68 research outputs found

    PLOT WAYANG KULIT PURWA DAN PANDANGAN HIDUP ORANG JAWA (The Shadow Puppet Plot and Javanese Way of Life)

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    Plot wayang kulit purwa berhubungan erat dengan pandangan hidup orang Jawa.Plot dapat dilihat pada pembagian gendhing atas tiga pathet di dalam pertunjukan wayang yakni pathet nem,sanga dan manyura yang berhubungan dengan pandangan hidup orang Jawa tentang paham manusia dalam satu putaran hidup (Jw: manungsa sauripan) dan paham sangkan paraning dumadi.Perang kembang disajikan hampir setiap pertunjukan wayang kulit purwa. Perang kembang ini sering tidak ada hubungannya dengan alur cerita dan ini merupakan peristiwa yang tiba-tiba muncul. Konsep ketidaksengajaan ini merupakan adanya sesuatu yang ada di luar kemampuan manusia. Alur irama pada pertunjukan wayang kulit purwa seoagai simbol salah satu sikap hidup orang Jawa yakni kendho­kenceng. Kata kunci: Wayang Kulit Purwa, Plot, pandangan hidup


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    The purpose of this research is to reveal the changes of immunity at breathing exercises. This is an experimental research study. This research used “randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The populations involved in this study were the students of MA Mu’alimin, Yogyakarta. The samples of this research were 15 students for each group. The unit analysis in this research was the blood taken from vena cubiti. In this research, there were dependent variables which involved the levels of IL 6, IL 4, IL 2, cortisol, Beta Endorphin, and IgG. The training programme was conducted in 7 weeks, 3 times per week, submaximal intensity, and 6 sets per session. This programme was conducted in the afternoon. The inspection of the laboratory variable used the ELISA method. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic using SPSS for windows. This research also used statistical multivariate analysis abd discriminant analysis. The result showed that the data of samples’ characteristics after normality test was p>0,05, normal, and homogeneous (p>0,05). The result of moderate variables (Table 5.2) included in normal span. The dependent variables after the normality test got p>0,05, normal, and after the levene test got p>0,05, homogeneous. The result of Manova Test was p: 0,000 which implied that there were differences among the groups (Wilk Lambda p<0,05). At the matrix discriminant structure, it can be explained that the correlation between independent variables and the discriminant function formed with beta endorphin (0,501) had the strongest relation to the discriminant function, followed by interleukin 6 (0,367) while the other variables had less significant relation. Discriminator variables representing the function contributed to every discriminator of modulation immunity were beta endorphin, interleukin 6 and interleukin 4. Hence, beta endorphin had the strongest contribution to the increase of body immunity compared with other variables. Conclusion: Based on the result discussed above and the descriptive research reported by Suparto (2001) showed that breathing exercises could increase physical fitness and impenetrability of proven body manifestly. Breathing exercise increased beta endorphin, immunoglobulin G and interleukin 6, while interleukin 2 and interleukin 4 did not increase. Cartisol did not decrease significantly but there was an indication of the decrease of the level of cortisol. Immunity modulator which caused breathing exercise stressor got by 3 groups with strong contribution on the basis concept of psychoneuroimmunologic. Breathing exercise represented the stimuli of the limbic – hypothalamus – pituitary – adrenal (LHPA) tract which created immunomodulator process on the basis of physiobiology paradigm with the concept of psychoneuroimmunologic


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    This study aims to determine the pattern of achievement in sports coaching in Yogyakarta, knowing the pattern of performance of the sport organizations, knowing the sport competitive and leading sports characteristics. This research use descriptive analytical method with the unit of Nasioanl Indonesian Sports Committee (KONI) of Yogyakarta. The methods that will be used in data collection is a survey by questionnaire technique / questionnaires, study documentation and interviews. The data obtained will be qualitative descriptive analysis. The research has provided the readiness figure of KONI Yogyakarta in 2008 in PON XVII at East Kalimantan to obtain the best possible performance with the target in investing medal match of competitive sport. Competitive sport consists of competitive priority I. It consists of 4 branches of motor sport racing, Racing Bike, Climbing, and Flying kites. Leading to the Second Priority consists of 4 branches of the Umbrella Falls, Archery, Body Building, and Billiard


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    This paper aims to reveal the influence of respiratory exercise on the forced one second volume (FEVi) and lung vital capacity (KVP) of the female student in MTs Mu'alimat Yogyakarta. This breathing exercise was carried out for 8 weeks, the frequency of this exercise is three times a week. The model used in breathing exercises is a model "I-T-E" (Inspiration-Hold-Expiratory breath). The samples of this research are 40 female students of MTs Mu'alimat Yogyakarta. The Measure used is "rotary spirometer". After further analyzed, the data obtained by test t. The results showed that the forced one second volume of 1501.25 ± pretest and post 563,129 ± 625,22o tests 1847.75. There is an increasing in FEV1 (postest-pretest) of 346.5 cc. In lung vital capacity data obtained pretest 2339.25 ± 379,523 and 348,501 ± posttest 2520.75. From the data (postest-pretest) increase 181.5 cc. T count results (FEV,) -4162 with p: 0000. (p <0.05), then forced a second volume before and after exercise there is a real difference. T test analysis (KVP), obtained t count with p - 4265: 0000. Because of p <0.05, so there is difference in the vital lung capacity. In addition, it also obtained a 0730 correlation can thus be concluded that the strength of the correlation indicates the high suitability of a given training program. FEV, percentage from KVP increase to 9:58%, it means that after respiratory training FEV, percentage increase. Forms of breathing exercise as provided in this study can be rused as an alternative to increase the magnitude of FEV, in lung vital capacity. The increase occurred because of breathing exercise stressor to the alveoli and respiratory devices, and the muscles of respiration. Stressor exercise has provided a significant stimulus that spurred the Respiratory physiological adaptation. Keywords: Influence, Sports, Breathing, FEV1, KV


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    The purpose of the research to expressing the changing of immunity at breathing exercise. This research represent of experimental. Device used “randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Population is student M A Mu'Alimin Yogyakarta. sample at every group 15 people. As unit analyse in this research taken away from blood cubiti vena. At this research which specified as variable depended as follows: rate of IL 6, IL 4, IL 2, cortisol, Beta Endorphin, and IgG. Training program conducted during 7 week, 3x /week, submaximal intensity, 6 set/session. This program executed on evening. Inspection laboratory of variable use ELISA method. The data analysis with descriptive statistic and inferensial with computerize SPSS for windows. Then statistical multivariat analysis and discriminant analysis. The result showed that sample characteristic data after normality test got p>0,05 normal, and homogeneous (p>0,05). Result of the moderator variable (tables 5.2) included in normal span. Dependent variable, after normality test got p>0,05, normal, and lavene’s test got p>0,05, homogeneous. Result of manova got p: 0,000, its meaning there are difference between group (Wilk Lambda, p<0,05). At discriminant matric structure can be explained the correlation between free variable and discriminant function formed that seen beta endorphin (0.501) its more strong relation with of discriminant function, followed by interleukin 6 (0.367). while other have less meaning. Discriminator variable representing function contribution every discriminator to modulation immunity emerging is beta endorphin, interleukin 6 and interleukin 4. Thereby hence beta endorphin have strongest contribution to increase immunity compared to the other variable. Conclusion: On the fact result, descriptive research which reported by Suparto, (2001), that breathing exercise can increase physical fitness and impenetrability of proven body manifestly. Breathing exercise increase beta endorphin, immunoglobulin G and Interleukin 6, while interleukin 2 and interleukin 4 do not happened increase. Cortisol nor happened degradation meaning, but at treatment and also control group there are indicate degradation of rate cortisol. Immunity Modulation which cause breathing exercise stressor got by 3 group owning strong contribution on the basis concept of psychoneuroimmunologic. Breathing exercise represent stimuli at path of limbic-hipothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (LHPA) generating immunomodulator process on the basis of physiobiologic paradigm which psychoneuroimmunologic concept. Keyword: breathing exercise, immunity, modulation FIK, 2007 (PEND. KEPELATIHAN


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    The objectives of this study was as follows: analyze the capability level of farmer group members in implementing technological innovation of smallholders coffee farming. The study was designed as a descriptive correlation study that conducted in January-March 2010. The number of 88 respondents using proportionate stratified random sampling method of all smallholder coffee farming groups in Sidomulyo Village Silo District Jember Regency. Primary and secondary data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results showed that there was member’s capability level of them (KKRTM and KKRTL) were high but for group members advanced level (KKRTL) still low in the technological innovation implementation of post harvest and access to information, capital and markets. Key Words: capability, technological innovation, farmer group, smallholders coffee farmin

    Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Capacity Building of Smallholder Coffee Farmers in East Java Province

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    The income of smallholder coffee farmers can be increased by optimizing the added value of the product through increased entrepreneurial capacity. Coffee farmers need to adopt innovations and new approaches that are more sustainable with organic farming systems. The purposes of this study are; (1) identifying differences in characteristics, support of government extension services, private extension agents, and environmental support for smallholder coffee farmers and (2) analyzing the effect of characteristics, government extension services, private extension agents, and environmental support on the entrepreneurial capacity of smallholder coffee farmers. This study was carried out at Arabica Coffee Center in Bondowoso Regency and Robusta Coffee Center in Malang Regency, East Java from August to October 2019. Data were collected through interviews with questionnaires in a total of 376 smallholder&nbsp; coffee farmers. Data were analyzed using descriptive (SPSS) and inferential statistics (structural equation model/SEM analysis using Smart PLS). The results of research showed that non formal education and roles of private extension agents were found to be low. Moreover, motivation, government extension support, environmental support, and entrepreneurial capacity of smallholder coffee farmers were categorized as moderate. Factors significantly influenced entrepreneurial capacity of coffee farmers included: characteristics of farmers, government extension support, roles of private extension agents, and environmental support. The role of government to strengthen private extension agents is possible through partnership between coffee farmers, government and exporter or private sectors

    Penguatan Kelompok Tani melalui Optimalisasi dan Sinergi Lingkungan Sosial

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of strengthening farmer groups through the optimization of environmental and social synergy in farmer groups. The results showed the strengthening of farmer groups can be grown by increasing the synergistic relationship between farmer groups with the social environment. Social environment that can support the strengthening of farmer groups are farmers, gapoktan, Department of Agricultural, Research Institute, Laboratory of pests and diseases, PPAH, financial institutions, HIPPA, traders, kiosk production facilities and universities

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial, Nilai Tambah Dan Strategi Pengembangan Komoditas Salak Di Kabupaten Jember

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    This research intended to know the suitable zalacca agriculture industrialism through financial method; to know the sensitivity of zalacca agriculture industrialism; to know the amount value of zalacca processing become “dodol salak; and to know the strategy commodity zallaca development. The location of the research is determined by purposive method. The sampling method in this research is taken by Simple Random Sampling and key person. The data that is used are primary data and secondary data. The analysis data is used are; (1) the suitable financial, the sensitivity analysis, the amount value analysis, and force field analysis. The result analysis show that: the zalacca agriculture industrialism through financial method is workable; the zalacca agriculture industrialism does not sensitive with any change; the tabulation zalacca become “dodol salak” can give the amount value; the development strategy should be formulated by assembled the farmer to take care the zalacca intensively and to inform that related with the benefit zalacca process and marketing product, it held contiguous for zalacca processing with diversification tabulation for supporting home industry when it is not zalacca season
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