302 research outputs found

    Kompleksitas Masalah Tindak Pidana Korupsi Pejabat Kepala Daerah Dan Upaya Penanggulangan Dalam Mewujudkan Penyelenggaraan Negara Yang Bersih Dan Bebas Dari Korupsi, Kolusi Dan Nepotisme

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    Regulations organizing policies on corruption criminal action and on its enforcement have long been issued, but this criminal action in general or among the local head officials has increased and extended. This condition prevails since corruption is not only a matter of criminal law and of law enforcement, but also the complexity of the problems surrounding the corruption criminal law. Therefore, any efforts to cope with this problems should be made integrally by “symptomatical cure”, namely, take action against anybody involved in the action, accompanied with “causative cure”, namely handling and coping with the complexity of the problems surrounding the corruption criminal law. Then in realizing the state officials who are clean and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism., they should be provided with “code of conduct”, accompanied with clear sanctions (discipline, administrative, and criminal) according to prevailing laws


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    Elderly population now is tenderly to be higher than 5 or 10 years ago. In the future population of elderly people in Indonesia will in high amount. The great number of elderly population in this nation have some consequency for example: economic, social, demografik, and helath care system. Ministry of Health have program to maintain health status of elderly people. One of common health problem in elderly was psikososial problem. Elderly people can suffer from many psikososial problem. Psikosial problem in elderly is varied, for example : depression, low of support system from family and society, Dimensia and other health problem. Nurses as helath care personil must aware about psikososial aspect or psikososial problem in elderly, so they can give some direction to family or society


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    Background: Head Trauma Patient in emergency care unit. Emergency need the which quickly. delay of head trauma treatment cause the handicap which remain to because damage of brain network or even generate the death. Very depended to and also the quality of [gift/ giving] [of] help to save the soul or prevent the handicap since in place occurence, on the way till hospital help . This Research aim to to know the time difference respon time the nursing care of head trauma lead the category I-V . Method: Sample taken by counted 60 patient by applying technique non probability. Appliance of data collecting in this research use the fundamental method in the form of observation. Data gathered in this research is later then analysed with the different test [of] mean. Result of: Research Result indicate that: ( 1) there are difference which signifikan time listen carefully the treatment action of wounded patient lead the category I V. Result of test anova obtain;get the f value accepted [at] level signifikansi 5%. ( 2) Time research listen action [of] [at] wounded patient lead the category I - V in RSUD Dr. inferential Moewardi Surakarta that terdaat of time difference listen carefully the treatment action at wounded patient categorize the I - II, III - IV, and IV - V, but to categorize the II-III do not show the existence of difference. This matter indicate that the each category of emergency condition of head trauma patient lead the category I - V need the different handling as according to requirement and condition of patient. (3) wounded Patient lead the category I obtain;get the longer treatment action (mean 98,33 minute) and wounded patient lead the category V obtain;get the quicker treatment action (mean 33,91 minute


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    In Indonesia, supervision still orient an 'observation'; non a tuition activity of observation and assessment; appraisal. despitefully there is no a model of clinical supervision. In some western countries have been recognized and application a model of clinical supervision where its purpose is quality of care. Models recognized by: developmental model, academic model, experiential model and 4S model. Four application model have in hospital at the UK and US because education’ degree have established with the compared to Indonesia. Beside that, nursing care delivery have also become a well established system with the nurse RN'S as role and leader


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate wheter court verdict on Nampat\u27s Sitepu law dispute inheritance distribution has already in accordance with indigenous law in Batak Karo society. In addition, it was also intended to identify legal basis that thejudges used in deciding the case on inheritance distribution. This research analys Supreme Court is verdict No. 1542 KlPdt/1999, dated May 24,2000 that decided equality between daugter and son in the inheritance distribution of decedent\u27s property. This research is conducted using normative law research, in particular literary law study. The data used in this research are secondary data of court written literatures, books and scientific articles and verdict on the dispute in Batak Karo society.Thisstudy has alsobeencompletedwithfield study by interviewing resource persons. Descriptive qualitative analyses was conducted to secondary data from literature study and interview of the resource persons. The results indicate that the panel of judges gave equality between daughter and son in inheritance distribution. Therefore the daughter, as plaintive, also has the right over the inheritance. This verdict does not in accordarce to indogenous law of Batak Karo society that still holds patrilineal inheritance system, in which the son get the inheritance. The legal basis that the panel of judges used is Civil Law Code, Law No. 39/1999 on Human Right and Verdict of Indonesia Supreme Court No. 179/KiSIP/1961 that becomes Jurisprudence in Indonesia

    An Institutionalization of the State Commisions as a State Institutions on the Basis of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

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    The institutionalize of the state commissions as ‘lembaga negara’ (the institutional state) is based on UUD 1945. By using the institutionalize of the commission on the state theory, it is found that the term, terminology, and interpretation toward state organization in the institutionalize state is an absolute requirement to have an institutionalize of the state commisions. Based on the Doctrine (The Law Experts Theory) and UUD 1945, such standard cannot be found for being a reference of the institution state arrangement. In the practice of Republic Indonesia constitution, the process of the institutionalize state of the state commissions is done by using unstandardized terminology either from its authority source or its institution's function. Therefore, this research analysis has found that the standard terminology to classified the organization, the institution, and the state commission is the main reference in the institution state arrangements.Recommendation: The main problem in the institutionalize of the state commissions  is that there is no 'meaning' reference in the state operational. Therefore, the recommendation of this research, according to the researcher, is that it becomes a main obligation for the government to keep 'meaning' in the state operational. Keywords: state organ, the state commission, the institutional state, ‘lembaga negara’

    Media Pendidikan Kesehatan untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Anak Dalam Pencegahan Diare: Literature Review

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    Diare menjadi salah satu permasalahan utama di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Penyebab utama dari gizi kurang adalah diare. Selain itu, diare juga dapat menyebabkan kematian serta kejadian luar biasa. Pendidikan kesehatan merupakan salah satu strategi untuk menanamkan kesadaran, kemauan, dan kemampuan anak dalam pencegahan diare. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis media pendidikan kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap anak dalam pencegahan diare. Proses literature review dilakukan dengan menyortir artikel-artikel dari basis data online seperti Google Scholar, Science Direct, dan Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital) yang diterbitkan dalam tujuh tahun terakhir. Penelusuran menggunakan kata kunci pendidikan kesehatan, pengetahuan, sikap, anak, diare dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia. Dari hasil analisis jurnal menggunakan metode diagram PRISMA didapatkan delapan artikel yang membahas mengenai berbagai media pendidikan kesehatan yang efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap anak dalam pencegahan diare. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan edukasi melalui berbagai media efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap anak dalam pencegahan diare