19 research outputs found

    Influence of the role and status of a preschool child on the keeping a positive microclimate inside the family

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    The article deals with the problem of the influence of the role and status of a child on the keeping a positive microclimate inside the family and positive relationships between parents and children. Preschool age is like no other characterized by the strongest dependence on adults, and this stage of personality development is mainly determined by the child’s relationships with adults. Even adults themselves sometimes do not understand how their personal qualities become the property of children, in what way, according to the specifics of childhood, they are interpreted, and what significance they acquire for the child. In connection with the special educational role of the family, the issue of how to maximize the positive interaction between family members, minimizing the negative impact of adult family members on children, is of particular importance. The article is devoted to this issue. The aim of the study is to identify the influence of the role status of a preschool child on maintaining a positive microclimate in the family. The methodology of our study was based on the application of a set of theoretical and practical methods. As a result of the study, we concluded that parents, in order to maintain a positive microclimate in the family, must take into account the following features of a preschool child: a) a child can arbitrarily control its behavior, as well as processes of attention and remembering, emotional reactions; b) in any type of activity, a child can go beyond the immediate situation, realize the time perspective, at the same time keep in consciousness a chain of interrelated events or different states of a substance or a process; c) the leading value in the psychological development of a preschool child is imagination. In order to maintain a positive microclimate in the family, it is necessary to accept the child as he is, with all his personality characteristics. The main role of the child in such a family is the role of her beloved member

    Readiness of future teachers for sociocultural education of children in modern conditions of society development

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    The modern sociocultural situation of the development of society involves taking into account all aspects of human life in the educational process. Are our students - future preschool teachers - ready to build their activities taking into account socio-cultural aspects. The authors consider the characteristic of readiness, highlighting motivational and value-based component (awareness of the importance of their process, readiness for continuous improvement and professional development, highlighting the values of professional activity), activity-technological component (knowledge of the ways of interaction with the subjects of the pedagogical process, design of the educational and educational process, the use of modern teaching tools (IT), information and knowledge component (knowledge of the specifics of preschool childhood, modern trends in the development of society and education, learning technologies). The study shows the insufficient level of development of the 2nd and the 3rd components of the readiness of future teachers. The proposed methods of professional training of future teachers of preschool education are associated with the use of business games, conducting master classes, studying the technological component of the educational process

    Loss of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channel Surface Expression in Heart Failure Underlies Dysregulation of Action Potential Duration and Myocardial Vulnerability to Injury.

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    The search for new approaches to treatment and prevention of heart failure is a major challenge in medicine. The adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel has been long associated with the ability to preserve myocardial function and viability under stress. High surface expression of membrane KATP channels ensures a rapid energy-sparing reduction in action potential duration (APD) in response to metabolic challenges, while cellular signaling that reduces surface KATP channel expression blunts APD shortening, thus sacrificing energetic efficiency in exchange for greater cellular calcium entry and increased contractile force. In healthy hearts, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) phosphorylates the Kir6.2 KATP channel subunit initiating a cascade responsible for KATP channel endocytosis. Here, activation of CaMKII in a transaortic banding (TAB) model of heart failure is coupled with a 35-40% reduction in surface expression of KATP channels compared to hearts from sham-operated mice. Linkage between KATP channel expression and CaMKII is verified in isolated cardiomyocytes in which activation of CaMKII results in downregulation of KATP channel current. Accordingly, shortening of monophasic APD is slowed in response to hypoxia or heart rate acceleration in failing compared to non-failing hearts, a phenomenon previously shown to result in significant increases in oxygen consumption. Even in the absence of coronary artery disease, failing myocardium can be further injured by ischemia due to a mismatch between metabolic supply and demand. Ischemia-reperfusion injury, following ischemic preconditioning, is diminished in hearts with CaMKII inhibition compared to wild-type hearts and this advantage is largely eliminated when myocardial KATP channel expression is absent, supporting that the myocardial protective benefit of CaMKII inhibition in heart failure may be substantially mediated by KATP channels. Recognition of CaMKII-dependent downregulation of KATP channel expression as a mechanism for vulnerability to injury in failing hearts points to strategies targeting this interaction for potential preventives or treatments

    Molecular autopsy: using the discovery of a novel de novo pathogenic variant in the KCNH2 gene to inform healthcare of surviving family

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    Background: Molecular testing of the deceased (Molecular Autopsy) is an overlooked area in the United States healthcare system and is not covered by medical insurance, leading to ineffective care for surviving families of thousands of sudden unexpected natural deaths each year. We demonstrated the precision management of surviving family members through the discovery of a novel de novo pathogenic variant in a decedent. Methods: Forensic investigation and molecular autopsy were performed on an 18-year-old female who died suddenly and unexpectedly. Co-segregation family study of the first-degree relatives and functional characterization of the variant were conducted. Findings: We identified a novel nonsense variant, NP_000229.1:p.Gln1068Ter, in the long QT syndrome type II gene KCNH2 in the decedent. This finding correlated with her ante-mortem electrocardiograms. Patch clamp functional studies using transfected COS-7 cells show that hERG-ΔQ1068 has a mixed phenotype, with both gain- (negative voltage shift of steady-state activation curve, the positive shift of the steady-state inactivation curve, and accelerated activation) and loss-of function (reduced current density, reduced surface expression and accelerated deactivation) hallmarks. Loss of cumulative activation during rapid pacing demonstrates that the loss-of-function phenotype predominates. The wild-type channel did not rescue the hERG-ΔQ1068 defects, demonstrating haploinsufficiency of the heterozygous state. Targeted variant testing in the family showed that the variant in KCNH2 arose de novo, which eliminated the need for exhaustive genome testing and annual cardiac follow-up for the parents and four siblings. Interpretation: Molecular testing enables accurate determination of natural causes of death and precision care of the surviving family members in a time and cost-saving manner. We advocate for molecular autopsy being included under the healthcare coverage in US

    K<sub>ATP</sub> channel surface expression is down-regulated in ventricles of hearts after transverse aortic banding.

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    <p>A) Representative western blots of the K<sub>ATP</sub> Kir6.2 subunit and the sodium-potassium pump (Na<sup>+</sup>-K<sup>+</sup> pump) from the biotinylated membrane fraction of ventricular tissue from isolated hearts of sham and TAB mice. <b>B)</b> Summary of ventricular membrane Kir6.2 expression normalized to Na<sup>+</sup>-K<sup>+</sup> pump expression in hearts of sham and TAB mice (*p<0.05 <i>vs</i>. sham). <b>C)</b> Representative current profiles of isolated left ventricular myocytes before and after application of the K<sub>ATP</sub> channel activators, pinacidil (PIN, 100 μM) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP, 200 μM). <b>D)</b> Summary of K<sub>ATP</sub> channel current density (after-before K<sub>ATP</sub> channel activations) from isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes of sham and TAB mice (**p<0.01 <i>vs</i>. sham).</p

    Monophasic action potential duration shortening is blunted in failing hearts.

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    <p>Monophasic action potentials were measured from a single left ventricular epicardial position in isolated hearts from TAB and sham mice before and during exposure to hypoxia or abrupt heart rate acceleration from 400 beats per minute (bpm) to 667 bpm (150 msec cycle length to 90 msec cycle length) driven by pacing. <b>A)</b> Representative normalized monophasic action potentials at baseline (solid lines) and in response to hypoxia (dotted lines) from hearts of sham (left panel) and TAB (right panel) mice. A horizontal line designates the point at which monophasic action potential duration at 90% repolarization (MAPD<sub>90</sub>) was measured. <b>B)</b> Summary of MAPD<sub>90</sub> shortening (left), half-time (t<sub>1/2</sub>) of MAPD<sub>90</sub> shortening (middle), and rate of MAPD<sub>90</sub> shortening (right) in hearts from sham and TAB mice in response to hypoxia (*p < .05). <b>C)</b> Summary of MAPD<sub>90</sub> shortening (left), half-time (t<sub>1/2</sub>) of MAPD<sub>90</sub> shortening (middle), and rate of MAPD<sub>90</sub> shortening (right) in hearts from sham and TAB mice in response to heart rate acceleration (*p < .05).</p