58 research outputs found

    Montelukast: much more than an antiasthma drug

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    Montelukast (MK), a selective leukotriene D4 receptor antagonist, is used mainly to reduce eosinophilic inflammation in asthmatic patients. The primary objective of this mini-review is to describe novel additional targets for MK besides the lung and to highlight its antioxidant potential. Literature published between 2002 and 2013 was reviewed for significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of MK in various experimental models of inflammation rather than that in the airways of asthmatics. Evidence suggests the potential use of MK in many inflammatory diseases rather than asthma therapy

    Smoking, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: a review of reviews considering implications for public health policy and practice

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    IntroductionThere has been significant speculation regarding the association between Severe Acute RespiratorySyndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pathogen, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and smoking.We provide an overview of the available literature regarding the association between smoking, risk ofSARS-CoV-2 infection, and risk of severe COVID-19 and poor clinical outcomes, with the aim ofinforming public health policy and practice in England.MethodsPublications were identified utilising a systematic search approach on PUBMED and Google Scholar.Publications presenting a systematic review or meta-analysis considering the association betweensmoking and SARS-COV-2 infection or COVID-19 outcomes were included.ResultsEight studies were identified. One considered the relationship between smoking and the probability ofSARS-CoV-2 infection, three considered the association between COVID-19 hospitalisation andsmoking history and six reviewed the association between smoking history and development ofsevere COVID-19. One study specifically investigated the risk of mortality. The studies consideringrisk of severe disease indicate that there is a significant association between COVID-19 and currentor ever smoking.ConclusionsThis is a rapidly evolving topic. Current analysis remains limited due to the quality of primary data,although early results indicate an association between smoking and COVID-19 severity. We highlyrecommend public health messaging to continue focusing on smoking cessation efforts

    Lean hos masskundanpassande producenter : Att masskundanpassa produkter effektivt

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    Massproduktion har varit viktigt för producerande företag genom mĂ„nga decennier. MassproduktionĂ€r förmĂ„gan att kunna producera och erbjuda stora volymer till lĂ„ga priser. Utvecklingenav kunders efterfrĂ„gan har dĂ€remot den senaste tiden gĂ„tt mot kundanpassade produkter. Priset förvĂ€ntas ligga pĂ„ samma nivĂ„ som massproducerade produkter. Utmaningen förföretagen Ă€r att kunna massproducera samtidigt som kunders varierande behov tillgodoses. Kundanpassning innebĂ€r att produkter utformas och produceras för att tillgodose kunders specifikabehov. För att produktionen av kundanpassade produkter ska nĂ„ en hög volym fordrasanvĂ€ndning av moduler. En modul Ă€r en komponent som kan kombineras ihop med andramoduler för att producera olika varianter av produkter. Mintzberg har delat in kundanpassning i olika grader, som strĂ€cker sig frĂ„n högt kundanpassadeprodukter (Pure) till lĂ„gt kundanpassade produkter (Standardized). Vidare har Ulrish och Tung delat in modularitet med hĂ€nsyn till var i produktionscykeln som modularitet anvĂ€nds. Beroende pĂ„ var modularitet i produktionscykeln anvĂ€nds och var kundorderpunkten ligger delas masskundanpassning in i lĂ„g- respektive högnivĂ„ enligt Stump. Lean Ă€r en produktionsfilosofi vars syfte Ă€r att söka efter och eliminera slöserier i produktionen. Produktionsfilosofin fungerar bĂ€st om hela organisationen genomsyras av Lean. En lyckad implementering leder till högre produktivitet med mindre anvĂ€ndning av resurser. Lean brukar visualiseras i formen av ett hus för att göra Lean konkret. Teorin som presenteras i denna rapport har kompletterats med ett studiebesök pĂ„ Scanias vĂ€xellĂ„dsmontering i SödertĂ€lje. Arbetets syfte Ă€r att ge svar pĂ„ om masskundanpassad produktion kan resurseffektiviseras med Lean. Slutsatsen som dragits Ă€r att Lean gĂ„r att tillĂ€mpa pĂ„ en produktion dĂ€r nivĂ„n av kundanpassningenĂ€r lĂ„g och att det inte gĂ„r att tillĂ€mpa som en helhet dĂ€r nivĂ„n av kundanpassning Ă€r hög.Mass production has been important for manufacturing companies for several decades. Massproduction is the ability to produce and offer large volumes at low prices. The development of customer demand has however recently shifted towards customized products. The price is expected to be at the level of mass produced products. The challenge for companies is to be able to produce in large volumes while customers varying needs are met. Customization means that a product is designed and produced to meet customers specific needs. In order for the production of customized products to achieve a high volume, the production requires the use of modules. A module is a component which can be combined with other modules in order to produce different variety of products. Mintzberg has divided customization into various levels, ranging from high customized products (Pure) to low customized products (Standardized). Furthermore Ulrish and Tung divided modularity with consideration to where in the production cycle the modules are used. Depending on where modularity in the production cycle is used and where the point of customer involvement is in the production cycle, mass customization is divided into low and high level according to Stump. Lean is a production philosophy which aims at searching for and eliminating wastes in the production. The production philosophy works best if the entire organization is influenced by Lean. A successful implementation of Lean leads to higher productivity with fewer resources used. Lean is usually visualized in the form of a house to make Lean more concrete. The theory that is presented in this report has been complemented with a study at Scania’s gearbox assembly line in SödertĂ€lje. This work aims to provide answers to if masscustomization can be resource efficient with Lean. The conclusion is that Lean can be applied to low-level mass customization and cannot be applied entirely to a high-level mass customization

    Hantering av organisatoriska faktorer i teknisk assimilering för webbaserad business-to-business e-handel

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    Introduction: The use of Web-based Business-to-Business E-commerce is increasing, however many companies who previously adopted e-commerce technology have failed to utilize it. Meanwhile, research has mostly focused on quantitative research regarding factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce, leaving a research gap regarding the routinization of the technology. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge regarding the management of the entire web-based business-to-business e-commerce assimilation process from initiation, to adoption and routinization. Method: The study addresses which factors affect the assimilation process, where in the process they are relevant and how they may be managed. A multiple case study with six large companies has been conducted through semi-structured interviews. The cases were compared to each other, as well as to previous research within e-business and/or e-commerce assimilation and adoption. Furthermore, change management literature has been used to aid the analysis of how certain factors may be managed. Findings: We have found the assimilation of web-based e-commerce to be a complex and iterative process that involves several interconnected factors which organizations manage in various ways. Seventeen factors within the technological, organizational and environmental contexts were identified to be relevant in the different phases of the assimilation process. A discussion regarding how these factors may be managed is conducted, including some indications on what approaches seem to be more or less viable. Practical Implications: Managers may use the findings of this study as guidance in their webbased e-commerce assimilation process. Originality/value: This study contributes with qualitative research on which factors affect the entire assimilation process of web-based e-commerce and how the factors may be managed. Paper Category: Master ThesisIntroduktion: AnvÀndningen av webbaserad e-handel i business-to-business-företag ökar, men mÄnga företag som redan har implementerat detta har misslyckats med att anvÀnda dess fulla potential. Samtidigt har forskningen huvudsakligen fokuserat pÄ att kvantitativt studera faktorer som pÄverkar sjÀlva implementationen, medan aspekter rörande den efterföljande anvÀndningen av e-handeln har lÀmnats outforskade. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie Àr att bidra med kunskap kring hanteringen gÀllande hela processen, frÄn initiering till implementation till att slutligen uppnÄ ett utbrett anvÀndande av den webbaserade e-handeln i business-to-business företag. Metod: Studien utreder vilka faktorer som pÄverkar processen, var i processen de Àr relevanta och hur de kan hanteras. Genom intervjuer genomfördes en komparativ fallstudie mellan sex stycken stora företag i Sverige. Företagens hantering av faktorerna jÀmfördes sinsemellan, samt med tidigare forskning inom implementation och hantering av e-handel. Detta jÀmfördes dessutom med teorier inom förÀndringsledning för att styrka analysen angÄende hur processen skulle kunna genomföras. Resultat: I vÄr studie har vi sett att den kringliggande processen runt implementationen av webbaserad e-handel Àr komplex och iterativ, samt att den har hanterats med varierande tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt. 17 faktorer inom tekniska-, organisatoriska- och miljösammanhang har hittats relevanta för de olika faserna i processen. Slutligen har det förts en diskussion angÄende hur dessa faktorer skulle kunna hanteras, samt indikationer pÄ vilka tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt som verkar mer eller mindre gÄngbara. Praktisk Betydelse: Chefer och ledare kan anvÀnda resultaten och slutsatserna frÄn denna studie som handledning under deras process för implementation av webbaserad e-handel i business-tobusiness-företag. Originalitet/VÀrde: Denna studie bidrar med kvalitativ forskning angÄende vilka faktorer som pÄverkar den organisatoriska processen för implementation av webbaserad e-handel samt hur dessa faktorer skulle kunna hanteras. Rapporttyp: Examensarbete, avancerad nivÄ

    Hantering av organisatoriska faktorer i teknisk assimilering för webbaserad business-to-business e-handel

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    Introduction: The use of Web-based Business-to-Business E-commerce is increasing, however many companies who previously adopted e-commerce technology have failed to utilize it. Meanwhile, research has mostly focused on quantitative research regarding factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce, leaving a research gap regarding the routinization of the technology. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge regarding the management of the entire web-based business-to-business e-commerce assimilation process from initiation, to adoption and routinization. Method: The study addresses which factors affect the assimilation process, where in the process they are relevant and how they may be managed. A multiple case study with six large companies has been conducted through semi-structured interviews. The cases were compared to each other, as well as to previous research within e-business and/or e-commerce assimilation and adoption. Furthermore, change management literature has been used to aid the analysis of how certain factors may be managed. Findings: We have found the assimilation of web-based e-commerce to be a complex and iterative process that involves several interconnected factors which organizations manage in various ways. Seventeen factors within the technological, organizational and environmental contexts were identified to be relevant in the different phases of the assimilation process. A discussion regarding how these factors may be managed is conducted, including some indications on what approaches seem to be more or less viable. Practical Implications: Managers may use the findings of this study as guidance in their webbased e-commerce assimilation process. Originality/value: This study contributes with qualitative research on which factors affect the entire assimilation process of web-based e-commerce and how the factors may be managed. Paper Category: Master ThesisIntroduktion: AnvÀndningen av webbaserad e-handel i business-to-business-företag ökar, men mÄnga företag som redan har implementerat detta har misslyckats med att anvÀnda dess fulla potential. Samtidigt har forskningen huvudsakligen fokuserat pÄ att kvantitativt studera faktorer som pÄverkar sjÀlva implementationen, medan aspekter rörande den efterföljande anvÀndningen av e-handeln har lÀmnats outforskade. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie Àr att bidra med kunskap kring hanteringen gÀllande hela processen, frÄn initiering till implementation till att slutligen uppnÄ ett utbrett anvÀndande av den webbaserade e-handeln i business-to-business företag. Metod: Studien utreder vilka faktorer som pÄverkar processen, var i processen de Àr relevanta och hur de kan hanteras. Genom intervjuer genomfördes en komparativ fallstudie mellan sex stycken stora företag i Sverige. Företagens hantering av faktorerna jÀmfördes sinsemellan, samt med tidigare forskning inom implementation och hantering av e-handel. Detta jÀmfördes dessutom med teorier inom förÀndringsledning för att styrka analysen angÄende hur processen skulle kunna genomföras. Resultat: I vÄr studie har vi sett att den kringliggande processen runt implementationen av webbaserad e-handel Àr komplex och iterativ, samt att den har hanterats med varierande tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt. 17 faktorer inom tekniska-, organisatoriska- och miljösammanhang har hittats relevanta för de olika faserna i processen. Slutligen har det förts en diskussion angÄende hur dessa faktorer skulle kunna hanteras, samt indikationer pÄ vilka tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt som verkar mer eller mindre gÄngbara. Praktisk Betydelse: Chefer och ledare kan anvÀnda resultaten och slutsatserna frÄn denna studie som handledning under deras process för implementation av webbaserad e-handel i business-tobusiness-företag. Originalitet/VÀrde: Denna studie bidrar med kvalitativ forskning angÄende vilka faktorer som pÄverkar den organisatoriska processen för implementation av webbaserad e-handel samt hur dessa faktorer skulle kunna hanteras. Rapporttyp: Examensarbete, avancerad nivÄ

    Hantering av organisatoriska faktorer i teknisk assimilering för webbaserad business-to-business e-handel

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    Introduction: The use of Web-based Business-to-Business E-commerce is increasing, however many companies who previously adopted e-commerce technology have failed to utilize it. Meanwhile, research has mostly focused on quantitative research regarding factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce, leaving a research gap regarding the routinization of the technology. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge regarding the management of the entire web-based business-to-business e-commerce assimilation process from initiation, to adoption and routinization. Method: The study addresses which factors affect the assimilation process, where in the process they are relevant and how they may be managed. A multiple case study with six large companies has been conducted through semi-structured interviews. The cases were compared to each other, as well as to previous research within e-business and/or e-commerce assimilation and adoption. Furthermore, change management literature has been used to aid the analysis of how certain factors may be managed. Findings: We have found the assimilation of web-based e-commerce to be a complex and iterative process that involves several interconnected factors which organizations manage in various ways. Seventeen factors within the technological, organizational and environmental contexts were identified to be relevant in the different phases of the assimilation process. A discussion regarding how these factors may be managed is conducted, including some indications on what approaches seem to be more or less viable. Practical Implications: Managers may use the findings of this study as guidance in their webbased e-commerce assimilation process. Originality/value: This study contributes with qualitative research on which factors affect the entire assimilation process of web-based e-commerce and how the factors may be managed. Paper Category: Master ThesisIntroduktion: AnvÀndningen av webbaserad e-handel i business-to-business-företag ökar, men mÄnga företag som redan har implementerat detta har misslyckats med att anvÀnda dess fulla potential. Samtidigt har forskningen huvudsakligen fokuserat pÄ att kvantitativt studera faktorer som pÄverkar sjÀlva implementationen, medan aspekter rörande den efterföljande anvÀndningen av e-handeln har lÀmnats outforskade. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie Àr att bidra med kunskap kring hanteringen gÀllande hela processen, frÄn initiering till implementation till att slutligen uppnÄ ett utbrett anvÀndande av den webbaserade e-handeln i business-to-business företag. Metod: Studien utreder vilka faktorer som pÄverkar processen, var i processen de Àr relevanta och hur de kan hanteras. Genom intervjuer genomfördes en komparativ fallstudie mellan sex stycken stora företag i Sverige. Företagens hantering av faktorerna jÀmfördes sinsemellan, samt med tidigare forskning inom implementation och hantering av e-handel. Detta jÀmfördes dessutom med teorier inom förÀndringsledning för att styrka analysen angÄende hur processen skulle kunna genomföras. Resultat: I vÄr studie har vi sett att den kringliggande processen runt implementationen av webbaserad e-handel Àr komplex och iterativ, samt att den har hanterats med varierande tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt. 17 faktorer inom tekniska-, organisatoriska- och miljösammanhang har hittats relevanta för de olika faserna i processen. Slutligen har det förts en diskussion angÄende hur dessa faktorer skulle kunna hanteras, samt indikationer pÄ vilka tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt som verkar mer eller mindre gÄngbara. Praktisk Betydelse: Chefer och ledare kan anvÀnda resultaten och slutsatserna frÄn denna studie som handledning under deras process för implementation av webbaserad e-handel i business-tobusiness-företag. Originalitet/VÀrde: Denna studie bidrar med kvalitativ forskning angÄende vilka faktorer som pÄverkar den organisatoriska processen för implementation av webbaserad e-handel samt hur dessa faktorer skulle kunna hanteras. Rapporttyp: Examensarbete, avancerad nivÄ

    Effect of age on the contractile response of the rat carotid artery in the presence of sympathetic drugs and L-NAME

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    For evaluating the age-related change in noradrenaline (NA)-induced contraction of isolated rat carotid artery (CA), the effect of α and ÎČ adrenoreceptor (AR) blockers and the role of nitric oxide (NO) were investigated. Methods: Concentration-response curves to NA (10−10–10−4 M) and α1 agonist phenylephrine (PE; 10−10–10−5 M) were constructed in isolated CA rings from young and middle-aged rats. The effects of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor (L-NAME; 100 ÎŒM), α1-AR antagonist (prazosin; 0.1 ÎŒM), α2-AR antagonist (yohimbine; 0.1 ÎŒM) and ÎČ-AR antagonist (propranolol; 1 ÎŒM) on NA-induced contraction of isolated CA rings were examined. In CA rings preconstricted with NA, the responses to α2-AR agonist (clonidine; 10−7–10−5 M), ÎČ-AR agonist (isoprenaline; 10−8–10−5 M),), sodium nitroprusside (SNP; 10−9–10−5 M) were assessed. Results: The maximum contractile response of CA to NA and to PE was higher in younger than in middle-aged rats. Prazosin reduced the contractile response to NA in both groups, while propranolol, yohimbine and L-NAME did not affect NA-induced contraction in either of them. Clonidine, isoprenaline and SNP produced a dose-dependent vasorelaxation of CA rings, isoprenaline-induced vasodilatation was lower in middle-aged rats, while there was no difference in clonidine or SNP-induced relaxant effect between the two groups. Conclusions: NA-induced contraction of isolated rat CA rings is decreased in old rats, this is related to α1-AR. ÎČ-AR mediated dilatation was compromised in middle-aged rats (endothelium-dependent). α2-AR and SNP-mediated dilator effect seems to be unchanged

    Purification, characterization and immunogenicity assessment of glutaminase free L-asparaginase from Streptomyces brollosae NEAE-115

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    Abstract Background L-asparaginase is a potential therapeutic enzyme widely used in the chemotherapy protocols of pediatric and adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. However, its use has been limited by a high rate of hypersensitivity in the long-term used. Hence, there is a continuing need to search for other L-asparaginase sources capable of producing an enzyme with less adverse effects. Methods Production of extracellular L-asparaginase by Streptomyces brollosae NEAE-115 was carried out using submerged fermentation. L-asparaginase was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation and pure enzyme was reached using ion-exchange chromatography, followed by enzyme characterization. Anticancer activity towards Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) cells was investigated in female Swiss albino mice by determination of tumor size and the degree of tumor growth inhibition. The levels of anti-L-asparaginase IgG antibodies in mice sera were measured using ELISA method. Results The purified L-asparaginase showed a total activity of 795.152 with specific activity of 76.671 U/mg protein and 7.835 − purification fold. The enzyme purity was confirmed by using SDS–PAGE separation which revealed only one distinctive band with a molecular weight of 67 KDa. The enzyme showed maximum activity at pH 8.5, optimum temperature of 37 °C, incubation time of 50 min and optimum substrate concentration of 7 mM. A Michaelis-Menten constant analysis showed a Km value of 2.139 × 10− 3 M with L-asparagine as substrate and Vmax of 152.6 UmL− 1 min− 1. The half-life time (T1/2) was 65.02 min at 50°С, while being 62.65 min at 60°С. Furthermore, mice treated with Streptomyces brollosae NEAE-115 L-asparaginase showed higher cytotoxic effect (79% tumor growth inhibition) when compared to commercial L-asparaginase group (67% tumor growth inhibition). Conclusions The study reveals the excellent property of this enzyme which makes it highly valuable for development of chemotherapeutic drug
