40 research outputs found

    Customization Of Requirements Modeling Tool For Software Engineering Education

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    In the developing a software, there is a part of modeling the requirements. Modeling the requirements usefully to communicate all stakeholders and as a blueprint. There are modeling tools used to model the requirements such as Rational Rose, Enterprise Architect, Magic Draw, StarUML, ArgoUML, UML Designer, etc. Modeling tools that available gets more complicated to use and when compared majority tools more emphasis on modeling for industrial rather than education. In this study perform the customization tool for software engineering education and evaluate effectiveness the custom tool. The research methodology in this study is questionnaire, interview and literature review related with the study. The custom tool focus only on use case diagram including use case elements and use case description. Development the system start with elicited the requirements of the system, hardware requirements, and software requirements. The testing stage performed to get evaluation from the system developed. In the testing performed test the functional of the system. Evaluation obtained that the system usefulness, easy to use, and easy to learning. Besides, software engineering students are involved satisfied with the system

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Telemedicine Carevul Sebagai Optimalisasi Pelayanan Kesehatan Berbasis Cloud

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    Telemedicine is a healthcare service that utilizes information and communication technology to offer virtual medical services, eliminating the need for the physical presence of patients and medical professionals in a single location. The development of telemedicine enhances the accessibility of healthcare services, helps overcome constraints of time and resources, and can reduce healthcare service costs. Consultation services at UPT Puskesmas Tirto Kota Pekalongan are still manual and have not fully optimized the use of technology. The process of meeting the needs for consultations with doctors requires a direct visit to the health center, resulting in a significant use of time and resources. Therefore, a website-based system is needed as a platform to provide easy and practical online telemedicine consultation services. This research employs the prototyping development method, allowing users to participate by evaluating and providing feedback during the development process. System testing using Blackbox and User Acceptance Test (UAT) shows a user satisfaction percentage of 89.6%, indicating that the majority of users strongly agree with the developed website. The development of this website is expected to facilitate users and medical personnel in conducting online consultations anywhere and anytime without the need to visit the health center

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Inventory Gudang Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Studi Kasus Di Cv. Aqualux Duspha Abadi Kudus Jawa Tengah

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    Information technology is increasingly advanced and continues to develop rapidly with the times. Information technology covers almost all areas of life, including industry. CV. Aqualux Duspha Abadi is a water treatment & water purifier company based in Kudus, Central Java. This research was conducted to build an Inventory System application that aims to overcome several existing problems. The problems that occurred with the previous inventory system were monitoring the entry and exit of goods as well as the discrepancy between the number of goods and the data. This research uses the waterfall development method, this method has very sequential steps so that the development of a system will be more structured. In this study, researchers tested the functionality of the system using black-box testing, and to test the level of satisfaction of users, researchers used the user acceptance test (UAT). The result of this research is an android based inventory system application. Data from black-box testing is 100% valid and UAT test data shows a satisfaction rate above 90%.Keywords: Inventory System, Android, Waterfall, Black Box Testing, User Acceptance Test (UAT

    Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Lanjut: Real Time System

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    Pengembangan Aplikasi Penyewaan Mobil Menggunakan Metode Prototyping dengan Online Payment Gateway Midtrans

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    Car rental has become one of the most profitable industries, as cars have become an essential means of transportation for various societal needs, such as family activities and work. Many car rental companies still rely on conventional methods for promotions and reservations. There is one car rental place whose rental and promotion system still uses WhatsApp chat and telephone or comes directly to the rental. A website-shaped system is crucial as a company platform to showcase available vehicles, enable online transactions for rentals, and facilitate easy and convenient payments. The development of this website involves prototyping with PHP and MySQL programming languages, and the payment system incorporates the Midtrans payment gateway. The system is tested using Blackbox and User Acceptance Testing (UAT). This website's development aims to simplify the booking process for customers and enhance the company's ability to manage vehicle data and payments efficiently. Following the system's construction, testing is conducted, with the results of the UAT indicating a user satisfaction score of 90.8%. Based on the evaluation, the majority of users strongly agree with the developed application. &nbsp

    Pengembangan Sistem Modul Komisi Dinamis pada Modul Penjualan ERP - Odoo12

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    The improvement of the sales system not only focuses on the advantage result of the sales transaction but also can use another parameter to improve it. One of a parameter used is commission. Giving commissions to the salesperson can improve their work performance and have an impact on increasing sales targets. Based on the study literature, the problem faced by the company is the discrepancy of commission. It can be affected by several factors such as the commission system are not integrated with the main system, improper formula, or there are many systems used in the company so it the staff are difficult to integrate the system. For example, the company using Odoo ERP to support sales transaction and use commission information system separately. The salesperson must integrate sales data into both of the systems. It can affect the time delay of decision commission. Based on the problem above, we propose a prototype commission system that integrates with Odoo12. The salesperson does not need to integrate data manually into the system because it automatically integrates into the system. This study uses a prototyping model as a software development method. The results show that the commission system can implement on the Odoo12 ERP to decide commission to the salesperson. 70% of respondent agree that system has able to use in order to setting up commission module on Odoo

    Perancangan User Interface Aplikasi Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design

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    Software development comprises stages that are interrelated with one another. The analysis and design stages are the initial stages in software development. For novice software developers, diagram making as software modeling is something that can be done as an alternative in developing computer applications or systems. In this study, we carried the interface design for software modeling applications out. The application developed later is a web-based application as a solution to licensing problems and expensive software modeling tools. This study only focuses on application design, does not contain implementation and application testing. The method used in this research is a user-centered design method. This method was chosen because it uses the user as the center of the design. So we expect it that the design can adjust to the wants, needs, and needs of relevant users. After we have completed the design as a mockup, the next research is to implement and implement the applications that have been designed in this study based on the results of user feedbac


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    Tahapan pembangunan perangkat lunak atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) memiliki beberapa tahapan termasuk tahapan analisis. Dalam tahap analisis pemodelan ke dalam bentuk diagram biasanya dilakukan secara mendalam untuk memodelkan masalah yang dihadapi. UML merupakan bahasa de facto dalam pemodelan kebutuhan perangkat lunak berorientasi objek. Aplikasi pemodelan yang berkembang mayoritas lebih ditujukan untuk dunia industri serta memerlukan instalasi dan lisensi yang terbatas. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi pemodelan kebutuhan perangkat lunak khususnya pemodelan class diagram. Aplikasi dikembangkan berbasis web, sehingga tidak perlu ada instalasi dan tidak perlu membayar lisensi. Fitur yang dikembangkan yakni pengenalan notasi-notasi class diagram beserta  penjelasannya. Aplikasi juga menyediakan area kerja untuk menggambarkan diagram beserta fitur cetak hasil diagram yang telah dibuat. Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan metode pengembangan prototyping, sehingga didapatkan prototipe aplikasi. Prototipe aplikasi dapat terus dikembangkan sehingga mendapat hasil yang maksimal. Hasil pengujian fungsionalitas menggunakan metode pengujian black box didapatkan bahwa 100% fungsi berjalan dengan baik. Sedangkan pengujian user acceptance dengan tiga parameter didapatkan bahwa 92% responden setuju bahwa aplikasi memiliki kinerja yang baik, 90% responden setuju aplikasi mudah digunakan dan 89% responden puas terhadap aplikasi yang dibangun