21 research outputs found

    A rotation and translation invariant method for 3D organ image classification using deep convolutional neural networks

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    Three-dimensional (3D) medical image classification is useful in applications such as disease diagnosis and content-based medical image retrieval. It is a challenging task due to several reasons. First, image intensity values are vastly different depending on the image modality. Second, intensity values within the same image modality may vary depending on the imaging machine and artifacts may also be introduced in the imaging process. Third, processing 3D data requires high computational power. In recent years, significant research has been conducted in the field of 3D medical image classification. However, most of these make assumptions about patient orientation and imaging direction to simplify the problem and/or work with the full 3D images. As such, they perform poorly when these assumptions are not met. In this paper, we propose a method of classification for 3D organ images that is rotation and translation invariant. To this end, we extract a representative two-dimensional (2D) slice along the plane of best symmetry from the 3D image. We then use this slice to represent the 3D image and use a 20-layer deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) to perform the classification task. We show experimentally, using multi-modal data, that our method is comparable to existing methods when the assumptions of patient orientation and viewing direction are met. Notably, it shows similarly high accuracy even when these assumptions are violated, where other methods fail. We also explore how this method can be used with other DCNN models as well as conventional classification approaches

    Time-Transformer: Integrating Local and Global Features for Better Time Series Generation

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    Generating time series data is a promising approach to address data deficiency problems. However, it is also challenging due to the complex temporal properties of time series data, including local correlations as well as global dependencies. Most existing generative models have failed to effectively learn both the local and global properties of time series data. To address this open problem, we propose a novel time series generative model named 'Time-Transformer AAE', which consists of an adversarial autoencoder (AAE) and a newly designed architecture named 'Time-Transformer' within the decoder. The Time-Transformer first simultaneously learns local and global features in a layer-wise parallel design, combining the abilities of Temporal Convolutional Networks and Transformer in extracting local features and global dependencies respectively. Second, a bidirectional cross attention is proposed to provide complementary guidance across the two branches and achieve proper fusion between local and global features. Experimental results demonstrate that our model can outperform existing state-of-the-art models in 5 out of 6 datasets, specifically on those with data containing both global and local properties. Furthermore, we highlight our model's advantage on handling this kind of data via an artificial dataset. Finally, we show our model's ability to address a real-world problem: data augmentation to support learning with small datasets and imbalanced datasets.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures and 16 tables. SDM2

    A vision-based machine learning method for barrier access control using vehicle license plate authentication

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    Automatic vehicle license plate recognition is an essential part of intelligent vehicle access control and monitoring systems. With the increasing number of vehicles, it is important that an effective real-time system for automated license plate recognition is developed. Computer vision techniques are typically used for this task. However, it remains a challenging problem, as both high accuracy and low processing time are required in such a system. Here, we propose a method for license plate recognition that seeks to find a balance between these two requirements. The proposed method consists of two stages: detection and recognition. In the detection stage, the image is processed so that a region of interest is identified. In the recognition stage, features are extracted from the region of interest using the histogram of oriented gradients method. These features are then used to train an artificial neural network to identify characters in the license plate. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a high level of accuracy as well as low processing time when compared to existing methods, indicating that it is suitable for real-time applications

    Generalized Hebbian learning for ellipse fitting

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    In this paper, we investigate the use of a neural network employing Genralised Hebbian Learning for the approximation of an image of a hypothetically ellipsoidal object as an ellipse. Further, we discuss how the same algorithm is used with higher dimensional data to model hyperellipsoids, with the basic aim at a specific application, namely the modelling of an object as an ellipsoid given a set of 3-dimensional points

    Principal component analysis for the approximation of an image as an ellipse

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    In this paper, we investigate a method of using principal component analysis(PCA) to fit an encapsulating ellipse to the image of a hypothetically ellipsoidal object. This technique is aimed at applications such as fruit sorting, where resource constraints and speed requirements necessitate the approximation of data

    A Deep Learning Framework for Segmenting Brain Tumors Using MRI and Synthetically Generated CT Images

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    Multi-modal three-dimensional (3-D) image segmentation is used in many medical applications, such as disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and image-guided surgery. Although multi-modal images provide information that no single image modality alone can provide, integrating such information to be used in segmentation is a challenging task. Numerous methods have been introduced to solve the problem of multi-modal medical image segmentation in recent years. In this paper, we propose a solution for the task of brain tumor segmentation. To this end, we first introduce a method of enhancing an existing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset by generating synthetic computed tomography (CT) images. Then, we discuss a process of systematic optimization of a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture that uses this enhanced dataset, in order to customize it for our task. Using publicly available datasets, we show that the proposed method outperforms similar existing methods