10 research outputs found

    Sikap dan Kepedulian Masyarakat Terhadap Objek Wisata dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Bali

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    Indonesia is not only rich in natural resources but because of its exotic landscape, consisting of forests, oceans and rivers that can generate extraordinary natural tourism potential. The development of tourism has two possible impacts on the local community, namely tourism will improve the welfare of the community or on the contrary, tourism will marginalize society in all fields. The activities of developing tourist objects cannot be separated from social, economic and environmental conditions. Tourism is an industry whose survival is largely determined by the merits of the environment. This research, it examines and analyzes how the attitudes and concerns of the community towards the development of tourist objects towards sustainable development. The goal is to find out how people's attitudes and concerns affect the development of tourist objects and sustainable development. This study uses an explanatory study with literature studies to identify the impact of people's attitudes and concerns towards sustainable development. Attitudes and behaviors are the formation of perceptions, so a correct perception of an object is needed. With the existence of public concern from the beginning for tourism development, it will further ensure the success and continuation of this tourism development. Continuing development for Bali considers not only the sustainability of natural resources as a basic necessity for life, but also the sustainability of cultural resources. &nbsp

    Effect of Social Capital, Community Participation, and Performance of Indigenous Community Financial Institutions for Rural Development in the Province of Bali

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    Strategies to build the village can not be separated from efforts to address the underlying problems experienced by rural communities including poverty and lack of access to capital. To that end, the importance of the role of financial institutions raise indigenous communities in rural areas such as Village Credit Institutions (LPD) in the province of Bali. Anchored theory and empirical facts, this study aims to answer how the direct effect of social capital on Public Participation, the direct influence of Social Capital on the Performance of the LPD, the direct influence of Social Capital on Rural Development, the direct effect of Community Participation on the Performance of LPD and the direct influence of Performance LPD against Rural development. The study also reveals how Performance LPD role in mediating the Social Capital and Community Participation to realize the success of Rural Development and Public Participation in mediating the Social Capital to increase LPD performance. By surveying 229 credit customers LPD in 113 villages, as well as with data analysis techniques guided by software Smart PLS 3.0, find: direct Social Capital a significant effect on Public Participation, directly Social Capital and Participation communities significant effect on performance LPD, directly Social capital is not a significant effect on Rural Development, and live performance LPD significant effect on Rural Development. Mediated by Community participation, social capital LPD significant effect on performance. With Performance mediated by LPD, Public Participation significant effect on Rural Development. Mediated by LPD Performance and Participation, Social Capital significant effect on Rural Development. In this case, the LPD Performance and Participation perfectly capable of mediating the effect of social capital on rural development, so the LPD performance is recognized as a key mediator in realizing the success of Rural Development in Bali Province. Keywords: performance, social capital, community participation, rural developmen

    Pengaruh Bantuan Dana Bergulir, Modal Kerja, Lokasi Pemasaran dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Pendapatan Pelaku UMKM Sektor Industri di Kota Denpasar

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    In the development of the Indonesian economy, the activities of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which are categorized as informal sector undertaking, is the potential and role in providing employment to the self-absorption of the workforce. Efforts informal sector, generally have features not depend on the cooperation of many people and the system of division of labor is not tight and relatively small-scale business. In general, the business does not have permission informal sector efforts and to work in the informal sector is easier than working in formal enterprises. This study to determine the effect of aid destined for the revolving fund, working capital, location marketing, and product quality on earnings performer MSME industries in city Denpasar. This study entirely using primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 85 respondents who made ??the study sample. Study population of 556 MSME units in Kota Denpasar. Determination of the sample is determined by accidental sampling technique. Technical analysis is used path analysis. The results showed that: 1) the revolving fund, working capital, location, marketing, and product quality directly influence positive and significant impact on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar. While production volume no significant effect on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar. 2) a revolving fund and working capital indirectly no significant effect on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar through volume production. 3) Working capital's most dominant influence on earnings performer MSMEs in Denpasar

    Determinants of Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises in Improving Village Development Performance

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    Purpose: The main objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that influence the performance of Village-owned Enterprises and village development performance in Lombok Utara Regency and Analyze the role of social capital polong renten in moderating the influence of manager competence on the performance of Village-owned Enterprisesin Lombok Utara Regency.   Theoretical Framework: Explains the context of sustainable development as development that is oriented towards meeting human needs through the wise. Competency is the ability to carry or carry out a job or task that is based on skills and knowledge and is supported by the work attitude required by the job. Village-owned Enterprises is an institution established by the village government to improve the village economy. social capital is a resource inherent in social relationships. Individuals involved in social relationships can use these social resources for personal and group interests.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is quantitative associative and this research was conducted in 43 villages in Lombok Utara Regency. With the number of samples used as many as 215 people in 43 Village-owned Enterprises. Data analysis used the SEM-PLS method.   Findings: The results of the study found the role of the government, management competence, utilization of information and communication technology, and social capital of Polong Renten have a significant positive effect both in installment and indirectly on the performance of Village-owned Enterprisesand the performance of village development.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: Polong renten's social capital significantly moderated the influence of the manager competency variable on the performance of Village-owned Enterprisesin Lombok Utara Regency. novelty in research obtained results and illustrated there is a factor of polong renten social capital, which has an influence and moderation of influence between variables that impact the performance of Village-owned Enterprisesand village development performance.   Originality/Value: In addition, it further emphasizes the moderation effect of social capital in other forms, whether it can strengthen or weaken the influence relationship between variables estimated to affect the performance of Village-owned Enterprisesand village development performance

    The Effect of Healthcare BPJS Program Effectiveness and Status of Employment Relationship on Morbidity Level and Welfare User of Health Care BPJS in the Public Health Center of Denpasar City

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    A person can be said to be in a prosperous condition when basic needs such as health have been met and protected from all risks. BPJS Health makes it easy for people to get access to health services. Low access to health services increases the risk of failing to meet health needs and results in a decrease in health conditions with increasing frequency of experiencing pain, loss of income due to high medical costs and lower welfare. In addition, working environment conditions also have an impact on health. Workers in the informal sector have a work environment that is low in health compared to the formal sector and also impacts on their well-being. Denpasar City has the highest HDI compared to other regencies or cities, but life expectancy is lower than Badung Regency. By using the Healthcare BPJS, it expected that life expectancy is higher because they are able to access health services more easily. The study aims to analyze the effect of the effectiveness of the Healthcare BPJS program and employment relationship status on the level of morbidity and well-being of Healthcare BPJS users. This research was conducted at the Denpasar City Health Center. The sample method used was purposive sampling and sampling quota. Data collection methods used were observation, structured interviews and in-depth interviews. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis techniques and Structural Equation Modeling with PLS. The results of this study indicate that the Healthcare BPJS program has been classified as effective, the effectiveness of the Healthcare BPJS program and the status of employment relations have a negative and significant effect on the level of morbidity, the effectiveness of the Healthcare BPJS program has no effect on welfare, the status of employment relations has a positive and significant effect on welfare, the level of morbidity has a negative effect and significant on welfare, and the level of morbidity mediates the effect of Healthcare BPJS program effectiveness and employment relationship status on welfare


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    Kopi Bali Kintamani dihasilkan dari tanaman kopi arabika yang ditanam di dataran tinggi Kintamani, dengan ketinggian 900mdpl. Kondisi ini yang membuat tanaman kopi arabika yang dihasilkan merupakan varietas-varietas yang unggul. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh modal, tenaga kerja, teknologi, dan luas lahan terhadap pendapatan dan menganalisis pengaruh modal, tenaga kerja, teknologi, dan luas lahan terhadap pendapatan melalui produksi petani kopi di Kecamatan Kintamani Kabupaten Bangli. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 107 responden yang ditentukan menggunakan rumus slovin dan dengan teknik accidental sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi non partisipasi dan wawancara tersruktur. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa modal, tenaga kerja, teknologi, dan luas lahan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi dan pendapatan petani kopi di Kecamatan Kintamani Kabupaten Bangli. Modal, tenaga kerja, teknologi dan luas lahan, berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap pendapatan melalui produksi petani kopi di Kecamatan Kintamani Kabupaten Bangli


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    Sidewalk traders, as informal economic sector, have been in existence in almost allthe cities in Indonesia. As an impact of migration of people, they have been recognized as astructural phenomenon which will always exist. They will always exist in Denpasar City. InWest Denpasar Sub District, as part of Denpasar City, their existence has been assumed notonly to cause the city to look disorganized but it has also been assumed to create discomfortand to disturb public order. However, as Indonesian citizens, they have the right to haveoccupation and live properly as stated in Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution. Theempowerment management of the sidewalk traders in West Denpasar Sub District refers tothe Local Rules and Regulations (Perda) of number 3 of Year 2000. However, the fact inthe field shows that what has been expected has not been properly coming true yet.Based on this fact, a research was conducted with the problems formulated asfollows: 1) how the government managed the empowerment of the sidewalk traders; 2)what responses were given by the community to the model of such a management ofempowerment; 3) and what were its effects and meanings. As a consequence, this researchaims at 1) identifying the management of empowerment of the sidewalk traders; 2)identifying the responses given by the community to the model of such a management ofempowerment; 3) identifying its effects and meanings. From the aspect of methodology,this research is classified as a qualitative one. The theory of deconstruction, the theory ofhegemony, the theory of response, the theory of motivation and achievement wereemployed for exploring the problems formulated above. The techniques employed forcollecting the data needed were the technique of observation, the technique of interview,the technique of observation and focus discussion group.The findings show that the Local Rules and Regulations (Perda) of Number 3 of2000, which is derived from the Local Rules and Regulations (Perda) of Number 15 ofYear 1993, which is used as the reference of how such a management of empowerment isconducted, does not accommodate the problems related to the sidewalk traders. In fact, ithas been implemented by the government in the following three ways; (1) through the subdistrict governmental agencies; (2) through direct supervision of the municipal, sub district,administrative village and neighborhood governmental agencies; (3) through traditionalvillages (desa pekraman/adat).The responses given by the community varied. The responses given by thecommunity of consumers were negative resulting from lack of socialization. The responsesgiven by the sidewalk traders were negative as well. However, socially, economically an