113 research outputs found

    The impact of the psychological marketing factors (tricks) on consumer\u27s buying decisions

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    Psychology has an essential role in consumer behaviour comprehension and shaping of the appropriate marketing activities, especially in advertising, sales promotion and brand loyalty building. Applying distinct psychological marketing factors (tricks) has had a long history in traditional and even online retail commerce. Their impact on consumer buying decisions has been researched for decades (since the 1970s). However, consumers in Croatia have been able to experience these factors since the 1990s. The survey in this study collected data about the influence of prices, advertising, sales promotion, retail atmosphere, and packaging from 256 respondents. The analysis pointed out that only 9 (out of 26) researched psychology marketing tricks positively influence consumer buying decisions. Low prices and discounts were evaluated as the most critical factors (tricks), followed by a pleasant store ambience, music, and memorable promotional jingles respectively. Celebrity endorsement and appealing to scarcity were considered the least important factors. The research determined that younger consumers (aged below 30), women, , students and respondents with higher family income are more prone to being triggered by the psychology marketing tricks

    Inspecting the Inside of Sunken Ships and Ship’s Underwater Hull

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    In order to demonstrate the possibility of identifying the material within ship’s underwater hull, sunken ships, or other objects on the sea fl oor, tests with a 14 MeV sealed tube neutron generator incorporated inside a small submarine were performed in the test basin fi lled with sea water. The results obtained for inspection of diesel fuel and explosive presence behind single and double hull structures are presented

    Online Communication Analysis of the Largest Animal Shelters in Croatia (Case Study)

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    Diplomski rad „Analiza online komunikacije najvećih skloništa za nezbrinute životinje u Hrvatskoj“ istražuje kako se društvene mreže mogu koristiti kao platforma za online komuniciranje neprofitnih organizacija; u ovom slučaju online komuniciranje skloništa za nezbrinute i napuštene životinje kroz dvije popularne kampanje. Današnji brzi razvoj internetske tehnologije omogućio je skloništima za životinje da koriste društvene mreže u širenju svojih ideologija i iskoriste sve njihove prednosti. Tako se društvene mreže sve više počinju koristiti kao kanal dvosmjerne komunikacije s korisnicima te pokazuju mnogo prednosti u jednostavnijem komuniciranju skloništa sa korisnicima Interneta i obratno. Svaka društvena mreža je jedinstvena i svaka od njih ima svoju posebnu namjenu te je potrebno na svakoj od njih kreirati strategiju nastupa. U ovom slučaju, web stranice i društvena mreža Facebook su najkorišteniji internetski alati u komunikaciji skloništa za životinje s korisnicima Interneta te je u radu studijom slučaja analizirano korištenje tih alata kako bi promovirali svoje ideje i akcije kroz dvije najpoznatije kampanje. Društvene mreže u današnje vrijeme imaju velik utjecaj u svakodnevici velikog broja ljudi koji se iz dana u dan povećava. Pojavljuje se sve veća potreba za Internetom i društvenim mrežama te potreba za komuniciranjem preko istih. Upravo je ovo prepoznala i većina skloništa za nezbrinute životinje u Hrvatskoj koja danas zbog internetske platforme puno jednostavnije komunicira s korisnicima te na taj način lakše, brže i jednostavnije udomljavaju životinje, pružaju potrebne informacije o udomljavanju, donacijama, volontiranju, akcijama, kampanjama i pozivima. U radu je objašnjeno što su neprofitne organizacije te koja je razlika u odnosu na profitne, zašto je važna komunikacija putem Interneta te kako to skloništa za nezbrinute životinje koriste. Upravo je rad kroz studije slučaja prikazao način na koji se šire kampanje i akcije skloništa za nezbrinute životinje te je prikazao kako je komunikacija s njima i korisnicima Interneta pojednostavljena zahvaljujući razvoju Interneta.The aim of the Master Thesis under the name “Online Communication Analysis of the Largest Animal Shelters in Croatia“ is to explore how social networks can be used as a platform for online communication of non-profit organizations; more specifically, of the shelters for abandoned and homeless animals on the example of two popular campaigns. The rapid development of Internet technologies enabled animal shelters to use social networks in order to spread their ideologies. Social networks have become a canal for two-way communication with Internet users. There are many advantages in using social networks because communication between shelters and Internet users has become much more efficient. Each social network is unique and each has its own purpose. It is vital to create a strategy for each one individually. In this particular case, web pages and social network Facebook are the most frequently used Internet tools for the communication between animal shelters and Internet users. The aim of the case study is to analyse how shelters use these tools in order to promote their ideas and actions on the example of two popular campaigns. Today, social networks have a great impact on the lives of a great number of people. There is a growing need for the Internet and social networks, just as the need for communication online. The vast majority of animal shelters in Croatia have recognized this need. Thanks to the Internet, they much more efficiently communicate with Internet users and animals are adopted in a very short period of time. Moreover, they provide much needed information about animal adoption, donations, volunteering, actions and campaign online. The aim of the thesis is to explain what non-profit organizations are and how they differ from profit organizations, why online communication is very important and how shelters for homeless animals communicate online. The case study explores how the word about campaigns and actions of animal shelters is spread around and how the communication between shelters and Internet users has become more efficient due to the development of the Internet technologies

    Improved System for Inspecting Minefields and Residual Explosives

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