150 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Persepsi Keadilan Organisasional Dan Pemberdayaan Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Bank Syariah Mandiri Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Perception Organizational Justice and Empowerment on Employee Satisfaction of Bank Syariah Mandiri Pekanbaru. The population in this study were all employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Sudirman branch. Total number of employees is 58 people. Given the limited number of population, the authors conducted a census sampling technique, ie to the entire population of 58 people. Analysis of data using multiple linear regression with SPSS program. Based on the results of data analysis known that organizational justice and empowerment simultaneously affect the job satisfaction of employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Pekanbaru. Justice organizational partially influence on employee job satisfaction Bank Syariah Mandiri Pekanbaru. Empowerment partially influence on employee job satisfaction Bank Syariah Mandiri Pekanbaru. It is expected to head of the company in order to educate employees so easy to get along with fellow employees in the company (improve cooperation). For example by suggesting employees to greet each other in the company so that a sense of community arises in the employees so that they are easy to get along with each other employees who have been working and the employees who have performed above average or very maximum

    EEG - Analyse fĂĽr das HP Component Monitoring System

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    Photoluminescence of short-period GaAs/AlAs superlattices: A hydrostatic pressure and temperature study

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    URL:http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.58.7222 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.58.7222The temperature and pressure dependence of type-I and -II transitions from photoluminescence (PL) spectra in a series of (GaAs)m/(AlAs)m superlattices show that the temperature dependence of energy bands can be described very well with a Bose-Einstein-type equation. From these measurements the parameters that describe the temperature dependence of excitonic transition energies and the corresponding broadening of the PL line are deduced. The pressure dependence of the PL linewidths of the type-I exciton as a function of pressure and temperature yield the intervalley deformation potential. Beyond the type-I-type-II crossover, the PL linewidth increases as a function of both pressure and temperature. The electron-phonon deformation potential for Γ-X scattering is found to be temperature dependent.We thank S. Satpathy and S. Zollner for valuable discussions. One of us ~H.R.C.! acknowledges support by the NSF under Grant No. DMR-9633107. M.C. thanks the U.S. Army for support through Grant No. DAAL03-92-0381. The work at Purdue University was supported by the National Science Foundation: Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Grant Nos. DMR 94-00415 and DMR 93-03186

    Atmosphere(s) for Architects: Between Phenomenology and Cognition

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    Interfaces 5 was born to home the dialogue that the neuroscientist Michael A. Arbib and the philosopher Tonino Griffero started at the end of 2021 about atmospheric experiences, striving to bridge the gap between cognitive science’s perspective and the (neo)phenomenological one. This conversation progressed due to Pato Paez’s offer to participate in the webinar “Architectural Atmospheres: Phenomenology, Cognition, and Feeling,” a roundtable hosted by The Commission Project (TCP) within the Applied Neuroaesthetics initiative. The event ran online on May 20, 2022. Bob Condia moderated the panel discussion between Suchi Reddy, Michael A. Arbib, and Tonino Griffero. The RESONANCES project was responsible for developing the editing and publishing process. This volume collects nine essays: the main chapter is “A Dialogue on Affordances, Atmospheres, and Architecture” by Michael A. Arbib and Tonino Griffero; there are four commentaries to this text by Federico De Matteis, Robert Lamb Hart, Mark Alan Hewitt, and Suchi Reddy; Michael A. Arbib and Tonino Griffero have independently responded to the commentaries, emphasizing the opportunities and challenges of their respective approaches: cog/neuroscience and atmospherology applied to architecture; Elisabetta Canepa offers “An Essential Vocabulary of Atmospheric Architecture,” developing an atmospherological critique of the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art on the Kansas State University campus to evaluate the accuracy, coherence, and adaptability of her lexicon. Bob Condia and Mikaela Wynne provide an introduction entitled “On Becoming an Atmospherologist: A Praxis of Atmospheres.”https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1051/thumbnail.jp

    Early Detection of Poor Adherers to Statins: Applying Individualized Surveillance to Pay for Performance

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    Background: Medication nonadherence costs $300 billion annually in the US. Medicare Advantage plans have a financial incentive to increase medication adherence among members because the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) now awards substantive bonus payments to such plans, based in part on population adherence to chronic medications. We sought to build an individualized surveillance model that detects early which beneficiaries will fall below the CMS adherence threshold. Methods: This was a retrospective study of over 210,000 beneficiaries initiating statins, in a database of private insurance claims, from 2008-2011. A logistic regression model was constructed to use statin adherence from initiation to day 90 to predict beneficiaries who would not meet the CMS measure of proportion of days covered 0.8 or above, from day 91 to 365. The model controlled for 15 additional characteristics. In a sensitivity analysis, we varied the number of days of adherence data used for prediction. Results: Lower adherence in the first 90 days was the strongest predictor of one-year nonadherence, with an odds ratio of 25.0 (95% confidence interval 23.7-26.5) for poor adherence at one year. The model had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.80. Sensitivity analysis revealed that predictions of comparable accuracy could be made only 40 days after statin initiation. When members with 30-day supplies for their first statin fill had predictions made at 40 days, and members with 90-day supplies for their first fill had predictions made at 100 days, poor adherence could be predicted with 86% positive predictive value. Conclusions: To preserve their Medicare Star ratings, plan managers should identify or develop effective programs to improve adherence. An individualized surveillance approach can be used to target members who would most benefit, recognizing the tradeoff between improved model performance over time and the advantage of earlier detection

    X-Ray Lithography of Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticles

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    In the last few years, a considerable amount of research has focused on the three-dimensional fabrication of contacts and electronic devices. Most techniques, however, are essentially based on photoreduction, and are limited to noble- and semi-noble metals. We present here a general method that allows patterning of porous matrices in 3D with metal, but also with semiconductor nanoparticles which is of potential relevance for microfabrication applications. In our method, the pore-filling solvent of a sol-gel material is exchanged with a solution of precursors. The precursors are photodissociated and nanoparticles are formed when the monoliths are irradiated. In a series of previous publications we showed that noble metals but also semiconductor quantum dots can be produced with our technique. Here we focus on the Xray variation of our technique and show that monoliths can be patterned with metals and also with semiconductor nanoparticles. The patterns have the same resolution than the masks, i.e., around 10 ÎĽm, and extend into the bulk of the monoliths for up to a depth of 12 mm. Our method possesses several attractive features. Sample preparation is very simple; the technique has a bottom-up character; it allows access to a wide number of materials, such as noble metals and II-VI semiconductor materials; and it has a 3D character. With additional developments, our technique could be possibly used to complement more established techniques such as LIGA and multiphoton fabrication techniques which are currently used for 3D microfabrication

    Energy Efficiency Improvements in Asia: Macroeconomic Impacts

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    We examine various macroeconomic impacts of improving energy efficiency in the People's Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand from 2010 to 2050. Energy efficiency policies would have a positive impact on private consumption, government expenditures, and investment and would lead to a significant increase in trade within Asia while reducing trade outside. Adopting them would shift employment from energy and mining to manufacturing and services. There will be a significant decrease in energy intensity in all countries under the high growth scenario which implies that sustained growth depends on efficient energy use. Without measures to improve efficiency, emissions would increase significantly in most countries. In the People's Republic of China, policies should emphasize reducing primary energy demand and emissions while minimizing the negative impacts on the economy. For India and Indonesia, policies should emphasize reducing primary energy demand and emissions while promoting economic growth. In Japan and Thailand, improvements in energy productivity could promote economic growth significantly and should be the policy focus. Best practice technologies in the Republic of Korea could significantly reduce primary energy requirements and emissions. They would also be most beneficial for Malaysia
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