19 research outputs found


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    Tidal flats in the Musi Banyuasin region that cover more than 200,000 ha are the largest area for agricultural development in South Sumatra Province. Only about a half of this has been used for tidal swamp rice fields, therefore, the other half needs to be developed. To obtain a better understanding of their properties for appropriate soil management, soil characteristics of the area need to be studied. To characterize the soil, thirty-four soil samples from seven soil profiles were analyzed for their chemical and mineralogical composition at the laboratories of the Center for Soil and Agroclimate Research and Development. The results indicate that soils from the tidal flat areas have an aquic soil moisture regime, the upper parts of the soils are mostly ripe, and most of the pedons show the presence of sulfidic materials below 65 cm of the mineral soil surface. The soils are classified as Sulfic Endoaquept (P1, P2), Histic Sulfaquent (P3), Typic Sulfaquept (P4), Fluvaquentic Endoaquept (P5), and Sulfic Hydraquent (P6, P7). Mineral composition of the sand fraction is dominated by quartz, while the clay minerals consist of predominantly kaolinite, mixed with small amount of smectite, illite, quartz, and crystoballite. Organic carbon content is high to very high, potential phosphate content of most pedons ranges from very low to medium, while potential potassium content varies from very low to medium in the upper layers and medium to very high in the bottom layers. Phosphate retention of topsoil sample varies from 56 to 97%, and is positively correlated (r2 = 0.73) with aluminum from amorphous materials. Exchangeable cations are dominated by Mg cation, and in all pedons cation exchange capacity values are medium to very high, and seem to be influenced by organic carbon. Specific chemical properties, particularly soil pH and content of exchangeable aluminum exhibit a significant change about 1-2 months after soil samples were taken from the field. Theoretically, interaction between good water management and fertilizer application are among the choices of management to make these soils productive

    Characteristics of Rice Soils From the Tidal Flat Areas of Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra

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    Tidal flats in the Musi Banyuasin region that cover more than 200,000 ha are the largest area for agricultural development in South Sumatra Province. Only about a half of this has been used for tidal swamp rice fields, therefore, the other half needs to be developed. To obtain a better understanding of their properties for appropriate soil management, soil characteristics of the area need to be studied. To characterize the soil, thirty-four soil samples from seven soil profiles were analyzed for their chemical and mineralogical composition at the laboratories of the Center for Soil and Agroclimate Research and Development. The results indicate that soils from the tidal flat areas have an aquic soil moisture regime, the upper parts of the soils are mostly ripe, and most of the pedons show the presence of sulfidic materials below 65 cm of the mineral soil surface. The soils are classified as Sulfic Endoaquept (P1, P2), Histic Sulfaquent (P3), Typic Sulfaquept (P4), Fluvaquentic Endoaquept (P5), and Sulfic Hydraquent (P6, P7). Mineral composition of the sand fraction is dominated by quartz, while the clay minerals consist of predominantly kaolinite, mixed with small amount of smectite, illite, quartz, and crystoballite. Organic carbon content is high to very high, potential phosphate content of most pedons ranges from very low to medium, while potential potassium content varies from very low to medium in the upper layers and medium to very high in the bottom layers. Phosphate retention of topsoil sample varies from 56 to 97%, and is positively correlated (r2 = 0.73) with aluminum from amorphous materials. Exchangeable cations are dominated by Mg cation, and in all pedons cation exchange capacity values are medium to very high, and seem to be influenced by organic carbon. Specific chemical properties, particularly soil pH and content of exchangeable aluminum exhibit a significant change about 1-2 months after soil samples were taken from the field. Theoretically, interaction between good water management and fertilizer application are among the choices of management to make these soils productive


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    Teeth are an important organ that has the function of chewing, talking, and aesthetics. Each person won’t be able to move normally if the dental injured. Pulpitis dental disease, namely inflammation in dental pulp that cause pain are divided into two types, reversible pulpitis and irreversible pulpitis. Available facilities in Indonesia to receive treatment for dental problems is still limited, especially in rural areas. Pulpitis can be detected with the help of periapical radiographs, the results of X-ray of the tooth which has the cheap cost, so it can be affordable for the lower middle class society. However, these results have low contrast levels that cause disease detection becomes difficult. Adaptive Region Growing Approach is used in this study to improve the image quality, wherein the method is more focused on improving the quality of the region that are created because of the seed in the image. The study produced periapical radiograph images that have better quality, that are expected to help dentists in detecting pulpitis, so it may indirectly increase the level of social welfare. These results were obtained through comparison of CII (Contrast Improvement Index) and SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) between this method and the existing method

    Mengaji ilmu lingkungan kraton

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    Buku ini secara normatif menelaah suatu lingkungan tertentu bukan hal yang asing seperti lingkungan perkotaan ataupun pedesaan. Hal yang menarik untuk dijadikan rujukan adalah konsep - konsep pengelolaan lingkungan hidup telah dirancang dan diterapkan sejak tahun 1755 saat ilmu lingkungan dan masalah lingkungan hidup belum muncul. Kini keberadaan dan manfaat Kraton Yogyakarta masih sangat berarti. Bab satu sampai dengan bab lima merangkum konsep dasa peencanaan dan poses penerapannya. Bab enam atau bab terakhir merupakan kondisi kritis yang memerlukan perhatian dan pengelolaan lingkungan yang lebih intensif. Hal lain yang menarik dari tata lingkungan fisik, untuk pengembangan struktur dan fungsi perkotaan dalam pengembangan wilayah telah diumuskan, ketika konsep pengembangan wilayah juga belum ada. Konsep pengembangan wilayah digagas mula - mula oleh Van Thunen tahun 1826 dan dikembangkan oleh Christeller pada tahun 1933. Konsep dasar pendistribusian hunian dan wewenang yang dirintis oleh dinasti Hamengku Buwono menjadi sangat gayut dengan persoalan Propinsi DIY. Semula ketika kepadatan dan permasalahan ada di sekitar Katon ( Negara ), distribusi hunian dan wewenang masih cukup sebatas penentuan masjid - masjid Pathok Negara. Kini ketika jumlah penduduk DIY sudah sangat padat, kebijakan distribusi wewenang dan penduduk dalam kerangka Negara Kesatuan RI merupakan keniscayaan yang perlu tidak lanjut