14 research outputs found

    E-Travel Application Berbasis Web Pada Pt Toyota Motor MFG Indonesia

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    PT. Toyota Motor MFG Indonesia is an automotive company producing several car line-ups. The problem found in travel administration section is inefficient time required for processing employee's official travel request. PT. Toyota Motor Mfg Indonesia requires an e-travel system to create effective and efficient process for employees and division administrators. The development method used for E-Travel web-based system is Waterfall method that consists of five stages: requirements analysis & definition, system & software design, implementation & unit testing, integration & system testing, and operation & maintenance. The system is created using PHP programming language, and UML (Unified Modelling Language) for system design modelling. The final result of this research is web-based E-Travel system that can be used to fulfil company and employee travel needs, then it can achieve the desired bigger goals. E-Travel System has data collection feature for employees who travel domestically and overseas. The system will calculate employee benefits automatically for employees who travel on business. Advantage of this system is payment of employee benefits can be done cashless and paperless to minimize excessive use of paper

    Analysis of E-Commerce Adoption Level on Culinary Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Umkm) in Karawang Regency Using Smart Pls

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    E-commerce is an electronic trading tool where trading transactions, both buying and selling, are carried out electronically on the internet network. The existence of the internet and various technologies in the telecommunication sector have changed many things, one of which is in UMKM. The current owners of UMKM are expected to be able to compete and maintain the continuity of their business by making changes and applications in the technical field. This study aims to analyze the level of e-commerce adoption in culinary UMKM in Karawang Regency. The method used is a qualitative approach by measuring technology, environmental, organizational, and e-commerce adoption variables on the performance of  UMKM. The data collection technique used in this study was probability sampling, with random sampling types, with a total of 70 culinary UMKM in Karawang regency. The results of this study indicate that technology and environmental factors have a positive effect on the adoption of e-commerce so that they can improve the performance of the UMKM in this study

    Analysis of the Effect Quality Service on Telkomsel Customer Satisfaction in Karawang with the Servqual Method

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    This study aims to determine the effect of service quality an important factor of the service business is the assessment of service quality which is strongly influenced by the perceptions and expectations of each customer. The dimensions of service quality are divided into 5 main dimensions, namely: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible.This study includes associative research or relationships using quantitative approach. The sample in this study was Telkomsel customers in Karawang Regency who used the MyTelkomsel application. A sample of 100 respondents was determined the sampling snowball method. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. The results of the analysis using SPSS version 16 show that: (1) Reliability influences customer satisfaction (2) Responsiveness influences customer satisfaction (3) Assurance and certainty influences consumer satisfaction (4) Empathy influences customer satisfaction (5) Tangible influences to customer satisfaction.   &nbsp


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    Perkembangan teknologi mendorong seluruh sektor bisnis untuk dapat menawarkan layanan yang lebih,  terutama  dalam  pengadopsian  teknologi.  Salah  satu  sektor  yang  mulai  mengembangkan layanannya adalah perusahan – perusahaan di bidang pengembangan perumahan. Perusahaan ini mulai melirik teknologi yang disebut dengan smart home system yang merupakan rumah pintar , dimana rumah tersebut dilengkapi dengan teknologi yang memungkinkan beberapa perangkat untuk dapat saling berkomunikasi. Dengan menerapkan smart home system , para pengembang perumahan dapat meningkatkan nilai  kompetitf  yang  menjadi  pertimbangan  pelanggannya. Implementasi smart  home system ini merupakan salah satu bentuk penerapan dari Internet of things (IoT). Pada penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan perancangan dan implementasi smart home system dengan menggunakan Raspberry Pi berbasis android. Hasil pengujian dari penelitian menggunakan  board mikrokontroller Raspberri Pi 3 model B dapat menghubungkan antara sistem operasi android dengan perangkat lampu dan pendeteksi kebakaran . Hal ini membuktikan bahwa produk smart home system yang dibangun dapat mengontrol lampu dan dapat memberikan informasi ketika terjadi kabakaran

    Amstal expression patterns in the Qur'an and Hadith and their application in Arabic learning

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    Abstract : This study discusses the pattern of the expression "amstal" in the Qur'an and Hadith. The purpose of this study is to find out the pattern of the expression "amstal" in the Qur'an and Hadith, the characteristics, and aspects of the similarities between the two and its application in learning Arabic. This research method is descriptive analysis. The conclusion of this study is that the pattern of the phrase "amstal" in the Qur'an consists of patterns 1). ضرب الله مثلا كذا وكذا هل يستويان؟ ). ضرب الله مثلا لكذا كذا3 ). مثل كذا كمثل كذا4). مثل كذا ككذا.5). إنّ مثل كذا كمثل كذا،.(6 ). كذا كمثل كذا7. مثل كذا... while the expression pattern in the hadith consists of ( 1). مثل كذا مثل، 2). مثل كذا كمثل كذا، 3). مثل كذا ككذا، 4 كذا كما كذا، ,  (5). مثل كذا ومثل كذا كمثل كذا، 6). إنّ مثل كذا كمثل كذا، 7). مثل كذا ومثل كذا. The characteristics of the expression patterns in the Qur'an are “ ضرب الله مثلا كذا وكذا” and in hadith are “مثل كذا ومثل “ and the point of equality of the two is “مثل كذا ككذا” As for its application in learning Arabic through the practice of language patterns in the text of the Qur'an and hadith in the form of amstal expression patterns that allow students to develop the uslub into several examples such as

    Investigasi Penerimaan dari Aplikasi E-Learning Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 3 Case Report : e-learning STMIK Rosma

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    This study aims to measure the level of e-learning adoption from a tertiary institution that has applied e-learning during the COVID-19 period. The TAM 3 model was chosen to measure the level of e-learning adoption. This study involved 100 respondents from students of the 2020 STMIK ROSMA class. The results of data collection were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the help of SmartPLS 3 software. The results of this research hypothesis test indicate that image has a positive effect on the perceived usefulness of e-learning, anxiety of e-learning users is not proven to have a positive effect on perceived ease of use e-learning, self-confidence is proven to have a positive influence on the perceived ease of e-learning users, conditions that facilitate e-learning users are not proven to have a positive effect on the perceived ease of e-learning users, the quality of results has a positive influence on the perceived usefulness of e-learning, intention to use e-learning has a positive influence on the adoption of e-learning, subjective norms have a positive effect on e-learning images, subjective norms have a positive effect on intention to use e-learning, subjective norms are not proven to have a positive effect on intention to use e-learning, the perceived usefulness of e-learning has a positive influence on the intention of using e-learning, the perceived ease of e-learning users has a positive influence on the intention to use e-learning, the perception of the ease of using e-learning has a positive influence on the perceptions of e-learning users, the perception pleasure has a positive influence on the perceptions of e-learning users. The results of this study can be an evaluation for STMIK ROSMA in implementing e-learnin

    Rancang Bangun Perangkat Lunak Penunjang Keputusan untuk Memilih Karyawan Terbaik Berbasis Web dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) pada PT BETA PHARMACON

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    Proses pengambilan keputusan merupakan hal yang penting dalam kegiatan kerja pada PT Beta Pharmacon, salah satunya adalah penilaian kinerja karyawan yang merupakan suatu bentuk motivasi sekaligus apresiasi dalam dunia kerja, maka dengan penilaian tersebut, seorang karyawan akan termotivasi untuk selalu memberikan performa terbaiknya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dan metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan model Waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah suatu sistem pengambilan keputusan dengan web sistem, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan sistem pengambilan keputusan dalam penilaian kinerja karyawan terbaik yang efisien dan efektif yang dapat diterima oleh seluruh karyawan serta memudahkan Perusahaan dalam menentukan perangkingan yang menjadikan karyawan terbaik