7 research outputs found

    Sifat Fisik Dan Daya Iritasi Gel Ekstrak Etanol Herba Pegagan (Centella Asiatica L.) Dengan Variasi Jenis Gelling Agent

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    Pegagan has activity as an antibacterial, so that required to be formulated into comfortable and practical used dosage form such as gel. Formulation of ethanolic exctract of Centella asiatica need gelling agent in order to obtain a gel which fulfill the physical properties requirement of gel and not cause irritation effect. The aim of the research to know the influence of the type of gelling agent toward the physical properties and irritation potential of gel of ethanolic extract of Centella asiatica, L. The extract was gotten by maceration method by using 70% ethanol. The extract was formulated become gel. The physical properties of gel was evaluated by organoleptic test, pH test, adhesivity test, spreadebility test, and skin irritation test. Data was analyzed with statical analysis using ANOVA test ab kruskall wallis test and then continued with Mann Withney test with 95% of confident level. Result of the research indicate that variation of gelling agent have an effect on spreadability and adhesivity of gel of ethanolic extract of Centella asiatica, L. The gel that has biggest spreadibility power is gel with HPMC formulation with the value 52.282 ± 2.515 mm2 and the smallest spreadibility power is gel with carbopol combinated with extract formulation with value 27.818 ± 1.023 mm2. While for the smallest adhesivity value on gel with HPMC formulation is 1.632 ± 0.289 second, and then the biggest adhesivity value on gel with carbopol is added extract is 3.614 ± 0.128 second. Variation of gelling agent did not influence of all of the gel formulas did not have irritation effect to marmut skin and pH value. The right gelling agent for ethanolic extract of Centella asiatica, L is carbopol because carbopol has a good spreadibility, good adhesivity, and minimal of irritation effect. Key words: Centella asiatica L, gelling agent, physical properties of gel, irritable potential

    Gel Formulation of Ethanol Extract of Mangosteen Peel (Garcinia Mangostana L.) as a Medication for Burns in Wistar Rats

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    Background: Mangosteen peel (Garcinia mangostana L.) has been shown to stimulate the regeneration of damaged body cells and have an antimicrobial activity that can be beneficial in healing burns. Therefore, it is necessary to make it into a gel dosage form that has the advantages of being easily washed with water, high adhesion, cooling of the skin, and good drug release. Objective: To determine the effect of varying concentrations of ethanol extract of mangosteen peel in a gel formulation on wound healing in burns and the physical properties of the gel. Methods: Mangosteen peel extract was obtained by maceration method using ethanol 70%. This extract was formulated in a gel dosage form with variations of extract concentration, namely F I (5%), F II (10%), and F III (15%). The gels were then tested for their physical properties (organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, spreadability, adhesiveness, and physical stability) and their activity against burns experimentally using mice as test animals. Burns were made by using a hot plate with an area of 2 cm x 2 cm. Results: The increase of extract concentration could increase spreadability (p>0.05), adhesiveness (p>0,05), and percentage of healing activity against burns as shown by a significant difference between FI and FIII. On the other hand, the difference in the concentration of the extract did not affect pH (all formulations have pH of 3.5); all formulas also remained homogenous and stable after centrifugation. Conclusion: The best physical properties and wound healing activity for burns was shown by the gel with the ethanol extract of mangosteen peel at a concentration of 15%

    Evaluasi Sifat Fisik Dan Uji Iritasi Sediaan Salep Minyak Atsiri Bunga Cengkeh Dalam Basis Larut Air

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    Essential oil of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (MABC) with eugenol as its main active ingredient, has been studied as anti-inflammatory agent. Its important to develop formulation in an advanced research. This study has been conducted to develop a topical dosage form (an ointment using a water-soluble base). The physical properties of water-soluble ointment preparation of MABC and the irritation properties at various concentrations of MABC have been evaluated. Ointment preparation MABC water-soluble base created using the mixing of the PEG 400 and PEG 4000 by a fusion method. Ointment made with a various concentration of MABC (5%, 10% and 15%). Ointment with each concentration were evaluated based on its physical properties such as pH, dispersiveness and adhesion. Ointment also tested its irritative properties on the skin, using test animals Guinea pigs by Draize test method. Data from those experiments analyzed by ANOVA with T-test level of 95%. The results showed that the physical properties of water-soluble ointment base with MABC concentration of 5%, 10% and 15% reach the requirements of the pH and adhesion parameter, but not for its dispersiveness. Statistical analysis of each trial did not show any significant in difference. The experimental results against irritation test showed that the water-soluble ointment base concentration of 5%, 10% and 15% did not cause irritation to the skin of Guinea pigs

    Hubungan Antara Konsentrasi Minyak Atsiri Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmannii Nees Ex Bl.) Dalam Lotion Dengan Sifat Fisik Dan Tingkat Kesukaan Konsumen

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    Essential oil of Cinnamomum burmannii contains cinnamaldehyde as active substance as antibacterial and repellant. The study about development of dosage forms was needed in order be useful to people. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration\u27s effect of cinnamon to the physical characteristic and results hedonic test of lotion. This study was done in Laboratory of Pharmacy UAD in 2014 that was begun with distillation of essential oil. Then, it was formulated as lotion with concentration 1% (F1), 3% (F II), 5% (F III), 7% (F IV), respectively. The lotion was evaluated its physical characteristic (homogeneity, viscosity, spreadability, adhesivity, pH) and hedonic test to know the level of acceptability based on colour and flavor of lotion. Data was collected by quistionnaire. Results of study showed that all of the lotion was homogenous. The increasing concentrations of cinnamon caused decreasing of viscosity (p <0.05) and adhesivity (P <0.05), an increasing of spreadability (P <0.05), did not affect the pH value (p> 0.05), and increasing hedonic level until 5% concentration. It can be concluded that concentration of essential oil of cinnamon at 5% fullfilled the requirement of spreadability, adhesivity, pH and the most prefered by consumers. Minyak atsiri kayu manis dengan kandungan bahan aktif cinnamaldehyde telah terbukti berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri dan repelan. Penelitian terkait pengembangan bentuk sediaan diperlukan agar dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi minyak atsiri kayu manis dalam lotion terhadap sifat fisik dan tingkat kesukaan konsumen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Farmasi UAD tahun 2014 dengan rancangan eksperimental yang diawali dengan destilasi minyak atsiri kayu manis. Selanjutnya minyak atsiri diformulasikan dalam bentuk lotion dengan konsentrasi 1% (F1), 3% (F II), 5% (F III), 7% (F IV). Sediaan lotion diuji sifat fisik (homogenitas, viskositas, daya sebar, daya lekat, pH) dan uji hedonik untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan konsumen berdasarkan warna dan aroma lotion. Data tersebut diperoleh dengan memberikan kuisioner kepada 30 orang peserta. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa lotion homogen pada semua konsentrasi. Peningkatan konsentrasi minyak atsiri kayu manis menyebabkan penurunan viskositas (p<0,05) dan daya lekat (P<0,05), peningkatan daya sebar (P<0,05), tidak mempengaruhi nilai pH (p>0,05) serta peningkatan skor hedonik sampai pada konsentrasi 5%. Berdasarkan hasil uji maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsentrasi minyak atsiri kayu manis sebesar 5% memenuhi persyaratan daya sebar, daya lekat, pH dan paling disukai oleh konsumen

    The Profile of Anti-inflammatory Activity of Syzigium Aromaticum Volatile Oil in Lotion with Variation Composition of Oleic Acid and Propylene Glycol as Enhancer

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    Essential oil of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) containing eugenol has an anti-inflammatory activity. The study was aimed to develop the formulation of lotion by adding of oleic acid and propylene glycol as penetration enhancer. The effect of enhancer composition was also studied. Lotion was prepared with the composition of oleic acid (AO) and propylene glycol (PG) as follow: 1:0 (FI), 0,5:0,5 (FII), 0:1 (FIII). Capacity an anti-inflammatory of formulation based on parameters of the amount of cells with COX-2 expression, the number of inflammatory cells and the epidermis thickness was evaluated using male mouse strain BALb/C induced by crotton oil as inflammatory agents. The results showed that the increasing composition propylene glycol caused the decreasing of the amount of cells with COX-2 expression (p <0.05), the inflammatory cells (P <0.05) and the epidermis thickness (p <0.05

    Stabilitas Epigalokatekin Galat dalam Krim Ekstrak Teh Hijau dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Antioksidan Vitamin C 1% dan Vitamin E 1%

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    Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) in green tea extract has activity as an anti-inflammatory agent. On the other hand the stability of EGCG is poor because of the oxidation. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of Vitamine C and Vitamine E in formulation of green tea extract cream to the stabiliy of EGCG. The green tea extract was obtained from the extraction process by infundation followed by fractination with ethyl acetate as the solvent. The three formulas were compiled in similar composition with the concentration of vitamine C 1% (FI), Vitamine E 1% (FII) and there was no Vitamine C and Vitamine E (FIII) as a control. The EGCG level was determinated by TLC-densitometry methode. The stability parameter was determinated by calculated of the Q10 of each formula. The result of this study showed that the parameter of t90 of EGCG with Vitamine C 1%, Vitamine E 1% and control addition were 0.0108 hours, 0.0087 hours, 0.0084 hours, respectively. Stability of EGCG in green tea leaf extract cream with addition of the vitamin C 1% was higher than it stability with the addition of vitamin E 1%. The concentration of Vitamin C 1% was the optimum concentration as antioxidant in formulation of green tea extract cream

    Anti-inflammatory Activity of Camellia Sinensis, L. Extract Cream Combined with Vitamin C as Antioxidant on Croton Oil-induced Inflamation in Male Mice Strain BALB/C

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    Green tea extract cream contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) as the active ingredient for anti-inflammatory. Epigallocatechin gallate is easyly oxidized and able to reduce its effectivity as an anti-inflammatory. Therefore, an addition of antioxidants in order to increase its stability is required. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding the antioxidant Vitamin C on the effectivity of green tea extract as an anti-inflammatory. This study uses 6 groups of male mice strain BALB/C which were given treatment as follows: normal control, negative control, base cream, green tea extract (0.2%), Vitamin C cream (1%) and green tea extract cream with addition of Vitamin C. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated based on the expression of COX-2, inflammatory cells and the thickness of the epidermis in the skin tissue of mice after given crotton oil (0.1%) on the back for the induction of inflammation. After treatment cream for 3 days, mice were sacrificed for histopathological tissue preparations made with hematoxylin eosin staining and immunohistochemistry COX-2. Data were analyzed statistically with one way Anova followed by t-test to determine differences between groups at a significance level of 0.05. The test results indicate that cream of green tea extract is higher in decreasing inflammatory parameters in comparison with cream of Vitamin C, except in the thickness of epidermal parameter. Green tea extract cream with the addition of Vitamin C is higher in reducing inflammatory parameters than cream of green tea extract or cream of Vitamin C. The decline percentage of cells that express COX-2, inflammatory cells and the thickness of the epidermis in the each of groups were cream of green tea extract:57.95%;53.75%;34.83%, cream of Vitamin C:48.76%;34.96%;34.27%, cream of green tea extract and Vitamin C:61,89%;65,54%;46.30%, respectively. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that anti-inflammatory activity of green tea extract cream increased due to the addition of 1% vitamin C as an antioxidant