376 research outputs found

    Composition of Kanakasava and its medicinal properties

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    Kanakasava is an Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation which comes under Sandhana Kalpana. It is explained in the context of Hikkaswasa Rogadhikara in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Datura (Datura metel Linn.), Vasa (Justicia adhathoda L.), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), Pippali (Piper longum L.), Kantakari (Solanum virginianum L.), Nagakesara (Mesua ferrea L.), Shunti (Zingiber officinalis Rosc.), Bharangi (Rotheca serrata L.), and Talisapatra (Abies spectabilis D.don) are the ingredients of Kanakasava. Dhataki Pushpa (Woodfordia fruiticosa Kurz) is used as the Sandhana Dravya and Draksha as Kwatha Dravya. This formulation is mainly indicated in Kasa, Swasa, Rajayakshma, Kshataksheena, Jirna Jwara, Raktapitta and Urakshata. The present review highlights on the method of preparation, Properties of each ingredient in the preparation and its mode of action

    Throughput Optimization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)

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    In this paper, we investigate throughput optimization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA). Specifically, we propose offline and online algorithms for adjusting the Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) used by the network to schedule data transmission. In the offline algorithm, a given target BLER is achieved by adjusting CQI based on ACK/NAK history. By sweeping through different target BLERs, we can find the throughput optimal BLER offline. This algorithm could be used not only to optimize throughput but also to enable fair resource allocation among mobile users in HSDPA. In the online algorithm, the CQI offset is adapted using an estimated short term throughput gradient without specifying a target BLER. An adaptive stepsize mechanism is proposed to track temporal variation of the environment. We investigate convergence behavior of both algorithms. Simulation results show that the proposed offline algorithm can achieve the given target BLER with good accuracy. Both algorithms yield up to 30% HSDPA throughput improvement over that with 10% target BLER

    Implementation of Environment-Friendly Strategies for Energy Conservation and Mitigation of Climate Change – A Holistic Approach in Mangalagangotri Campus

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    The harnessing of renewable energies and mitigation of climate change are like two faces of a coin. Decentralized implementation and individual-level practices of eco-friendly strategies contribute a lot on a global scale. In this context, Mangalore University on its headquarters Mangalagangotri campus, adopted and implemented many eco-friendly activities, technologies, and policies for sustainable development. Installation of solar power panels for electricity generation, of the current estimated value of 23,13,311 kWh/month; replacement of incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs with an energy saving of around 62% and procurement of most energy-efficient electronic & electrical appliances (47%) are some of the technologies that have been implemented for energy conservation. Implementation of e-Governance and e-Office program of Govt of Karnataka, and campus management system, social media, and email-based official communications have significantly reduced the usage of papers (>70% ); a complete ban on single-use plastics; recycling of organic wastes through vermicomposting, pot-composting, biogas production; encouraging electric vehicles are some of the adopted strategies. Altogether these strategies have significantly reduced the release of greenhouse gases in and around the campus in our efforts to join with global efforts to drop carbon footprint below 2 tons by 2050. The rainwater harvesting through the rooftop catchments and check-dams contributed to ≈ 50% water conservation. The campus comprises 32.4% of its total area with natural vegetation (463192 m2) and currently with 30.8% planted vegetation (439670 m2) of the total area (1428540 m2). The campus biodiversity was further enriched by periodical tree plantation drives with special reference to the planting of fruit-yielding saplings. As an Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR), the university has been making efforts to disseminate the knowledge of eco-friendly practices, by conducting public awareness programs and publishing popular articles in regional language. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and government-imposed lockdown to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, the University has continued eco-friendly activities and setting up of infrastructures, by strictly following safety guidelines. Overall, our continued holistic approaches of various eco-friendly strategies, in terms of the utility of advanced technologies, eGovernance, solar energy, and rainwater harvesting, organic wastes management, recycling of solid wastes, and many others, have been implemented since its inception have significantly helped in saving energy and reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.Keyword: Climate change; Eco-friendly strategies; Carbon footprint; Greenhouse gase

    A geometry problem from the Putnam 2019 competition

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    In this articel we study a geometry problem adapted from the Putnam exam of 2019. (The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition or the ‘Putnam this article, we study a geometry problem adapted Competition’ is an annual mathematics competition for undergraduate college students enrolled at institutions of higher learning in the United States and Canada.

    Coleus monostachyus (P. Beauv.) A. J. Paton (Lamiaceae): A new addition to the flora of India

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    Coleus monostachyus (P. Beauv.) A. J. Paton is reported here as a new addition to the flora of India. It seems the seeds of this plant might have come along with the timbers imported from the SE Asian countries. A detailed morphological description based on the Indian plants and photographs are provided to facilitate easy and correct identification

    Optimization of Low-Dose Tomography via Binary Sensing Matrices

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    X-ray computed tomography (CT) is one of the most widely used imaging modalities for diagnostic tasks in the clinical application. As X-ray dosage given to the patient has potential to induce undesirable clinical consequences, there is a need for reduction in dosage while maintaining good quality in reconstruction. The present work attempts to address low-dose tomography via an optimization method. In particular, we formulate the reconstruction problem in the form of a matrix system involving a binary matrix. We then recover the image deploying the ideas from the emerging field of compressed sensing (CS). Further, we study empirically the radial and angular sampling parameters that result in a binary matrix possessing sparse recovery parameters. The experimental results show that the performance of the proposed binary matrix with reconstruction using TV minimization by Augmented Lagrangian and ALternating direction ALgorithms (TVAL3) gives comparably better results than Wavelet based Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (WOMP) and the Least Squares solution