2,961 research outputs found

    Changes in earth's energy flows and clouds in 228-year simulation with a high resolution AGCM

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    Ethnomathematics Exploration of Cemetery of Heroes in City Kampung Mesjid Labuhanbatu Utara

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    Ada keterkaitan antara pendidikan dan budaya hal ini setiap daerah yang terdapat sekelompok manusia yang menetap menjadi masyarakat akan timbul suatu budaya baik itu warisan para leluhur maupun timbulnya budaya baru akibat interaksi manusia. Etnomatematika sebagai penghubung antara pendidikan dan budaya dalam hal ini terpokus khususnya pada bidang matematika baik secara sadar maupun tidak masyarakat telah mengadopsi konsep-konsep matematika dalam kehidupannya. Penelitian ini hadir untuk mengulas eksplorasi etnomatematika situs warisan bersejarah yaitu Makam Pahlawan sebagai bentuk partisipasi masyarakat Kualuh Hilir terhadap para pahlawan Kesuma Bangsa. Jenis penelitian ini kualitatif  eksploratif yang terfokus pada objek warisan bersejarah dengan observasi, analisa, dokumentasi, serta catatan-catatan dalam tugu monumen peresmian. Setelah dilakukan penelitian adanya konsep matematika yang dipergunakan saat pembuatan monumen bersejarah yaitu Makam pahlawan. Terbukti adanya enomatematika masyarakat Kualuh Hilir yang terlihat pada bangunan situs bersejarah Makam PahlawanThere is a link between education and culture, this is in every area where there are a group of people who settle down as a society, a culture will emerge, both the heritage of the ancestors and the emergence of a new culture due to human interaction. Ethnomatematics as a link between education and culture in this case is focused specifically on the field of mathematics, both consciously and unconsciously the community has adopted mathematical concepts in their lives. This research is here to review the ethnomathematics exploration of historic heritage sites, namely the Hero's Cemetery as a form of participation by the people of Kualuh Hilir towards the heroes of Kesuma Bangsa. This type of research is exploratory qualitative research that focuses on historical heritage objects with observation, analysis, documentation, and notes on the inauguration monuments. After doing research, there is a mathematical concept that is used when making historical monuments, namely the hero's tomb. It is proven that there is ethnomathematics of the people of Kualuh Hilir which can be seen in the building of the historic site of the Hero's Cemetery

    Ethnomathematics Exploration of Cemetery of Heroes in City Kampung Mesjid Labuhanbatu Utara

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    Ada keterkaitan antara pendidikan dan budaya hal ini setiap daerah yang terdapat sekelompok manusia yang menetap menjadi masyarakat akan timbul suatu budaya baik itu warisan para leluhur maupun timbulnya budaya baru akibat interaksi manusia. Etnomatematika sebagai penghubung antara pendidikan dan budaya dalam hal ini terpokus khususnya pada bidang matematika baik secara sadar maupun tidak masyarakat telah mengadopsi konsep-konsep matematika dalam kehidupannya. Penelitian ini hadir untuk mengulas eksplorasi etnomatematika situs warisan bersejarah yaitu Makam Pahlawan sebagai bentuk partisipasi masyarakat Kualuh Hilir terhadap para pahlawan Kesuma Bangsa. Jenis penelitian ini kualitatif  eksploratif yang terfokus pada objek warisan bersejarah dengan observasi, analisa, dokumentasi, serta catatan-catatan dalam tugu monumen peresmian. Setelah dilakukan penelitian adanya konsep matematika yang dipergunakan saat pembuatan monumen bersejarah yaitu Makam pahlawan. Terbukti adanya enomatematika masyarakat Kualuh Hilir yang terlihat pada bangunan situs bersejarah Makam PahlawanThere is a link between education and culture, this is in every area where there are a group of people who settle down as a society, a culture will emerge, both the heritage of the ancestors and the emergence of a new culture due to human interaction. Ethnomatematics as a link between education and culture in this case is focused specifically on the field of mathematics, both consciously and unconsciously the community has adopted mathematical concepts in their lives. This research is here to review the ethnomathematics exploration of historic heritage sites, namely the Hero's Cemetery as a form of participation by the people of Kualuh Hilir towards the heroes of Kesuma Bangsa. This type of research is exploratory qualitative research that focuses on historical heritage objects with observation, analysis, documentation, and notes on the inauguration monuments. After doing research, there is a mathematical concept that is used when making historical monuments, namely the hero's tomb. It is proven that there is ethnomathematics of the people of Kualuh Hilir which can be seen in the building of the historic site of the Hero's Cemetery


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    ABSTRAKSUGI PRATIWI,2014PELAKSANAAN CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA (CITES) TAHUN 1973 TERHADAP PERIKANAN HIU DI INDONESIA (Suatu Penelitian di Provinsi Aceh) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala (viii.88). pp., bibl., app.FIKRI, S.H., M.H.ENZUS TINIANUS, S.H.Permintaan akan produk ikan hiu, terutama siripnya, telah menjadikan ikan hiu sebagai target utama dalam penangkapan ikan. Kondisi ini membuat populasi ikan hiu menurun drastis hingga tinggal 15% di seluruh dunia. Penurunan populasi ikan hiu tersebut membuat International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) menempatkan semua spesies ikan hiu dalam daftar merahnya, dan berdasarkan saran dari IUCN pula, pada pertemuan ke enam belas Conference of the Parties (COP) dari Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) tahun 1973 pada 3-14 Maret 2013 di Bangkok, Thailand, lima spesies ikan hiu dicantumkan dalam daftar Apendiks II dan III. CITES merupakan suatu konvensi yang mengatur perdagangan internasional dan sebagai media konservasi terhadap flora dan fauna yang terancam punah. Indonesia yang merupakan negara penangkap ikan hiu terbesar di dunia dan telah meratifikasi Konvensi CITES tahun 1973 dengan Keppres No. 43 Tahun 1978 tentu harus menjalankan aturan yang diatur oleh CITES tersebut. Provinsi Aceh yang merupakan bagian dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, menjadi salah satu pemenuh kebutuhan pasar ikan hiu dunia, dimana tangkapan ikan hiu yang ditangkap oleh nelayan Aceh termasuk ke dalam spesies ikan hiu yang dilindungi oleh Konvensi CITES tahun 1973 tersebut.Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pelaksanaan CITES oleh Pemerintah Aceh terhadap perikanan hiu di Aceh, dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh Pemerintah Aceh terkait dengan pelaksanaan CITES terhadap perikanan hiu di Aceh. Untuk memperoleh data dalam penulisan skripsi ini dilakukan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan mempelajari serta menganalisa ketentuan-ketentuan dalam konvensi-konvensi internasional, buku-buku teks, makalah, jurnal, media massa dan dokumen lainnya yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang dibahas dalam penulisan ini dan penelitian lapangan dilakukan dengan mewawancarai responden dan informan yang telah ditentukan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari penulisan skripsi ini diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan CITES terhadap perikanan hiu di Aceh saat ini belum berjalan efektif. Pelaksanaan CITES di Aceh terkait dengan ikan hiu masih dalam tahapan pengembangan aturan mengenai rancangan pengelolaan perikanan hiu. Sedangkan kendala dalam pelaksanaan CITES dapat dikelompokkan menjadi kendala yang berasal dari dalam (internal) yang meliputi banyaknya permintaan dan nilai ekonomis ikan hiu, kurangnya sosialisasi tentang CITES, penegakan hukum yang lemah, dan kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya ikan hiu di lingkungan laut. Sedangkan kendala yang berasal dari luar (eksternal) mulai dari sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memadai, tidak adanya kerjasama dari berbagai pihak dalam melakukan perlindungan dan pengelolaan terhadap ikan hiu, belum adanya kuota ikan hiu, dan terakhir adalah regulasi hukum yang masih lemah. Disarankan kepada Pemerintah Aceh untuk lebih serius dalam menjalankan berbagai aturan yang mendukung pelaksanaan CITES tersebut serta membuat suatu kebijakan khusus yang mengatur tentang perlindungan dan pengelolaan terhadap spesies ikan hiu, agar populasi ikan hiu di alam tetap terjaga, dan dapat dinikmati sampai generasi berikutnya

    Using Project Based Learning (PBL) Design to Expand Mathematics Students’ Understanding: A Case Study in Statistics Problem

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    This paper describes some activities that the author has designed using Project Based Learning (PBL) to develop students’ understanding of statistics. This study used a quasi-experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest quantitative research design. The subjects in this study are 30 students of class VII in SMP Negeri 6, Surabaya, Indonesia. The data collected using a questionnaire and a test. The validity of students’ response used product-moment correlations and the reliability test used the Cronbach’s Alpha formula, and the hypothesis was tested using the t-test (one sample t-test). The results showed that the positive response of students using PBL design to expand mathematics students’ understanding of statistics, namely 85.83%. Furthermore, there was a difference in the students’ learning outcomes before and after they learned through the PBL learning design, indicated by pretest the mean of score is 38.30 and a posttest mean score is 67.17. Besides that, tobserved of pretest is 15.931 and tobserved of posttest is 34.655, both are greater than ttable with a significant level ?=0.05 is 2.042. Thus, we could be concludes that there as a difference the understanding of statistics students’ outcome before and after learning with PBL design


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    We aimed to quantify the contribution of lower body rotations in producing upward foot velocity during soccer volley kicking. The kicking motions at various ball heights were captured from fifteen male university soccer players using an optical motion capture system at 500 Hz. The effectiveness of lower body rotations in producing upward foot centre of gravity velocity were computed (Sprigings et al., 1994) and time integrated. Major contributors to generating the upward foot CG velocity in volley kicking were 1) knee flection, 2) hip internal rotation, 3) pelvis clock-wise rotation within the frontal plane and 4) hip flection. The contributions of 1) and 4) become smaller as the ball height increased gradually, while the contributions of 2) and 3) become larger systematically

    Pengembangan Model Bahan Ajar Menulis Berita Berbasis Koran Linggau Pos Siswa Kelas 8 SMP Negeri Sumber Rejo

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    The purpose of this study is to 1) design the development of learning materials for writing news-based newspaper Linggau Pos students of grade 8 of SMP Negeri Sumber Rejo, 2) Describe the news material based on Linggau Pos newspaper class 8 students of Sumber Rejo State Junior High School valid, and effective. This research and development there are 10 stages of Dick and Carey model which is limited to 8 stages. Interview data were analyzed by qualitative data analysis technique. The value of the questionnaire and the results of the assignment of students writing the news is used to determine the quantitative data. Expert team validation results show the model of teaching materials News Based Writing Newspaper Post categorized very well. Prototype trials and small group trials show the model of news writing materials based on Linggau Pos newspaper is practical. Based on large group trials there 5 students who are not complete of 28 students, while the questionnaire given to large groups showed very positive results. Instrument validity is categorized very high with percentage 0.99. thitung greater than ttable 43.659 greater than 2.052 means there is a significant positive relationship between the model of learning materials developed with learning outcomes. Instrument reliability is categorized high with a value of 0.66. The correlations test showed no significant relationship between the mean value data after and the average value before. Paired sample ttest with SPSS version 20, shows Sig value. 2 tailed of 0.0001 is smaller than the alpha value of 0.05, which means there is a significant difference between before and after using the teaching materials model of News Based Newspaper Linggau Pos. Keywords : Development, Material Model, News Writing. &nbsp

    Building Up a Disciple-Making Community at the Sakai-chuo Mennonite Brethren Church

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    The purpose of this doctoral project is to propose a program for training the leaders of the Sakai-chuo Mennonite Brethren (MB) Church to form supportive and intentional small groups where new believers will grow spiritually and experience a caring and loving community in Christ, so that they can become more effective Gospel witnesses in the Japanese context. The Sakai-chuo MB Church does not invest its energy in training members to be disciples of Christ even though it is very eager to lead non-Christians to salvation. There are many members who cannot get necessary help and support to grow spiritually. Because of poor ecclesiology and a lack of awareness of a rich experience as community, the church tends to emphasize only personal relationship with God, while relationship with other members is neglected. Part One of this paper will examine the local community surrounding the church. Special attention will be given to the history of the church, showing its successes and failures. An examination of the practices, values, forms of leadership, and relationships within the congregation will identify ecclesiological issues. Part Two will engage relevant biblical and theological resources. First, an examination of relevant literature will provide theological insights and foundations for the ministry. Then strengths and weaknesses of the ecclesiology of the Japan MB will be explored as well as an alternative church model that will support small group ministry. Finally, it will present theological, biblical, and practical justifications for ministry. Part Three will focus on creating a pilot project. The project will raise awareness of the importance of community, offer opportunities to participate in holistic formation, encourage congregational change, and promote lay leadership ministries. This pilot project will provide structure and content for small groups. Content Reader: Arlene Inouye, DMi

    Pengembangan Model Bahan Ajar Menulis Berita Berbasis Koran Linggau Pos Siswa Kelas 8 SMP Negeri Sumber Rejo

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    The purpose of this study is to 1) design the development of learning materials for writing news-based newspaper Linggau Pos students of grade 8 of SMP Negeri Sumber Rejo, 2) Describe the news material based on Linggau Pos newspaper class 8 students of Sumber Rejo State Junior High School valid, and effective. This research and development there are 10 stages of Dick and Carey model which is limited to 8 stages. Interview data were analyzed by qualitative data analysis technique. The value of the questionnaire and the results of the assignment of students writing the news is used to determine the quantitative data. Expert team validation results show the model of teaching materials News Based Writing Newspaper Post categorized very well. Prototype trials and small group trials show the model of news writing materials based on Linggau Pos newspaper is practical. Based on large group trials there 5 students who are not complete of 28 students, while the questionnaire given to large groups showed very positive results. Instrument validity is categorized very high with percentage 0.99. thitung greater than ttable 43.659 greater than 2.052 means there is a significant positive relationship between the model of learning materials developed with learning outcomes. Instrument reliability is categorized high with a value of 0.66. The correlations test showed no significant relationship between the mean value data after and the average value before. Paired sample ttest with SPSS version 20, shows Sig value. 2 tailed of 0.0001 is smaller than the alpha value of 0.05, which means there is a significant difference between before and after using the teaching materials model of News Based Newspaper Linggau Pos. Keywords : Development, Material Model, News Writing. &nbsp
