13 research outputs found

    A nátrium immunmoduláns szerepe

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    Absztrakt: A magas sófogyasztás általános az iparosodott társadalmakban, és számos civilizációs betegség forrása. A közelmúlt kutatásai hívták fel a figyelmet a nátriumegyensúly fenntartásában szerepet játszó új extrarenalis folyamatokra. Rövid távon a bőrszövet nátriumtárolása pufferként szolgál a nátrium ozmotikus tulajdonsága következtében kialakuló, növekvő volumenterheléssel szemben, valamint elősegíti a fertőzések elleni immunválaszt. Hosszú távon azonban a fokozott szöveti nátriumkoncentráció egy adott mértéket meghaladva patofiziológiás folyamatokat indíthat be gyulladásos válaszreakció provokálásával. A nátrium immunmoduláns hatásának következtében a veleszületett és szerzett immunrendszer effektorsejtjei aktiválódnak, míg egyes szabályozósejtjei gátlás alá kerülnek, ami végeredményben az immunrendszer egyensúlyának megbomlásával, proinflammatoricus állapottal jár. In vivo sóterheléses és sómegvonásos kísérletek eredményei a nátrium betegségkiváltó és -módosító szerepére utaltak. Így a nátrium és az immunrendszer összefüggése magyarázatot adhat olyan, eddig ismeretlen eredetű betegségek patomechanizmusára, mint a magas vérnyomás (elsődleges, sószenzitív) vagy az autoimmun betegségek, melyek növekvő incidenciájuk miatt nagy terhet rónak az egészségügyi ellátórendszerre. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(17): 646–653. | Abstract: High salt intake, which is common in the Western world, is the cause of several lifestyle diseases. Recent investigations shed light on novel extrarenal processes, which play role in the maintenance of sodium balance. In the short term, sodium storage of the skin may serve as a buffer against volume overload arising from the osmotic properties of sodium. Increased tissue sodium concentration may also potentiate immune response against infections. In the long run, however, tissue sodium concentration over a certain limit may initiate pathophysiological processes by provoking inflammatory response. Due to the immune modulating role of sodium, the effector cells of the innate as well as the adaptive immune system are activated, while certain regulator cells of the same systems are repressed, ultimately resulting in a proinflammatory state characterized by the imbalance of the immune system. Experiments applying dietary salt overload/salt depletion imply the role of sodium in the initiation/exacerbation of several diseases. Thus the relationship between sodium and the immune system may give an explanation to the pathomechanism of diseases with so far unknown origin such as hypertonia (primary, salt sensitive) or autoimmune diseases – all these putting tremendous pressure on the healthcare system due to their increasing incidence. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(17): 646–653

    The contribution of skin glycosaminoglycans to the regulation of sodium homeostasis in rats

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    The glycosaminoglycan (GAG) molecules are a group of high molecular weight, negatively charged polysaccharides present abundantly in the mammalian organism. By their virtue of ion and water binding capacity, they may affect the redistribution of body fluids and ultimately the blood pressure. Data from the literature suggests that the mitogens Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)-A and VEGF-C are able to regulate the amount and charge density of GAGs and their detachment from the cell surface. Based on these findings we investigated the relationship between the level of dietary sodium intake, the expression levels of VEGF-A and VEGF-C, and the amount of the skin GAGs hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate in an in vivo rat model. Significant correlation between dietary sodium intake, skin sodium levels and GAG content was found. We confirmed the GAG synthesizing role of VEGF-C but failed to prove that GAGs are degraded by VEGF-A. No significant difference in blood pressure was registered between the different dietary groups. A quotient calculated form the ion and water content of the skin tissue samples suggests that - in contrast to previous findings - the osmotically inactive ions and bound water fractions are proportional

    Az új algoritmusok és kódolási eljárások alkalmazása a mobil hírközlésben és informatikában = Application of new algorithms and coding procedures in mobile communications and computing

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    A kutatási munka során az alábbi résztémákban értünk el eredményeket: - mobil IP, - all IP hálózatok, - útkeresési algoritmusok, - hívásátadási algoritmusok, - mobil technológiák együttműködése, - a szolgáltatás minősége (QoS), - a mobil és informatikai hálózatok és rendszerek biztonsági kérdései, - több-felhasználós vétel, - kódosztásos többszörös hozzáférés, - forgalmi modellezés, - kódkonstrukció kódosztásos technológiákhoz, - kvantum számítástechnikai eljárások, - gráfelmélet, - kombinatorikus optimalizálás. A fenti szakterületeken végzett kutatásaink eredményei közül azokat emeljük ki, amelyeket az alábbi témákban értünk el: - A heterogén mobil hálózatok együttműködési problémái, - A mobil Internet Protokoll alkalmazásával kapcsolatos vizsgálatok, - Többfelhasználós detekciós módszerek a kódosztásos többszörös hozzáféréses mobil rendszerekben, - A heterogén mobil hálózatok forgalmi modellezése, - A mobil informatikai és távközlési hálózatok, rendszerek és szolgáltatások - biztonsági kérdései, - Kvantum számítástechnika és mérnöki alkalmazásai, - Útkeresési és csatornakijelölési algoritmusok fejlesztése és vizsgálata mobil hálózatok számára, alkalmazott gráfelmélet. A kutatásban résztvevők az eredményeket három megvédett PhD disszertációban, egy benyújtás előtt álló akadémiai doktori értekezésben és több beadás előtt álló PhD értekezésben használták fel. A tudományos iskola publikációs listája 135 elemből áll. | The members of the Scientific School have got new results in the following scientific fields: - Mobile IP, all IP networks, - Routing algorithms, - Hand-over algorithms, - Interworking of heterogeneous mobile technologies, - Quality of services (QoS), - Security problems of mobile and information networks and systems, - Multi-user detection, - Code division multiple access, - Traffic modeling, - Code construction for code division technologies, - Quantum computing, - Graph theory, - Combinatorial optimization. On the above mentioned scientific field we have the most important results in the following areas: - Interoperability issues of heterogeneous mobile networks, - Investigations on the applicability of mobile Internet Protocol, - Multi-user detection methods in code division multiple access systems, - Traffic models of heterogeneous mobile networks, - Security issues of mobile information and telecommunication networks, systems and services, - Quantum computing and its engineering applications, - Development and research of routing and channel assigning algorithms for mobile networks, application of the graph theory. The participants of the research used their results in three defended PhD theses, in a dissertation for DSc title, and in some other PhD theses before the final process. The number of the publications of the Scientific School is 135

    Detection, identification and functional characterisation of plant and microbial volatile organic compounds with inhibitory activity against two plant pathogens

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play crucial ecological roles in interactions among organisms. For example, plant VOCs can act as a powerful deterrent of herbivore insects and pathogens or they can act as resistance inducers to stimulate plant defences. Likewise, bioactive VOCs can be emitted by beneficial microorganisms and they may potentially act as key molecules in the microbe-microbe and plant-microbe communications. However, scarce information is available concerning the role of VOCs produced by grapevine (Vitis vinifera) plants and beneficial bacteria belonging to the Lysobacter genus in defence mechanisms against two important phytopathogenic oomycetes, namely Plasmopara viticola and Phytophthora infestans, which are the causal agents of grapevine downy mildew and potato late blight, respectively. The major objectives of this PhD thesis were the detection, identification and the functional characterization of VOCs from Vitis spp. and Lysobacter spp., in order to better understand their role in plant-microbe and microbe-microbe communications and to identify new active molecules from natural origin to control phytopathogens. In particular, VOCs from resistant and susceptible grapevine genotypes were identified following P. viticola inoculation and their effect as toxic molecules against downy mildew was explored (publications 1 and 2). Likewise, VOCs produced by Lysobacter spp. were identified and characterised, in order to identify microbial VOCs able to inhibit P. infestans growth (publication 3). In order to reach these goals, a headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC-MS) and proton transfer reaction time of flight-mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) have been used. Two downy mildew resistant hybrids (SO4 and Kober 5BB) and the susceptible V. vinifera cultivar Pinot noir were analysed in vitro using PTR-ToF-MS. We found that P. viticola inoculation resulted in a significant increase monoterpene and sesquiterpene emission by resistant genotypes (SO4 and Kober 5BB) and not by the susceptible cultivar (Vitis vinifera Pinot noir; publication 1). Grapevine VOCs were further identified by HS-SPME/GC-MS using greenhouse-grown plants. The four resistant genotypes tested (BC4, Kober 5BB, SO4 and Solaris) showed significantly increased production of VOCs after P. viticola inoculation under greenhouse conditions. Conversely, no significant emission of volatile terpenes was detected from Pinot noir plants after P. viticola inoculation, suggesting that VOCs of resistant genotypes could play an important role in grapevine resistance against downy mildew. The chemical structures of P. viticola-induced VOCs were identified by retention index and the GC-MS spectrum evaluation and VOCs potentially involved in the grapevine resistance were selected according to their emission profiles. Pure compounds were tested against P. viticola by leaf disk assays and different experiments were set up, in order to elucidate the efficacy of pure VOCs both in a liquid suspension of P. viticola sporangia and after application via the gas phase. These experiments revealed six (2-phenylethanol, β-caryophyllene, β-selinene, trans-2-pentenal, 2-ethylfuran, and β-cyclocitral) and four VOCs (2-phenylethanol, trans-2-pentenal, 2-ethylfuran, and β-cyclocitral) which impaired downy mildew symptoms after direct application of liquid suspension and after treatment with VOC enriched air (without direct contact with the leaf tissue), respectively. With these results we demonstrated that VOCs produced by resistant grapevine genotypes are related to post-infection mechanisms and may contribute to grapevine resistance against P. viticola by inhibition of pathogen development (publication 2). In the second part of the PhD project, the volatilome of Lysobacter spp. was characterised for its inhibitory activity against the soil pathogen P. infestans (publication 3). The effect of VOCs emitted by Lysobacter strains was demonstrated in vitro by dual-culture assay and profiles were characterised by HS-SPME/GC-MS and PTR-ToF-MS analysis. Interestingly, the biocontrol activity and VOC profiles of Lysobacter spp. depended on the bacterial growth media. In particular, VOCs with inhibitory properties (pyrazines, pyrrole and decanal) were mainly emitted by Lysobacter type strains grown on a protein-rich medium, demonstrating the importance of the culture medium composition to optimise the biocontrol efficacy of Lysobacter spp. against plant pathogens. In summary, the presented thesis showed that both analytical chemistry techniques used (PTR-ToF-MS and HS-SPME/GC-MS) can be employed synergistically to detect and identify VOCs from different biological matrixes such as leaf tissue or bacterial cultures. The presented thesis also suggested that VOCs contribute to grapevine resistance and they can effectively be used to control economically important plant pathogens such as P. viticola. Furthermore, results generated in this work indicate that nutrient availability may affect the aggressiveness of Lysobacter spp. in the soil to maximise biocontrol efficacy against P. infestans. However, further metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses are required to investigate the VOC-mediated plant defence mechanisms and to characterize metabolic changes and VOC emissions of Lysobacter spp. grown in soil condition

    Union of American Hebrew Congregations focus kit 1973

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    The collection consists of one item: The teacher’s edition of a focus kit entitled “Journey of Fifteen Centuries: The Story of the Jews of Spain,” written and designed by Robert SugarThe Union of American Hebrew Congregations was founded in 1873 by Reform Jews. Two years later, they also helped establish Hebrew Union College. UAHC is the lay arm of Reform Judaism in America and its first goal was to coordinate support for the establishment of a seminary for rabbinical training. Domestically, UAHC has championed civil rights, equality of the sexes, protection of religious and civil liberties, and the eradication of poverty and ignorance. Internationally, UAHC has protested American involvement in Vietnam, interference in Central America, and has worked for nuclear disarmament. In 1948, UAHC headquarters moved from Cincinnati to New York City where it built Temple Emanuel on Fifth Avenue and set up a network of 16 regional councils. The following are national affiliates of UAHC: the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, the National Federation of Temple Youth, the National Association of Temple Administrators, and the National Association of Temple Educator

    Evidence for host specificity of Theileria capreoli genotypes in cervids

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    Data on the prevalence of piroplasms in buffaloes and large game animal species are lacking from several central European countries. Therefore, to investigate the presence of Babesia/Theileria DNA in these hosts, 239 blood and 270 spleen samples were taken from cervids (red, fallow, and roe deer), as well as from water buffaloes, mouflons, and wild boars in southwestern Hungary, followed by DNA extraction and molecular analysis for piroplasms. All samples from buffaloes and wild boars were PCR negative. Based on spleen samples, the prevalence of piroplasms was significantly higher in red deer (41.7%) than in fallow deer (23.5%). Two genotypes of Theileria capreoli were identified, which showed significant association with their host species (i.e. genotype "capreoli-CE1" was exclusively found in roe deer, whereas red and fallow deer harbored only genotype "elaphi-CE1"). Genotype "elaphi-CE1" of T. capreoli was also detected in one mouflon. No Babesia spp. were identified. In conclusion, in the evaluated region, genotypes of T. capreoli show host-associations among cervids, and at least one of these genotypes may infect mouflons