304 research outputs found

    Urinary Metabolites Reveal Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

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    The identification of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is not a minor issue. The homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index (HOMA) is the most used index of IR (Insulin Resistance), validated in overweight and obese patients but not in normal-weight PCOS subjects, who can still present with increased insulin secretion by an oral glucose tolerance test [OGTT]. The evaluation of insulin secretion and resistance represents a still unresolved problem. The aim of this study is to identify a possible yet noninvasive method to properly evaluate the insulin metabolism in young non-diabetic subjects. Girls aged 14–22 years, afferent to the center of Gynecological Diseases in Childhood and Adolescence of Cagliari (Italy), were screened for PCOS. A total of 42 subjects comprised the study group. Hormonal assays, OGTT, transabdominal (TA) or transvaginal (TV) US, and urine collection for 1H-NMR analysis were assayed in the early follicular phase. A 1H-NMR coupled multivariate statistical analysis was performed. The OPLS model indicated that the NMR profile of urine had a good fit and prediction ability for the AUC OGTT with R2 = 0.813. Metabolomics can be a promising tool to the potential identification of biomarkers of an exaggerated insulin response to OGTT and can encourage substantial progress for a more accurate and early diagnosis in PCOS

    Differences in the kinetic of the first meiotic division and in active mitochondrial distribution between prepubertal and adult oocytes mirror differences in their developmental competence in a sheep model

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    Our aim is to verify if oocyte developmental potential is related to the timing of meiotic progression and to mitochondrial distribution and activity using prepubertal and adult oocytes as models of low and high developmental capacity respectively. Prepubertal and adult oocytes were incorporated in an in vitro maturation system to determine meiotic and developmental competence and to assess at different time points kinetic of meiotic maturation, 2D protein electrophoresis patterns, ATP content and mitochondria distribution. Maturation and fertilization rates did not differ between prepubertal and adult oocytes (95.1% vs 96.7% and 66.73% vs 70.62% respectively for prepubertal and adult oocytes). Compared to adults, prepubertal oocytes showed higher parthenogenesis (17.38% vs 2.08% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.01) and polispermy (14.30% vs 2.21% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.01), lower cleavage rates (60.00% vs 67.08% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.05) and blastocyst output (11.94% vs 34.% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.01). Prepubertal oocytes reached MI stage 1 hr later than adults and this delay grows as the first meiotic division proceeds. Simultaneously, the protein pattern was altered since in prepubertal oocytes it fluctuates, dropping and rising to levels similar to adults only at 24 hrs. In prepubertal oocytes ATP rise is delayed and did not reach levels comparable to adult ones. CLSM observations revealed that at MII, in the majority of prepubertal oocytes, the active mitochondria are homogenously distributed, while in adults they are aggregated in big clusters. Our work demonstrates that mitochondria and their functional aggregation during maturation play an active role to provide energy in terms of ATP. The oocyte ATP content determines the timing of the meiotic cycle and the acquisition of developmental competence. Taken together our data suggest that oocytes with low developmental competence have a slowed down energetic metabolism which delays later development

    The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on admission to gynecological emergency departments: Results from a multicenter Italian study

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on admissions to gynecological emergency departments (ED) of three Italian university hospitals with different rates of COVID-19 incidence. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in the gynecological EDs of Modena (Emilia-Romagna), Sassari and Cagliari (Sardinia) regarding all admissions to gynecological EDs during November 1 to 30, 2019, and March 11 to April 9, 2020 (lockdown period). Results: A total of 691 women (mean age 38.3 \ub1 14.3 years) who were admitted to the gynecological EDs were included. The relative decrease in women evaluated from March 11 to April 9, 2020, was 1256.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 52.2\u201361.1). Time spent in the ED was also significantly shorter during this period (P=0.02) in comparison to November 1 to 30, 2019. The most evident decrease was observed for pelvic pain ( 1268.9% [95% CI 60.3\u201376.7]; 1291 cases). The management of women suggests a more effective use of the ED, with higher rates of hospitalization (P=0.001) and recourse to emergent surgeries (P=0.005) and lower rates of discharge to home (P=0.03). Conclusion: The COVID-19 lockdown greatly reduced the rate of admission to gynecological EDs, but the real emergencies were filtered from the more deferrable ones

    Ejaculate collection efficiency and post-thaw semen quality in wild-caught Griffon vultures from the Sardinian population

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    This study aimed to test the feasibility of a programme of semen collection and cryopreservation in Griffon vultures. Four wild-caught individuals kept in captivity because of unrecoverable traumas were used. Semen collection attempts were made twice a week during three consecutive reproductive seasons (December – March) using the abdominal massage method. Ejaculation was successfully induced between late January and late February. Semen collection efficiency was rather low (27.9%) and it did not vary among individuals (p > 0.05). No differences were found in ejaculate volumes (12.5 +/- 9.1 μl), spermatozoa concentration (28.4 +/- 30.9 million cells/ml) and viability (61.3 +/- 13.9%) among the 4 vultures. ATP values differed among the four vultures (p < 0.001); B showed higher nucleotide concentration than both C and D, while it did not differ form A, whose values were higher compared with D. After freezing and thawing, semen in vitro viability, DNA integrity and ATP intracellular concentration were determined. Spermatozoa viability after thawing did not differ among the four individuals (52.6 +/- 5.8 in A, 53.4 +/- 4.6 in B, 50.4 +/- 3.2 in C, 42.5 +/- 2.7 in D), but it decreased significantly compared to fresh semen (p < 0.05). During 4 hrs in vitro culture, spermatozoa collected from B maintained over time a higher viability in vitro when compared to A, C and D. As evaluated by the comet assay method, DNA fragmentation after freezing and thawing did not differ in the 4 vultures. ATP concentration in frozen/thawed semen was significantly lower than in fresh semen (p < 0.0001). This study indicates that semen cryopreservation can be considered as a useful tool in the conservation of Griffon vulture genetic resources, but further studies are needed to optimize this technique

    Morphofunctional aspects of in vitro matured oocytes from prepubertal and adult sheep

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the morphofunctional aspects of prepubertal and adult sheep oocytes subjected to in vitro maturation (IVM). The structural and ultrastructural morphology was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy (LM and TEM) while the metabolic competence, as determined by the distribution of active mitochondria, was assessed by confocal microscopy (CM). Cumulus-oocyte complexes underwent IVM in standard condition for 24 h. Half of the mature metaphase II (MII) stage oocytes were processed for LM and TEM observations. The other half was subjected to immunostaining with MitoTracker Red (to stain mitochondria with functionally active membrane potential), SNARF-1 (a pH sensitive fluoroprobe), Hoechst 33342 (to label DNA) and analyzed by CM. Immature germinal vesicle (GV) stage oocytes, retrieved at 0 h IVM, were used as controls. By LM and TEM all the oocytes were regularly rounded, covered by microvilli and surrounded by an intact zona pellucida. Numerous rounded, oval or hooded mitochondria appeared either isolated or grouped in the ooplasm. The GV was usually rounded in prepubertal oocytes. In the adult, the GV often appeared flattened against the oolemma, with a crescent-shaped outline (an early sign of meiotic resumption). Scattered cortical granules (CGs) were rarely found in the ooplasm of both prepubertal and adult GV oocytes. After 24 h of IVM, CGs became abundant and distributed in a single row under the oolemma, particularly in adult oocytes. CM showed a homogeneous fine-to-granular mitochondrial distribution in prepubertal GV and MII oocytes. In adult GV oocytes, the mitochondrial distribution pattern was granular while in MII oocytes mitochondria were arranged in heterogeneous clusters. Thus, both prepubertal and adult oocytes completed maturation after 24 h in culture and showed an overall good preservation after IVM. However, the diverse distribution patterns of mitochondria in prepubertal oocytes reflect their low developmental competence

    Long-term and transgenerational effects of cryopreservation on rabbit embryos

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    The short-term effects of cryopreservation and embryo transfer are well documented (reduced embryo viability, changes in pattern expression), but little is known about their long-term effects. We examined the possibility that embryo vitrification and transfer in rabbit could have an impact on the long-term reproductive physiology of the offspring and whether these phenotypes could be transferred to the progeny. Vitrified rabbit embryos were warmed and transferred to recipient females (F0). The offspring of the F0 generation were the F1 generation (cryopreserved animals). Females from F1 generation offspring were bred to F1 males to generate an F2 generation. In addition, two counterpart groups of noncryopreserved animals were bred and housed simultaneously to F1 and F2 generations (CF1 and CF2, respectively). The reproductive traits studied in all studied groups were litter size (LS), number born alive at birth (BA), and postnatal survival at Day 28 (number of weaned/number born alive expressed as percentage). The reproductive traits were analyzed using Bayesian methodology. Features of the estimated marginal posterior distributions of the differences between F1 and their counterparts (F1 - CF1) and between F2 and their counterparts (F2 - CF2) in reproductive characters found that vitrification and transfer procedures cause a consistent increase in LS and BA between F1 and CF1 females (more than 1.4 kits in LS and more than 1.3 BA) and also between F2 and CF2 females (0.96 kits in LS and 0.94 BA). We concluded that embryo cryopreservation and transfer procedures have long-term effects on derived female reproduction (F1 females) and transgenerational effects on female F1 offspring (F2 females).Lavara García, R.; Baselga Izquierdo, M.; Marco Jiménez, F.; Vicente Antón, JS. (2014). Long-term and transgenerational effects of cryopreservation on rabbit embryos. Theriogenology. 81(7):988-992. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.01.030S98899281

    Selection of young ewe lambs according to their antral follicular count: response to exogenous hormonal stimulation and fertility at first breeding season

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    Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), Antral Follicular Count (AFC) and the response to exogenous hormonal stimulation have been used, in adults, as suitable markers to determine the ovarian reserve (1-4), to predict oocyte quality (5,6) and a wide variety of fertility indices (6-9). This investigation aims to evaluate if animals selected according to their High or Low AFC at an early prepubertal age show different responses, in the number of follicles and AMH plasma levels, to exogenous hormonal stimulation; to verify whether differences are maintained over time until puberty; and to observe possible variations on fertility at first breeding season

    Circulating Concentrations of Key Regulators of Nitric Oxide Production in Undernourished Sheep Carrying Single and Multiple Fetuses

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    15 Pág.The aim of this study was to investigate the blood concentrations of L-arginine, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), and L-homoarginine, which are regulators of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, in single, twin, and triplet pregnancies in ewes undergoing either a dietary energy restriction or receiving 100% of their energy requirements. From day 24 to 100 of pregnancy, the ewes were fed ryegrass hay and two different iso-proteic concentrates fulfilling either 100% of ewes' energy requirements (control group; n = 30, 14 singleton pregnancies, 12 twin pregnancies, and 4 triplet pregnancies) or only 45% (feed-restricted group; n = 29; 11 singleton pregnancies, 15 twin pregnancies, and 3 triplet pregnancies). Blood samples were collected monthly to measure, by capillary electrophoresis, the circulating concentrations of arginine, ADMA, homoarginine, SDMA, and of other amino acids not involved in NO synthesis to rule out possible direct effects of diet restriction on their concentrations. No differences between groups were observed in the circulating concentrations of most of the amino acids investigated. L-homoarginine increased markedly in both groups during pregnancy (p < 0.001). SDMA (p < 0.01), L-arginine, and ADMA concentrations were higher in feed-restricted ewes than in controls. The L-arginine/ADMA ratio, an indicator of NO production by NOS, decreased towards term without differences between groups. The ADMA/SDMA ratio, an index of the ADMA degrading enzyme activity, was higher in controls than in feed-restricted ewes (p < 0.001). Obtained results show that circulating concentrations of L-arginine, of its metabolites, and the ratio between NO synthesis boosters and inhibitors are altered in energy-restricted ewes, and that these alterations are more marked in ewes carrying multiple fetuses.The experimental work was supported by funds from Regione Autonoma della Sardegna—Progetti ricerca fondamentale o di base—L.R. 7/2007—annualità 2013 (CRP 78167).Peer reviewe

    An Inducer of VGF Protects Cells against ER Stress-Induced Cell Death and Prolongs Survival in the Mutant SOD1 Animal Models of Familial ALS

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most frequent adult-onset motor neuron disease, and recent evidence has suggested that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling is involved in the pathogenesis of ALS. Here we identified a small molecule, SUN N8075, which has a marked protective effect on ER stress-induced cell death, in an in vitro cell-based screening, and its protective mechanism was mediated by an induction of VGF nerve growth factor inducible (VGF): VGF knockdown with siRNA completely abolished the protective effect of SUN N8075 against ER-induced cell death, and overexpression of VGF inhibited ER-stress-induced cell death. VGF level was lower in the spinal cords of sporadic ALS patients than in the control patients. Furthermore, SUN N8075 slowed disease progression and prolonged survival in mutant SOD1 transgenic mouse and rat models of ALS, preventing the decrease of VGF expression in the spinal cords of ALS mice. These data suggest that VGF plays a critical role in motor neuron survival and may be a potential new therapeutic target for ALS, and SUN N8075 may become a potential therapeutic candidate for treatment of ALS

    Semen molecular and cellular features: these parameters can reliably predict subsequent ART outcome in a goat model

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    Currently, the assessment of sperm function in a raw or processed semen sample is not able to reliably predict sperm ability to withstand freezing and thawing procedures and in vivo fertility and/or assisted reproductive biotechnologies (ART) outcome. The aim of the present study was to investigate which parameters among a battery of analyses could predict subsequent spermatozoa in vitro fertilization ability and hence blastocyst output in a goat model. Ejaculates were obtained by artificial vagina from 3 adult goats (Capra hircus) aged 2 years (A, B and C). In order to assess the predictive value of viability, computer assisted sperm analyzer (CASA) motility parameters and ATP intracellular concentration before and after thawing and of DNA integrity after thawing on subsequent embryo output after an in vitro fertility test, a logistic regression analysis was used. Individual differences in semen parameters were evident for semen viability after thawing and DNA integrity. Results of IVF test showed that spermatozoa collected from A and B lead to higher cleavage rates (0 < 0.01) and blastocysts output (p < 0.05) compared with C. Logistic regression analysis model explained a deviance of 72% (p < 0.0001), directly related with the mean percentage of rapid spermatozoa in fresh semen (p < 0.01), semen viability after thawing (p < 0.01), and with two of the three comet parameters considered, i.e tail DNA percentage and comet length (p < 0.0001). DNA integrity alone had a high predictive value on IVF outcome with frozen/thawed semen (deviance explained: 57%). The model proposed here represents one of the many possible ways to explain differences found in embryo output following IVF with different semen donors and may represent a useful tool to select the most suitable donors for semen cryopreservation
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