68 research outputs found

    Tata Bahasa Deskriptif Bahasa Jawa (1991)

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    Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Pengetahuan Fisika Berbasis Komputer Untuk Meningkatkan Kesiapan Peserta Didik Dalam Menghadapi Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer

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    This research aims to 1) produce computer-based assessment instruments eligible to measure the cognitive abilities of senior high school students, 2) test the effectiveness of computer-based assessment instrument developed to measure the knowledge of physics in senior high school students, 3) measuring the level of readiness of students in dealing computer-based national examanation. This research uses a model of Research and Development (R & D) which consists of three main stages: the preliminary stage, the stage of development and evaluation phase. At the preliminary stage has been identified problems of computer-based assessment of learning physics. At the development stage has been carried out the design manufacture of computer-based assessment instrument physics, product validation, product revisions and testing of products on a limited basis. In the evaluation stage has been tested extensively, product revision, and the final product. Descriptive statistical test used to describe the results of the application of computer-based knowledge assessment. The results research show that : 1) computer-based assessment instruments eligible to measure cognitive abilities of senior high school students, 2) computer-based assessment instruments are more effective and efficient to measure the students knowledge of physics in senior high school rather than paper and pencil test, 3) 58.67% of students are ready to face computer-based test, 34% of students not yet ready for the computer based test and 7.33% are not ready to perform the test based computer


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    This research deals with intertextuality in opinion articles on education. Its objectives are to discover types and functions of intertextuality in the articles and to reveal its social practice. The results of the research reveal there are three major types and two major functions of intertextuality in the articles. The type dominantly ap-plied is indirect quotation and the function dominantly applied is to provide things in detail. The social practice found in the articles is that the intertextuality is functioned to create an image that the articles possess a level of academic text. Key words: intertextuality, discursive practice, discourse, newspaper, opi-nion articl

    The Equivalence of Translated Songs Lyrics and Their Effects - the Case of Translated Ecclesial Songs

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    This study aimed at describing the equivalence of eclessial song lyrics, which belong to the content word, the meaning of the sentences and their effect on church songs. The method used in this study is descriptive and qualitative by using music, language, and interdiciline approach. The data collection method used questionnaires technique, interview, documents and content analysis. The data used are 5 documents of songs chosen purposively as the primary data. Based on the data being analyzed, the results of this study were: 1) The translated content word located in the same bars and equivalent was around 27.07%, the translated content word located in the same bars, but not equivalent was 18.34%, the translated content word located in the different bars, but equivalent was 11.79%, the translated content word located in the different bars and not equivalent was 2.62%, and the untranslated words were 4.17%. 2) The translation of equivalence beautiful lyrics showed the beauty of the song was equivalent at 17.02%, the beauty of the song was less equivalent at 29.78%, the beauty of the song was not equivalent of 61.70%. 3). The differences of structure caused the incorrect dictions or choice of words and missing words in the translated lyrics

    Tata Bahasa Deskriptif Bahasa Jawa

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    Malaysian Dialect Geography in Sambas and Mempawah River Flow Areas

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    This research aimed to describe the geography of Malayan dialect in Sambas and Mempawah River Flow Areas. This study was descriptive quantitative in nature using dialectometry formulation measurement and descriptive qualitative using in-depth top-down reconstruction. The data of research was collected using in-depth interview. The data was analyzed using synchronic comparative method for language mapping, phonologically or lexically. The data reconstruction was analyzed using diachronic comparative method with top-down reconstruction technique to find retention and innovation. The diachronically data analysis was carried out utilizing Isodore Dyen’s Proto Austronesia (PAN) (1970). The result of research was presented in a descriptive text about the geography of Malayan dialect in Sambas and Mempawah rivers’ flow areas. Language mapping carried out phonologically found 5 dialects, while the one lexically found 7 dialects. Two lexicon reconstructions were found: (1) ‘relict’ retention and (2) retention. Prefix retention only found innovation. The highest retention distribution in Sambas and Mempawah River Flow Area was in TP 5 (Karangan), while the lowest one was in TP 4 (Sambas). The highest innovation distribution was in TP 1 (Seluas) and TP 6 (Menjalin), while the lowest one was in TP 4 (Sambas). The highest conservative area was in Sambas and Mempawah River Flow Area in TP 5 (Karangan) and the highest innovative area was in TP 1 (Seluas) and TP 6 (Menjalin)

    The Kinship Relation of Orang Rimba in Jambi Province Viewed from Dialectology

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    This study was a dialectological research studying the isolect kinship relationship of Orang Rimba (Wild People) in three regencies of Jambi Province.  Each regency was represented by two groups of Orang Rimba. The determination of isolect status for such the area was very important to determine whether or not such the area is in one the same or different language. The kinship relation between Orang Rimba groups can define its isolect status. This observation area was selected based on the Orang Rimba population number, their geographical residence, and area openness.The objectives of research were to identify the Malayan isolect of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun, and Tebo Regencies either lexically or phonologically; to describe the Proto Austronesian and Proto Malayic reflexes in the Malayan isolect of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun, and Tebo Regencies. The types of research employed were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research employed the comparative method with Top-Down Reconstruction, and the quantitative one employed the comparative method with dialectrometrical technique.The result of research was firstly, considering the result of lexical, phonological dialectrometry and dialectometrical triangle calculation, the isolect of Orang Rimba (OR) in Jambi Province encompassing three regencies consisted of four dialects and two sub-dialects. The observation areas belonging to different dialect were Orang Rimba Paku Aji, Orang Rimba Nyogan, Orang Rimba Nebang Parah, and Orang Rimba Tanah Garo dialects. Those belonging to different sub dialect were Orang Rimba Singosari and Orang Rimba Kedondong Mudo sub dialects. Secondly, PAN (Proto Austronesian) and PM (Proto Malayic) reflexes in Malayan sub-dialects of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun and Tebo Regencies were a) PAN-OR, the observation areas (DP) with the highest innovation were DP 1 and DP 4 each of which contained 144 innovations; DP with the highest relic were DP 5 and DP 6 each of which contained 10 relics. Meanwhile, the DP with the lowest innovation were DP 5 and DP 6, each of which contained 139, whereas those with the lowest relics were DP 1 and DP 4, each of which contained 5 relics. (b) PM-OR. Firstly, the DP with the highest innovation were DP 1 and DP 4 each of which contained 93 innovations; DP with the highest relic were DP 5 and DP 6 each of which contained 42 relics. Meanwhile, the DP with the lowest innovation were DP 5 and DP 6, each of which contained 86, whereas those with the lowest relics were DP 1 and DP 4, each of which contained 32 relics. Keywords: Dialectology, Dialectometric, Innovation, Relic

    The Types of Word Problem Discourse Structure in Mathematics Textbook Presented In Indonesian For Primary School Students

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    Word problem is a type of mathematical problem delivered with a language as its platform, so that this factor does contribute to the ease level of the problem to be understood by students, including the discourse structure factors. Since textbooks are widely used in classroom as a source of mathematical learning, it is necessary to study them adequately in developing such a skill. This study aims at identifying the types of discourse structure of the word problem in the mathematics textbooks presented in Indonesian which is viewed from the number of components and the type of the integration of those components. There are three components in the word problems. They are initial situation, event, and question component. Nine mathematics textbooks of 4th, 5th, and 6th grades were taken as samples with three books for each grade. There are 1,252 word problems found from those books. The study result about the number of components composing word problems also shows that 65% of word problems for fourth grade, 79% of word problems for fifth grade, and 88% of word problems for sixth grade consist of the three components. The others are word problems with only two components by omitting the first component which is the initial situation component. Viewed from the components integration type, the result of the research shows that word problems components combined for the fourth grade are the initial situation and events components while for the fifth and sixth grades are the events and question components. The integration between initial situation component and event component is indicated by the conjunction word dan ‘and’, sedangkan ‘while/whereas’, and a comma. The integration between the event and question components is indicated by the conjunction word jika ‘if’. The conclusion of this study is that, viewed from their discourse structure, most word problems for the fourth grade students are relatively shorter than those for the fifth sixth students, by omitting the initial situation component. It implies that there is not any introduction part to introduce the context or narrative elements whose function is to connect the real world and mathematics. Keywords:             Word problem, mathematics textbook, structure of math discourse, initial situation component, event component, question componen

    Wulang dalem pb ix (alih aksara, terjemahan dan kajian budaya)

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    Proyek Pengkajian dan Pembinaan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Pusat, Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan telah mengkaji dan mengalisis naskah-naskah lama di antaranya naskah yang berasal dari Jawa (Surakarta) yang berjudul Wulang Dalem PB. IX (Alih Aksara, Terjemahan, dan Kajian Budaya). Isinya tentang ajaran-ajaran bermasyarakat bagi wanita Jawa khususnya, dan wanita Indonesia pada umumnya. Ajaran-ajaran yang terkandung di dalam naskah ini tidak saja ditujukan kepada keluarga raja, dan bangsawan, melainkan juga terhadap hamba istana. Pada hakikatnya ajaran-ajaran tersebut sangat diperlukan dalam rangka pembentukan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya
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