43 research outputs found

    Hijacked Justice: Domestic Appropriation of International Norms

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    This paper explores the domestic politics of international norm diffusion, using the global transmission of transitional justice norms as the empirical context of the research. Applying sociological institutionalism as the principal theoretical framework, I argue that the motivation of states to adopt international models of transitional justice has changed over time. The transitional justice norm - that posits that war crimes and massive human rights abuses must be dealt with in a proper legal setting and not through “victors’ justice” or impunity - was institutionalized in large part as the result of a strong domestic demand for transitional justice in countries like Argentina and South Africa. However, as this norm began to diffuse through the international system, states began to adopt international justice but now for very different reasons – to achieve international legitimacy, to get rid of domestic political opponents, to appease international coercion, or out of uncertainty. A paradox, then, is that the more norms of transitional justice become institutionalized internationally, the more likely states will adopt them, but now for reasons that can be contrary to the original objectives of the transitional justice project. This is important because domestic actors can achieve local political goals that are quite different from those advocated by international rules and standards if they give the appearance they are conforming to appropriate norms. My paper explains why some states adopt and some reject international justice arrangements. I look systematically at a range of motives states put forward in deciding whether to adopt or reject particular international organizational models. I then examine the relationship between state motivation for adopting international justice models and domestic political consequences these models generate. The paper concludes with the discussion of how domestic politics filters international norms and predicts ways in which we can expect domestic variation of system-level norms in the context of international justice. This paper may be freely circulated in electronic or hard copy provided it is not modified in any way, the rights of the author not infringed, and the paper is not quoted or cited without express permission of the author. The editors cannot guarantee a stable URL for any paper posted here, nor will they be responsible for notifying others if the URL is changed or the paper is taken off the site. Electronic copies of this paper may not be posted on any other website without express permission of the author

    Genocide narratives as narratives-in-dialogue

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    This article aims to expand narrative analysis in International Relations (IR) by exploring narratives in mutual dialogue. The purpose is to move narrative analysis away from mostly static approaches that focus on speech or other performative acts, toward a more dynamic approach that focuses on narrative interaction and dialogue. While the logic of what narratives actually do in politics builds on existing work within the IR linguistic turn, I emphasize the process by which the content and rearrangement of narratives depends on their mutual dialogue, which makes narratives co-constitutive of each other. Examples of political narratives - specifically the competing narratives of genocide - in the former Yugoslavia and its successor states illustrate these dynamics. The Yugoslav space offers a great laboratory to examine narratives in dialogue as this is where competing state autobiographies bounced against each other, adapted, and transformed into powerful tales that justified (if not directly produced) state partition and mass atrocity

    Medijske reprezentacije osoba sa infarktom miokarda

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    Infarkt miokarda je oboljenje srca koje se najčešće javlja iznenada, praćen je karakterističnim i prepoznatljivim fizičkim simptomima i rezultuje visokom stopom mortaliteta. Svojim uzrocima nastanka, prirodom, lokalizacijom, dinamikom, načinom dijagnostifikovanja i lečenja, faktorima rizika, mogućnostima sprečavanja ponovnog pojavljivanja, ali i čestim smrtnim ishodima, infarkt miokarda predstavlja pojavu koju prvenstveno definiše kardiologija. Pored kardiologije, svoj doprinos širem sagledavanju ove bolesti dala je i psihologija, ukazujući na karakteristike i strukture ličnosti koje su vulnerabilnije za nastanak infarkta miokarda, ali i koje se lakše oporavljaju nakon doživljaja istog. Dinamičnost neophodnih medicinskih procedura kod pojave infarkta miokarda, prepoznatljivost njegovih osnovnih simptoma od strane opšte javnosti, ali i učestaliji negativan ishod ovog oboljenja mogu biti razlozi za reprezentaciju ove bolesti u oblasti medija, preciznije igranih televizijskih serija. Diskursi medicine i psihologije infarktu miokarda prilaze iz različitih pozicija (objektivnih pokazatelja i subjektivnog iskustva) pa je za potrebe ovog rada i razumevanje medijskih reprezentacija ove pojave u igranim televizijskim serijama neophodno poći sa stanovišta studija kulture. One pružaju osnov za sagledavanje istog objekta posmatranja u okviru izabranog medijskog formata kroz teorije reprezentacija, ali i teorijske osnove medicine i psihologije. Polazeći od pretpostavke da su reprezentacije infarkta miokarda konstruisane posredstvom određenih medijskih narativa koje publika percipira u skladu sa ličnim i društvenim referentnim okvirom, predmet ovog rada predstavlja analizu medijskih reprezentacija infarkta miokarda u izabranom uzorku četiri igrane televizijske serije kroz prizmu medicinskog i psihološkog diskursa. Glavni cilj istraživanja jeste ispitivanje, analiza i deskripcija načina na koji posmatrani uzorak igranih televizijskih serija konstruiše i proizvodi medijske narative o infarktu miokarda i osobama obolelim od ove bolesti, kao i kojim diskursnim strategijama pribegava pri kontekstualizaciji infarkta miokarda i osoba obolelih od ove bolesti. Odatle proizilazi i naučni doprinos ovog rada u okviru kojeg će po prvi put biti analizirane medijske reprezentacije infarkta miokarda u oblasti igranih televizijskih formi, ali i postavljen novi, multidisciplinarni teorijski okvir kroz koji će ove medijske reprezentacije biti analizirane. Dodatno, ova doktorska teza nudi analizu i sistematizaciju relevantnih teorijskih okvira za proučavanje medijskih reprezentacija infarkta miokarda u igranim medijskim formama. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu biti osnova za izradu još temeljnijeg i sveobuhvatnijeg istraživanja medijskih reprezentacija infarkta miokarda u oblasti televizijskih serija ili filma, u smislu dodatnog proširenja uzorka ili razvoja slojevitije metodologije

    Towards the existentialist turn in IR: introduction to the symposium on anxiety

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    This symposium is a follow-up to the 2019 CEEISA/ISA conference ‘International Relations in the Age of Anxiety’ held at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia, in June 2019. The central piece in the symposium is the keynote address by Bahar Rumelili on the untapped potential of existentialism in IR followed by highly engaged responses by Felix Berenskötter, Karl Gustafsson, Brent Steele and Andreja Zevnik. In this introduction we first describe the context in which we organised the conference and our motivations to choose the topic of the age of anxiety. We also reflect on how the global pandemic, which erupted in January 2020, made our topic more relevant than ever before. We then briefly introduce each piece and discuss what we see as the key questions they raise

    Социо-културни приступ образовању о уметности током covid-19 пандемије у Републици Србији: студија случаја у средњој уметничкој школи / Socio-Cultural Approach To Art Education During The Covid-19 Pandemic in the Republic of Serbia: A Case Study in a Secondary Art School

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    Књига резимеа Међународнe научнe конференцијe -Образовање у време пандемије Covid-19: искуства и поуке-, 1–3. јун 2023. уреднице Гордана Стоковић, Јелена Лукић, Јелена Станивуковић, издавач: Београд: Учитељски факултет. Пријава је успешно прошла слепу рецензију више рецензената

    The “digital turn” in transitional justice research: evaluating image and text as data in the Western Balkans

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    © 2022 Denisa Kostovicova et al., published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licence, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The “digital turn” has transformed the landscape of transitional justice research. A wealth of data has been created through social media channels, and new digitisation tools have made existing data more easily accessible. This article discusses the ethical and methodological dimensions of using digital data and novel technologies in transitional justice research based on innovative research using digital archives, digitised transcripts, social media (Facebook) content and digital images. We review and evaluate how, in each of these domains, new digital technologies have enabled us to expand empirical evidence to understand the mechanics of transitional justice by analysing how data is produced and curated, to interrogate ethical dilemmas involved in those processes and to shift our focus from the ability of transitional justice to fulfil normative goals on to how transitional justice is enacted and articulated as a process.Peer reviewe

    Relationships Between Climatic Variables and Tree-Ring Width of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Kozara National Park (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) is the most common conifer species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The paper describes the development of a silver fir master tree-ring chronology from Kozara National Park and analyzes the influence of the climate conditions on tree-ring widths. The knowledge concerning the effect of climate on cambium activity and, as a result, on tree growth is of great importance for silviculture, which is particularly complex in terms of deterioration of health condition. Four sites were selected for sampling at Kozara National Park. At each sampling site, 15 dominant trees were drilled with Pressler’s increment borer at breast height. The development of chronology included three steps: i) cross-dating of a series of tree-ring width and checking of their quality using the COFECHA program, ii) data standardization in the ARSTAN program, and iii) master chronology development. Correlation analysis was performed in order to determine the links between tree-ring width and climate (primarily temperature and precipitation). In the 88-year-long master chronology, pointer years analysis identified five positive and nine negative years. Correlation analysis revealed that precipitation had stronger and more significant impact on silver fir radial growth, particularly at the beginning of the growing season, in April and May (r=0.175 and r=0.318, respectively), and in the crucial July−September period (r in the range of 0.143−0.222). The highest negative correlation coefficient with temperature was determined for September of the previous year (r=-0.282) and then for summer months (July and August) of the current year (r=-0.184 and r=-0.272, respectively). In addition, statistically significant correlation between radial growth and the Forestry Aridity Index was determined (r=-0.390). The results of tree-ring width climate analysis obtained in this study are in accordance with other studies carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the surrounding area

    Gender Differences in Relation to Knowledge and Risky Behavior among Students of Medical Colleges in Serbia: Study of Prevalence

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    The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and the frequency of behavior presenting risk for acquiring those diseases among students of Medical colleges in relation to gender. The study is based on a cross-sectional survey conducted in two Medical colleges in Belgrade in December 2016. A total of 670 students (96%) completed an epidemiological questionnaire. Respondents were selected through random sampling, they took part in the study voluntarily and filled in the questionnaire anonymously and independently. The questionnaire included 18 questions on demographic characteristics, knowledge and risky behavior. Female students were significantly older than male students (p= 0.014). Male students were more often single, while female students were mostly in the relationship or married (p< 0.001). Female students have more knowledge about symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (p= 0.008) and more than males are familiar with the causality of HPV infection and cervical cancer (p= 0.002). Males students earlier had the first sexual intercourse (p< 0.001), had sex on the first date (p< 0.001), changed sexual partners during their lives (p< 0.001), and paid for sex (p< 0.001). Male students have specific risk factors for unhealthy sexual behavior. It is necessary to upgrade the education programs and implement population-targeted prevention and control measures for sexually transmitted infections

    Digital technologies as support to healthcare systems in promotion of health and prevention of disease: raising awareness as an aim of communications

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    The paper analyzes the approach to one very important phenomenon in the modern environment, which is defined as digital transformation in the healthcare system. The increasing influx of digital technologies into business processes leads to the point where the provision of healthcare services can no longer be viewed only in traditional frameworks, but it is necessary to look at the unlimited options of digital technologies, digital content and digital communications in the provision of healthcare services. The needs of the healthcare system and certain changes resulting from the development of communication and information technologies such as the Internet, social networks, mobile applications, etc. require organized work on the implementation of a strategy for new ways of doing business in healthcare. Health information and early screening awareness of oncological diseases increase the motivation for active participation of people in the implementation of preventive measures, treatments and rehabilitation.U radu se analizira pristup veoma važnom fenomenu u savremenom okruženju koji se definiše kao digitalna transformacija u zdravstvenom sistemu. Sve veći upliv digitalnih tehnologija u poslovne procese dovodi do toga da se pružanje zdravstvenih usluga više ne može posmatrati samo u tradicionalnim okvirima već je neophodno sagledati i neograničene mogućnosti digitalnih tehnologija, digitalnih sadržaja i digitalnih komunikacija u pružanju zdravstvenih usluga. Potrebe zdravstvenog sistema i promene koje nastaju razvojem komunikacionih i informacionih tehnologija poput interneta, društvenih mreža, mobilnih aplikacija i sl. zahtevaju organizovan rad na sprovođenju strategije za implementiranje novih načina poslovanja u zdravstvu. Informisanost o zdravlju i podizanje svesti o ranom skriningu onkoloških bolesti povećavaju motivisanost za aktivno učešće u sprovođenju preventivnih mera, lečenju i rehabilitaciji

    Genotoxicity assessment of Danube River: in situ and in vitro methods.

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    Water quality in the Danube River Basin is largely influenced by the inputs of pollutants - particularly excessive nutrients, organic material, and hazardous substances, which affects the whole ecosystem at various levels. The major goal of this study was to evaluate the level of genotoxic potential at the site at Danube River, Novi Banovci, which is under significant anthropogenic pressure of untreated municipal and industrial waste waters. DNA damage in situ was assessed in 5 specimens of white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) erythrocytes, liver and gills cells with comet assay and in erythrocytes with micronucleus test. Additionally, genotoxicity of native water samples collected from the site and upstream and downstream of the site was evaluated by the comet assay on HepG2 cells. Microscopic images of comets were scored using Comet IV Computer Software (Perceptive Instruments, UK) and tail intensity was chosen as parameters to assess the DNA damage. Comet assay on white bream showed that gills were the most affected tissue, while liver showed the smallest values. Micronuclei frequency was low in general, with mean of 1 micronuclei in 5000 scored erythrocytes, with no significant correlation to the values of comet assay in erythrocytes. Comet assay on HepG2 cells showed significant difference between values of negative control samples and samples of water from effluent site and downstream of wastewater discharge. There was no significant difference between negative control and upstream samples of water. Our results showed that great impact of municipal and industrial wastewaters on the river ecosystem. The application of in vitro and in situ tests gives a better insight into genotoxic effects. More importantly, because Serbia still doesn’t have waste water treatment plants, this kind of research points out the imperative for implementation of this facilities