58 research outputs found

    Roles of emotional separation and parental trust on autonomy in elementary and junior high school students

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    Several theories have proposed that emotional separation and parental trust in parent–adolescent relationships have significant roles on adolescent autonomy development. Although these associations have been demonstrated among middle-to-late adolescents, no empirical study has tested them among children and early adolescents. The present study aimed to investigate the associations of emotional separation and parental trust with diverseindicators of behavioral autonomy, including communication behaviors with parents (i.e., individuality-oriented and connectedness-oriented communications) and behaviors at homeand school (i.e., waking up at regular times, doing homework, reviewing learning contents, and observing rules at school), among children and early adolescents. Elementary school students (n = 857; 49.59% girls; Mage = 10.80) and junior high school students (n = 518; 47.68% girls; Mage = 13.56) completed the questionnaires. Emotional separation was positively associated with individuality-oriented communication and negatively associated with connectedness-oriented communications, doing homework, and reviewing learning contents. Meanwhile, parental trust was positively related to both individuality-oriented and connectedness-oriented communications, waking up at regular times, doing homework, reviewing learning contents, and observing rules at school. These results indicate that emotional separation may promote one’s firm sense of self differing from his/her parents; however, emotional separation generally works negatively in autonomy development, whereas parental trust works positively. Overall, the present study provides further understandings of the roles of emotional separation and parental trust on autonomy in childhood and early adolescence, which have not been examined to date.本研究は,国際的/青年期発達探究プロジェクト (都筑学・中間玲子・畑野快・杉村和美: http://web.hyogo-u.ac.jp/nakama/iappj/src/index.html) の予備調査の一部として実施された

    I was, I am, I will be: Identity and time perspective before and during COVID-19

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    The ways in which youth reach a stable identity, a core developmental task of emerging adulthood, are intertwined with their perceptions of the past, present, and future. Additionally, these dynamics are embedded in and are strongly influenced by the socio-historical context and concurrent events, such as COVID-19. This study examines how different groups of emerging adults (university students and workers) engage in identity processes in educational/vocational and interpersonal domains and frame their perspective of time before (N = 299, Mage  = 21.90; 51.4% females) and during the pandemic (N = 497; Mage  = 23.11; 68.2% females). Significant differences in identity processes and time perspective emerged between the two cohorts. Moreover, significant associations between identity and time perspective were found to be similar across different identity domains and cohorts

    Support from helpers promoting feelings of Self-Growth through experieoces ofbeing bullied

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    Experiences of being bullied exert long-lasting effects on victims; however, such effects are not only negative, as positive ones have also been observed. This paper focuses on the positive effects of experiences of being bullied, defining them as feelings of self-growth. This study conducted a survey of university students, asking them to recollect their past experiences of being bullied. The preliminary research created a "support from helpers scale," using free descriptions to clarify the support that victims of bullying actually received. The main research, conducted via the questionnaire method, questioned what types of help from people around them were useful for healing their inner psychic trauma and for developing feelings of self-growth through the bullied experience. Results show that proactive forms of help from others, such as "creating a safe space for victims," "opposing bullying," and "giving advice," were more useful than passive forms of help, such as "consoling" or "listening to victims' stories.

    Політичний іслам – маркер кризового суспільства

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    В статье Н.Кирюшко «Политический ислам - маркер кризисного общества» анализируются процессы политизации и радикализации ислама в мире и в Украине в частности; раскрываются предпосылки, причины и возможные последствия деятельности религиозно-политического движения «Хизб ат- Тахрир» на территории Украины. Ключевые слова: политический ислам, политизация ислама, исламская политика, религиозная партия «Хизб ат-Тахрір», мусульманская среда.In the article of M.Kiryushkо «Political Islam is a marker of crisis society» the processes of politization and radikalization of Islam in the world as a whole and in Ukraine in particular are analysed. The author also defines pre-conditions, reasons and possible consequences of activity of the religious and political movement of «Khizb ut-Takhrir» in Ukraine. Keywords: political islam, politization of Islam, Islam policy, religious party of «Khizb ut-Takhrir», Muslim society

    Exploring Exploration:Identity Exploration in Real-Time Interactions among Peers

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    In this short-term longitudinal study, we examine specific examples of identity exploration in real-time interactions among peers. The participants included 12 first-year students majoring in literature, social sciences, and humanities at a national university in Japan (M age = 18.2; SD = 0.39; 83.3% female). They were divided into four triads that participated in weekly 20-minute discussions for nine successive weeks around three identity domains: learning, romantic relationships, and career. Transcripts were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Seven characteristics of exploration were identified in real-time interactions: support, open disclosure, meta-exploration, investigating, creating an idea, conflict, and demotivating. In addition, these characteristics generated three major overarching patterns that advanced exploration: creating a safe environment for exploration, clarification and elaboration of the idea embedded in support essential for promoting exploration, and a combination of finding a keyword and repeating it on the border between exploration and discovering an aspect of identity. Overall, our results reveal that exploration in real-time interactions among peers did not involve a fixed sequence of characteristics; rather, it was vitalized by mutual affirmation, going back and forth among different characteristics of exploration while taking small steps

    Real-time identity processes: empirical applications

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