54 research outputs found

    Systems of pneumatic transportation of cement and other fine materials with the minimum energy consumption

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    Transportation of fine construction materials during the manufacturing of concrete mixes iscarried out by systems of pneumatic transportation. The expense and pressure of air in thesystems are overstated during their design to avoid the blockage of pipelines. As a result, theenergy consumption of the equipment increases. At the same time, the equipment wear isaccelerated and the systems are operated on the unstable modes. Therefore, the operationalreliability of such equipment decreases and the process of cleaning of the exhaust air becomescomplicated. The solution of the problem of ecologically safety transportation of fineconstruction materials with the minimum energy consumption is given in the article. Theauthors developed a new type of energy saving systems of pneumatic transportation. It allowsreducing overstated reserves of the air expense and pressure during the design of the systems.Keywords: pneumatic transportation, fine materials. dust removal equipment, pape line

    The use of reference legal systems in the educational activity of lawyers

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    The relevance of the research topic is characterized by a high level of informatization in the professional activities of lawyers and the need to develop practical skills in using reference legal systems of students in the educational process.The research problem is as follows: what are the main possibilities of using legal reference systems in the educational activities of lawyers?The purpose of the research is to study the possibilities of reference legal systems in the educational activities of students in the direction of training "Jurisprudence".The main research method is system analysis.The article considers the functionality of reference legal systems for the formation of professional skills of students in the field of Jurisprudence. The use of reference legal systems in the educational activities of lawyers is considered as a modern information technology aimed at solving a wide range of professional tasks, including the development of practical skills in collecting, systematizing, processing and interpreting legal information.It has been concluded that the use of reference legal systems will contribute to the effective formation of general professional competencies of future lawyers

    Business training in the situation of a new economy

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    The article deals with the problem of business training. At present, the trend of positive development of Chinese-Russian relations of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction continues, including in the trade and economic sphere. This forces us to reflect on the issue of business training in the situation of a new economy. In the wake of construction, labor and law enforcement, in the field of personal information and in politics, use is different. Each of the listed spheres of social life is assigned a subtype of the Russian literary language, which has a number of distinctive features at all language levels: lexical, morphological, syntactic and textual.В данной статье рассматриваются меры для улучшения подготовки кадров бизнес-сферы с точки зрения обновления курсов и учебных материалов, практического узкопрофессионального опыта преподавателей языка, содержания обучения, методов и средств обучения, системы проверки, базы для практического применения полученных навыков

    Implementation of project-based training in the educational process of a university

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    The article is devoted to studying the features of the implementation of project-based learning technology in the educational process of a university. Due to structural changes in the global economy, modern employers are making new demands on the professional competencies of employees. Therefore, the system of higher professional education is faced with the task of training highly qualified specialists. Such training in modern conditions requires the introduction of new educational technologies, such as project-based learning technology, in the educational process of universities. The authors focus on the essence of project training, determine the approaches for its application. The experience of applying project-based learning on the example of a university is also described. The relevance of the research is characterized by the fact that the transition of the Russian education to new generation standards requires the introduction of new technologies in the educational process of a university based on a competency-based approach. The aim of the research is to study the features of the implementation of project-based learning technology in the educational process of a university. The main research method is system analysis. It is concluded that the implementation of project-based learning technology is a complex of educational, cognitive, research, professional labor, communicative activities aimed at the formation of professional competencies of a student through project-based learning. The authors’ definition of the concept of “Technology of project training at a university” is proposed

    Benefits of project management at lean manufacturing tools implementation

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The given article is devoted to reviewing the features of projects focused on implementation of lean manufacturing tools at the industrial enterprises. The study purpose is the statement of need to implement transformations in the field of lean manufacturing introduction (Lean-transformations) in the form of projects. The article introduces a concept of lean production project (Lean-project), the particular projects possessing the special aspects to be taken into consideration in the course of their implementation at various enterprises. The article demonstrates the benefits of Lean-transformations at applying the methods of project management. The key distinction of such projects is their result to be received upon completion. The result of the investment projects completion is to put into place a product or a service. The result of Lean-projects implementation is the introduction of lean manufacturing tools at the industrial enterprises to consequently obtain cost-effectiveness and a number of competitive advantages. Thus, the investment projects and Lean-projects are different in their constituent elements the study of which will make possible to formulate a system view of lean manufacturing project implementation. The article in general is focused on combination of two potent methodological frameworks-Project Management and Lean Manufacturing, each of which provides a means of obtaining significant benefits at their expert implementation and use. Combination of these is urged to provide multiplicative effect in the course of putting into practice the transformations at the industrial enterprises. However, to achieve the due effect it is necessary to be guided by the peculiar features of lean manufacturing projects what will necessarily call forth the correction of lean manufacturing methodological framework and derogation from stringent requirements of Lean Thinking concept

    Conceptual bases of the educational textbook“Practical course of Russian languagefor chinese students"

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    The textbook is intended for Chinese students starting to learn Russian in their native or non-native language environment, and is designed for the first year of study.Учебное пособие предназначено для китайских студентов, начинающих изучать русский язык в родной или неродной языковой среде, и рассчитано на первый год обучения

    Benefits of Project Management at Lean Manufacturing Tools Implementation

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    Abstract The given article is devoted to reviewing the features of projects focused on implementation of lean manufacturing tools at the industrial enterprises. The study purpose is the statement of need to implement transformations in the field of lean manufacturing introduction (Lean-transformations) in the form of projects. The article introduces a concept of lean production project (Lean-project), the particular projects possessing the special aspects to be taken into consideration in the course of their implementation at various enterprises. The article demonstrates the benefits of Lean-transformations at applying the methods of project management. The key distinction of such projects is their result to be received upon completion. The result of the investment projects completion is to put into place a product or a service. The result of Lean-projects implementation is the introduction of lean manufacturing tools at the industrial enterprises to consequently obtain cost-effectiveness and a number of competitive advantages. Thus, the investment projects and Lean-projects are different in their constituent elements the study of which will make possible to formulate a system view of lean manufacturing project implementation. The article in general is focused on combination of two potent methodological frameworks-Project Management and Lean Manufacturing, each of which provides a means of obtaining significant benefits at their expert implementation and use. Combination of these is urged to provide multiplicative effect in the course of putting into practice the transformations at the industrial enterprises. However, to achieve the due effect it is necessary to be guided by the peculiar features of lean manufacturing projects what will necessarily call forth the correction of lean manufacturing methodological framework and derogation from stringent requirements of Lean Thinking concept. Keywords: project management, lean production, lean thinking, lean manufacturing project (lean-project), transformations by means of lean manufacturing tools (lean-transformations

    Comparative Analysis of Surface Plants of the Ground Sealing Composition in the Implementation of Construction Works

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    Processes of layer-by-layer consolidation of soil at construction of the bulk engineering constructions built by method of continuous consolidation are considered. Ways of realization of these processes on the basis of two technological schemes - elliptic and shuttle are shown. The assessment of key parameters is made during the operation of units on the classical elliptic scheme of continuous consolidation of soil and on the elliptic scheme with use of a ring method of a turn of the unit when in the course of construction of a road bed automobile and the railroads the movement of the condensing unit is made from roadsides to an axis. It is shown that working platform* more effective andleast critical to topographical and geometrical parameters, the shuttle scheme of consolidation at which the condensing cars make the back and forth motions accompanied with lateral shift on an adjacent working strip after achievement of the demanded density on the previous strip is. The analsis of the major factors proving application of this or that technological scheme of soil consolidation is made. Operating conditions of units depending on type of the used condensing unit and the accepted production technology of works on elliptic and shuttle schemes which realization allows to reach the greatest production effect are studie


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    The sorption of Sr-90 by the Thermoxid-3K sorbent from water containing dissolved cal-cium and sodium salts under static conditions was studied. It was shown that at a concentra-tion of calcium 50 mg/l and sodium 0,0001 M the effect of these macro components on stron-tium sorption is absent.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Свердловской области в рамках научного проекта № 20-43-660055

    Determination of Cs-137 in Natural Waters in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk Regions

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    The content of Cs-137 in natural water samples was analyzed using NKF-GDT sorbent for concentrating. Water bodies with increased radionuclide content were identified.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Свердловской области в рамках научного проекта № 20-43-660055