328 research outputs found


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    Sepakbola adalah olahraga paling populer di dunia. Sepakbola tidak bisa dipandang hanya sebatas permainan olahraga yang mengandalkan fisik saja, tapi di dalam permainan sepakbola muncul emosi, adrenalin, gairah, kebanggan, dan dedikasi ada di dalamnya. Karena hal itu, di dalam pertandingan sepakbola tidak bisa dihindarkan dari kontak fisik mulai dari kontak fisik ringan, sedang hingga berat. Sehingga pemain sepakbola mempunyai tendensi untuk melakukan kekerasan terhadap tubuh, dimana hal itu dilarang dalam hukum nasional yang terdapat pada pasal 351 KUHP tentang penganiayaan. Namun sepakbola memiliki hukum tersendiri yakni sistem hukum FIFA yang bersifat transnasional. Dalam sistem hukum FIFA dibagi menjadi dua yaitu Lex Sportiva & Lex Ludica. FIFA sebagai organisasi sepakbola internasional melarang segala bentuk intervensi di ranah sepakbola. Negara dalam menegakkan hukum negara tentunya harus berhati - hati agar tidak di interpretasikan sebagai bentuk intervensi oleh negara dan melanggar sistem hukum FIFA


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    In creating the Maritime Axis there must be a division of the maritime zone to reinforce the territorial waters of Indonesia which manifest through clear restrictions accompanied by clear and explicit rules regarding inland waters, archipelagic waters, territorial sea and additional zones. Given that Indonesia is a coastal country, Indonesia has the authority to prevent violations of customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary legislation within its territorial sea area. This oversight can be complemented by eradication measures and the coastal state can punish violators of legislatio

    Monopoli pada Lisensi Merek Terkenal dan Kaitannya dengan Persaingan USAha

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    This research conducted to ask two problems, can license wellknown trademark support the competetion? and the dispute problems between licensor and licensee. Basically, the license agreement not only give benefit to the licensor, but also to the licensee. The licensor will take royalty from the licensee, and the licensee take the goodwill of wellknown trade mark. Its very usefull to get the consumer. Without advertising, the licensee get much cosumers easily. On the other hand, the license agreement, give much benefit to the consumers. The consumers have many choice to buy the goods or services. Its can reduce the price. When the price is decrease, it can support the competition. The problems between the licensor and the licensee can bring to the court or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Ke words : licensor, licensee, wellknown trade mark, competition

    Engine Speed Control using Online ANN for Vehicle with EMDAP-CVT

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    Controlling engine speed corresponding to load variations and road condition has always been a challenge to automotive engineers. However, with the introduction of Electro-Mechanical Dual Acting Pulley Continuously Variable Transmission (EMDAP-CVT),maintaining constant engine speed based on either its optimum control line or maximum engine power characteristic could be made possible. This paper describes the simulation work in this area carried out by the Drivetrain Research Group at the Automotive Development Centre, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor. The developed drive train model is highly non-linear; it could not be controlled satisfactorily by common linear control strategy such as PID controller. To overcome the problem, the use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is employed to indirectly control the engine speed by adjusting pulley CVT ratio. Computer simulations showed that applying artificial neural network (ANN) into drive train model could select a proper transmission ratio where the engine could be maintained to run at certain desired engine speed

    Critical Literacy for ELT in Indonesia: What EFL Teachers should be Aware of

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    This article explores the basic and important issues related to critical literacy for ELT in Indonesia. Hopefully, it could contribute to improving EFL teachers’ understanding of critical literacy, particularly in Indonesia. Critical literacy is still considered as a new approach in EFL contexts. However, it is promising such benefits for both students and teachers for it might contribute to developing both teachers’ and students’ critical manners in reading and writing. This article describes the concept of critical literacy. Then, it elaborates the appropriate learning sources and activities to support the development of students’ critical literacy. After that, it describes some challenges for implementing critical literacy in ELT in the Indonesian context briefly. Finally, it offers conclusions on the important points of the topic.

    The Problematics of Simple Lawsuit Implementation To Reduce Civil Cases In Supreme Court

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    This research has purpose to analyze the implementation of a simple lawsuit settlement to reduce the accumulation of civil cases in the Supreme Court. Also to analyze the constraints and obstacles in the application of simple claim resolution to reduce the buildup of civil cases and investigate the constraints and obstacles in the application of simple claim resolution to reduce the buildup of civil cases. This research is normative legal research that used the approach of statute approach and conceptual approach. The result of this research indicated that the implementation of simple lawsuit mechanismin court process could be quite helpful for citizen to settle the civil cases on state court with a quick process, simple system and low cost. In the context of implementing a simple lawsuit mechanism in court proceedings, there are several obstacles and have not maximally utilized in society, such as the minimum limit for the value of material claims is at most Rp. 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million rupiahs)

    Legislação da Lei de número 9/2017 como o compromisso da Indonésia de troca automática de informações financeiras e comparação com o compromisso da Malásia

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    Taxpayer data and information of banking and finance institutions are useful for guidance in giving prediction on any kind of development.  A corrective act must be taken as an effort of law enforcement within taxation sector and to increase the Inland Revenue. Financial information exchange concerning on tax interests can be done by both demand and automatic way (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information/AEol). This study aimed to know the urgency of Legislations of Law Number 9/2017 as the country allowance increasing effort and how Malaysia's Commitment to Implement Automatically Exchange Information Relating to Financial Accounts (AEoI). Using descriptive qualitative as the methodology, the result showed that Indonesia proved the commitment by signing Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement after AEoI and agreed to start the automatic financial information exchange. It has approved on the Legislation Number1/2017 on financial information access as tax interests which then changed to Legislation Number 9/2017 a year later. Meanwhile, in comparison, Malaysia’s commitment to the AEoI has signed some agreements and committed to exchange information with respect to different types of accounts opened and maintained by the Malaysian financial institutions.Los datos de los contribuyentes y la información de las instituciones bancarias y financieras son útiles para orientar la predicción de cualquier tipo de desarrollo. Un acto correctivo debe tomarse como un esfuerzo de aplicación de la ley dentro del sector tributario y para aumentar el Ingreso Interior. El intercambio de información financiera sobre intereses fiscales se puede realizar tanto por demanda como de forma automática (Intercambio automático de información de cuenta financiera / AEol). Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la urgencia de las Legislaciones de la Ley Nº 9/2017 como esfuerzo de aumento de la asignación por país y cómo el Compromiso de Malasia para implementar automáticamente el intercambio de información relacionada con las cuentas financieras (AEoI). Con el uso de la cualidad descriptiva como metodología, el resultado mostró que Indonesia demostró el compromiso al firmar el Acuerdo de Autoridad Competente Multilateral después de la AEoI y acordó iniciar el intercambio automático de información financiera. Ha aprobado en la Legislación Número 1/2017 sobre el acceso a la información financiera como intereses fiscales, que luego cambió a la Legislación Número 9/2017 un año después. Mientras tanto, en comparación, el compromiso de Malasia con la AEoI ha firmado algunos acuerdos y se ha comprometido a intercambiar información con respecto a los diferentes tipos de cuentas abiertas y mantenidas por las instituciones financieras de Malasia.Os dados dos contribuintes e as informações das instituições bancárias e financeiras são úteis para orientar a previsão de qualquer tipo de desenvolvimento. Um ato corretivo deve ser tomado como um esforço da aplicação da lei no setor de tributação e para aumentar a Receita Federal. A troca de informações financeiras sobre interesses fiscais pode ser feita tanto pela demanda quanto pela forma automática (Troca Automática de Informações de Contas Financeiras / AEol). Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a urgência das legislações da lei número 9/2017 como o aumento do subsídio de país esforço e como o compromisso da Malásia para implementar automaticamente informações de troca relativas a contas financeiras (AEoi). Usando qualitativa descritiva como a metodologia, o resultado mostrou que a Indonésia provou o compromisso assinando o Acordo da Autoridade Competente Multilateral após a AEoI e concordou em iniciar a troca automática de informações financeiras. Aprovou na Legislação Número 1/2017 sobre acesso à informação financeira como participação fiscal, que passou a ser a Legislação Número 9/2017, um ano depois. Enquanto isso, em comparação, o compromisso da Malásia com o AEoI assinou alguns acordos e se comprometeu a trocar informações com relação a diferentes tipos de contas abertas e mantidas pelas instituições financeiras malarias


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    Nama Ki Manteb Soedharsono telah melekat dalam balutan dinamika jagat pedalangan Indonesia hingga sekarang. Bahkan sosok Ki Manteb terbukti menjadi salah satu dalang yang mampu menyulam masa silam dan merajut masa depan kehidupan wayang Indonesia. Eksistensi ini dibarengi dengan usaha Ki Manteb menghadirkan gelaran wayang kreatif-inovatif dalam bingkai estetika baru, sehingga jatidiri pakelirannya responsif dan adaftif terhadap fenomena perubahan zaman. Dalam alur historis jagat pedalangan Indonesia, Ki Manteb Soedharsono pantas didudukkan sebagai tokoh pembaharu. Di sini, Ki Manteb dikatakan sebagai dalang kondang yang berhasil membuat fenomena baru dengan mengeksploitasi gerak wayang. Tradisi pedalangan yang semula sangat fenomenal di bidang catur, telah diubah dengan bidang sabet wayang. Semenjak munculnya Ki Manteb, fenomena sabet menggejala di kalangan dalang-dalang muda yang menggantikan trend catur wayang. Karena piawai dalam bidang sabet wayang, Ki Manteb mendapatkan gelar “dalan gsetan” dari tokoh sesepuh pewayangan dan mantan Menteri Penerangan RI, Boedihardjo. Corak estetika baru pada pakeliran Ki Manteb Soedharsono juga ditunjukkan pada garapan lakon, catur, sulukan, dan gending. Pada garap lakon, Ki Manteb mengacu pada garapan ‘pakeliran padat’ hasil kreativitas dari ASKI Surakarta, dengan kecenderungan menghadirkan adegan-adegan yang secara signifikan membentuk alur lakon, sehingga tidak terjadi pengulangan dan penampilan adegan yang tidak penting. Pada sajian catur, yang meliputi janturan, pocapan, dan ginem, Ki Manteb memiliki kecenderungan mengubah bahasa klise dalam janturan dan pocapan dengan cara mengadakan penambahan dan penggantian wacana janturan dan pocapan. Dalam sajian ginem wayang, ia memiliki kecenderungan menampilkan dialog tokoh secara proporsional menyesuaikan persoalan yang dibahas. Selain pengaruh ‘pakeliran padat’, Ki Manteb mengaku banyak dipengaruhi Ki Nartasabda, terutama dalam dramatisasi ginem wayang. Dalam hal gending, Ki Manteb mengadakan inovasi dengan cara menata gending sendiri atau merekrut seorang penyusun gending dalam setiap pergelaran wayang. Ki Manteb juga menggunakan berbagai peralatan musik non-gamelan, seperti: rebana, klarinet, bas-drum, terompet, snardram, symbal, dan organ. Peralatan ini digunakan untuk membuat aransemen lagu selingan dan memberikan efek tertentu pada gerak wayang. Gejala estetik seperti ini disambut para dalang lain sebagai kiat untuk menjawab pangsa pasar, sehingga instrumen non gamelan menggejala di setiap pementasan dalang di berbagai daerah. Ki Manteb memberikan tawaran baru dalam hal sulukan wayang dengan menyajikan sulukan wayang dari tradisi pedalangan keraton dicampur gaya sulukan dari pedalangan lain, seperti sulukan Banyumasan, Yogyakarta, Kedu, Jawa-timuran, dan gaya pedesaan

    Peranan Prostaglandin F2 Dalam Peningkatan Daya Reproduksi Ternak

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    Usaha pemer1n t ah un tuk pengembangan sel'tor Pertanian dalam pelita IV akan dipuaatkan pada subsektor peternakan . Tuj uan utamanya adalah meningkatkan penyediaan protein , tr utama protein hewani asal ternak . Usaha pengembangan ternak sapi dapat dilakukan beberapa cara LJnta r a lain dengan i mpe r sapi-sapl hetine yanr mempunyni kw:)litas boik , mem perbai ki mu tu gcncdk ternak lokal denf~<in cara mend a t ang kan pejantan ungguJ yang disebark~n untuk diμelihara oleh rukyaL ntau dcngan carR kawin bUntik dengon ai r manl pe jatan un~~ul . Dnlnm uunhn tcr~khir ini , hasil yanr dicapai ~kan lcbih bait bil a digu1 ak~m p1·epc:i.·at .ProstaGlancHn Pf( untuk penyerentakan birahi sapi betina

    Need for Increasing Grammar Focus in English Teaching: A Case in Indonesia

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    The study was aimed at finding out the level of students’ grammatical quality in their use of English in conversations. The subjects were 301 year-2, year-3, and year-4 undergraduate students of the English Study Programs of 36 state and private teacher training universities from 16 of the 34 provinces in Indonesia. The study was descriptive qualitative of the observation-type research method for the data-collection technique using an open-ended observation guide as the research instrument. Data were sorted into categories, counted, and ranked by frequencies of occurrences. Research results showed that, regardless of their years, students had a low level of grammatical quality in their language use. In a rank, their grammatical problems were related to verb group, finite verbs, subject-verb concords, predicates, concords of nouns, word choices, and others. Suggestions were proposed that the teaching of English as a foreign language should bring back grammar into its appropriate place. Compared to first and second language teaching, a rough ratio of 20 by 80 percent between fluency and accuracy would be acceptable. DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n3p13