availability of water, weed (enceng gondok or Eichornia crassipes), vector/intermediate host (flies and snails), and reservoir host (deer and wild pig). The tide water in this swampy area influences the population of vectors/intermediate hosts, also provide a condition for a contact between buffaloes and the reservoir hosts when seeking for drinking water. Deterioration of the weed and grasses facilitate an ideal media for propagation of anaerobic bacteria (e.g: clostridium). Based on these characteristics of those factors it is highly suspected that during the dry season, before the lowest water tide, the transmission of parasitic diseases in buffaloes (Fasciolosis and Trypanosomiasis) is occuring, while for clostridial disease is transmitted during the high water tide.   Key word: Buffalo, fasciolosis, trypanosomiasis, clostridium, swampy habita


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    Penyiapan ruang tangguh yang dapat mendukung mandala operasi merupakan keharusan bagi Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta sebagai Ibukota negara, pusat pemerintahan dan pusat ekonomi nasional. Berpedoman datangnya arah ancaman dari laut, perkembangan pemanfaatan ruang yang dinamis cepat dan banyak kepentingan yang terlibat di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, maka diperlukan penyiapan wilayah pertahanan laut di pesisir, pantai dan Teluk Jakarta melalui implementasi kebijakan Kepmenhan Nomor Kep/138/M/II/2018. Guna mengetahui tingkat implementasi kebijakan wilayah pertahanan laut yang dilaksanakan oleh para pihak di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, maka penelitian ini dilaksanakan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat implementasi kebijakan, faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat serta strategi terbaik keterpaduan untuk mewujudkan wilayah pertahanan laut yang optimal di Provinsi Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan embedded konkuren dengan mengutamakan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur, kuesioner, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi literatur. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Analisis data dengan model interaktif Miles Hubberman, sedangkan untuk menganalisis permasalahan implementasi menggunakan teori Merilee S Grindle yang mengukur tingkat keberhasilan implementasi dilihat dari prosesnya berdasar isi dan lingkungan kebijakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tingkat implementasi sudah baik dan dapat mendukung kebijakan wilayah pertahanan laut dengan nilai analisis statistik deskriptif sebesar 75% (tujuh puluh lima persen), serta masih ada indikator yang belum sepenuhnya tercapai dalam implementasi kebijakan berupa derajat perubahan yang ingin dicapai dan sumber daya yang digunakan. Selain itu ditemukan adanya perbedaan pedoman peraturan yang digunakan untuk penataan dan pemanfaatan ruang, khususnya berkaitan dengan reklamasi area pelabuhan.Kata Kunci: Wilayah pertahanan laut, Kepmenhan nomor Kep/138/M/II/2018, implementasi kebijakan, strategi keterpaduan, Teori Merilee S Grindl

    Reliable preservation methods of mitochondrial DNA analysis for larvae and adult flies of Chrysomya bezziana (Diptera: Calliphoridae).

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    The Old World Screwworm fly, Chrysomya bezziana is known as a myiasis agent in Indonesia. The aim of the study is to establish a reliable preservation methods for molecular analysis of insect. Cytochrom b (CB) and Cytochrome Oxidase sub unit I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA were used as markers. Drying method was used to preserve adult flies, while the larvae were kept in 10% formalin and 80% ethanol with or without soaked using hot water prior preservation. Two samples of each preservation were tested. Four primers were used to amplify samples using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The PCR product were then purified and sequenced. Sequence data analysis of all samples suggested no differences between all preservation methods except using 10% formalin. Preservation samples using 10% formalin is not suitable for collecting mitochondrial DNA of insect. The best methods was using 80% ethanol with killed using hot water prior preservation. This method was able to extract a stabile mitochondrial DNA.   Key words: Chrysomya bezziana, preservation, formalin, ethanol, mitochondrial DN
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