1,520 research outputs found

    New Method of Measuring TCP Performance of IP Network using Bio-computing

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    The measurement of performance of Internet Protocol IP network can be done by Transmission Control Protocol TCP because it guarantees send data from one end of the connection actually gets to the other end and in the same order it was send, otherwise an error is reported. There are several methods to measure the performance of TCP among these methods genetic algorithms, neural network, data mining etc, all these methods have weakness and can't reach to correct measure of TCP performance. This paper proposed a new method of measuring TCP performance for real time IP network using Biocomputing, especially molecular calculation because it provides wisdom results and it can exploit all facilities of phylogentic analysis. Applying the new method at real time on Biological Kurdish Messenger BIOKM model designed to measure the TCP performance in two types of protocols File Transfer Protocol FTP and Internet Relay Chat Daemon IRCD. This application gives very close result of TCP performance comparing with TCP performance which obtains from Little's law using same model (BIOKM), i.e. the different percentage of utilization (Busy or traffic industry) and the idle time which are obtained from a new method base on Bio-computing comparing with Little's law was (nearly) 0.13%. KEYWORDS Bio-computing, TCP performance, Phylogenetic tree, Hybridized Model (Normalized), FTP, IRCDComment: 17 Pages,10 Figures,5 Table

    READABILITY IKLAN MOBIL FORD NEW FIESTA DI SURAT KABAR (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Tingkat Keterbacaan Iklan Mobil Ford New Fiesta di Surat Kabar Kompas)

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pemikiran bahwa, suatu proses komunikasi akan terjadi apabila antara pembaca dengan teks menghasilkan suatu pemahaman. Komunikasi terjadi apabila terdapat kesamaan makna antara komunikator dan komunikan, dengan kata lain komunikan tidak mengerti dengan pesan yang diterimanya, maka komunikasi tidak akan terjadi. Dapat dikatakan juga situasi ini tidak komunikatif. Situasi yang tidak komunikatif ini dapat mengakibatkan salah mengerti dalam proses mengkomunikasikan maksud pesan tersebut, maka komunikan sebagai sasaran akan salah dalam mempersepsikan pesan itu, sehingga akan salah pula dalam mengidentifikasikannya dan akhirnya tidak mengerti isi dan maksud pesan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman dan keterbacaan masyarakat Surabaya terhadap iklan Mobil Ford New Fiesta di surat kabar. Dimana didalam iklan tersebut hanya menjelaskan secara singkat mengenai Fitur Voice Activated Phone Dialing System. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif yang termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif. Disini metode kuantitatif menggunakan metode Cloze Prosedure yang diperkenalkan pertama kali oleh Wilson L. Taylor (1953) diterapkan untuk megatasi pesan-pesan entropy yang disebabkan oleh bermacam-macam gangguan (Noise) dan telah terbukti keakuratanya dalam penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Data yang terdapat dalam obyek penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel. Dimana populasi dan sampel ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan dari iklan tersebut. Sampel yang dipilih adalah responden yang berusia antara 30-50 tahun berjenis kelamin pria dan wanita yang bertempat tinggal di Surabaya. Dari hasil penelitian Readability Study yang dilakukan terhadap iklan Mobil Ford New Fiesta di surat kabar Kompas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Iklan Mobil Ford New Fiesta ini termasuk dalam kategori rata-rata. Dapat diartikan bahwa iklan tersebut tidak terlalu sukar dan tidak terlalu mudah untuk dipahami. Hanya dengan 1 kali membaca responden sudah memahami isi pesan iklan tersebut, penggunaan kata-kata asing pun dapat dimengerti dengan mudah, tampilannya pun menarik didalam iklan ini

    Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization in the Wild: Part-based Matching with Bottom-up Region Proposals

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    This paper addresses unsupervised discovery and localization of dominant objects from a noisy image collection with multiple object classes. The setting of this problem is fully unsupervised, without even image-level annotations or any assumption of a single dominant class. This is far more general than typical colocalization, cosegmentation, or weakly-supervised localization tasks. We tackle the discovery and localization problem using a part-based region matching approach: We use off-the-shelf region proposals to form a set of candidate bounding boxes for objects and object parts. These regions are efficiently matched across images using a probabilistic Hough transform that evaluates the confidence for each candidate correspondence considering both appearance and spatial consistency. Dominant objects are discovered and localized by comparing the scores of candidate regions and selecting those that stand out over other regions containing them. Extensive experimental evaluations on standard benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the current state of the art in colocalization, and achieves robust object discovery in challenging mixed-class datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    The Conflicts that Pave the Way for Peace: Lebanese Poet and Philosopher Mikhail Naimy

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    Mikhail Naimy is a twentieth century Lebanese author and philosopher whose writings verge towards the mystical and the metaphysical. Naimy’s philosophy is a synthesis of his own life conflicts and his built premises and drawn conclusions that trivialize materialism, following the steps of Christ. Among Naimy’s first conflicts was leaving of his hometown Baskinta and its highland Shakhroub for Nazareth to continue his education, and the estrangement he felt that was alleviated by a touch of God. Some of the other conflicts in Naimy’s life were the love affairs that yielded to the understanding that true love should be beyond change, and therefore, beyond the sensual enchainment that confines the metaphysical meaning of love. An added conflict that paved the way for peace was Naimy’s conscription as an American soldier in World War I, at the Normandy front. He witnessed the ugliness and absurdity of war, and this experience led him to believe God lives within humans, never without. As Naimy returned to New York, after World War I, he realized he was held captive against his will in the buck race, a race where humans run after the dollar to make a living, so they end up being enslaved to a currency they deem essential for their survival while they as humans are the primary elements of their own being. As a result, transcendence was the only remedy; this transcendence was through finding the higher cause of existence, embodied in loving and expressed in writing. Finally, Naimy perceives that conflicts are blessings and pave the way for peace through love, faith, and transcendence

    Fear and (In)Security: The Canadian Government’s Response to the Chilean Refugees

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    This article examines Canada’s response to the Chilean refugee crisis in 1973. It explores the conditions that made the resettlement of Chilean refugees possible, despite the reluctance of the Canadian government to provide protection for them. The article focuses on the relation between the Canadian overnment’s regulatory discourses and practices on the one hand, and the Canadian public’s contestation of, and challenges to, such discourses and practices on the other. The Chilean refugee crisis revealed that the Canadian refugee protection regime was subject to political ideology, with very little consideration given to the suffering of refugees constructed as a threat to Canadian social, political, and economic well-being. However, civil society played a pivotal role in compelling the government to take a stance toward the refugees, though the government was able to control refugee reception by being deliberately selective about which lives it would save. The visibility and the success of the Canadian public in advocating on behalf of the Chilean refugees demonstrated the potential of this emerging civil power to affect refugee policies and practices while also revealing its limitations.Cet article examine la réponse du Canada à la crise des réfugiés chiliens de 1973. Il explore les conditions sous lesquelles la réinstallation des réfugiés chiliens était rendue possible malgré la réticence de la part du gouvernement canadien à offrir une protection pour ces réfugiés. L’article se concentre en particulier sur le lien entre les discours et pratiques règlementaires du gouvernement canadien d’un côté, et de l’autre la contestation ainsi que l’opposition envers ces discours et pratiques de la part de la société civile canadienne. La crise des réfugiés chiliens avait démontré que le système canadien de protection des réfugiés était sous l’emprise de l’idéologie politique, donnant très peu de considération à la souffrance humaine des réfugiés, qui étaient présentés comme une menace au bien-être social, politique et économique du Canada. Néanmoins, la société civile avait joué un rôle déterminant en incitant le gouvernement à adopter une position envers les réfugiés, bien que celui-ci avait pu maintenir son emprise sur l’accueil des réfugiés en sélectionnant d’une façon délibérée lesquels il voulait sauver. La visibilité ainsi que le succès de la société civile canadienne dans son intervention en faveur des réfugiés chiliens avait mis en évidence le potentiel de cette force civile émergente, mais en même temps avait aussi souligné ses limitations

    Myomectomy has better reproductive outcomes than uterine artery embolization for patients with symptomatic leiomyomas who wish maintain fertility

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    A clinical decision report appraising Mara M, Maskova J, Fucikova Z, Kuzel D, Belsan T, Sosna O. Midterm clinical and first reproductive results of a randomized controlled trial comparing uterine fibroid embolization and myomectomy. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. 2008;31(1):73-85. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00270-007-9195-

    The Controllable and Non- Controllable Hurdles and Pushers to Executing Green Supply Chain Management in the Lebanese Hospitality Sector- the Case of Tannoury

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    Purpose:  This study aims at determining the hurdles and pushers of green supply chain management in the Lebanese hospitality sector.   Theoretical framework: This study adopts institutional theory to understand environmentally friendly supply chain management in the Lebanese hospitality sector, its pushers, and hurdles. Certain factors and pushers may influence businesses in their business actions (Hirsch, 1975;  Lai et al., 2006).   Design/Methodology/Approach: This exploratory qualitative research utilizes the case study approach through a physical semi- structured interview with the owner of Tannoury restaurant.   Findings: It is found that there are two main controllable pushers mainly management mindset and green purchasing, one controllable hurdle namely employee resistance, and four non- controllable hurdles namely obscurity of GSCM awareness, lack of environmental awareness, absence of governmetal support and the Lebanese economic crisis.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The results of such a study might be of great for the concerned Lebanese ministries and bodies to mandate the required legislation regarding green supply chain management. Such a study might be of great value for some non-governmental organizations and environmental associations, who may have a clearer view of the current green supply chain management situation in Lebanon.   Originality/Value: This study is original and contributes to the Lebanese context and to the supply chain industry as a whole  in as there exists no studies that tackled GSCM in the Lebanese hospitality sector

    A Proposed Model of Trust Factors for E-government Adoption and Civic Engagement

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    This study aims to explore trust factors affecting the use and adoption of e-government services and its impact on civic engagement. The constructs identified in this study are related to theories of technology adoption in addition to trust constructs: trust in government, trust in technology, and trust in e-government. The study attempts to propose a model and validate it in the context of a developing country. As this study is exploratory in nature, a questionnaire survey is undertaken using a small sample of 137 participants. The findings show the validity and the reliability of the constructs which are positively correlated with each other. The findings of general Linear model analysis propose a model of trust factors that have significant relationships with the adoption of e-government services and leading to civic engagement

    International Students\u27 Identities And Thier Educational And Learning Trajectories

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    This study explores international students’ identities and identity formation within social, educational, and imagined futures, and their study abroad journeys. I look into past, present and future contexts of international students. Qualitative analytic autoethnography and semi-structured interviews are the methodologies utilized. I explore my own experiences around identity and education as an international graduate student, as well as other participants’ experiences. Date were collected from six participants from six countries: China, India, Iran, Indonesia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. Thematic analysis was utilized. The findings revealed that these international students go through an identity journey, where they reflect on their past self and create a new one. Also, the study concluded that identities are multiple, and are continuously ongoing as long as contexts change