14 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Rainfall-Induced Slope Instability in Cisokan Region, Indonesia

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    A 25.5 km long access road has been constructed in a hilly area in Cisokan region. Several slope instabilities occurred during the rainy season, particularly at the end of heavy rainfall. A comprehensive study was performed to understand the characteristics of rainfall-induced slope instability. The study consisted of field observation, analyses of field and laboratory test data, and numerical analyses. The study revealed that in general there were two categories of slopes with instability characteristics: (i) slopes with a significant groundwater level increase during rainfall; (ii) slopes with an insignificant groundwater level increase during rainfall. In the first category, the slope instability was caused by a loss of matric suction and eventually the pore-water pressure, uw became positive as indicated by an increase of the groundwater level. In the second category, the slope instability was caused by a loss of matric suction without a rise in pore-water pressure, uw, to a positive magnitude. Two empirical curves of slope stability were developed as a preliminary guidance to assess slope stability during rainfall in the region

    Advancement in the Analysis of Seepage through Cracked Soils

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    Seepage is an important problem analyzed in geotechnical engineering. Conventionally, the analysis is performed in conditions where the soil is intact. The presence of desiccated cracks requires a seepage analysis that considers not only the soil matrix part of the cracked soil but also the crack network. Currently, there are three approaches in the analysis of seepage through cracked soils: (i) analysis by modeling the cracked soil as an intact material with cracks being represented as macropores; (ii) analysis by modeling the cracked soil as a material with a bimodal pore-size distribution; and (iii) analysis by modeling two components of the cracked soil separately: the soil matrix and the crack network. Each approach is reviewed and discussed in this paper. It was found that each approach is suitable for specific cases: (i) the first method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil deep below the ground surface; (ii) the second method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil at the ground surface under a drying process; (iii) the third method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil at the ground surface experiencing rainwater infiltration. Choosing the appropriate method is essential in modeling the appropriate seepage mechanism

    Advancement in the Analysis of Seepage Through Cracked Soils

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    Seepage is an important problem analyzed in geotechnical engineering. Conventionally, the analysis is performed in conditions where the soil is intact. The presence of desiccated cracks requires a seepage analysis that considers not only the soil matrix part of the cracked soil but also the crack network. Currently, there are three approaches in the analysis of seepage through cracked soils: (i) analysis by modeling the cracked soil as an intact material with cracks being represented as macropores; (ii) analysis by modeling the cracked soil as a material with a bimodal pore-size distribution; and (iii) analysis by modeling two components of the cracked soil separately: the soil matrix and the crack network. Each approach is reviewed and discussed in this paper. It was found that each approach is suitable for specific cases: (i) the first method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil deep below the ground surface; (ii) the second method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil at the ground surface under a drying process; (iii) the third method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil at the ground surface experiencing rainwater infiltration. Choosing the appropriate method is essential in modeling the appropriate seepage mechanism

    Pengujian Skala Penuh Dan Analisis Perkuatan Cerucuk Matras Bambu Untuk Timbunan Badan Jalan Di Atas Tanah Lunak Di Lokasi Tambak Oso, Surabaya

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    Bamboo pile-mattress was proposed as an alternative ground reinforcement to support road embankment on soft soils for the Surabaya Eastern Ring Road Project. A full scale test program was performed to investigate reliability of the reinforcement system since standard calculation for this type of construction was not available. The full scale program was consisted of ground settlement monitoring by settlement plates and pore water pressure monitoring by piezometers. Readings were taken for each stage of embankment construction. Analytical and numerical analyses were also performed to verify the full scale test results. Analytical calculation for immediate settlement was performed based on the elasticity theory, for consolidation settlement was performed by the 1-D Terzaghi\u27s consolidation theory. Numerical calculation was performed using the finite element method utilizing a commercial software package called PLAXIS. In the finite element analyses, subsurface soil and embankment were modeled as elastic-plastic solid materials using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. Bamboo piles and mattress were modeled as elastic-plastic springs and elastic-plastics beams, respectively. Monitoring records and analysis results show that bamboo pile-mattress reinforcement has effectively increased stability. Consolidation settlement was found to be relatively uniform. Results also show that monitoring records and analysis results are relatively similar


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    Bamboo pile-mattress was proposed as an alternative ground reinforcement to support road embankment on soft soils for the Surabaya Eastern Ring Road Project. A full scale test program was performed to investigate reliability of the reinforcement system since standard calculation for this type of construction was not available. The full scale program was consisted of ground settlement monitoring by settlement plates and pore water pressure monitoring by piezometers. Readings were taken for each stage of embankment construction. Analytical and numerical analyses were also performed to verify the full scale test results. Analytical calculation for immediate settlement was performed based on the elasticity theory, for consolidation settlement was performed by the 1-D Terzaghiā€™s consolidation theory. Numerical calculation was performed using the finite element method utilizing a commercial software package called PLAXIS. In the finite element analyses, subsurface soil and embankment were modeled as elastic-plastic solid materials using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. Bamboo piles and mattress were modeled as elastic-plastic springs and elastic-plastics beams, respectively. Monitoring records and analysis results show that bamboo pile-mattress reinforcement has effectively increased stability. Consolidation settlement was found to be relatively uniform. Results also show that monitoring records and analysis results are relatively similar

    Compaction Control Using Degree of Saturation and Plasticity Index on Tropical Soil

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    Soil compaction in the field is conventionally controlled using maximum dry density, (Ļd)max, and optimum moisture content, (w)opt, as the target properties. However, achieving accurate control of these target properties can be difficult due to variation of compaction energy level (CEL) and soil type. Recently, a novel soil compaction control approach using optimum degree of saturation, (Sr)opt, as the target properties has been proposed. It was argued that (Sr)opt can be a better compaction control property as the value is less sensitive to the variation of CEL and soil type. This paper presents an investigation of the compaction characteristics of tropical soils from several locations in Indonesia based on both primary and secondary data. This study was performed by exploring the relationships between (i) dry density (Ļd) and Sr, (ii) (Ļd) and plasticity index (PI), (iii) (Ļd) and CBR, as well as (iv) (Ļd) and permeability. This study showed that the (Sr)opt of the soils was 91.2%, with variation between 81.2% and 96.5%. This study also showed that (Ļd)max can be related to PI at a given CEL. It is expected that the proposed relationships can be better references for field compaction control practices in Indonesia

    Compaction Control Using Degree of Saturation and Plasticity Index on Tropical Soil

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    Soil compaction in the field is conventionally controlled using maximum dry density, (Ļd)max, and optimum moisture content, (w)opt, as the target properties. However, achieving accurate control of these target properties can be difficult due to variation of compaction energy level (CEL) and soil type. Recently, a novel soil compaction control approach using optimum degree of saturation, (Sr)opt, as the target properties has been proposed. It was argued that (Sr)opt can be a better compaction control property as the value is less sensitive to the variation of CEL and soil type. This paper presents an investigation of the compaction characteristics of tropical soils from several locations in Indonesia based on both primary and secondary data. This study was performed by exploring the relationships between (i) dry density (Ļd) and Sr, (ii) (Ļd) and plasticity index (PI), (iii) (Ļd) and CBR, as well as (iv) (Ļd) and permeability. This study showed that the (Sr)opt of the soils was 91.2%, with variation between 81.2% and 96.5%. This study also showed that (Ļd)max can be related to PI at a given CEL. It is expected that the proposed relationships can be better references for field compaction control practices in Indonesia

    Analysis of the Variability of Axial Bearing Capacity Piles in Cohesionless Soil in the Development of Meyerhof Formula

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    Abstrak Ā  Rumus daya dukung pondasi tiang dari Meyerhof (1976) banyak digunakan di Indonesia. Sangat penting untuk mengkuantifikasi variabilitas dalam perancangan. Ini juga berarti sangat penting untuk mengkuantifikasi variabilitas daya dukung aksial tiang terhadap nilai N-SPT dalam rumus yang banyang digunakan seperti rumus Meyerhof (1976). Analisis untuk mengkuantifikasi variabilitas yang terkandung dalam rumus daya dukung aksial Meyerhof (1976) dilakukan dalam makalah ini. Dalam analisis, digunakan data dalam publikasi Meyerhof (1976). Hubungan antara probabilitas kegagalan dan faktor keamanan untuk rumus daya dukung formula dikuantifikasi. Dari studi ini didapatkan bahwa faktor keamanan untuk rumus daya dukung aksial ujung Ā tiang adalah sebesar 1,54, 2,17, dan 1,35 untuk pondasi tiang pancang pada tanah pasir, pondasi tiang pancang pada lanau, dan pondasi tiang bor. Juga didapatkan bahwa faktor keamanan untuk rumus daya dukung aksial selimut Ā tiang adalah sebesar 1,54 untuk tiang pancang di tanah pasir dan lanau, dan 1,14 untuk tiang bor. Ā  Kata-kata Kunci: Daya dukung aksial tiang, Rumus Meyerhof (1976), Probabilitas kegagalan, Faktor keamanan, Variabilitas daya dukung aksial tiang. Ā  Abstract Ā  Meyerhof (1976) formula for calculation of pile axial bearing capacity is quite familiar in Indonesia. It is essential to quantify the variability of soil in a design. This also means, it is essential to quantify the variability of axial pile bearing capacity versus N-SPT inherited in a commonly used formula like Meyerhof (1976) formula. An analysis to quantify the variability inherited in Meyerhof (1976) formula for calculation of pile axial bearing capacity was performed. The data in the publication of Meyerhof (1976) are used in the analysis. The relation between the probability of failure for pile and the factor of safety in terms of the axial bearing capacity formula was quantified. It was found that the factors of safety for formula of unit pile tip bearing capacity are 1.54, 2.17, and 1.35 for driven pile in sand, driven pile in silt, and bored pile in sand, respectively. Also, it was found that the factors of safety for formula of unit pile shaft bearing capacity are 1.54 and 1.14 for driven pile in sand and silt and bored pile in sand, respectively. Ā  Keywords: Axial pile bearing capacity, Meyerhof (1976) formula, Probability of failure, Factor of Safety, Variability of axial pile bearing capacity

    Variability of N-SPT-Correlated Undrained Shear Strength of Alluvial Deposit in Doplang Region, Central Java, Indonesia

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    The need to better quantify the variability of soil shear strength and its relations with the factor of safety is increasing in Indonesia. However, this aspect has not yet been studied thoroughly. This paper presents an attempt to quantify the variability of undrained shear strength in relation with the factor of safety of an alluvial deposit in the Doplang region, Central Java, Indonesia. A relationship between the undrained shear strength, su, and N-SPT for the deposit was found as su = 3.4 N-SPT. The variability of the undrained shear strength was quantified utilizing the coefficient of variance, s/m (the sample standard deviation, s over the mean, m) of the N-SPT correlated undrained shear strength. The variability of the undrained shear strength was investigated for the soil near ground surface. The deposit had a value of s/m ranging from 0.15 to 0.25 near ground surface. The variation of s/m tended to follow normal and lognormal distributions. Relationships among the coefficient of variance, the probability of failure, and the factor of safety in terms of soil strength for normal and lognormal distributions were developed. For the value of s/m near ground surface, the relationship between the probability of failure and factor of safety was obtained

    Theoretical Equations for the Ratio of Undrained Shear Strength to Vertical Effective Stress for Normally Consolidated Saturated Cohesive Soils: Theoretical Equations for the Ratio of Undrained Shear Strength to Vertical Effective Stress for Normally Consolidated Saturated Cohesive Soils

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    Abstract Two theoretical equations are developed to calculate the ratio of undrained shear strength to the vertical effective stress (the ratio of (su/svā€™)) for normally consolidated saturated cohesive soils. The effective stress approach is used as the basis in the development of the theoretical equations. The theoretical equations are developed by relating the total and the effective stress paths. The development of the excess pore-water pressure is quantified using Skempton A and B pore-water pressure parameters. The theoretical equations are developed for two initial stress conditions: (i) an initially hydrostatic condition and (ii) an initially Ko (non-hydrostatic) condition. The performance of the theoretical equations of this study is compared with field and laboratory measurement data obtained from the literature. The close results between the theoretical equations and the measurements show that the theoretical equations of this study can compute the ratio of (su/svā€™) well. Using the theoretical equations, the values of the ratio of (su/svā€™) commonly used in engineering practice can be explained from the soil mechanics framework. Keywords: Saturated cohesive soils, c/p ratio, normally consolidated soil, undrained shear strength, effective shear strength, theoretical equation. Abstrak Dua persamaan teoritis dikembangkan untuk menghitung rasio kuat geser tak teralirkan dengan tegangan efektif vertikal (rasio (su/svā€™)) untuk tanah kohesif jenuh terkonsolidasi normal. Pendekatan tegangan efektif dijadikan dasar dalam pengembangan kedua persamaan teoretis ini. Persamaan teoretis tersebut dikembangkan menghubungkan lintasan tegangan total dan lintasan tegangan efektif. Kenaikan tekanan air pori ekses dikuantifikasi menggunakan parameter tekanan air pori A dan B dari Skempton. Persamaan teoretis dikembangkan untuk dua kondisi tegangan awal: (i) tegangan awal hidrostatik dan (ii) teganan awal Ko (non hidrostatik). Kinerja kedua persamaan teoretis tersebut dibandingkan terhadap data pengukuran lapangan dan pengujian laboratorium yang diperoleh dari literatur. Persamaan teoretis dari studi ini memiliki kinerja yang baik dalam memperhitungan rasio (su/svā€™) yang ditunjukkan dengan dekatnya hasil perhitungan menggunakan persamaan teoretis dan hasil pengukuran lapangan maupun pengujan laboratorium. Dengan persamaan teoretis tersebut, nilai rasio (su/svā€™) yang biasa digunakan dalam rekayasa praktis bisa dijelaskan secara mekanika tanah. Kata-kata Kunci: Tanah kohesif jenuh, rasio c/p, tanah terkonsolidasi normal, kuat geser tak teralirkan, kuat geser efektif, persamaan teoretis.