935 research outputs found

    Faktor Internal Pelaksanaan Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Perbatasan dalam Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden pada Tahun 2014 di Kecamatan Entikong Kabupaten Sanggau

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    Tesis ini berjudul : “ Faktor Internal Pelaksanaan Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Perbatasan dalam Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden pada Tahun 2014 di Kecamatan Entikong”. Tesis ini bermaksud menjelaskan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap tingginya partisipasi politik masyarakat perbatasan pada Pemilu tersebut. Tingginya partisipasi politik masyarakat perbatasan dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal. Faktor internal yang dimaksud adalah kesadaran politik masyarakat perbatasan, intrik kepentingan, dan kepercayaan terhadap pemerintah. Masyarakat perbatasan memahami bahwa partisipasi politik mereka dalam Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden sebagai salah satu perwujudan hak asasi politik warga negara dalam sistem demokrasi. Mereka juga memahami partisipasi politik mereka sebagai salah satu upaya untuk memperjuangkan perbaikan dan peningkatan kehidupan sosial. Dan untuk itu masyarakat perbatasan berharap kepada presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih mengakomudir dan menjawab kebutuhan dasar hidup yang menjadi pokok permasalahan yang mereka hadapi. Berbagai permasalahan yang mereka hadapi adalah: infrastruktur, transportasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, penerangan, pelayanan kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ancaman adanya potensi desitegrasi bangsa

    Twisted Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Orbifold Lattices

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    We examine the relation between twisted versions of the extended supersymmetric gauge theories and supersymmetric orbifold lattices. In particular, for the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM in d=4d=4, we show that the continuum limit of orbifold lattice reproduces the twist introduced by Marcus, and the examples at lower dimensions are usually Blau-Thompson type. The orbifold lattice point group symmetry is a subgroup of the twisted Lorentz group, and the exact supersymmetry of the lattice is indeed the nilpotent scalar supersymmetry of the twisted versions. We also introduce twisting in terms of spin groups of finite point subgroups of RR-symmetry and spacetime symmetry.Comment: 32 page

    Convergence of the Gaussian Expansion Method in Dimensionally Reduced Yang-Mills Integrals

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    We advocate a method to improve systematically the self-consistent harmonic approximation (or the Gaussian approximation), which has been employed extensively in condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. We demonstrate the {\em convergence} of the method in a model obtained from dimensional reduction of SU(NN) Yang-Mills theory in DD dimensions. Explicit calculations have been carried out up to the 7th order in the large-N limit, and we do observe a clear convergence to Monte Carlo results. For D10D \gtrsim 10 the convergence is already achieved at the 3rd order, which suggests that the method is particularly useful for studying the IIB matrix model, a conjectured nonperturbative definition of type IIB superstring theory.Comment: LaTeX, 4 pages, 5 figures; title slightly changed, explanations added (16 pages, 14 figures), final version published in JHE

    Efficient method for simulating quantum electron dynamics under the time dependent Kohn-Sham equation

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    A numerical scheme for solving the time-evolution of wave functions under the time dependent Kohn-Sham equation has been developed. Since the effective Hamiltonian depends on the wave functions, the wave functions and the effective Hamiltonian should evolve consistently with each other. For this purpose, a self-consistent loop is required at every time-step for solving the time-evolution numerically, which is computationally expensive. However, in this paper, we develop a different approach expressing a formal solution of the TD-KS equation, and prove that it is possible to solve the TD-KS equation efficiently and accurately by means of a simple numerical scheme without the use of any self-consistent loops.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Physical Review E, 2002, in pres

    A geometrical approach to N=2 super Yang-Mills theory on the two dimensional lattice

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    We propose a discretization of two dimensional Euclidean Yang-Mills theories with N=2 supersymmetry which preserves exactly both gauge invariance and an element of supersymmetry. The approach starts from the twisted form of the continuum super Yang Mills action which we show may be written in terms of two real Kahler-Dirac fields whose components transform into each other under the twisted supersymmetry. Once the theory is written in this geometrical language it is straightforward to discretize by mapping the component tensor fields to appropriate geometrical structures in the lattice and by replacing the continuum exterior derivative and its adjoint by appropriate lattice covariant difference operators. The lattice action is local and possesses a unique vacuum state while the use of Kahler-Dirac fermions ensures the model does not exhibit spectrum doubling.Comment: Minor typos fixed. Version to be published in JHE

    Towards lattice simulation of the gauge theory duals to black holes and hot strings

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    A generalization of the AdS/CFT conjecture postulates a duality between IIA string theory and 16 supercharge Yang-Mills quantum mechanics in the large N 't Hooft limit. At low temperatures string theory describes black holes, whose thermodynamics may hence be studied using the dual quantum mechanics. This quantum mechanics is strongly coupled which motivates the use of lattice techniques. We argue that, contrary to expectation, the theory when discretized naively will nevertheless recover continuum supersymmetry as the lattice spacing is sent to zero. We test these ideas by studying the 4 supercharge version of this Yang-Mills quantum mechanics in the 't Hooft limit. We use both a naive lattice action and a manifestly supersymmetric action. Using Monte Carlo methods we simulate the Euclidean theories, and study the lattice continuum limit, for both thermal and non-thermal periodic boundary conditions, confirming continuum supersymmetry is recovered for the naive action when appropriate. We obtain results for the thermal system with N up to 12. These favor the existence of a single deconfined phase for all non-zero temperatures. These results are an encouraging indication that the 16 supercharge theory is within reach using similar methods and resources.Comment: 49 pages, 14 figure

    A Lattice Formulation of Super Yang-Mills Theories with Exact Supersymmetry

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    We construct super Yang-Mills theories with extended supersymmetry on hypercubic lattices of various dimensions keeping one or two supercharges exactly. Gauge fields are represented by ordinary unitary link variables, and the exact supercharges are nilpotent up to gauge transformations. Among the models, we show that the desired continuum theories are obtained without any fine tuning of parameters for the cases N=2,4,8{\cal N}=2, 4, 8 in two-dimensions.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, (v2) problem on degenerate vacua discussed, renormalization arguments modified, (v3) explanations and references added, published version in JHE

    Zeeman Spectroscopy of the Star Algebra

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    We solve the problem of finding all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Neumann matrix of the matter sector of open bosonic string field theory, including the zero modes, and switching on a background B-field. We give the discrete eigenvalues as roots of transcendental equations, and we give analytical expressions for all the eigenvectors.Comment: (1, 25) pages, 2 Figure

    Lattice Sigma Models with Exact Supersymmetry

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    We show how to construct lattice sigma models in one, two and four dimensions which exhibit an exact fermionic symmetry. These models are discretized and {\it twisted} versions of conventional supersymmetric sigma models with N=2 supersymmetry. The fermionic symmetry corresponds to a scalar BRST charge built from the original supercharges. The lattice theories possess local actions and in many cases admit a Wilson term to suppress doubles. In the two and four dimensional theorie s we show that these lattice theories are invariant under additional discrete symmetries. We argue that the presence of these exact symmetries ensures that no fine tuning is required to achieve N=2 supersymmetry in the continuum limit. As a concrete example we show preliminary numerical results from a simulation of the O(3) supersymmetric sigma model in two dimensions.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, formalism generalized to allow for explicit Wilson mass terms. New numerical results added. Version to be published in JHE