7 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbasis Etnomatematika Pada Materi Segitiga dan Segiempat

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    Penelitian  ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk  Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis Etnomatematika yang berkualitas baik pada materi Segiempat dan Segitiga.  Untuk mengetahui kualitas dari LKPD yang dihasilkan dilihat dari tiga aspek yaitu kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu research and development(R&D) dengan model pengembangan four-D(4-D) yang dimodifikasi menjadi 3D tahap yaitu define, design, dan develop. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas LKPD yaitu angket lembar validasi untuk mengukur kevalidan, wawancara, angket respon guru dan respon peserta didik untuk mengukur kepraktisan, dan tes untuk mengukur keefektifan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan kualitas LKPD memenuhi kriteria kevalidan dengan skor rata – rata keseluruhan sebesar 4,8 dan kualitas LKPD memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan dengan skor rata – rata keseluruhan sebesar 4,73 sertapersentase ketuntasan tes peserta didik sebesar 77,7 % memenuhi kriteria keefeektifan.Dengan demikian Pengembangan LKPD berbasis Etnomatematika pada materi segiempat dan segitiga berkualitas baik dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika

    Formulasi Sediaan Emulgel Untuk Penghantaran Transdermal Ketoprofen

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    Ketoprofen adalah obat golongan anti inflamasi non-steroid (AINS) yang banyak digunakan untuk mengobati nyeri dan inflamasi. Penggunaan oral ketoprofen dapat menimbulkan berbagai efek samping sistemik. Pemakaian transdermal diketahui mampu mencapai konsentrasi efektif pada jaringan target, dengan konsentrasi plasma yang lebih rendah dibanding penggunaan oral, sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko efek samping sistemiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sediaan emulgel untuk penghantaran transdermal ketoprofen. Propilenglikol 10% dan menthol 3% digunakan sebagai peningkat penetrasi. Sediaan dievaluasi meliputi pengamatan organoleptik, pH, viskositas, serta pengujian stabilitas fisik menggunakan metode sentrifugasi dan freeze thaw. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji difusi in vitro dan uji iritasi kulit dan mata pada kelinci. Sediaan emulgel memenuhi kriteria stabilitas fisik berdasarkan uji sentrifugasi dan freeze thaw. Nilai pH dan viskositas sediaan relatif stabil selama kurun waktu penyimapanan 120 hari pada suhu kamar. Propilenglikol dan mentol dapat meningkatkan difusi perkutan ketoprofen, yang berbeda signifikan dibandingkan emulgel tanpat peningkat penetrasi (p<0,05). Formula emulgel bersifat sedikit mengiritasi kulit dengan nilai indeks iritasi kutan 0,83-1,17 (nilai maksimal 8), tetapi tidak mengiritasi mata.Kata kunci: Ketoprofen, transdermal, emulgel, peningkat penetrasi.AbstractKetoprofen as an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used for pain and inflamation treatment. However, there are some serious adverse effects associated with oral use of NSAIDs. Transdermal route is known to reach effective local concentration with low plasma concentration resulting in reduction systemic adverse effects. The objectives of this study was to formulate emulgel of ketoprofen for transdermal delivery. Ketoprofen emulgel was prepared using 10% of propilene glycol and 3% of menthol as penetrant enhancer. Evaluation of preparation included organoleptic evaluation, pH, viscocity, and physical stability test using centrifugation and freeze thaw method. Skin permeation was evaluated in vitro using spangler membrane and irritation effect test on rabbits. Emulgels were stable after centrifugation and freeze thaw test. The viscosity and pH of preparations were relatively stable during storage at room temperature for 120 days. Propylenglycol and menthol increased diffusion rate of ketoprofen, differ significantly from emulgel without enhancer (p<0.05). Emulgel preparation were slightly irritate to the skin with irritation index 0.83-1.17 (maximum value 8) but was not irritate to the eyes.Keywords: Ketoprofen, transdermal, emulgel, penetrant enhance

    Clopidogrel Bisulfate (Profiles of Drugs Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology)

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    Clopidogrel contains a center of dissymmetry, and hence is capable of being resolved into its two mirror image compounds. It has been found that only the (S)-enantiomer, which corresponds to the dextrorotatory form, has antithrombotic activity and that the (R)-enantiomer, which corresponds to the levorotatory form, does not exhibit antithrombotic activity. Moreover, in animal studies, the (R)-enantiomer triggered convulsions at high doses. Consequently, (R)-clopidogrel bisulfate is considered to be one of the impurities in (S)-clopidogrel bisulfate bulk drug substance. Clopidogrel is extensively metabolized in vivo by carboxylesterase hydrolysis on the ester function, resulting in the formation of clopidogrel carboxylic acid (CCA) as the inactive metabolite of clopidogrel. In addition, small amounts of clopidogrel are converted to a pharmacologically active metabolite (AM) via the intermediate metabolite inactive 2-oxoclopidogrel, which is then converted to an AM by a two-step cytochrome P450 oxidation process. Due to the instability of clopidogrel AM and the abundant availability of the more stable CCA in human plasma, CCA is used to indirectly determine the pharmacokinetics of clopidogrel. Furthermore, there is also a possibility that (S)-clopidogrel undergoes an in vivo chiral inversion into the other clopidogrel enantiomer, which becomes hydrolyzed to (R)-CCA. Metabolic pathways and potential in vivo chiral inversions of clopidogrel are described. Until recently, only chromatographic methods were used to determine clopidogrel in biological samples

    Prevalence Of Low Back Pain Among Medical Students Post Covid-19 Pandemic In 2023

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    ABSTRACT   Background: Epidemiological studies indicate that low back pain (LBP) is not only experienced by the elderly but also affects the younger population. The presence of LBP in medical students can impact their functionality and daily practices after graduation. This study aims to provide an overview of the prevalence of LBP among medical students at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. Methods: The study included a total of 738 subjects representing clinical and four levels of undergraduate programs. The Nordic questionnaire and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) were employed to assess LBP and its impact on daily life. Results: The prevalence of LBP was 61.2%, with 6.6% experiencing moderate disability. Gender, exercise habits, and a family history of LBP were statistically significant. Conclusion: Institutions need to implement interventions to mitigate LBP among medical students