308 research outputs found

    Breathing multichimera states in nonlocally coupled phase oscillators

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    Chimera states for the one-dimensional array of nonlocally coupled phase oscillators in the continuum limit are assumed to be stationary states in most studies, but a few studies report the existence of breathing chimera states. We focus on multichimera states with two coherent and incoherent regions, and numerically demonstrate that breathing multichimera states, whose global order parameter oscillates temporally, can appear. Moreover, we show that the system exhibits a Hopf bifurcation from a stationary multichimera to a breathing one by the linear stability analysis for the stationary multichimera.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Fixed a typo in the published versio

    Persistent chimera states in nonlocally coupled phase oscillators

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    Chimera states in the systems of nonlocally coupled phase oscillators are considered stable in the continuous limit of spatially distributed oscillators. However, it is reported that in the numerical simulations without taking such limit, chimera states are chaotic transient and finally collapse into the completely synchronous solution. In this paper, we numerically study chimera states by using the coupling function different from the previous studies and obtain the result that chimera states can be stable even without taking the continuous limit, which we call the persistent chimera state.Comment: To be published in Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), 5 pages, 7 figure

    Antibody to Langerin/CD207 localizes large numbers of CD8α + dendritic cells to the marginal zone of mouse spleen

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are strategically positioned to take up antigens and initiate adaptive immunity. One DC subset expresses CD8αα in mice and is specialized to capture dying cells and process antigens for MHC class I cross-presentation. Because CD8 + DCs also express DEC205/CD205, which is localized to splenic T cell regions, it is thought that CD8 + DCs also are restricted to T zones. Here, we used a new antibody to Langerin/CD207, which colabels isolated CD8 + CD205 + DCs, to immunolabel spleen sections. The mAb labeled discrete cells with high levels of CD11c and CD8. Surprisingly most CD207 + profiles were in marginal zones surrounding splenic white pulp nodules, and only smaller numbers were in T cell reas, where CD205 colabeling was noted. Despite a marginal zone ocation, CD207 + identifying molecules for 3 different types of macrophages, localized in proximity and, in contrast to macrophages, marginal zone DCs were poor scavengers of soluble and particulate substrates. After stimulation with microbial agonists, Langerin expression disappeared from the marginal zone at 6-12 h, but was greatly expanded in the T cell areas, and by 24-48 h, Langerin expression disappeared. Therefore, anti-Langerin antibodies localize a majority of CD8 + DCs to non-T cell regions of mouse spleen, where they are distinct from adjacent macrophages

    The effect of explicit instruction and error correction on learners’ grammatical accuracy in the case of japanese learners of English as a second language

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    Este estudio afirma que la instrucción explicita (EI) con la corrección de error explicito (EEC) pueden ser eficaces para adquirir elementos lingüísticos que no se hayan enseñado lo suficiente y que mayormente expresen significado léxico. Por otra parte, EI con EEC no pueden ser eficaces para los elementos lingüísticos que mayormente expresen funciones gramaticales formales, que los aprendices ya conocen muy bien. El estudio asume que el orden linear fijo para algunos elementos (e. g., morfemas gramaticales) no es influenciado por estímulos externos (i. e. , EC con EEC): como L1, el proceso de la adquisición de la L2 no es al azar, sino ordenado. Sin embargo, el estudio no necesariamente niega el rol de la instrucción explicita del profesor para cada uno de los aspectos de la adquisición de la L2. El estudio también afirma que EI y EEC son más eficaces para aquellos aprendices quienes tengan sus niveles de competencia general de la L2 altos. Apoyamos estas suposiciones presentando tres experimentos con respecto a la adquisición de los sujetos de la oración y los morfemas gramaticales en inglés por japoneses adultos, aprendices del idioma Inglés.This study claims that explicit instruction (EI) with explicit error correction (EEC) can be effective for acquiring linguistic items which mainly convey lexical meaning, and have not been taught enough. On the other hand, EI with EEC cannot be effective for linguistic items which mainly convey formal grammatical functions, which are already well known to the learners. The study assumes that the fixed linear order for some grammatical items (e.g., grammatical morphemes) is not influenced by external stimuli (i.e., EC with EEC): Like L1, the L2 acquisition process is not random, but orderly. However, the study does not necessarily deny the role of teacher’s explicit instructions for every aspect of L2 acquisition. The study also claims that EI with EEC are more effective for those learners whose general L2 proficiency levels are high. We support these assumptions by presenting three experiments concerning the acquisition of English sentential subjects and grammatical morphemes by Japanese adult learners of English

    Emergence of second coherent regions for breathing chimera states

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    Chimera states in one-dimensional nonlocally coupled phase oscillators are mostly assumed to be stationary, but breathing chimeras can occasionally appear, branching from the stationary chimeras via Hopf bifurcation. In this paper, we demonstrate two types of breathing chimeras: The type I breathing chimera looks the same as the stationary chimera at a glance, while the type II consists of multiple coherent regions with different average frequencies. Moreover, it is shown that the type I changes to the type II by increasing the breathing amplitude. Furthermore, we develop a self-consistent analysis of the local order parameter, which can be applied to breathing chimeras, and numerically demonstrate this analysis in the present system.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    A new triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (Trem) family member, Trem-like 4, binds to dead cells and is a DNAX activation protein 12-linked marker for subsets of mouse macrophages and dendritic cells

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional APCs that can control immune responses against self and altered self, typically foreign, determinants. DCs can be divided into several subsets, including CD8α+ and CD8α- DCs. These subsets possess specific functions. For example, mouse splenic CD8α+, but not CD8α- DCs selectively take up dying cells and cross-present cell-associated Ags to naive T cells. In this study, we identified genes that were more expressed in CD8α+ than CD8α- DCs by microarray analysis. Only one of these genes, when the extracellular domains were linked to human IgG Fc domain, could bind to late apoptotic or necrotic cells. This gene was a new member of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (Trem) family, Trem-like 4 (Treml4). Treml4 mRNA and protein, the latter detected with a new mAb, were predominantly expressed in spleen. Treml4, like other Trem family members, could associate with the adaptor molecule DNAX activation protein 12 kDa, but neither DNAX activation protein 10 kDa nor FcRγ. Consistent with the microarray data, we confirmed that Treml4 protein was more expressed on CD8α+ than CD8α- DCs, and we also found that Treml4 was expressed at high levels on splenic macrophages in spleen, particularly red pulp and marginal metallophilic macrophages. In addition, Treml4 expression on DCs was not changed after maturation induced by TLR ligands. Thus, Treml4 is a new Trem family molecule that is abundantly expressed on CD8α+ DCs and subsets of splenic resident macrophages, and can recognize dead cells by different types of phagocytes in spleen

    Cutting edge: Langerin/CD207 receptor on dendritic cells mediates efficient antigen presentation on MHC I and II products in vivo

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    The targeted delivery of Ags to dendritic cell (DCs) in vivo greatly improves the efficiency of Ag presentation to T cells and allows an analysis of receptor function. To evaluate the function of Langerin/CD207, a receptor expressed by subsets of DCs that frequently coexpress the DEC205/CD205 receptor, we genetically introduced OVA into the C terminus of anti-receptor Ab H chains. Taking advantage of the new L31 mAb to the extracellular domain of mouse Langerin, we find that the hybrid Ab targets appropriate DC subsets in draining lymph nodes and spleen. OVA is then presented efficiently to CD8+ and CD4+ T cells in vivo, which undergo 4-8 cycles of division in 3 days. Peptide MHC I and II complexes persist for days. Dose response studies indicate only modest differences between Langerin and DEC receptors in these functions. Thus, Langerin effectively mediates Ag presentation