6 research outputs found

    Kecernaan dan Degradabilitas Total Mixed Ration berbasis Jerami Jagung Amoniasi yang Disuplementasi Protein By-Pass secara In Vitro. In Vitro Digestibility and Degradability of Total Mixed Ration Based On Ammoniated Corn Straw With Suplementation of By-Pass Protein

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik, produksi VFA dan NH3 TMR berbasis jerami jagung amoniasi yang disuplementasi protein by-pass. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai dengan April 2015 di Laboratorium Ilmu Nutrisi Pakan Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah TMR yang tersusun dari jerami jagung, jerami jagung amoniasi, onggok, polar, bungkil kelapa, molases, garam, calcit, starvit, go pro, soyxyl, dan tepung kedelai. Bahan yang digunakan antara lain cairan rumen domba, larutan McDougall, larutan pepsin HCl, CO2, akuades, supernatan, indikator metil merah, H3BO4 4%, H2SO4 0,0055 N, H2SO4 15%, Na2CO3 jenuh, indikator PP 1%, NaOH 0,5 N, HCl 0,5 N dan vaselin. Alat yang digunakan antara lain tabung fermentor, inkubator, oven, tanur, pompa vakum, eksikator, kertas saring, timbangan analitik, sentrifus, cawan conway, peralatan titrasi, erlenmeyer, pipet ukur, pendingin leibig, beker glass, dan tabung suling khusus. Pengukuran kecernaan menggunakan metode Tilley dan Terry, pengukuran konsentrasi NH3 menggunakan metode mikrodifusi conway, dan pengukuran VFA menggunakan metode steam destilation. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 2 x 3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu penambahan jerami jagung pada TMR (A0) dan penambahan jerami jagung amoniasi pada TMR (A1). Faktor kedua adalah suplementasi protein by pass dengan taraf 0% (S0), 5% (S5) dan 10 % (S10) pada TMR Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan amoniasi dan suplementasi protein by-pass yang mampu mempengaruhi nilai KcBK, KcBO, produksi NH3 dan produksi VFA. Perlakuan amoniasi berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) meningkatkan nilai KcBK, KcBO dan produksi NH3, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (p>0,05) terhadap produksi VFA. Perlakuan suplementasi protein by-pass berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) menurunkan produksi NH3, tetapi tidak berpengaruh (p>0,05) terhadap KcBK, KcBO, dan produksi VFA. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah amoniasi meningkatkan nilai KcBK, KcBO dan produksi NH3. Produksi NH3 mengalami penurunan dengan adanya perlakuan suplementasi protein by-pass

    The Effect of Choline Chloride Supplementation on the Reproductive Performance of Simmental Bulls Fed Protected Protein in the Ration

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    SOYXYL supplementation as a source of high-quality protected protein in rumen (Rumen Protected Protein) has proven to improve reproduction performance of bulls. The SOYXYL is an extrusion product of soybean (Glycine max) as a source of rumen protected protein. The potential of the protein supplementation is maximally expressed when it is supported by sufficient of metabolic rate. In this case the choline chloride supplementation increases the metabolic rate. The aim of the research was to analyze the effect of choline chloride supplementation on reproduction performance and hematologic status related to reproduction performance of bulls fed protected protein in the ration. The materials used were 12 bulls aged 5 years having weight of 700 ± 2.75 kg that were divided into 4 treatment groups, each of which consisted of 3 heads. The treatments applied were T0 (control): ration (grass + commercial concentrate) + protected protein supplement “SOYXYL”; T1: control + choline chloride 0.145% dry matter (DM) concentrate/head/day; T2: control + choline chloride 0.290% DM concentrate/head/day; T3: control + choline chloride 0.435% DM concentrate/head/day. Variables measured were nutrient consumption, blood lipid status, blood protein status, and reproduction performance. Data were analyzed using ANOVA in a completely randomized design and statistically processed using SAS program. The result showed that choline chloride supplementation by 0.435% from DM concentrate increased (p<0.05) the concentration of blood plasma protein, blood testosterone hormone, sperm concentration, and sperm motility from 6.44 g/dL, 4.66 ng/mL, 1006.74 million/mL, and 36.00%, respectively, in T0 to be 8.57 g/dL, 9.07 ng/ml, 1270.41 million/mL, and 70.00% in T3, respectively. The choline chloride supplementation up to 0.435% from DM concentrate to bulls supplemented with protected protein containing in the ration increased reproduction performance

    Pengaruh perkuatan tire-soil terhadap pondasi setempat yang diletakkan diatas tanah ekspansif yang mengalami pembasahan

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    Tanah ekspansif adalah tanah yang mempunyai potensi untuk mengembang dan menyusut terutama bila terjadi perubahan kadar air. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan kerugian pada suatu bangunan ataupun perkerasan jalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan suatu pemodelan dengan mengambil tanah uji di daerah Pakuwon Indah (Surabaya Barat) yang dipadatkan pada suatu kotak percobaan, lalu di bawah pondasi setempat diberi tire-soil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya swelling pressure dari tanah dengan menggunakan proving ring dan dial sebagai alat ukur. Hasilnya akan dibandingkan dengan pondasi yang tidak diperkuat dengan tire-soil. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah bahwa pondasi yang diperkuat dengan tire-soil akan mengalami peningkatan kekuatan terhadap swelling pressure sampai 60.12% bila dibandingkan dengan pondasi setempat tanpa tire-soil

    Effect of KOROPASS, an extruded jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis)-derived supplement, on productivity and economic performance of beef cattle

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    Aim: This study evaluated the effect of feeding a graded amount of extruded jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) on nutritional status, production performances, and economic performance of beef cattle. Materials and Methods: The supplement called "KOROPASS" was prepared from the extruded jack bean (according to the extrusion heating process). Sixteen male Friesian-Holstein crossbred cattle were divided into four groups and fed on KOROPASS as per the regimen: R0 (total mixed ration [TMR] without KOROPASS), R1 (TMR supplemented with 3% KOROPASS), R2 (TMR supplemented with 6% KOROPASS), and R3 (TMR supplemented with 9% KOROPASS). The in vivo experiment lasted 44 days. TMR contained 12% crude protein and 60% total digestible nutrient. The consumption and digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), and total protein (TP), feed efficiency, average daily gain, and income over feed cost (IOFC) were evaluated. Results: KOROPASS supplementation significantly increased (p<0.05) beef cattle consumption of DM (from 7.83 [R0] to 8.33 [R1], 8.91 [R2], and 9.69 kg/day [R3]), OM (from 6.72 to 7.17, 7.69, and 8.38 kg/day, respectively), and TP (from 892 to 1020, 1182, and 1406 g/day, respectively). The elevated levels of KOROPASS significantly increased (p<0.05) digestibility in terms of the levels of DM (from 42.9 [R0] to 50.6 [R1], 58.0 [R2], and 63.6% [R3]), OM (from 54.3 to 59.6, 66.3, and 70.6%, respectively), and TP (from 65.0 to 67.1, 75.0, and 80.7%, respectively). Dietary supplementation of KOROPASS significantly increased (p<0.05) metabolizable protein, average daily weight gain, and feed efficiency of beef cattle. Finally, dietary KOROPASS supplementation, especially at 9%, resulted in the highest (p<0.05) IOFC value of beef cattle. Conclusion: Dietary supplementation of KOROPASS improved feed utility, as reflected by the increase in consumption and digestibility of DM, OM, and TP. Further, KOROPASS supplementation improved feed efficiency, growth, and economic performance of beef cattle. The findings indicate the potential value of KOROPASS as a feed supplement for beef cattle