11 research outputs found

    Analysis of Factors Related to Behavior towards Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid Test among Women of Childbearing Age and Elderly Women

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    Cervical cancer is second leading cause of mortality among women. Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. 70% of patients with cervical cancer come to health services in advanced staged, even though if symptoms are detected earlier. 43% of cancer disease can be prevented and ⅓ of cases can be cured when the symptoms are detected early. The simplest early detection, which effective and efficient for detection of cervical cancer is Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) test. However, almost 50% of patients who were diagnosed cervical cancer never had VIA test before. This study aims to analyze factors related to behavior towards VIA test among women of childbearing age and in elderly women. Case control study was conducted among 181 participants based on the inclusion criteria of women aged >15 years old and married or ever had sexual intercourse. Rasch model test, t-test, chi square test and logistic regression were applied to analyze the data. The analysis results showed that there was a significant relationship between the age at first marriage, marriage frequency and knowledge with behavior towards VIA test. An individual’s chance of not having VIA test by criteria of first married age of <20 years old, getting married >1 time, having low motivation and less knowledge was 94%. It can be concluded that knowledge was dominant factor related behavior towards VIA test.Kanker serviks menduduki peringkat kedua yang menyebabkan kematian bagi penderitanya. Kanker serviks diakibatkan dari infeksi Human PapilomvVirus (HPV). 70% perempuan yang mengalami kanker serviks datang ke fasilitas kesehatan dalam kondisi stadium lanjut, padahal 43% penyakit kanker dapat dicegah dan ⅓ kasus dapat sembuh jika gejala diketahui secara dini. Deteksi dini yang paling sederhana, efektif dan efisien untuk mendeteksi kanker serviks salah satunya melalui dengan pemeriksaan IVA. Namun hampir 50% dari penderita yang terdiagnosis kanker serviks tidak pernah pemeriksaan IVA. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku pemeriksaan IVA pada perempuan usia subur dan lansia. Penelitian kasus kontrol dilakukan pada 181 orang responden degan kriteria usia >15 tahun, menikah atau pernah berhubungan seksual. Uji Rasch model, uji t, chi square dan regresi logistik digunakan untuk menganalisis kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia pertama menikah, frekuensi menikah, dan pengetahuan dengan pemeriksaan IVA. Peluang seseorang untuk tidak memeriksakan IVA dari kriteria usia pertama menikah <20 tahun, responden yang menikah >1 kali, yang memiliki motivasi dan pengetahuan kurang adalah sebesar 94%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah pengetahuan merupakan faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi perilaku pemeriksaan IVA

    Dukungan Institusi Pendidikan Kesehatan dalam Rangka Akselerasi Bulan Imunisasi Nasional di Kecamatan Johar Baru

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    Abstrak – Immunization in toddlers is an effort to provide active immunity to prevent transmission of diseases that can be prevented by vaccination. Complete basic immunization coverage has decreased significantly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in the discovery of several extraordinary cases of Measles and Rubella. The Indonesian government launched a strategy to accelerate coverage by holding the National Immunization Month (BIAN). This activity is oriented towards providing additional immunizations and complementing the immunization status of children who are left behind. During this acceleration, the Johar Baru District Health Center invited Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences to provide services aimed at improving the health status of the community in their working area. The activity was caried out on August 2-26th 2022 at 14 Posyandu involving lectures, students, health workers, and the health cadres. Posyandu implementation focuses on immunization activities. Adjusted immunization results based on targets in an average area of 53%. Integrated collaborative activities that involve stakeholders by health facilities are one of the efforts in equal distribution of basic health services covering certain areas. Apart from being one of the Three Dharma of Higher Education, this activity also contributes to improving public health status

    Analysis Factors Related with Succesful in Exclusive Breasfeeding During Pandemic

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    Exclusive breasfeeding is one of the Sustainable Development Goals programs that aim to provide good nutrition for babies naturally. Given the far-reaching benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for babies, mothers and the economy, concerted efforts are needed to meet the World Health Assembly (WHA) target of at least 50% exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months by 2025. The exclusive breastfeeding coverage rate is still far from the expectations removed. This is to be expected as only 1 in 2 babies under 6 months are exclusively breastfed. This shows that almost 50% of Indonesia's child population does not receive the nutrition they need in the first two years of life. The WHO reports that more than 40% of infants were introduced to complementary foods before the age of 6 months and were given food that did not meet their nutritional needs. The aim of this study is to analyze factors related with successful in exclusive breastfeeding during a pandemic. This research is an observational, analytic, cross-sectional study. The sample in this study were mothers whom have toddlers aged 6-18 months from January 2020 to July 2021. The number of samples is 138 people. Data analysis will use the Chi Square test, fisher, and logistic regression. The results showed that the spacing pregnancy (p value = 0.010), Covid-19 infection during delivery or breastfeeding (p value = 0.017), and knowledge (p value = 0.013) had a significant relationship with exclusive breastfeeding. The dominant factor influencing exclusive breastfeeding is knowledge. The probability of logistic regression is seen with a value of 0.9

    The Influence of Counseling and Media Leaflets on Increasing Dysmenorrhea Knowledge

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    Dysmenorrhea is a symptom that arises due to abnormalities in the pelvic cavity and interferes with daily activities, especially in school-age adolescents. It was reported that between 30% and 60% of young women who had dysmenorrhea did not go to school. Treatment of dysmenorrhea can be carried out pharmacologically or non-pharmacologically, depending on the aspect of knowledge. Counselling is known to be effective in increasing knowledge, and leaflets and printed media also facilitate the teaching and learning process. This study aims to determine the effect of counselling and leaflet media on increasing knowledge. The study used a non-equivalent control group design. The research sample was taken by simple random sampling using a questionnaire to assess knowledge about dysmenorrhea. The analysis used a paired t-test to determine the effect of counselling and leaflet media and an independent t-test to determine the most influential media. The results showed that there was an effect of increasing knowledge by providing material through counselling and leaflets (p <0.05). Leaflets are concluded to increase knowledge, compared to counselling.Dismenore merupakan gejala yang timbul akibat adanya kelainan dalam rongga panggul dan mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari terutama pada remaja usia sekolah. Dilaporkan dari 30% - 60% remaja wanita yang mengalami dismenore, didapatkan 7 % - 15% tidak pergi ke sekolah. Penanganan dismenore dapat dilakukan secara farmakologis dan non farmakologis yang bergantung pada aspek pengetahuan. Penyuluhan diketahui efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan leaflet sebagai media cetak juga mempermudah dalam proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dan media leaflet dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan non-equivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian diambil secara simple random sampling menggunakan kuesioner untuk menilai pengetahuan tentang dismenore. Analisis menggunakan uji paired t-test untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dan media leaflet, dan independen t-test untuk mengetahui media yang paling berpengaruh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh peningkatan pengetahuan dengan pemberian materi melalui penyuluhan dan leaflet (p< 0,05). Leaflet disimpulkan lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan dibandingkan penyuluhan

    The Relationship Between Menstrual Length and Menstrual Cycle with Dysmenorrhea in High School Students

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    Menstruation can cause various problems including pain during menstruation or what is commonly known as dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can interfere with daily activities, including school activities for adolescents. Dysmenorrhea can occur 2-3 years after menarche. The average duration of menstruation is 3-6 days, followed by reduced blood loss from the 2nd day to the end. This causes women to feel pain on the 2nd day of their cycle due to the unmaximized detachment of the endometrium. Puberty is an important phase of life, followed by development and growth. Good knowledge will shape behavior that supports maximum growth and development. Dysmenorrhea is the number one reason why female students are absent from school. Absences lead to missing information and an impairment. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between menstrual length and menstrual cycle with dysmenorrhea in female students. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study consisted of 106 female students drawn by the total sampling method. Inclusion criteria were female students with menarche, and exclusion criteria were PCOS. Analysis using the Chi-Square test. The results showed that the prevalence of female students with dysmenorrhea was 71.1%. The results of the bivariate analysis test showed that there was no significant association between menstrual cycle (p value = 1.000) and menstrual length (p value = 0.852) with dysmenorrhea

    The Effectiveness of the Use of the Dysmenorrhea e-booklet on Increasing Knowledge of SMAN 28 Tangerang Students in the Covid-19 Era

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    Dysmenorrhea is a condition where pain occurs before, during and after menstruation. The most common cause of dysmenorrhea is hormonal factors. The incidence of dysmenorrhea worldwide is quite high, and Indonesian adolescents experiencing dysmenorrhea reach 43%-93%. The impact of dysmenorrhea on adolescents is the disruption of activities and a decrease in academic achievement due to lack of concentration and frequent absence of students from school. Lack of knowledge related to dysmenorrhea makes adolescents less precise in carrying out treatment; it can be seen from the number of adolescents who take anti-pain drugs to reduce dysmenorrhea pain which can cause side effects. Treatment of dysmenorrhea in addition to pharmacological can use non-pharmacological treatment. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of using dysmenorrhea e-booklets on increasing knowledge of SMAN 28 Tangerang students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era. This pre-experiment research using a questionnaire. The research design used a One Group Design Pretest-Postest research design. The research sample was all 10th grade students of SMAN 28 Tangerang. Sampling technique was carried out using accidental sampling. The effectiveness of the dysmenorrhea e-booklet in increasing the knowledge of SMAN 28 Tangerang students was analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and obtained a significance value (sig) of 0.000 (p<0.05). The p value <0.05 indicated a significant difference between the score before being given the e-booklet and the score after given the e-booklet. Therefore, it can be concluded that the provision of dysmenorrhea e-booklets is effective in increasing respondents' knowledge about dysmenorrhea in the Covid-19 era

    Dominant Factors Associated with Low Birth Weight in Newborn

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    The leading causes of neonatal or neonatal death in the world according to WHO, 2015 are low birth weight (LBW) 29%, sepsis and pneumonia 25%, asphyxia and trauma 23%. The incidence of BBLR in Blahbatuh II UPTD increased from 2017 to 2019. This study aims to determine the dominant factors associated with the incidence of LBW in the UPTD Puskesmas Blahbatuh II workspace. This study used an observational analytical design through a cross-sectional approach. The data used are secondary data from a retrospective cohort. The population of this study was all mothers born in the UPTD Puskesmas Blahbatuh II work area in 2019, a total of 137 respondents. Sampling technique with Total Sampling. Data analysis in this study used the chi-square test to prove the association of the factors causing LBW and multiple logistic regression tests to determine the most influential factors on the incidence of LBW. The results showed a significant association for 2 variables, antenatal examinations and nutritional status during pregnancy, while the variables maternal age, gestational distance, parity, Hb levels and maternal education have no significant association with the incidence of LBW. Multivariate analysis showed that the most important factor between nutritional status during pregnancy and ANC visits affecting LBW in the UPTD Puskesmas Blahbatuh II workspace was nutritional status during pregnancy. The Anova analysis test showed that the effect of nutritional status on LBW is 66.67% and the effect of ANC visits is 2.71%. It can be concluded that maternal nutritional status affects LBW more than ANC visits

    Etika Pergaulan Remaja Masa Kini Dan Kehamilan Yang Tidak Diinginkan

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     Kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan pada usia dini, sampai pada kasus aborsi yang dapat menyebabkan kesakitan dan kematian pada remaja perempuan yang menjadi masalah global yang harus dihentikan. Tingginya angka kehamilan pada usia dini juga dipengaruhi oleh gaya pergaulan bebas remaja belakangan ini. Di Indonesia, 81% remaja perempuan dan 84% remaja laki-laki mengaku telah berpacaran. Akibatnya 12% terjadi kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan pada remaja dan 23% pengakuan remaja bahwa mereka mengetahui adanya teman mereka yang melakukan tindakan aborsi. Diidentifikasi faktor penyebab dari kerugian yang dialami remaja terkait kehamilan pada usia dini adalah minimnya pendekatan moral dan etika dalam mendampingi remaja untuk masuk dalam tahap perkembangan “adolensia”. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan perubahan pola pikir melalui pendekatan moralitas dan etika dalam pergaulan remaja yang mengakibatkan terjadinya kehamilan pada usia dini. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan secara daring dengan menggunakan platform zoom cloud meeting pada tanggal 24 Juli 2021 dan dihadiri oleh 36 remaja. Kegiatan yang dilakukan disesuaikan dengan permasalahan yang teridentifikasi yaitu memberikan edukasi berupa penyuluhan terkait etika pergaulan remaja dan kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan. Seluruh peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan penyuluhan mengisi kuesioner pre dan post. Melalui edukasi audiovisual yang diberikan dengan penyuluhan maka terjadi peningkatan sebesar 21% pengetahuan remaja. Kegiatan berlangsung dengan lancar, efektif dan tepat arah sesuai dengan tujuan kegiatan. Kata Kunci: Etika Pergaulan, Remaja, Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan  ABSTRACT Unwanted pregnancy in youth, as well as abortion, can caused pain and death in adolescent girls, are a global issue that must be addressed. Recent trend of teenage promiscuity had also influenced the hight rate of pregnancy at young age. In Indonesia, 81% of young women and 84% of young men admit to dating. 12% of teenagers had unwanted pregnancies and 23% said that they knew their friends had abortion. The lack of moral and ethical attitude in enabling adolescents to enter the stage of “adolescence” development is on of the known factors that caused losses faced by adolescents due to pregnancy at a young age. To increased knowledge and changed mindset through morality and ethics approaches in adolescents associations that result in pregnancy at early aged. This community service was carried out online using zoom cloud meeting on July 24th, 2021 and was attended by 36 teenagers. The activities were tailored to problems that had been discovered, such as offering instruction in the form of counseling on adolescent sosial ethics and unwanted pregnancies. All participants who took part in the outreach activities filled out pre and post questionnaires.Through audiovisual education provided by counseling, there was an increase of 21% in adolescent knowledge. The activity ran effectively and in the appropriate direction in accordance with the aim. Keywords : Social Ethical, Teenagers, Unwanted Pregnanc

    Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks Dan Payudara Dengan Pemeriksaan IVA Serta Sadanis di Perumahan Kartika Sejahtera Kelurahan Sasak Panjang Kecamatan Tajur Halang Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat

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    ABSTRAK Kanker merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting bagi wanita di seluruh dunia Penyakit kanker pada perempuan terbanyak pertama payudara diikuti serviks. Kejadian kanker payudara sebanyak 42,1 per 100.000 penduduk sedangkan kanker leher rahim 23,4 kejadian per 100.000 penduduk, dimana 75%nya pernah berhubungan seksual. Kanker ini telah menyerang lebih dari 1,4 juta wanita di seluruh dunia. Di wilayah Bogor penderita kanker meningkat dari 316 pada tahun 2018 menjadi 353 pada tahun 2019. Sejauh ini tercatat bahwa  diantaranya 196 penderita kanker payudara dan 43 penderita kanker serviks. WHO menyatakan  43% penyakit kanker serviks dan payudara dapat dicegah dengan menempuh gaya hidup sehat dan 1/3 dari keseluruhan kasus tersebut dapat disembuhkan jika gejalanya diketahui lebih dini dengan melakukan pemeriksaan IVA (Inspeksi Visual Asam Acetat) /pap smear dan SADANIS (pemeriksaan payudara klinis). Tujuan setelah penyuluhan timbul kesadaran untuk memeriksakan diri dan terdeteksi secara dini kanker serviks dan payudara. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan dan pemeriksaan IVA serta SADANIS. Ibu-ibu yang mendapatkan penyuluhan akhirnya mau memeriksakan diri saat itu pada tempat yang sudah disediakan sehingga pasca kegiatan dapat terdeteksi secara dini kanker serviks dan payudara di Perumahan Kartika Sejahtera Kelurahan Sasak Panjang Kecamatan Tajur Halang Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat. Kata Kunci: Kanker Serviks, Kanker Payudara, IVA, SADANIS  ABSTRACT Cancer is an important health problem for women worldwide. Cancer is the most common in women, followed by the breast, followed by the cervix. The incidence of breast cancer is 42.1 per 100,000 population, while cervical cancer is 23.4 events per 100,000 population, of which 75% have had sexual intercourse. This cancer has attacked more than 1.4 million women worldwide. In the Bogor area, cancer patients increased from 316 in 2018 to 353 in 2019. So far, it has been recorded that among them are 196 breast cancer patients and 43 cervical cancer sufferers. WHO states that 43% of cervical and breast cancers can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle and 1/3 of all cases can be cured if the symptoms are detected early by conducting an IVA (Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid)/pap smear and SADANIS (clinical breast examination). The goal after the counseling is to raise awareness for self-examination and early detection of cervical and breast cancer. The activities were carried out in the form of counseling and examination of IVA and SADANIS. The mothers who received the counseling finally wanted to check themselves at the place provided so that after the activity, cervical and breast cancer could be detected early in Perumahan Kartika Sejahtera, Sasak Panjang Village, Tajur Halang District, Bogor Regency, West Java. Keywords: Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, IVA, SADANI

    Wujud Kepedulian dan Caring Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak di Lingkungan Pendidikan Tinggi Melalui Pos Sapa

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    ABSTRAK Kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak merupakan segala bentuk ancaman, intimidasi, dan pelanggaran hak atau kemerdekaan perempuan dan anak. Kekerasan dapat terjadi di mana saja, termasuk di ruang publik seperti di lingkungan pendidikan baik di sekolah maupun di kampus. Kompleksitas masalah kekerasan muncul mulai dari pencegahan, penanganan, dan rehabilitasi korban sehingga kerja multisektor dan multistakeholder sangat diperlukan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan adanya tindak kekerasan di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi dan sekitar, meningkatkan pengetahuan akan bentuk kekerasan dan dampaknya secara fisik, ekonomi, psikis dan seksual serta menyediakan layanan pengaduan dan perlindungan bagi perempuan dan anak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pembentukan tim Pos Sahabat Perempuan dan Anak (Pos SAPA), edukasi tentang kekerasan dan sosialisasi layanan Pos SAPA kepada civitas akademika dan lingkungan sekitar. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berjalan lancar dan mendapat sambutan yang baik dari seluruh civitas akademika dan pihak terkait. Pos SAPA STIK Sint Carolus berkontribusi sebagai agent of change dengan  menjadi wadah edukasi dan penjaringan kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak di wilayah internal dan eksternal kampus. Kata Kunci: Kekerasan, Perempuan Dan Anak, Pos Sapa  ABSTRACT Violence against women and children is all forms of threats, intimidation, and violations of women and children’s rights. Violence can occur anywhere, including in public spaces such as in the educational environment, both at school and on campus. The complexity of violence problem arises from prevention, problem solving, and rehabilitation of victims. Multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder work is needed. This community service activity aims to increase awareness of violence acts in the higher education and community environment, increase knowledge of violence forms and their physical, economic, psychological and sexual impacts as well as provide complaint services and protection for women and children. This activity was carried out by forming a team of Pos Sahabat Women and Children (Pos SAPA), education about violence and socialization of Pos SAPA services to the academic community and the surrounding environment. Community Service activities went smoothly and received a good response from the entire academic community and related parties. Post SAPA STIK Sint Carolus contributes as an agent of change by becoming a forum for education and screening cases of violence against women and children in the internal and external areas of the campus Keywords : Violence, Women And Children, Pos Sap