70 research outputs found

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Sekolah pada SMA Muhammadiyah Sambas Kabupaten Sambas

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    The purpose of this study was to uncover the function of school leadership in terms of: affecting, moving, personal directing schools to improve school quality. To express these questions researchers used a qualitative research approach case study. To collect data and information from informants, the researcher uses participant observation, interviews, and documents in the process of collecting research data. Results of the research revealed that; principals in influencing personal schools should be done with the approach to every personal and explained that what is done is aimed at the success and achievements of the school, the ability to move supported by the ability to guide, encourage and nurture done by example and act immediately, the ability to control or redirect do through the division of tasks in accordance with and motivate personal tupoksinya individually and classically tailored to time and place and to work "sengiyan" (resilient work) with motto jadda wa jadda

    Penerapan Metode Tandur dan Melempar “Bola Salju” (T&BS) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar pada Siswa SDN 8 Jenggik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SDN 8 Jenggik melalui penerapan metode T & BS. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara dengan Guru kelas terdapat beberapa masalah pada waktu pembelajaran yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar siswa, rendahnya perhatian siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada guru hendaknya memperbaiki sistem pembelajaran salah satu caranya dengan menerapkan metode Tandur dan melempar “Bola Salju” (T&BS). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN 8 Jenggikyang berjumlah 24 orang. berdasarkan hasil observasi untuk aktivitas siswa pada siklus I diperoleh skor 44 dengan katagori aktif, sedangkan siklus II memperoleh skor 48 dengan katagori sangat aktif. Dan untuk pengelolaan pembelajaran pada siklus I yaitu 13 dengan katagori baik, sedangkan pada siklus II yaitu 17 dengan katagori baik sekali. Untuk nilai rata-rata siswa yaitu pada siklus I 73,19 menjadi 77,09 pada siklus II. Sehingga mengalami kenaikan 4 digit sedangkan ketuntasan belajar klasikal berdasarkan KKM yang ditetapkan yaitu > 70. Pada siklus I 68,18% dan pada siklus II menjadi 82,60% yang mengalami kenaikan 14 digit

    Perancangan Struktur Penopang Tangki Penyimpanan Amonia

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    This study to obtain reinforcement in the supporting structure of the ammonia storage tank which consisting of wall slab and top slab. Fisrt, done the modeling structure that will analyze and provide load acting on the structure. For modeling and loading on wall slab author use the program etabs v.9, while the top slab used for the safe program v.8. Special for top slab reinforcement analysis using the program. The results for top slab reinforcement consist of reinforcement x directions and y direction (see appendix 2), so that obtain the bottom reinforcement of x direction : d13 - 200, the bottom reinforcement of y direction : d13 - 200, the top reinforcement of direction x direction : d13 - 200, and the top reinforcement of y direction : d13 - 200. There are two types of wall slab, which is exterior wall and interior wall. Reinforcement in the walls consist of vertical and horizontal bars (see appendix 2), so that obtain the vertical exterior wall reinforcement: d13 - 200, horizontal exterior wall reinforcement: d13 - 400, vertical interior wall reinforcement: d13 - 350, horizontal interior wall reinforcement : d13 - 350. As a coupling between the wall slabs is used couple beam (spandrel), and results of spandrel reinforcement consist of main top reinforcement: 5 d13, the main bottom reinforcement : 5 d13, shear reinforcement : 2 d10 - 100, and shrinkage reinforcement : 2 d13. Keywords: reinforcement, top slab, wall slab, spandre

    Penentuan Kondisi Optimum Fermentasi Menggunakan Lactobacillus Bulgaricus dalam Pembuatan Tepung Suweg (Amorphophallus Campanulatus) Terfermentasi

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    This aims of this study is to determine the optimum conditions and characteristics of fermented suweg flour. The optimum conditions are determined based on the maximum levels of lactic acid produced in the fermentation process. Fermentation conditions are studied based on the variation of pH (3,4,5,6,7), temperatur (30oC, 35oC, 40oC, 45oC, 50oC) and incubation time (3,6,9,12,15 hours) The characteristic of fermented and non fermented suweg flour include starch, amylase, amylopectin and expands power. The optimum fermentation conditions achieved at pH 6, temperatur 45°C, and 12 hours of incubation time. The characteristics of fermented suweg flour at the optimum conditions reach higher starch, amylose, amylopectin and expands power, better than non fermented flour. The contents of starch, amylose, and amylopectin in the non fermented suweg flour are 83.7%, 11.72%, 71.98% respectively. The content of starch, amylose, and amylopectin in fermented suweg flour are 87.3%, 12.15%, 74.82% respectively. Expands power of non fermented suweg flour is 35.29%, while expands power in fermented suweg flour is 41.18%. Key words: Fermentation, Flour, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Suwe

    Peningkatkan Aktivitas Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Menggunakan Media Gambar Di Kelas III SD

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    : The goal in this research is an attempt to improve the learners\u27 learning activities by using picture media in thematic learning subjects at the third grade students in the Elementary School 14 Benua Kayong Ketapang. This research method is descriptive, this research is institution survey, and the nature of this research is qualitative research, the research subjects are teacher and learners elementary school third grade students in the Elementary School 14 Benua Kayong Ketapang which consisted of 28 people in whole. The techniques used in this research were the technique of direct observation, documentary technique, and data collection tool were used as observation guidelines. The result based on observation by using picture media had improved learners learning activities. The conclusion of this research shows that the application picture media in thematic learning at the third grade in the Elementary School 14 Benua Kayong Ketapang can improve learners\u27 learning activities, accepted

    The Effects of Fire on Organic Functional Groups of Peat in Relation to Water Content

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    The aim of this research was to study the decline of organic functional group through the process of burning in peat. In addition, this study was also to examine the relationship between water content in peat and organic functional group after combustion (burning).  Peat drying was conducted in an oven at a temperature of 75°C with the interval of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours.  Each time interval had three replicates within two sets of experiments so that the total number of samples were 42 (experimental units).  Variables measured were moisture content, total acidity, COOH groups, and OH-phenolate.  The relationship between the water content with total acidity, COOH groups and OH-phenolate were determined by the equation y = bx + a.  The results showed that the relationship between the water content with organic functional group was linear.  While the relationship between peat water content with organic functional group after burning was irregular, although water levels through the process of burning have been greatly reduced. Keywords: Burning peat; organic functional groups; water content [How to Cite: Said R, FH Yusran, A Haris and S Asmawi. 2014. The Effects of Fire on Organic Functional Groups of Peat in Relation to Water Content. J Trop Soils 19: 143-149. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2014.19.3.143]  [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2014.19.3.143]  &nbsp

    Kajian Indeks Pencemaran Air pada Areal Pertambangan Rakyat Intan dan Emas di Kecamatan Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru

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    This research aimed to determine waters condition based on several water indicators of physical-chemical parameters (TSS, pH, DO, temperature, turbidity, Hg and Fe), mercury's content of sediment (Hg), and biological parameters of water that is mercury's content (Hg) of gondang (Pila scutata) the level of water pollution and and analyze in the diamond and gold traditional mining activities at district of Cempaka. The results showed that the water conditions at the station I which is close to the mine site are still fulfill standard of water quality that are temperature, DO and COD according to the results of calculations using the Storet method and included in the category of heavily contaminated. Based of the Pollution Index method categorized low polluted. At the second station which is a mining area, the temperature still fulfill water quality standards, while for the other parameters based on calculations using the Storet method included in the category of heavily polluted. Based on the Pollution Index Method, stations II included in the category of medium polluted. At the third station, which is far from the mine site the parameters of temperature, pH, DO, COD and Fe still water quality standards, but the results of calculations using the Storet method included in the category of heavily polluted. Based on the Pollution Index Method according to Regulation No.82 of 2001, the station III was included in category good condition, while according to the Minister of Health Indonesia No.416/Menkes/Per/IX/90 included in the medium category. So the results of this research for the parameters pH, DO, COD, turbidity, TSS, Fe, Hg water, sediment Hg and Hg gondang not fulfill the quality standards of Government Regulation No.82 of 2001 on Water Quality Management and Pollution Control for the class II and hygienic water requirements in accordance with the requirements of RI Permenkes No.416/Menkes/Per/IX/90
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