24 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to : (1) Investigated the influence of the number of catalyst on the Hydrocarbon Crack System (HCS) to engine power Yamaha motorcycle Jupiter Z 2008. (2) Investigated the influence of variations busi to power engine Yamaha motorcycle Jupiter Z 2008. (3) Investigated interaction the influence of catalyst on the Hydrocarbon Crack System (HCS) and variation of spark plug types to engine power Yamaha motorcycle Jupiter Z 2008. Technique collection data of measurement by conducting power engine, with the treatment of Hydrocarbon Crack System/HCS (A factor) and variation of spark plug types (B factor), with 3 levels on the A factor and 2 levels on the B factor, so that produced 6 treatment and every treatment done 3 times repetition in order to obtain 18 data the measurement of engine power. Analytical techniques of data in this research used anava two ways test to know the influence of the use of Hydrocarbon Crack System (HCS) and variation of spark plugs types and comparation pasca anava to know difference of treatment rate what kinds of that produces the highest engine power. Keyword : Hydrocarbon Crack System, spark plug types and engine power


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    The purpose of this research are: (1) To know the effect of CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) roller weight to torque on Yamaha Mio Sporty 2007, (2) To know the effect of variation of engine rotations to torque on Yamaha Mio Sporty 2007, (3) To know the effect of interaction between CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) roller weight and variation of engine rotations to torque on Yamaha Mio Sporty 2007. The research used experimental methods and the types of quantitative research. Data of analysis used two-way analysis of variance (Anova), which is the prerequisite tests previously performed tests of normality (Liliefors test) and tests of homogeneity (Bartlett test), then performed multiple comparison tests (Scheffe test) is done. Based the research can conclude that: (1) There are an effect of CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) roller weight to torque on Yamaha Mio Sporty of 2007. (2) There are an effect of variation of engine rotations to torque on Yamaha Mio Sporty 2007. (3) There are an effect interaction between CVT (continuously variable transmission) roller weight and variation of engine rotations to torque on Yamaha Mio Sporty 2007. Maximum torque is 3.95 N.m, obtained from CVT roller weight 8.5 gr with engine rotations at 6000 RPM. Keywords: CVT roller weight, engine rotation, engine torqu


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    Purposes of the research are: (1) to do research effect of copper wire electrolyzer on CO and HC exhaust gas emission of Honda Beat motorcycle of 2010. (2) To do research effect of sparkplug type on CO and HC exhaust gas emission of Honda Beat motorcycle of 2010. (3) To do research interactive effect using copper wire electrolyzer and type of sparkplug on CO and HC exhaust gas emission of Honda Beat motorcycle of 2010. The experiment uses 4x3 factorial method and quantitative approach. Population of the research is Honda Beat motorcycle of 2010. Sample of the research is Honda Beat motorcycle with machine-number JF51E1050768. Sample is taken by using purposive random sampling technique. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) There were effect using copper wire electrolyzer on CO and HC exhaust gas emissions of Honda Beat motorcycle of 2010 and from the data presented indicate that the levels emissions of CO and HC were lower than before using electrolyzer. (2) There were effect using types of sparkplugs on CO and HC exhaust gas emissions of Honda Beat motorcycle of 2010 and from the data presented indicate that the levels emissions of CO and HC were lower than using the standard sparkplug. (3) There were interactive effect using electrolyzer and sparkplug type on CO and HC exhaust gas emission of Honda Beat motorcycle of 2010 and shows the exhaust emissions of CO and HC more lower. Keywords: Electrolyzer, sparkplug type and emission of motorcycl

    A Proposed Model for Strategic Planning in Technology and Vocational Education

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    This paper describes the methods of strategic planning for Technology and Vocational Education (TVE).For this purpose, the SWOT method has been used, integrated with the Balanced Score Card. The steps taken in this study were: first, conducting a SWOT analysis qualitatively; second, doing a SWOT research quantitatively; and third, using the Balanced Score Card to formulate the strategic issues and determine the effective strategy for organization. The object of this study was the Mechanical Engineering Education (MEE) Study Program and Civil Engineering Education (CEE) Study Program in Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational of Sebelas Maret University of Indonesia. The subjects of this study were the planning team, heads of the study programs, and their students. The result shows that SWOT method integrated with the Balanced Score Card can be used effectively to find out the exact strategic issues. Based on these strategic issues, the planning team can easily formulate the strategic planning in each study program


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    The purpose of this study was to know about: (1) implementation of character education on student of Skills Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta; (2) the results of implementation of character education on student of Skills Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta. This research used descriptive qualitative method and the design used single case study at SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta. Research subjects were students of Skills Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta, as many as 316 students. The research sample as many as 11 students for interview and 87 for questionnaire. Sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire, interview, observation, and documentary method. Testing of the validity instrument was conducted based on the Pearson's Product Moment Correlation. Reliability test instrument used Cronbach's Alpha. The result of this research were: (1) Principal, Vice Principal of Academy Field, Vice Principal of Studentships Field, Vice Principal of Human Resource Development, Vice Principal of School Public Relations Field, Guidance Counselor Teachers and Productive Teachers of Skill Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta has implemented a character education systematically to students, especially students of Skill Competency Light Vehicle Engineering, which is a lesson plans and syllabus; (2) implementation of character education is also conducted continuously by the teacher SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta in the form of 3S Program, the training and education of VEDC Malang, P3G Bandung, P4TK Bandung and from the Provincial of Central Java; (3) implementation of character education through co-curricular activities and extracurricular; (4) results showed that students' character of Skill Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta average is 77.46%. Students of Skill Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta has good character. In addition, there are students who have not been well characterized because it is not strong in having some of the main characters, such as Responsibility and Self-Discipline characters; (5) condition students of Skill Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta who do not already have eight main characters have a low level of discipline, lack of initiative, lack of responsibility, and lack of respect for others; (6) condition students of Skill Competency Light Vehicle Engineering SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta which has eight main characters are more disciplined, have initiative, responsible, helpful and growing affection, respect for others and good at gratitude. Keywords: character education, curriculum, syllabus, co-curricular, extracurricula

    Risiko Penggunaan ACEi Terhadap Kejadian Batuk Kering Pada Pasien Hipertensi Di RSUD Cengkareng Dan RSUD Tarakan DKI Jakarta

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    The use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) as an antihypertensive agent can cause side effects such as dry cough. The aim of this study is to evaluate risk of ACEi administration on dry cough incidence with captopril as the standard against lisinopril and ramipril in hypertensive patients at RSUD Cengkareng and RSUD Tarakan Jakarta. The design of this study is prospective cohort. The inclusion criteria were patients who received ACEi as hypertension therapy for ≤ 3 months gathered from outpatient and willing to participate as sample in this study at RSUD Cengkareng and RSUD Tarakan. Subject of this study consist of 54 patients who received captopril and 54 patients received non captopril ACEi, taken by consecutive sampling from January-July 2014. Data was collected using structured interviews and medical record. Dry cough incidence due to ACEi was evaluated using Naranjo Algorithm and analyzed using Chi Square test. Dry cough incidence was found in 19,44% of sample. No significant relationship of age, gender, ethnic, comorbidity, body mass index (BMI), dosage, and duration of use with the dry cough incidence due to the use of ACEi. There is no difference on dry cough incidence between the use of captopril, lisinopril and ramipril

    Model Formulasi Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Dan Relevansi Pendidikan Teknologi Dan Kejuruan

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    Era modern membuktikan bahwa antara Perguruan Tinggi (PT) dengan Perusahaan terdapat banyak kesamaan, antara lain sama-sama memiliki pelanggan, memroses dan menghasilkan produk/jasa, mengelola SDM, keuangan, dan pelanggan. Berdasarkan kesamaan yang ada PT harus memiliki manajemen yang kuat layaknya Perusahaan. Diberlakukannya sistem manajemen PT berbasis Strategic Bussiness Unit (SBU), setiap Jurusan, bahkan Program Studi dituntut memiliki perencanaan strategis (renstra). Dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi lulusan, PTK dituntut memiliki renstra yang efektif dan efisien. Berdasarkan penelitian awal diketahui bahwa Tim renstra di beberapa PT mengalami kesulitan dalam menyusun renstra. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang konsep dan metode yang digunakan untuk menyusun renstra. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan formulasi strategi untuk PTK menggunakan integrasi SWOT kuantitatif dan kualitatif agar diperoleh renstra efektif. Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah Jurusan Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Prodi PTM dan PTB FKIP UNS. Subyek penelitian adalah Tim Peneliti, Tim Perumus Renstra, Pimpinan Prodi dan Jurusan, serta stakeholder terkait. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa memformulasi strategi merupakan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan perhatian serius. Hal ini mengingat PT memiliki lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang tak terbatas sehingga memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam melakukan analisis lingkungan. Dengan melakukan integrasi analisis SWOT kuantiatif dan kualitatif diperoleh rumusan strategi yang efektif


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    Rencana pengembangan SMK yang dicanangkan oleh Departemen PendidikanNasional, yaitu pada tahun 2015 rasio jumlah SMK dan SMU diharapkan berubah menjadi70:30. Kebijakan ini merupakan suatu topik kajian yang cukup menarik untuk dilakukanpenelitian. Pemilihan kebijakan pengembangan SMK tersebut bukan hal yang salah tetapisaat ini dari data yang ada hanya 60% dari lulusan SMK yang dapat terserap di lapangankerja, lebih dilematis lagi ketika 60% tersebut tidak semuanya bekerja sesuai dengan jurusanyang ditekuni semasa Sekolah. Masalah ini sering dijumpai pada siswa SMK bidang keahlianOtomotif.Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitiankulitatif eksploratif yang bertujuan untuk menggali secara luas tentang kompetensikompetensidi dunia kerja pada bidang Otomotif.Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa secara garis besar kompetensi mekanikotomotif roda 2 dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 1. Kompetensi dasar mekanik, 2. Kompetensiprofesional dan 3. Kompetensi sikap. Kompetensi dasar mekanik yaitu kompetensi yangberhubungan dan menunjang dengan kompensi profesional. Kompetensi profesional yaitukompetensi utama yang berkaitan dengan profesi mekanik roda 2. Kompetensi sikap yaitukompetensi yang berhubungan dengan prilaku dan sikap kerja

    Overview of biologically digested leachate treatment using adsorption

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    Biological process is effective in treating most biodegradable organic matter present in leachate; however, a significant amount of ammonia, metals and refractory organic compounds may still remain in this biologically digested leachate. This effluent cannot be released to receiving bodies until the discharge limit is met. Several physical/chemical processes have been practiced as post-treatment to remove the remaining pollutants including coagulation–flocculation, oxidation and adsorption. Adsorption is often applied in leachate treatment as it enhances removal of refractory organic compounds. This chapter will focus on works related to adsorption as one of the commonly used methods to treat biologically digested leachate further down to acceptable discharge limit